*** January Jellybeans 2015 *** - join & chat here :) 132 so far!

Aw not many pregnant ladies left now, I was convinced sophie was in for the long haul and I wud still be here and pregnant at the end of Jan, my due date was tomorrow it's so weird that I have a 2 n half week old baby n I'm still not due yet. Sophie still hasn't got above her birth weight, she gets weighed today, feeding has been much better but still a little hit n miss.
I too hate the fact that I'm having to mix bottle and breast, it's such a faff and my nipples hurt from constantly being on the go either feeding sophie or expressing and I was onky getting a small amount from each pump because I wasn't having enough time for my boobs to refill but the midwife wanted her to have a top up with each feed so I had to try. She did her first ever 25 minute feed yesterday, was well pleased because I no then that she def got the hind milk too.
To the lady who is considering letting her supply dry up, please don't, I had those feelings but I'm one if those ppl who don't like being defeated so I persevered n although it's been a very tough couple of weeks I no that once she is only relying on me for feeds and I can express when I want to build a supple rather than express on demand it will all be worth it. I love breastfeeding and can't wait till I can stop having to sterilise so much stuff just because I no ik going to need it in the next hour, I haven't been able to nap in the day at all because of sorting stuff for the next feed and nappy changes and washes, once she's solely on the breast I will have chance to nap. I thought several times about going down the formula route even if it was just to get her gaining weight and I dare say if it wasn't for the cost of formula I wud have done it but im glad I haven't, hopefully today she will have gained weight and I will no were getting there.

On another note it looks like moving day will be a week today!! We have waited so long, we might start getting more organised with sophie and her things (once we're decorated) and things can finally start coming together, taking long enough lol, didn't plan on moving with a baby less than a month old lol but she obviously wanted this address on her birth certificate lol, we registered her yesterday too :)
It's frustrating, especially at night when I'm tired and he wint stop crying, I broke down the other night and cried myself and couldn't stop, I didn't thin it would be so hard I figured it would all come so naturally.
I keep seeing lactation consultants and I'm fine there and am told I have enough milk to feed every baby in the city which surprised them since I've barly breastfed at all and I'm rarely hand expressing either. I managed to get him to latch a few times myself yesterday while we were at the hospital waiting on his bloodwork but after getting home it all went back downhill. I don't want to stop, I think I'm going to get a pump today so I can at least relieve the engorgement and give him what I manage to pump as I'm starting to run out of formula, free samples are a life saver though.
Since yesterday everytime he's eaten he's had diarrhea and I had my first blowout too, thankfully it was at the consultants and she helped me with it otherwise I think I would have cried. She also said he may have a slight lip/ tounge tie that could be what's causing some of our issues, that and his mouth is so small compared to my nipple which makes it harder too.

It is very hard, I had a little cry when she wouldn't feed and she still has issues, sometimes she won't latch and sometimes she gets too hungry to take the time because obviously the bottle is much easier. If ur considering bottle I would try expressing and giving that in bottle first, my dual electric pump has made it easier, at first i was only getting a little bit because I hadn't expressed as much as I did in hospital so supply wasn't as good, but it's building up now, I bought my pump off eBay, rrp is £125 but eBay price was £65 plus p n p, it's made things much easier and I'm now getting into the rhythm of things and have my electric steriliser so things are flowing much better. And sophie managed to creep up to 2.91kg, only 50g above birth weight but it means she's finally gaining weight and getting enough feed, it feels so good that the persevering has paid off. I always try and breastfeed her first, unless we are out or have guests, then depending on how much she has sometimes I top her up with expressed and other times I don't, that could be a good way for u to try it, I found that it made me more relaxed because I knew if she didn't feed off me I had a back up, I think that helped and because of that she's learning that feeding off me means it's perfect temperature and she gets fed quicker. I'm glad ur getting help, I haven't had any help at all, I got referred in hospital and they called me and said we don't cover ur area u need to go to this breastfeeding cafe but to be honest it sounds like ur ok (even though she was feeding for 10minutes only and was needing constant top ups) and they said they would call me again this week but they haven't, if I wasn't so persistent in the feeding I would have given up, and they wonder why breastfeeding rates are so low over here. Hope he gets his tongue tie sorted soon that will definitely help. Feel free to message me if u need to chat at any time xx
Aw not many pregnant ladies left now, I was convinced sophie was in for the long haul and I wud still be here and pregnant at the end of Jan, my due date was tomorrow it's so weird that I have a 2 n half week old baby n I'm still not due yet. Sophie still hasn't got above her birth weight, she gets weighed today, feeding has been much better but still a little hit n miss.
I too hate the fact that I'm having to mix bottle and breast, it's such a faff and my nipples hurt from constantly being on the go either feeding sophie or expressing and I was onky getting a small amount from each pump because I wasn't having enough time for my boobs to refill but the midwife wanted her to have a top up with each feed so I had to try. She did her first ever 25 minute feed yesterday, was well pleased because I no then that she def got the hind milk too.
To the lady who is considering letting her supply dry up, please don't, I had those feelings but I'm one if those ppl who don't like being defeated so I persevered n although it's been a very tough couple of weeks I no that once she is only relying on me for feeds and I can express when I want to build a supple rather than express on demand it will all be worth it. I love breastfeeding and can't wait till I can stop having to sterilise so much stuff just because I no ik going to need it in the next hour, I haven't been able to nap in the day at all because of sorting stuff for the next feed and nappy changes and washes, once she's solely on the breast I will have chance to nap. I thought several times about going down the formula route even if it was just to get her gaining weight and I dare say if it wasn't for the cost of formula I wud have done it but im glad I haven't, hopefully today she will have gained weight and I will no were getting there.

On another note it looks like moving day will be a week today!! We have waited so long, we might start getting more organised with sophie and her things (once we're decorated) and things can finally start coming together, taking long enough lol, didn't plan on moving with a baby less than a month old lol but she obviously wanted this address on her birth certificate lol, we registered her yesterday too :)

I'm doing breast with formula top ups and expressing too. Got aching breasts as she doesn't latch well, so expressing is a real relief. We made it to 10 minutes bf today and it was such a celebration :happydance: I too had the shall I dry up and just formula feed feelings, but currently expressing is saving me and I have formula waiting for back up if things get tough.

I'm glad I didn't give up, I would rather exclusively express than formula feed, nothing against formula at all but I refuse to pay for something i make myself and is better for her. Her weight went up and we finally cracked her birth weight, only by 50g but it's in the right direction!! The support just hasn't been there though and it's a shame.

BTW to the lady I replied to a moment ago, try different positions, I got told the way to do it was lay her down her stomach across me and hold her with my opposite arm but I could never get her to latch and my muscles ached after 5 minutes because of my fibromyalgia and hypermobility then I decided to try her sitting on my lap and being upright so her head was in line with my boob and she latches much better, I obviously have to constantly support her because of her head and lack of trunk muscles but once she's latched properly I can lean back and rest her head on my arm and support her with that same arm and hand so I have one hand free too. Sometimes she doesn't latch but it's much much better. I have also experimented with laying on my side and her laying facing me on her side, she's latched once and it was the easiest feed iv done but if I'm too engorged she finds it hard to latch, it's all about experimenting for now and see what position suits u and ur baby the best, if I had listened to the nurse and done the one position she said I would have stopped, it was too frustrating
I was told to do that postion too but it hurt my whole body and didn't feel natural at all, I'm still experimenting with it but I also still feel bad because sometimes I'm just too tired or sore to even try and breast feed so I just give him the bottle, I've pumped twice since yesterday when I got my pump, it takes so long I wish I had paid more and gotten a a better one, or at least a double! The first time was right after he fed off one side and I managed just under 30 ml, this morning I got double that at a little over 60 ml, it doesn't feel like very much though and I was told to be doing it every 3 hours but seriously it's so time consuming especially when you have to add in the time to feed and change the baby and get him situated again before I can even think about pumping, and in the middle of the night... I want my sleep when I can.
Speaking of sleep, I got around 6 hours straight last night, I don't know if He cried and I somehow slept through it or what but it's strange because before that he was eating pretty much every hour and not very much at a time.
Since yesterday he's been strictly on breast milk and soy formula and I'm pretty confident that it was a lactose allergy as he hasn't been projectile vomiting or barely even spitting up and this morning his poop was back to normal too. Glad to have figured it out, not so happy for the price difference in the formula... Definitely going to have to keep trying breastfeeding and pumping to help with that and hopefully get off formula all together soon enough.
I had better luck with the football hold this time. You can try that one.
Hey ladies. I have got so so much to read back on and catch up! Congratulations to all of the ladies who have had their babies! When I get home and on the laptop ill read back through everything.

We were transferred to our local hospital on Friday. Rohan is doing well now. This has been the most horrid three weeks of our lives without doubt. Rohan was on the ventilator for six days then extubated but he didn't cope so ended up on cpap for over a week before going onto high flow. He was taken off high flow on Thursday and put on normal oxygen. Right now he is just on 0.2 litres of oxygen so if he does well today it can get turned off tomorrow. His ng tube came out about half an hour ago so he s on all oral feeds now. He's finally back to his birth weight too. Looking forward to getting him home. Xx
Sethsmummy- glad things are going better with Rohan! Hope you get to take him home real soon!

Today would have been my due date! Feels funny that my babies are 2weeks 4days old already!
Had them at the doc for their 2week check up & he is happy with how they've both grown! Kaitlyn weighs 2.8kg's(weight when we left the hosp. was 2.4kg) & Courtney weighs 3kg's(2.43kg when we left hosp). So they've picked up quite a bit, but I feel that my supply isn't enough coz they keep drinking!!!

Is it normal for new borns who breastfeed to drink continuously? I've even given a top up of formula, but they still drink from me afterwards!

Hope everyone is doing okay!

For you ladies who do this sort of thing, is it too late for me to start a parenting journal?
hi all! I know I haven't posted here often, but just wanted to announce that Grayson Brian made his appearance on Tuesday, January 20th. 7 lbs, 14 oz, and 21 inches. I got the natural birth I was hoping for by using the Bradley method. We got home on Thursday and we're all doing great! I would enclose a picture but unfortunately I always seem to have problems doing that with this website.
Kailetski I felt the same when pumping to start with and was only getting 30ml n thought I will never get a stock going this.way but after a few days I started getting more I don't pump through the night I just do it the next morning and still get a good amount, obviously sophie is feeding from me through the night but only once each side. I get a bit of a bad back doing that position feeding but once she's properly latched I can sit back and find a comfy position for both of us, I'm still finding my rhythm with it but it's the only one she will latch properly with, still having to perfect it after 3 weeks so keep at it and ul get there. Also don't feel bad for giving him a bottle when ur tired or he's tired and stressed u both need to be rested and relaxed for it to be easier so go with whatever feels right and as he's now better with the new formula it might work out better than it did before xx
WC totally normal. The more they feed the more milk you'll produce. It's never too late to start a parenting journal either :)
Seth- I'm glad he's ok!!! Good to know he's doing better. Wish y'all didn't have to go thru that :( so sorry. Good thoughts going your way!!
Just read back on posts- congrats buddy!! You're one tough mama! I totally took the epidural lol! I'm a wuss :p I'm horrid with contractions too. I try to breathe but just end up clenching something like crazy half the time
Kailetski I felt the same when pumping to start with and was only getting 30ml n thought I will never get a stock going this.way but after a few days I started getting more I don't pump through the night I just do it the next morning and still get a good amount, obviously sophie is feeding from me through the night but only once each side. I get a bit of a bad back doing that position feeding but once she's properly latched I can sit back and find a comfy position for both of us, I'm still finding my rhythm with it but it's the only one she will latch properly with, still having to perfect it after 3 weeks so keep at it and ul get there. Also don't feel bad for giving him a bottle when ur tired or he's tired and stressed u both need to be rested and relaxed for it to be easier so go with whatever feels right and as he's now better with the new formula it might work out better than it did before xx

Ya I've been pumping more often but haven't really tried getting him on the breast much lately, my pump seems to be doing nearly as much damage as he was only it seems to be more bruising than anything with it... I've been skipping nights as well since I'm just too tired and I'm hoping it won't hurt my supply at all, I'm glad I'm not the only one.
When I do breastfeed it's becoming much easier to latch him it just feels it takes so long and it doesn't seem to satisfy him long either.
Just be careful and make sure you still get babies to latch every day ladies! I know this from experience with my first. Also- skipping nights will definitely effect your supply :/ it's a very hard process the whole bf thing. But it does get easier!! Keep the babies latching! I know the cracking of nipples hurts like hell but apply that nipple cream religiously!! Coconut oil helps to put on between feedings as well as before. Babies usually like the taste and it helps with chopping tons!!
Hey ladies. I have got so so much to read back on and catch up! Congratulations to all of the ladies who have had their babies! When I get home and on the laptop ill read back through everything.

We were transferred to our local hospital on Friday. Rohan is doing well now. This has been the most horrid three weeks of our lives without doubt. Rohan was on the ventilator for six days then extubated but he didn't cope so ended up on cpap for over a week before going onto high flow. He was taken off high flow on Thursday and put on normal oxygen. Right now he is just on 0.2 litres of oxygen so if he does well today it can get turned off tomorrow. His ng tube came out about half an hour ago so he s on all oral feeds now. He's finally back to his birth weight too. Looking forward to getting him home. Xx

So glad Ronan is doing so much better! I thought about you guys loads, and am so happy to hear he might be home soon. It must've been an absolute nightmare...here's to a smooth journey from now on! The hypnobirthing was awesome, but it definitely still hurt! Especially the crowning: oh-ya!!

hi all! I know I haven't posted here often, but just wanted to announce that Grayson Brian made his appearance on Tuesday, January 20th. 7 lbs, 14 oz, and 21 inches. I got the natural birth I was hoping for by using the Bradley method. We got home on Thursday and we're all doing great! I would enclose a picture but unfortunately I always seem to have problems doing that with this website.

Congratulations! I used the Mongan method, which worked a treat! Its a very special thing to get the birth you hoped for x

Just be careful and make sure you still get babies to latch every day ladies! I know this from experience with my first. Also- skipping nights will definitely effect your supply :/ it's a very hard process the whole bf thing. But it does get easier!! Keep the babies latching! I know the cracking of nipples hurts like hell but apply that nipple cream religiously!! Coconut oil helps to put on between feedings as well as before. Babies usually like the taste and it helps with chopping tons!!

Didn't know that about the coconut oil, thanks for sharing! I'll definitely try it as my left nipple is a little bit sore now! X
I've pretty much been exclusively pumping since she was born. She will latch, but doesn't feed very effectively. So far, it hasn't affected my supply, and I don't pump through the night. I try to pump at least 5 times during the day, and for no less than 20 min, but I've gone as long as 40. I know it sounds crazy, but I was in a bf'ing blog of a mom who exclusively pumps, and she said this really helps keep her supply up. She did suggest pumping 7 times a day. My lactation consultant in the hospital also said that the amount of times and for how long you pump is more important than when. I get anywhere from 35-50 ounces/day. I'm actually getting ready to donate some breastmilk to a needy mama because our freezer is literally full.
I still feed her thru the night so not pumping won't affect the supply, she just doesn't have as much, as she is exclusively on breast milk I don't see how it would affect my supply as I'm producing the amount she feeds. One thing I did notice is yesterday we were out visiting family all day and I don't like to.breastfeed at other ppls or in public so didnt feed or pump fr one, managed to feed her from one at some point but by the time I got home I was sore and leaking, it went thru the bra the pad and 2 tops!! Today my supply in that boob seems to be much less than it was 2 days ago so I'm now having to build the supply back up.

Poor sophie doesn't know what to think, she's been a little pass the parcel this weekend so hasn't had much proper rest and has been clingy, groggy, and restless all day, means I haven't been able to express much or really do anything else.

Got to take sophie back to the drs tomorrow, she has had these raw sores on her bum for 2 weeks, the cream they gave me a week ago hasn't helped and she's starting to get nappy rash.as well. Hopefully now she's not doing so many runny poos a day it might start clearing up but those 2 sores bleed. Is there any chance that using reusable nappies could be stopping it healing? I use a microfiber on top of a bamboo booster and sometimes use a fleece liner, does anyone who uses them no if any of these would make it worse?
I would ask in the natural parenting forum about the diapers. I'm still a newbie with cloth, so not sure. I do know ur not suppose to use thick creams with them without a liner, as the creams don't wash out very well. I use straight cold pressed organic coconut oil on her bum. It is not thick or greasy, and is antibacterial.

I will say, if ur not going to nurse her when ur out, definitely pump. Just a few times of that will decrease ur supply drastically. Takes a good three months to really establish a steady supply. I would encourage u to pump after she nurses as well since she's still not doing great at it, just to make sure your supply stays.
Thanks luvspink, I do usually pump a good few times in the day but I didn't really think about it before yesterday, I said to oh earlier that if we do that again il need to take a pump with us, last thing I want is to lose my supply and end up on formula just because I didn't express. She still hasn't established her feeding routine so I don't like to pump after every feed because I like a good supply to be there for her next feed so if she only goes 15 minutes I don't pump but if she does more or does a decent amount only an hour after last feed I will express. I'm trying to build a stock up in the fridge and freezer so I can start getting a bit of me time and get some sleep but its amazing how quick it goes, I was getting a good supply sorted but used it all yesterday and now I'm starting from scratch again
I guess I had been doing it wrong then with my first! Not surprising! This one is having major problems staying latched since I introduced a bottle (I feel horrid for it but with my son it didnt make a difference) I just notice with me that after she latches I get a decent amount more milk. But it could just be my body also! The number is great to know! I pump at least 5 times a day as well so I'll make sure to keep it up! How much are you ladies expressing now??

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