*** January Jellybeans 2015 *** - join & chat here :) 132 so far!

Is any one else here still pregnant? Starting to feel like I'm the last one haha.
Last night I had pains which felt like contractions every 10 minutes for about 2 hours and a tiny bit of red blood. Then they just stopped, and haven't come back. Unsure now what it was :(
Laura- that would be my life with prodromal labour :| but the blood sound promising so don't give up hope!
Not getting much out of my right boob but that's the one I didn't use on Sunday day so having to build it back up, I have 2 90ml bottles stored in the fridge.

Sophie is getting really clingy in the afternoon, in the last 4 hours Iv managed to express once, grab a sandwich and cuppa and have a wee. She will sleep on me but not deep sleep n if I try n put her down she either wakes straight away or sleeps for 5 minutes then wakes and cries, I don't mind leaving her to cry until it gets to a scream then she hurts her throat and she ends up being a bit sick so don't leave her once the scream starts. It's since the weekend when she was a human pass the parcel n didn't get much rest. I need sleep lol
Hi ladies! So Lou is now 19 days old. I can hardly believe it. He's a great little boy! I do have some questions. Right now he's feeding about every 3 - 3.5 hours which is totally fine - he's gained back his birth weight and then some at his last dr's appointment a week ago from today (he was weighing about 8lbs1oz). At night he wakes every 2 - 2.5 hours and gets pretty fussy. I try to keep his night feeds done in a quite dimly lit room and I don't bring him into his room to change him as the light is too strong - I just change him in the same dimly lit room but he is always wide awake after his feedings in the middle of the night. I swaddle him at night to try to teach him the difference between day and night and try to keep things very somber. When will he start sleeping more at night? Is there anything I can do to help his transition to make night feeds further apart? Or should I just keep feeding him as he wakes and he'll figure it out on his own?

Also, I never uploaded a picture of my little Lou. Here he is - this was taken at 15 days old.
Very cute wifey!!!

I am still pregnant mummy laura but am having my scheduled c section today! Eek!! Booked in in 7 hours!! Really nervous excited and everything!!! I can't believe I get to meet my girl today!
Very cute wifey!!!

I am still pregnant mummy laura but am having my scheduled c section today! Eek!! Booked in in 7 hours!! Really nervous excited and everything!!! I can't believe I get to meet my girl today!

Good luck today!! I had a great c-section experience and would do it all over again if I had to!! Have you had a section before?
Very cute wifey!!!

I am still pregnant mummy laura but am having my scheduled c section today! Eek!! Booked in in 7 hours!! Really nervous excited and everything!!! I can't believe I get to meet my girl today!

Good luck today!! I had a great c-section experience and would do it all over again if I had to!! Have you had a section before?

No I haven't so am a bit unsure what to expect or imagine. My midwife has given me a brief overview of how it will happen which both helped and scared me. Apparently my surgeon is the only one at that hospital that is old school and doesn't approve of skin to skin which I am strongly wanting. Will have to tell him before we go in how important I feel it is and hope he will let us do it.
Very cute wifey!!!

I am still pregnant mummy laura but am having my scheduled c section today! Eek!! Booked in in 7 hours!! Really nervous excited and everything!!! I can't believe I get to meet my girl today!

Good luck today!! I had a great c-section experience and would do it all over again if I had to!! Have you had a section before?

No I haven't so am a bit unsure what to expect or imagine. My midwife has given me a brief overview of how it will happen which both helped and scared me. Apparently my surgeon is the only one at that hospital that is old school and doesn't approve of skin to skin which I am strongly wanting. Will have to tell him before we go in how important I feel it is and hope he will let us do it.

It's your birth! You should be able to do skin to skin if that's what you want - I would insist on it. At my hospital they make you do skin to skin. As soon as LO was born he went into daddy's arms until I was closed up and as soon as they were done he was placed on my chest and we were rolled up to recovery. Lou wasn't ever taken from me, but thats the policy at our hospital. I hope they let you do the skin to skin!!
Hi ladies! So Lou is now 19 days old. I can hardly believe it. He's a great little boy! I do have some questions. Right now he's feeding about every 3 - 3.5 hours which is totally fine - he's gained back his birth weight and then some at his last dr's appointment a week ago from today (he was weighing about 8lbs1oz). At night he wakes every 2 - 2.5 hours and gets pretty fussy. I try to keep his night feeds done in a quite dimly lit room and I don't bring him into his room to change him as the light is too strong - I just change him in the same dimly lit room but he is always wide awake after his feedings in the middle of the night. I swaddle him at night to try to teach him the difference between day and night and try to keep things very somber. When will he start sleeping more at night? Is there anything I can do to help his transition to make night feeds further apart? Or should I just keep feeding him as he wakes and he'll figure it out on his own?

Also, I never uploaded a picture of my little Lou. Here he is - this was taken at 15 days old.

He's so cute!!
As far as sleep, babies tend to have their days and nights mixed up. I would say by 2 months they usually have it figured out and they sleep longer at night. By 2 1/2 months my babies were usually sleeping 6-8 hrs.
Hey mummy Laura, im still pregnant!
Thinking of you waiting2c.
Itsnowmyturn- have you read about the wonder weeks? I suspect Sophie is having a growth spurt, babies this young just want to feel safe and secure and therefore needs to know you are close by and there to meet her needs, this in turn will help her be a content baby as time goes on. Hope this makes sense xx
hey ladies.. we are home!! im going to try catch up some point in the next couple days but until then here are a couple pics from rohans journey.



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Just got a call from a larger hospital around here, apparently Kaiden has a 2-3% chance of having cystic fibrosis so we have to go in and have genetic testing done tomorrow. I'm hoping everything comes back ok, that seems to be a pretty low chance right?

Been pumping more and trying to breastfeed when I can but I'm only getting 1-1.5oz per boob per session... He's supposed to be eating around 22 oz a day for his weight currently the doctor said so I know I'm definitely not producing enough at the moment.
Thanks mork, I don't mind her being clingy and wanting cuddles, I'm happy to oblige, I no at this age they don't associate being put down with being picked up again later they just see it as they are being left and that mummy isn't here anymore so I would rather pick her up and let her feel safe and secure than get upset and emotional thinking she's alone and no one is coming back for her, it's just very tiring and I'm not getting anything done. She's definitely getting a bit chubbier and her tiny baby clothes are getting tighter I no using reusable nappies will mean she grows out of them quicker than she wud because obviously they are much much bulkier than disposables with having to have them on the tighter fold but I have had to loosen the popper on the waist band so I'm pretty confident that she's still gaining weight. Her feeding time from me and ml from bottle is still pretty much the same but I suspect that will go up soon and if not once I have a stock of milk I can push it to go up. She was only on 3 minute feeds and 40ml top ups at one point and now she's on 10 - 25 minute feeds and 70 - 80ml bottles 2 - 3 times a day, really hoping to drop the night time bottle soon, last few nights iv been able to take it back and put it in the fridge again because she's fed enough off me, that will help my supply and fridge stock loads because I don't express through the night so what I give her out the bottle isn't getting used from my boobs and isn't getting replenished in the fridge.

Good luck waiting, I hope ur section goes well and u get ur skin to skin, it's ur birth so insist on it, even paramedics over here encourage skin to skin, sophie had a.short cord but they still got her onto my stomach to ensure skin to skin, they also waited ages from the cord to stop pulsing to cut it, also once the cord was cut the got her up to my breast to encourage her to latch and did that again in the ambulance on the way to the hospital, although given the problems iv had with her over the last 3 weeks I'm not surprised she didn't latch.

Kailetski it sounds like ur having a real hard time with ur little one, poor guy isn't having an easy start to life, just remember that each day he's had ur milk is a day he's benefited from it and there's nothing wrong with switching if u have to for it being best for him, from my limited experience I do believe it takes perseverance to build ur supply up, u have to regularly feed and pump and it is one hell of a chore! For this whole time iv felt like iv almost constantly had something tugging on my nipples and when I haven't it's resulted in a decrease in my fridge stock and set me back a few days in supply. I really hope he doesn't have cf, it is a very very low percentage so that's good and at least they are checking it out to make sure. Please let us no how he does

Sethsmummy u really have had a tough start, glad rohan is doing better now, it must have been awful for u all, hopefully u can start being a proper family again now and get into ur own little routine and enjoy having him to urself xx
hey ladies.. we are home!! im going to try catch up some point in the next couple days but until then here are a couple pics from rohans journey.

So glad you got to bring Rohan home!! He's so adorable!
hey ladies.. we are home!! im going to try catch up some point in the next couple days but until then here are a couple pics from rohans journey.


Yay!!!! So happy for you!! Too many babies ended up in NICU from this group! 😣. I never did get pics of Eliana's NICU room, but I do have pics of her. Praying no other babies end up there!!
Just read back on posts- congrats buddy!! You're one tough mama! I totally took the epidural lol! I'm a wuss :p I'm horrid with contractions too. I try to breathe but just end up clenching something like crazy half the time

Thanks honey! To be honest one of the reasons I could birth without any pain meds was because my labours are so short. They're super intense, but over so fast there's almost no point taking anything. I think if I had to experience a really long labour I'd be more likely to take something!

Hi ladies! So Lou is now 19 days old. I can hardly believe it. He's a great little boy! I do have some questions. Right now he's feeding about every 3 - 3.5 hours which is totally fine - he's gained back his birth weight and then some at his last dr's appointment a week ago from today (he was weighing about 8lbs1oz). At night he wakes every 2 - 2.5 hours and gets pretty fussy. I try to keep his night feeds done in a quite dimly lit room and I don't bring him into his room to change him as the light is too strong - I just change him in the same dimly lit room but he is always wide awake after his feedings in the middle of the night. I swaddle him at night to try to teach him the difference between day and night and try to keep things very somber. When will he start sleeping more at night? Is there anything I can do to help his transition to make night feeds further apart? Or should I just keep feeding him as he wakes and he'll figure it out on his own?

Also, I never uploaded a picture of my little Lou. Here he is - this was taken at 15 days old.

Aw he's gorgeous wifey! I think you're doing everything you can to help him learn day from night, and he'll get it eventually. I think my eldest was about 8 weeks before he went 6 hours between feeds (11-5). The baby definitely has day and night mixed up, but I'm feeding in our darkened bedroom and popping him down to sleep straight away rather than sitting talking to him as I do in the daytime. They'll work it out eventually...in the meantime Im re watching my favourite box-sets while he feeds!

Very cute wifey!!!

I am still pregnant mummy laura but am having my scheduled c section today! Eek!! Booked in in 7 hours!! Really nervous excited and everything!!! I can't believe I get to meet my girl today!

Good luck! :hugs: Hope you have a wonderful experience xxx

Just got a call from a larger hospital around here, apparently Kaiden has a 2-3% chance of having cystic fibrosis so we have to go in and have genetic testing done tomorrow. I'm hoping everything comes back ok, that seems to be a pretty low chance right?

Been pumping more and trying to breastfeed when I can but I'm only getting 1-1.5oz per boob per session... He's supposed to be eating around 22 oz a day for his weight currently the doctor said so I know I'm definitely not producing enough at the moment.

Oh honey, what a worry for you :hugs: I'm sure all will be ok though as that's such a small risk. Hoping all is well x

hey ladies.. we are home!! im going to try catch up some point in the next couple days but until then here are a couple pics from rohans journey.


What a journey, and what a strong baby and Mummy! That's brilliant news that you're home now, and hopefully you can get into a nice new family rhythm. You must be so happy to finally have everyone all together! X
Today has been a day from hell. I don't think I can handle two kids. The two year old has been showing out all day and the baby has wanted to nurse non stop since 4 pm. I finally broke down and gave her a pacifier because I'm hurting at this point. I'm so tired. We had a very trying day at the doctor's appointment today. She has gained over her birth weight so the nursing is working. I have to pump at night because she doesn't wake up to eat.
Today has been a day from hell. I don't think I can handle two kids. The two year old has been showing out all day and the baby has wanted to nurse non stop since 4 pm. I finally broke down and gave her a pacifier because I'm hurting at this point. I'm so tired. We had a very trying day at the doctor's appointment today. She has gained over her birth weight so the nursing is working. I have to pump at night because she doesn't wake up to eat.

Is she sleeping through the night?? Does her Dr. say that's ok? Mine forces me to wake LO to feed every three hours - max 3.5.
I was waking Ellie the first week we were home, but she never lost any weight, and had gained enough by her 2 wk appt that dr said let her sleep. I will wake her during the day every three hrs to make sure she's eating enough. I don't get up to pump, just every 2-3 hrs during the day.
Today has been a day from hell. I don't think I can handle two kids. The two year old has been showing out all day and the baby has wanted to nurse non stop since 4 pm. I finally broke down and gave her a pacifier because I'm hurting at this point. I'm so tired. We had a very trying day at the doctor's appointment today. She has gained over her birth weight so the nursing is working. I have to pump at night because she doesn't wake up to eat.

That's tough honey :hugs: It is hard having more than 1 child, but it'll get easier soon enough. I keep thinking that by the time baby is 6 months old i'll be able to do all this stuff without even thinking about it. So far things have been good, but I am nervous for when OH goes ba k to work next week...

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