They were offering to pay the hotel cost and wipe the purchase fees but they were only 500 max and our removal cost is over 1000 now plus food for the weekend, plus the cost to refill the fridge and freezer as we had to throw it all, plus supplies as we didn't have time to pack everything we needed and had ppl helping to pack so they didn't no what we needed, plus oh has had to take 3 days off work for this so his loss of earnings and I want some for inconvenience as sophie still isn't feeding brilliantly so she had a bad night, luckily I packed the steriliser in the car so iv been hand expressing but it's not as effective as electric so my milk supply is going to be affected, plus I'm using disposables on her instead of reusable and they aren't helping her sore bottom, plus it's flared up my spd and other medical conditions so I need to stay in the hotel today. Poor baby girl had such a bad night last night after her 4am feed, she doesn't like the travel cot in the hotel room, again luckily we have her carry cot which she sleeps quite well in so will use that tonight.
They wouldn't allow us to stay in the house overnight and pack properly because they said they had tenants going in at 9am the next day but we no they didn't turn up till 10am last night so we cud have protected the carpets (which are now a state and we won't be paying for that) we cud have organised things and packed properly. The problem were going to have is in the new house because we won't no where anything is packed so as we can't even unpack properly as it needs redecorating its guna take us ages to find stuff.
We've told the solicitors we want to take this to a formal complaint (which they seem surprised at) the woman dealing with the case kept saying we need to conclude this and end it amicably, was getting me so mad because she was trying to say once we're in our new house it will all be resolved, the partner seemed to think wiping the fees and paying the hotel would resolve it, I can't believe they are being so naive about it all.