*** January Jellybeans 2015 *** - join & chat here :) 132 so far!

He's so gorgeous Tara, looks just like his brothers xx
Hi ladies!! Beautiful pictures, beautiful babes!! Has everyone had their babies??

We're doing good here. Lou is doing well. He had a bad reaction to the formula he was on so we switched him to a Milk Based, Lactose free and he's doing so much better. Unfortunately since his tummy was so upset (about 10-15 poops a day) he got a very bad diaper rash. Since we've changed formulas his tummy has been so much better - I just pray it stays that way. His bum has cleared up too! He's sleeping well until his 4am feed - after that he was to stay up. He usually sleeps between most feeds during the day and will have 2-3 hours of wide awake time once/twice a day (plus his bout at 4am - 7am - which means I don't get much sleep). My DH went back to work today but luckily my mom came and spent the day with us. Tomorrow will be my first day all alone - all day. It's so bitter cold here so we can't go out - and I can't drive anyways since I had a c-section. I feel stuck :( I have about 2 1/2 more weeks until they say I can drive. Did anybody who had a c-section go back to driving sooner??

How are you all doing?? How are all the LO's??
Although still pregnant, I'm in early labour at 3cm dilated! Finally! 4 days overdue
Good luck MummyLaura:)

Rohan is beautiful Sethsmummy! Glad that he's doing much better!

Afm- things are crazy early hours of the morning! K sleeps when C is awake & it seems like they're not getting enough milk from me:(
I've upped my water intake to try and increase my supply, but its not helping. All was good until about a week ago and yet nothing has changed. I've read that babies have a growth spurt at about 3weeks old, any truth to this? I'm hoping that its just that and that my supply will increase to how much my babies actually need.
Dh & my MIL are here to help, but what's the point in waking them when I b/feed? So I see to the twins alone, its tiring, but I do enjoy it.

Hope all you ladies are doing ok and are enjoying your little bundles!

We should all update with recent pics of our LO's!!!
I'll update later when things are a bit quieter;)
I think sophie might have reflux, she often brings up a lot of her milk, it's not just posset but it's certainly not all her feed (I no there looks more than what there is), I'm hoping it's not affecting her weight gain however she hasn't been weighed since the 22nd with moving etc, she does look like she's gaining in her face but she's actually still in her tiny baby clothes and the up to 7.5lb clothes are too big for her. Even size 2 nappies are too big (can't wait to get organised and use my reusables again. She has some really groggy periods but don't no if that's just boredom or discomfort or just upset from all the upheaval in her short little life. She is quite grunty and sometimes wheezy, she also chokes at least once per feed, like milk going down the wrong way and sometimes she doesn't breath for a little bit
We're thinking Madelyn has reflux as well. She's always gassy and spitting up. Most the time it's projectile spit up. She acts hungry constantly. My doctor is treating me with oral meds for yeast infection on the nipples. I finally convinced the babies doctor to treat her too. The cream wasn't working. If it's not less painful by Thursday we'll be going in to the lactation consultant Friday to rile out other problems. The crappy thing is I have to dump my frozen milk because it can cause a reinfection. I have like 18 ounces in the freezer and 5 in the fridge
Seth he's beautiful! Do delayed scheduling for immunization maybe? I'm not sure what they put in vaccines over there, but over here they're a bunch of potentially deadly chemicals mixed with fetal cells, viruses, and random animal cells. If they let you delay- do it! The last thing he needs is all that in his system. I hope he becomes more well with each day!!
Good luck mummylaura.

Anyone else still hanging on? xx
Iv been reading up (naughty I no) n the symptoms of colic, gord and cma are all the same, il wait to see what her weight is doing first
Couldn't get her weighed, the drs surgery told me they don't do it and I don't no who the new health visitor is yet. Anyway I think iv cracked what's causing my issues, I think she has upper lip tie, a friend of mine mentioned she could see her teeth under the gum at the bottom so later on I was looking in her mouth and I noticed her top lip wasn't very mobile so I rolled it back and the tight piece of skin going from the bottom of her gum (where the front teeth would meet) to her lip, I read up on it and looked at pictures and I'm pretty Convinced that that's what it is, it causes reflux and colic symptoms because they take in more air, trapped wind (probably why she farts so much), an unusually strong suck (she can hold a bottle in her mouth with her suck alone) problems latching, tiredness when feeding (causing her to sleep on the breast, not able to drain the breast properly, coming on and off the breast and gumming or chewing the nipple. I knew something wasn't right with her, still don't no if she's gaining weight but another issue caused by it is slow gain or weight loss, I will try and get into the drs with her tomorrow and see. Any advice off anyone would be appreciated
I went to drs n he said it's not significant but I don't agree, she can't flare her top lip out to get a deep latch, he seems to think that the problem is breastfeeding technique. I'm going to walk a mile n half later to get her weighed and if her weight isn't good enough I'm going to push the health visitor to look into it morE. I no its not something many drs no much about and he kept saying what made u think this would be a problem and what made u think of a tie. Il try and take a picture later if she will let me and post it and see what u think, I don't think she has tongue tie, she has a long tongue and sticks it out a lot and blows raspberries so im not worried there
Got a couple of pictures, what do u think??


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Ohhh yea- looks like a class 3 lip tie. It's not a small one but its not that bad (if that makes sense) she probably has some problems latching on her own. Have you looked up some techniques to help her out online? Or maybe get a nipple shield? Those make it easier for baby to latch. The tongue tie was a problem with my son as far as latching to my nipple- he has no problems with a bottle and we decided not to get it snipped cuz 1. They can grow back 2. He would have to be put under and he already has to go under for all the stupid MRIs he's supposed to have for his eye. Are there any specialists around your area who could help you out with this??
I did the walk to get her weighed and spoke to the hv, going to see a breastfeeding lady tomorrow because the hv openly said she's never seen lip tie so didnt want to say not to worry but also didn't want to refer until someone who knew more about it had seen it which I think is fair enough. She has real problems latching and it doesn't matter which position, I would get it snipped if they give me the choice because I no it can cause teeth problems later and if she's got hypermobility like me she will have enough teeth and jaw issues.
Her weight is now 3.28kg she was 2.86kg when born so they want me to go and get her weighed again next week to check it's going up steadily.
Also the hv referred her to the hospital as she is still jaundice and apparently it should be gone by 3 weeks so sent referral for jaundice clinic, my guess is that it's just cos she was slightly early, been ill and breastfed n it will fade on its own in a few weeks but I'm happy to go and double check.
Poor girl not having an easy start to life
Inmt poor little girl :(

My little Henry is poorly too, the last couple of days he has not been himself at all. Screaming and inconsolable, I noticed a lump on his bottom and it started swelling and turning a reddy purple. Took him to the doctors this morning and since 11 am we have been passed from pillar to post, seen seven doctors, transferred to two different hospitals. He has a nasty infection and the abscess needs draining. We are just waiting to find out when he can go to theatre, he needs a general anaesthetic which I am really not looking forward to :(
Got a couple of pictures, what do u think??

So. Out of curiosity I looked at Wyatt's lip. . . and lo and behold. A lip tie... So I called my sister in law whos Lil girl had the same thing and got referrals. About to set that up now. But I never would have thought to check if you hadn't of posted. She had asked weeks ago and I didn't think he had one. Turns out its rather severe! Had no clue!
0203 I hope ur little one is ok, it's not nice being passed around, hope the procedure goes well keep us updated.

Pix I had never even heard of lip tie before, I'd heard of tongue tie and while trying to figure out what was wrong with her (I just knew something wasn't right but didn't no what) I scan read about tongue tie and quickly decided it wasn't that but then spotted a picture of lip tie and then when I was searching her mouth for something else I thought I'd look at her lip. The Dr wasn't at all interested but luckily hv knows more about it than drs. Il wait to see tomorrow what the breastfeeding woman says. I don't think it's severe but it's definitely causing issues. I think it's not something that's well known about, everyone has heard of tongue tie but not upper lip tie so ppl don't think to look for it
0203- it's very hard to go thru :( my son had to get an MRI when not even 2 months old yet. Hardest day of my life. Just be strong, though. It'll be over soon! Poor baby boy :(

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