*** January Jellybeans 2015 *** - join & chat here :) 132 so far!

Does she get any reflux or wind pains? They can be caused by the lip tie too, if it isn't causing any issues I would personally leave it and see if it becomes an issue later.

Maybe that's what's causing the pains I dunno I just assumed that if she has thrush it wud be that but I could well be wrong, I'm just winging this parenting lark lol.
I'm currently stuck on the sofa with a gassy baby sleeping on her tummy across my legs n I can't move because she starts crying immediately and will only settle again when I rub her back. The longer she cries the longer it takes to settle her. Could do with a snooze or something to do lol

Both babies seem to throw up after feeds. Sometimes a little & sometimes a lot. Not sure what the cause is. Wrote it down as 1 of the things I need to ask the pediatrician. I didn't experience this with my older dd, probably because I was younger and googled less, lol.

Try laying Sophie with a pillow behind her back while on her side. It always helps with my little ones. Or lay her on her tummy on top of a pillow or blankets or anything soft. Have you tried anything else?

Hope you get to rest soon!
Hi ladies, how are you all? I've not been on for ages, but have just read through to try and catch up with everyone.

Gorgeous pics wildchic and kailetski (sorry to hear about the placenta issue; that can't have been very nice! Glad you're doing ok now though)

Glad you're getting better too wifey . I hope you're feeling back to normal by now.

Hope the babies who've got the lip tie issues can get things sorted, and start getting rid of all the wind and reflux. I've heard it can be difficult to diagnose, but hopefully you'll see someone with some experience of these things.

inmt, I dealt with a horrible yeast infection in my breasts when feeding DS1. It's a really deep pain inside the breast, which persists throught the entire feed and continues for sometime afterwards. If you suspect you've got it start treatment asap before it gets into the milk ducts. I didn't get treatment for a while and ended up dealing with it for 12 weeks...brutal! I hope it's not thrush for you, you've been through enough!

As for us, so far so good! Our only issue is that DS2 does not want to sleep in his Moses basket, or be put down at all really. I don't mind for the most part, and have been using my sling and cosleeping in response to his needs, but it is tiring to not be able to pop him down for 5 minutes! I know he's still so new though, so I don't expect him to be able (or want) to sleep alone. I did give myself a bit of fright last night though, as I decided to feed him whilst we were lying down in bed, but then I must've fallen asleep before he latched off...the next thing I knew it was 4 hours later and he was just stirring to be fed again! I hadn't put him in his little cosleeping area or anything! I kinda freaked myself out! I don't mind cosleeping, but I don't want to take risks with it, y'know!?
Buddy i no thr feeling of being tethered to ur baby!! Sophie does like a snuggle, she sleeps well at night on her own but is quite needy in the day. Iv got a Dr's appointment for sophie tomorrow to see if it's thrush n hopefully they will just treat us both.

Wildchic I just try different methods of winding her, she always brings milk up if she does burp but it's a small price to pay. She's been a very sicky baby today, nothing cuts thru the lovely baby smell like vomit lol, I go out the room and come bk to a baby with vomit in her hair
Have been a bit out of the loop lately. Baby is very feed demanding and not sleeping at night so I'm a bit of a zombie! Trying to do lots of play today to keep her awake, which will hopefully pay dividends tonight!
Hi ladies, I have a question, when people say baby is waking for one feed a night, what does that mean?? Between what hours does a "night" consist? For DH and I, we go to sleep around 12, LO gets his last feed around 11pm and sleeps until about 3am-sih. He gets a feed and back to bed. He usually wakes for another feed around 6:30-7am which is when we get up... is this considered one feed throughout the night??
Hi ladies, I have a question, when people say baby is waking for one feed a night, what does that mean?? Between what hours does a "night" consist? For DH and I, we go to sleep around 12, LO gets his last feed around 11pm and sleeps until about 3am-sih. He gets a feed and back to bed. He usually wakes for another feed around 6:30-7am which is when we get up... is this considered one feed throughout the night??

My girls are the same, last feed around 11pm(I formula feed this time) then awake at 2/3am and up again at 5/6am,with us getting up at 5am anyway. They wake up an hour after each other.
I would say that is once a night.
Id love it if Emily managed one feed a night and slept from 11-3. She fed 8 times between 1am and 7 last night for between 15-20 minutes before refusing any more. So tiring. During the day it is usually every 60-90 minutes. When will she start to go longer between feeds?
Hi ladies, I have a question, when people say baby is waking for one feed a night, what does that mean?? Between what hours does a "night" consist? For DH and I, we go to sleep around 12, LO gets his last feed around 11pm and sleeps until about 3am-sih. He gets a feed and back to bed. He usually wakes for another feed around 6:30-7am which is when we get up... is this considered one feed throughout the night??

That's almost the same as my little one, he wakes up at 11/12 then 2/3 then 6/7 I count it as one night feed even if I have to wake up twice haha as I'm normally in bed by 10
Id love it if Emily managed one feed a night and slept from 11-3. She fed 8 times between 1am and 7 last night for between 15-20 minutes before refusing any more. So tiring. During the day it is usually every 60-90 minutes. When will she start to go longer between feeds?

Wow Izzie! That is a lot. My girls usually feed a lot during the day, even if they've just drank. Although, they only feed for 10minutes at a time, so I guess that's why they feed more. Have you tried expressing to see how much she actually drinks?
My girls drink about 60ml expressed milk. Then that would be enough, but they do sometimes drink more, they have their on & off days.
Maybe try to bottle feed at night
Id love it if Emily managed one feed a night and slept from 11-3. She fed 8 times between 1am and 7 last night for between 15-20 minutes before refusing any more. So tiring. During the day it is usually every 60-90 minutes. When will she start to go longer between feeds?

Wow Izzie! That is a lot. My girls usually feed a lot during the day, even if they've just drank. Although, they only feed for 10minutes at a time, so I guess that's why they feed more. Have you tried expressing to see how much she actually drinks?
My girls drink about 60ml expressed milk. Then that would be enough, but they do sometimes drink more, they have their on & off days.
Maybe try to bottle feed at night

When I first got home from hospital I was expressing and getting 90-120ml at a time. But I wanted to try breast only. Think my supply is ok, but not sure how to tell ... Haven't tried expressing lately as I am feeding so often that to express in between does not seem very appealing !
Wifey I wud class that as 1 feed, I feed sophie around 11 then between 3 and 4:30 depending when she wakes then ohs alarm wakes her at 7:30 but she doesn't feed until about 8 or 9.

We will have had sophie in 7 lots of clothes today because of her being sick, over the last 3 days she's vomiting more often and the amounts each time are more so her clothes get soaked n needs changing, asked the hv n explained everything n she says probably reflux n go see gp, but they fobbed me off last time.
Hi ladies, I have a question, when people say baby is waking for one feed a night, what does that mean?? Between what hours does a "night" consist? For DH and I, we go to sleep around 12, LO gets his last feed around 11pm and sleeps until about 3am-sih. He gets a feed and back to bed. He usually wakes for another feed around 6:30-7am which is when we get up... is this considered one feed throughout the night??

Like the others, I'd say that's one feed during the night. Can Lou have a word with my boy and tell him it's possible to do this? :haha:

Id love it if Emily managed one feed a night and slept from 11-3. She fed 8 times between 1am and 7 last night for between 15-20 minutes before refusing any more. So tiring. During the day it is usually every 60-90 minutes. When will she start to go longer between feeds?

My boy is the same...it's exhausting! He either feeds for about 30 minutes every hour, and won't be put down in between feeds. Or, he feeds pretty much continuously for anything between 4 and 6 hours. Then my elder son gets up! I'm getting by on love and tiny naps at the moment! The knowledge that it won't be like this forever is also keeping madness at bay! On the upside, baby has put on an entire pound since birth! I'm sure your supply is absolutely fine; some babies just like to eat and comfort suck a lot! If you're getting lots of wet and dry nappies that's the best guide that baby is getting enough. As for when the mass feeding stops...hopefully soon lol! I know they have some serious growth spurts at 3, 6 and 9 weeks though and will need to feed a lot and up our supply during this time.
Well pretty sure I lost another piece of placenta this morning, I have an ultrasound tomorrow afternoon and depending on the results will pssibly need a d&c, also see my doctor as the health nurse that visited me today tanks I may have post partum depression, (I have a history of depression and anxiety so I'm not sure if it's still just that or if it's gotten worse?)
Kaiden will be a month old tomorrow, I'm both happy and sad about that.
Here's some 1 month pictures I took today.


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Well pretty sure I lost another piece of placenta this morning, I have an ultrasound tomorrow afternoon and depending on the results will pssibly need a d&c, also see my doctor as the health nurse that visited me today tanks I may have post partum depression, (I have a history of depression and anxiety so I'm not sure if it's still just that or if it's gotten worse?)
Kaiden will be a month old tomorrow, I'm both happy and sad about that.

Gosh honey, I hope they get things sorted out with the retained placenta material; that can't be a nice experience! Sorry to hear you may be suffering from PPD :hugs: Its good that they've recognized it though and are taking steps to treat and support you. I hope things get easier for you soon x

Here's some 1 month pictures I took today.

Aw...gorgeous! X
I'm ready to give up. I hate being mommy to r two- I love my girls but get so overwhelmed when I have both by myself. Madelyn nurses good but can only pump 2 ounce at at time no matter how long it's been. Hand expressing didn't help tonight. I had to give her 4 ounces in bottle after nursing fir two hours straight. I'm so frustrated.
I'm ready to give up. I hate being mommy to r two- I love my girls but get so overwhelmed when I have both by myself. Madelyn nurses good but can only pump 2 ounce at at time no matter how long it's been. Hand expressing didn't help tonight. I had to give her 4 ounces in bottle after nursing fir two hours straight. I'm so frustrated.

Don't give up! Everything will get better soon :) enjoy your two little girls as much as you can, and if you ever need help don't be afraid to ask!! Is it possible it would be better for you and Madelyn to switch to topping her off with formula?
Hopeful why are you having to give her 4oz afterwards? If you are wanting to carry on BF I wouldn't add formula in as it can mess with your milk supply.
Being a Mum of 2 is tough, I'm struggling with helping my 4 year old feel better, his behaviour has totally changed and he's started wetting the bed. I feel bad that having a baby brother has effected him so much. He loves his brother so much but he is struggling.

There is a few of us that have recently had babies trying to lose some baby weight, I've started a thread to keep us motivated, share recipes etc if anyone wants to join us?

She wouldn't stop nursing, so after 2 hours I got her a expressed bottle and then pumped a while. I don't want to give her formula if I can help it. I just get frustrated when I do everything suggested and it doesn't seem like my supply is increasing. I'm thinking of renting a better pump. I have a pump in style.
That sounds like cluster feeding. She is trying to establish your milk supply. It's hard. Elijah has done it a few times. Get DH to help with your older child whilst you sit with your feet up and plenty to drink. Just feed, feed, feed. It will pass.

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