*** January Jellybeans 2015 *** - join & chat here :) 132 so far!

Hi ladies, I wonder if I'm doing this right, or if this is normal... any comments are appreciated!

So, my LO is strictly FF due to many breastfeeding issues. I feed him between 7:00 - 8:00 depending on when his last feeding was (during the day he usually goes 3-4hours between feeds). After that feeding he gets changed and swaddled and put down in his crib in his bedroom. The baby monitor goes on and DH and I have our dinner and a bit of downtime while LO sleeps. He usually wakes about 4 hours later for another feeding, we don't wake him, but rather wait until he wakes. Then he gets his arms unswaddled, and his bottle in a dark and quiet environment. Diaper gets changed in the dark and then he's reswaddled and put down in is bassinet in our room and we go to sleep with him. He usually only sleeps for about 3 hours, 4 hours sometimes. Then its really hard to get him back to sleep after the next feed - like he's ready to start the day.... I don't know what to do because I usually end up staying up from around 3-4am until his next feed around 7.... I guess my question is, should I put him down later for his first stretch? Like if I put him down after his 11pm - 12am bottle for the first time when we go to sleep?

Or is this feeding schedule at 6 weeks normal? (7:00pm - 11:45pm - 3:45am - 7:00am)
Sophie sometimes tries to have her awake period after her 3/4am feed but I just keep her in her bed and keep putting her dummy bk in n put my arm over her so she knows she's not on her own and im close by, then she eventually goes bk to sleep after having a kick around. I would keep his bedtime routine the same if ur happy with it
I realised that after I posted Izzie lol!... I blame the sleep deprivation for my daily idiocy!

Your routine sounds great wifey. If baby is content, and your getting lots of wet and dirty nappies I think you're all good. I'm sure it wouldn't hurt to try pushing things later to see if it avoids the awake time. But to be honest I think you're doing great for 6 weeks! X
I'm sure I will pay in the morning, but that glass of wine and warm bubble bath really made me feel better and helped me relax!
I'm sure I will pay in the morning, but that glass of wine and warm bubble bath really made me feel better and helped me relax!

Bath sounds blissful. I always look forward to a quick shower, and if I can be in and out before lo cries then it is an added bonus!
Hi ladies. How are you all and your gorgeous babies? I haven't posted since Scarlett was born. She's almost 6 weeks old now, was weighed yesterday and she is weighing 9lb 11oz. She was 5lb 8oz when born, HV said she's doing amazingly well considering she is breastfed. I didn't think I would still be breastfeeding now to be honest. She is really fussy with a bottle, she's had a bit of formula and expressed milk but think she's decided she likes the boob best, I don't mind, I just need to pluck up the courage to feed when we are out. Have had no problems with her, just wish she would start going longer at night and settle in her moses basket. So glad we got a super king size bed last year as we are all in there haha.
Some good news from the post today, two checks for £475 each from the solicitors :)
Glad to hear Scarlett is doing well Welsh Girl, what a beautiful name!!

As for us, a little update, I've increased LO's bottles to 5oz. (He was finishing 4oz with no problem and never spitting up) and am having him go about 4 hours between feeds. Last night we fed him at 8:30pm and had him in his cot by 9:15. He slept until 2am! It was phenomenal!! I hope he keeps that up and eventually stretches longer and longer. After that feed though he was up at 5 and demanded to eat at about 5:45. After that he wouldn't sleep much and he's just gone down now (8:30am) for a nap in his swing. I think his sleeping is progressing, we will see tonight!!
Welshgirl that's a great gain, sophie was 6lb5 when born n weighed today n 8lb 8, can stop weekly weights now. I decided I had to suck it up n feed in public n I had a victory n did it discreetly, put my jacket on backwards over one arm n covered myself up with it n fed her, was awkward n bit more difficult but got there.

Sophie has her tongue tie appointment on Monday n jabs with check up Tuesday.
U ladies ebf have u had any break thru bleeding? Iv been spotting on n off for a few weeks, I started the pill again a week ago n started bleeding a bit heavier today. The Dr mentioned spotting could be a sign of lining infection but I don't have any symptoms so can't see that but I'm a bit miffed that im ebf n bleeding plus on a pill that stopped af for years n bleeding. Hoping it doesn't bring bk my endometriosis :-(
Anybody already back at work or going back soon? How are you coping/dealing with it? This is my second baby but it's the same as last time. I have to go back on the 9th and I'm already getting anxious/depressed about routines, pumping, leaving the baby, etc. I'm a worrier anyway, but I start crying at the thought of it. I feel out of control because I didn't accomplish my goal of getting the nursery complete. I still have a couple projects an can't finish decorating until w get her dresser in a couple weeks. I haven't been back to the doctor yet (I go Tuesday). I have to go back to work for financial reasons. I was diagnosed with moderate depression and put on meds before I got pregnant. I quit taking them when I found out in May. I have had some relapses since then but none serious enough to start on meds again. I'm scared that going back to work is going to give me not panic attacks and worsen the depression. I'm still fighting baby blues at almost 7 weeks postpartum. I think I may have to request anxiety and/or depression meds on Tuesday ( as long as they are safe for breastfeeding) I can has hormonal birth control either as it tends to drop my supply, worsen depression, and frankly I don't remember to take it. I'm getting an IUD. Any advice or encouragement would b appreciated
INMT I am ebf and had my period last week. I also had it at 4 weeks post partum with both girls then regularly every month and they were both ebf too. Guess I'm not one of the lucky ones that has it stop for a year or so! !
Hi Ladies:)

Glad some of you are doing great!

I've been struggling with 2 restless babies, but only in the evening! Its still summer here and temps can sometimes go to 30÷ degrees celsius, which is hot for us! So it could be that that's causing it, I really don't know!

For those who bf and ff their babies, do you give babies anything else, like water? I've got people telling me all different things and now I'm confused! I give the girls half bottle(90ml's) of formula, once a day and they sometimes don't even finish that.
Should I stop the formula altogether??
wildchic, i don't give frazer anything other than breastmilk xx
Hi ladies. How are you all and your gorgeous babies? I haven't posted since Scarlett was born. She's almost 6 weeks old now, was weighed yesterday and she is weighing 9lb 11oz. She was 5lb 8oz when born, HV said she's doing amazingly well considering she is breastfed. I didn't think I would still be breastfeeding now to be honest. She is really fussy with a bottle, she's had a bit of formula and expressed milk but think she's decided she likes the boob best, I don't mind, I just need to pluck up the courage to feed when we are out. Have had no problems with her, just wish she would start going longer at night and settle in her moses basket. So glad we got a super king size bed last year as we are all in there haha.
Some good news from the post today, two checks for £475 each from the solicitors :)

That's great that Scarlett is doing so well! I've been out and about BF lots, and honestly, after you've done it once you'll realise how discreet you can be and that nobody is really looking anyway! I use layers to cover up: I have a vest underneath my top that I lift up, so my tummy is covered. I also wear a shirt or scarf that covers me up round the side. A scarf is great for extra coverage as you can drape it right over baby and boob :thumbup: You'll be fine!

Welshgirl that's a great gain, sophie was 6lb5 when born n weighed today n 8lb 8, can stop weekly weights now. I decided I had to suck it up n feed in public n I had a victory n did it discreetly, put my jacket on backwards over one arm n covered myself up with it n fed her, was awkward n bit more difficult but got there.

Sophie has her tongue tie appointment on Monday n jabs with check up Tuesday.
U ladies ebf have u had any break thru bleeding? Iv been spotting on n off for a few weeks, I started the pill again a week ago n started bleeding a bit heavier today. The Dr mentioned spotting could be a sign of lining infection but I don't have any symptoms so can't see that but I'm a bit miffed that im ebf n bleeding plus on a pill that stopped af for years n bleeding. Hoping it doesn't bring bk my endometriosis :-(

Hope everything went well at Sophie's appointment, and that the bleeding is innocent enough and not the endo x

Anybody already back at work or going back soon? How are you coping/dealing with it? This is my second baby but it's the same as last time. I have to go back on the 9th and I'm already getting anxious/depressed about routines, pumping, leaving the baby, etc. I'm a worrier anyway, but I start crying at the thought of it. I feel out of control because I didn't accomplish my goal of getting the nursery complete. I still have a couple projects an can't finish decorating until w get her dresser in a couple weeks. I haven't been back to the doctor yet (I go Tuesday). I have to go back to work for financial reasons. I was diagnosed with moderate depression and put on meds before I got pregnant. I quit taking them when I found out in May. I have had some relapses since then but none serious enough to start on meds again. I'm scared that going back to work is going to give me not panic attacks and worsen the depression. I'm still fighting baby blues at almost 7 weeks postpartum. I think I may have to request anxiety and/or depression meds on Tuesday ( as long as they are safe for breastfeeding) I can has hormonal birth control either as it tends to drop my supply, worsen depression, and frankly I don't remember to take it. I'm getting an IUD. Any advice or encouragement would b appreciated

I just wanted to send massive :hugs: It's definitely worth going to talk to someone about how you're feeling, and seeking some support. Maybe you could talk to your work about the pumping schedule you'd like to put in place so that you can go back knowing there's a plan to take care of that side of things? I'm not going back to work yet, but I can empathise that it must be so hard! Big hugs honey xxx

Hi Ladies:)

Glad some of you are doing great!

I've been struggling with 2 restless babies, but only in the evening! Its still summer here and temps can sometimes go to 30÷ degrees celsius, which is hot for us! So it could be that that's causing it, I really don't know!

For those who bf and ff their babies, do you give babies anything else, like water? I've got people telling me all different things and now I'm confused! I give the girls half bottle(90ml's) of formula, once a day and they sometimes don't even finish that.
Should I stop the formula altogether??

I'm not sure if the standard advice would be different in warmer countries like South Africa, but my understanding is that BF babies don't need water unless medically indicated. I read that the foremilk in breast milk is quite watery and hydrates the baby (as opposed to the hindmilk which is much more calorific, thick and fatty). So, even if you're supplementing with formula, the baby is still getting hydrated through the foremilk.

As for us: baby is doing great; he's gaining weight rapidly, and we've even started getting real smiles (honestly...not windy smiles but real responsive smiles :cloud9:). However, he will. not. sleep! He fights it like nobody's business - like tonight, when he was awake from 4 till 9:30!!! - which is just exhausting. He also still feeds like crazy all through the night, so I'm not getting more than 3 hours sleep maximum. I can't wait until he starts going a bit longer in the night (please be soon!).

The other thing I'm finding tough is suddenly having to split myself between 2 kids. I'm trying so hard to still give DS1 loads of attention, but it's so hard when baby is constantly attached, feeding, or needing helped to sleep. It's breaking my heart that I can't give DS1 the same attention as before, but I know we'll all adjust eventually. I'm also a bit annoyed with myself as I'm not as patient as normal, and have found myself giving DS1 a hard time about things I'd never have bothered with before. Sleep deprivation really screws with my mood! Bath and bed time is a bit of a disaster too, but we'll get there!

How is everyone else?
Aw buddy don't be hard on urself, I can't imagine how tough it is going from one child to two, even if I am planning on when I will have my next lol. Ur boy will soon forget all about stroppy mummy when u get into the rhythm of it n can start giving him attention again.
Kaiden's results came in, no cystic fibrosis but he is a carrier, which we had already known.
I had my 6 week pp appointment today and my doctor kept pushing birth control... I'm not a fan but has anyone had experience with copper Iud? I was also given a prescription that should help boost my milk supply, so maybe one day well get off the formula completely!
It's taken me forever to capture a smile but I finally got it!


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Kaiden's results came in, no cystic fibrosis but he is a carrier, which we had already known.
I had my 6 week pp appointment today and my doctor kept pushing birth control... I'm not a fan but has anyone had experience with copper Iud? I was also given a prescription that should help boost my milk supply, so maybe one day well get off the formula completely!
It's taken me forever to capture a smile but I finally got it!

He's so cute Kailestski! Glad the results were good!!
Here's a picture of my LO when he started smiling. I've been getting more and more smiles each and everyday. :thumbup:

Buddy- thanks for the info! I've read that when baby is ebf that they don't need anything else, but my mom & MIL insist on the water thing! But they forget their kids were formula fed, so completely different. I get where you coming from with splitting yourself between 2 is hard! I'm finding it real difficult too! Only thing is my dd1 is 7yrs old and makes comments like 'mommy wants me out of the way,that's why you sending me to bed' or 'you just don't have time for me anymore,just the twins' and it breaks my heart! I'm in tears now just typing it out. Its hard! And my dd1 was the baby for 7 years and now the attention is not all on her. But I try to involve her in the things I do with the babies or with baking. Its not the answer, but its a start. About the sleeping issue, I've read that babies tend to get into a routine after 3months old. My girls also fight against sleep, but once they sleep, they sleep! One always wakes for a feed, but the other will sleep 5hours or longer(she slept 7hours the other night,only happened once though). 3 months is almost here!

Kaletski & Wifey- that is so cute! My girls are smiling too, but its just not long enough for me to get a pic. When I grab my phone or camera, they focus on that and the smile is gone,lol. I'm hoping to get a pic soon!
I'm not sure if sophie is properly smiling or windy smiles n they often turn into slight cries but I think they might be, just not getting smiles often enough. She sleeps all the time, msybe has 3 awake periods a day n they only last about half hour. Her feeding is all over the place in the afternoon but I don't mind so much, it's better than all over the place at night. She's 8 weeks old on Monday, 2 months on the 5th n she's so very nearly out of the first size clothes. I think I'm going to get plenty of use out of her clothe.

I was subtly told off by the health visitor yesterday she basically told md me to keep sophie close by at all times until she's 1, 4th person iv met in this team n she's my allocated one n the hardest one to talk to

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