*** January Jellybeans 2015 *** - join & chat here :) 132 so far!

Yup I have anusol and have been using it for a couple of days, it has burst today though and is bleeding, not like pouring blood but am wearing a pad for it. Wondering if I need to go to dr or just see what happens now
How did the vaccinations go ladies? Hope Frazer and Sophie are okay!

Quick question- can you take the pill while breast feeding?

My dh will not have a vasectomy and I don't want him to. We were chatting last night and we 'might' want to have 1 more in about 2-3 years. We've fallen inlove with these two girls and wouldn't mind doing it all over again.
If I go on depo, I will probably have the same issues I did last time, so I'm hoping the pill will be a better option.

I know I'm crazy for thinking about it now, but I'm young and dh is getting older, so don't wanna put it off for too long!
Yup I have anusol and have been using it for a couple of days, it has burst today though and is bleeding, not like pouring blood but am wearing a pad for it. Wondering if I need to go to dr or just see what happens now

Ouch! Sorry you're dealing with that waiting; hope it goes away asap. Maybe you could ask for a phone consultation with your Dr and get some advice on it?

How did the vaccinations go ladies? Hope Frazer and Sophie are okay!

Quick question- can you take the pill while breast feeding?

My dh will not have a vasectomy and I don't want him to. We were chatting last night and we 'might' want to have 1 more in about 2-3 years. We've fallen inlove with these two girls and wouldn't mind doing it all over again.
If I go on depo, I will probably have the same issues I did last time, so I'm hoping the pill will be a better option.

I know I'm crazy for thinking about it now, but I'm young and dh is getting older, so don't wanna put it off for too long!

There is a specific type of pill (I think it's maybe called the mini-pill or something??) that is ok while BF. My midwife told me about it when she was discussing contraception with me in the first week. If you mention that you're BF to your Dr they'll be able to prescribe something suitable. I think it's fantastic that you're thinking ahead to adding to your family! I think if I'd started a family earlier I'd maybe have had one more baby, but I'm 35 now and happy with my 2 boys.
There is a pill you can have. Progesterone based I think.

Injections are this afternoon. I'm really nervous!
Yes you can get the progesterone only (mini) pill.
Wild,I'd phone the doc.
If I had met my dh when I was younger I would've had loads of kids lol,but age,losses and stressing about it means my family is complete!!
Frazers jags are this afternoon xx
Good luck for this afternoon ladies! Hope your LO's are okay after.

I'll ask my doc when me and dh make our decision final. I hope its soon though, as I need to take something!
I'm ebf and back on the mini pill, the one I take is called cerazette, it should also stop periods but it doesn't for everyone. U can also have the implant I believe but iv never liked the idea of that.
We don't have the implant here in Canada! It doesn't sound like something I'd be comfortable with anyways so I'm fine with that.
So this morning there was a knock on the door. As I walked to answer it with the baby she does an enormous burp for which I congratulate her. Answering the door to the postman, he asks if I'm alright as I sign for a parcel and I agree that I am. Going back up the stairs and into the living room with the parcel I sit down and look at the baby. My whole chest is covered with baby spit up and it is going down my cleavage. No wonder the postman looked perturbed!!
Lol Izzie:)

Is it normal for babies to spit up often? My girls do and I keep forgetting to ask the doctor why. I'm not sure if its maybe due to moving them after they feed or if they're maybe over fed!
Wildchic sophie vomits a lot, she's on reflux medication n that seems to help, she doesn't vomit as much but still a bit. She cries a lot more when she doesn't vomit as much so I'm wondering if when she was vomiting it was making her tummy feel better but now she's not as much her tummy gets painful
My LO spits up a bit, not after every feed, and it's never really that much. Dr. says it's normal and long as it's not a large amount.

How are your LO's sleeping everyone?

Also, if any of you are FF, how much are your LO's eating and how often. My little guy has a big appetite and is eating 6oz 5x a day. Sleeping 8-9 hours at night.

Another question for swaddling momma's. When do you plan on getting rid of the swaddle? I tried to let my LO sleep unswaddled the other night and he was so restless. How do you plan on getting rid of it? Any tips?
So this morning there was a knock on the door. As I walked to answer it with the baby she does an enormous burp for which I congratulate her. Answering the door to the postman, he asks if I'm alright as I sign for a parcel and I agree that I am. Going back up the stairs and into the living room with the parcel I sit down and look at the baby. My whole chest is covered with baby spit up and it is going down my cleavage. No wonder the postman looked perturbed!!

Lol Izzie...that's so funny! I answered to door to the postman when LO was about 3 days old. I was BF in my open dressing gown, with no top on underneath, and a flashing police helmet on my head that DS had put on. He looked totally dumbfounded and just said "I'll get the door for you love!"

Lol Izzie:)

Is it normal for babies to spit up often? My girls do and I keep forgetting to ask the doctor why. I'm not sure if its maybe due to moving them after they feed or if they're maybe over fed!

Yeah, totally normal as long as its not loads. Apparently it takes a little while for babies to learn the "I'm full" message, so they often overeat and spit up the little excess.

My LO spits up a bit, not after every feed, and it's never really that much. Dr. says it's normal and long as it's not a large amount.

How are your LO's sleeping everyone?

Also, if any of you are FF, how much are your LO's eating and how often. My little guy has a big appetite and is eating 6oz 5x a day. Sleeping 8-9 hours at night.

Another question for swaddling momma's. When do you plan on getting rid of the swaddle? I tried to let my LO sleep unswaddled the other night and he was so restless. How do you plan on getting rid of it? Any tips?

LO doesn't seem to like being swaddled, but DS1 did. I think we did it till he was about 3 months maybe (my memory is a bit hazy here!). We didn't do anything to stop it really, he just started making it clear he didn't want it anymore! He eventually felt comfy enough to be left to move around more and preferred the sleeping bags.
So this morning there was a knock on the door. As I walked to answer it with the baby she does an enormous burp for which I congratulate her. Answering the door to the postman, he asks if I'm alright as I sign for a parcel and I agree that I am. Going back up the stairs and into the living room with the parcel I sit down and look at the baby. My whole chest is covered with baby spit up and it is going down my cleavage. No wonder the postman looked perturbed!!

:rofl: omg lol the joys of babies. postmen must see so much lol ive had to pop my head round the door before because i was just in undies so had to try hide :haha:

My LO spits up a bit, not after every feed, and it's never really that much. Dr. says it's normal and long as it's not a large amount.

How are your LO's sleeping everyone?

Also, if any of you are FF, how much are your LO's eating and how often. My little guy has a big appetite and is eating 6oz 5x a day. Sleeping 8-9 hours at night.

Another question for swaddling momma's. When do you plan on getting rid of the swaddle? I tried to let my LO sleep unswaddled the other night and he was so restless. How do you plan on getting rid of it? Any tips?

Rohan is an AWFUL sleeper at night time. from around 1/2am i am up with him most nights as he just doesnt settle properly and im having to replace a dummy every 5-10 mins or hes grunting or groaning.. or hes on my chest which is getting really uncomfy doing it every night.
Hes on 2-4.5oz every 3-5 hours including through the night. the 2oz is more through the night and sometimes he will only take 1oz.. daytime its anything between 3-4.5oz. xx
Il keep the swaddle for as long as I can, if calms her right down, even when not swaddling if she is having a scream sometimes just holding her hands down (very gently, not restraining her) it calms her. The problem I have is I'm using a blanket I crocheted and it's stretching so she's finding it easier to wriggle her arms out of and everytime she wakes up for a feed her arms are free, there's definitely a link between how long she sleeps and how tightly she's swaddled. The other night she went 7 hours between feeds and I did the first one at half 5 but last night she had a feed at 3 and then again 5 so only 4 hours and then 2.

Taking sophie to get weighed Tuesday, I'm certain there's something more happening than reflux and the tongue tie, she seems in so much pain sometimes, she's always congested and sometimes a bit wheezy and she has mucusy poos that are always extremely runny. All of which I believe points to a food intolerance but the Dr just shrugged it off when I asked at her check up and said there's no way of knowing. I've now stopped giving her bottles of expressed milk because they were generally all hind milk as I expressed after feeding so even if she did have an intolerance and she wasn't absorbing everything the fact that she was having 3 to 4oz of just hind milk would still mean she would gain weight and therefore no one would spot an issue, I don't want to have to rely on expressed milk to help her keep her weight gain going, I'm still expressing but freezing it So it's there if needed and so my supply doesn't go down particularly with the tongue tie. I just feel that by me expressing and giving her bottles as well as breastfeeding it's giving everyone a false sense of everything being all fine and I'm convinced there's something there but obviously I might just be being a a paranoid first timer
I've stopped the swaddling two weeks ago as I've noticed both babies don't like their arms and hands closed. They also manage to wriggle their hands out somehow, so I don't trust letting them sleep like that at night. So now their hands get a bit cold, but better cold than them pulling their blankets over their faces. They also still sleep in the same cot and will only be moved apart after 3 months when I move them out of my room into their own.
I've stopped the swaddling two weeks ago as I've noticed both babies don't like their arms and hands closed. They also manage to wriggle their hands out somehow, so I don't trust letting them sleep like that at night. So now their hands get a bit cold, but better cold than them pulling their blankets over their faces. They also still sleep in the same cot and will only be moved apart after 3 months when I move them out of my room into their own.

My little ones hands get cold at night. Although I've been told it is not an indication of their overall temperature, I don't really like it, esp when bf in the middle of the night as she puts her hands on me! I have a number of sleep suits which have fold over mitts on the arms. These are supposed to be scratch mitts, but work a treat as hand Warmers!
Taking sophie to get weighed Tuesday, I'm certain there's something more happening than reflux and the tongue tie, she seems in so much pain sometimes, she's always congested and sometimes a bit wheezy and she has mucusy poos that are always extremely runny. All of which I believe points to a food intolerance but the Dr just shrugged it off when I asked at her check up and said there's no way of knowing. I've now stopped giving her bottles of expressed milk because they were generally all hind milk as I expressed after feeding so even if she did have an intolerance and she wasn't absorbing everything the fact that she was having 3 to 4oz of just hind milk would still mean she would gain weight and therefore no one would spot an issue, I don't want to have to rely on expressed milk to help her keep her weight gain going, I'm still expressing but freezing it So it's there if needed and so my supply doesn't go down particularly with the tongue tie. I just feel that by me expressing and giving her bottles as well as breastfeeding it's giving everyone a false sense of everything being all fine and I'm convinced there's something there but obviously I might just be being a a paranoid first timer

Definitely take her back and kick off till they listen to you hun! The mucous in the poo means either dairy intollerance or cows milk protein intollerance :hugs: xx

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