Uhhh same thing, I did a test about 9pm, nothing obvious but a few hours later it's got a line!
I guess I have to stop obsessing for the day and go to bed. I would disregard them if I hadn't done a test a week ago that stayed almost completely white.
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@josephine3 I definitely see something!
I’ve been lurking here every night but really haven’t had much to contribute. Doctors office called today and confirmed ovulation from my Day 21 bloodwork. I’m 8DPO and have been testing like a lunatic since 6DPO.
I have sore boobs, my face broke out SO BAD this morning, and I started getting nauseous this evening. I do not feel pregnant, but who knows?
I wanted to share this with you ladies though because it totally shocked me seeing it. I was looking through charts on FF and came across one that looked a lot like mine. So I overlayed it on mine and WOW. So crazy!
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Hi ladies!
Hope your all is well, we’ve had stomach bug here over the New Year and now the kids have picked up some sort of ulcer virushope it ends soon.
I hope that the lines darken for you and in timeframe @josephine3
I’m 8dpo and nothing on wondfo this morning but my opk was looking darkish, boobs still sore and still got the creamy tinged cm
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10dpo here and BFN togetting light cramping also. My boots are not tender and with both previous pregnancies that was my first sign, very tender boobs about a week prior to AF.
So I'm going to assume I'm "out" this month sadly. Used 2 x FRER aswell as period due in 5 days but also both BFN.
I’ve had 2 positive OPKs this cycle. The clearblue on CD19 and the regular OPK on CD26. Temp is still dropping today at CD28. I think it’s an anovulatory cycle for me
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What dpo are you, Josephine3? I see a faint line on the dried test.And for me same thing this am. Although this one did 'show' faster, at about 45 mins I think but still not in time frame. Here it is at 5 mins then at about an hour.
I've had loads of cramping yesterday and today and still with the dodgy feeling af belly.
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I've had it for years. I hate it. My OH has to do the shopping because I can't go in to many stores. I rarely leave the house if I'm honest. It was after seeing my mom pass away that triggered it all. I also have agoraphobia and insomnia along with the panic/anxiety attacks. So it can be rough. I'm just glad my OH and son help and support me. I used to do therapy and was on meds but not anymore. Had to stop the meds because unsafe to use while ttc. So for now I just deal with it everyday.@NightFlower Oh your timing was great this month! I have been praying for you, and I hope this is your month! I'm so sorry you deal with anxiety, too. I am grateful that I do get reprieves from it, so it isn't always constant. And I do see patterns emerging. It's always the worst in the evenings after dinner, and it's always bad from 3-5 dpo. But man when it's happening it just feels like it's never going to end. I never thought I would miss my social anxiety lol, but at least with social anxiety I could escape it/avoid it. Still awful, but my home was always this safe bubble where I didn't feel anxious. But this just hits no matter what I'm doing or where I am. I can be cuddled up in bed or taking a bubble bath and WHAM. I feel this terrifying sense of dread that something horrible is about to happen. I am so so sorry for you and everyone that has had to deal with this for so long. It has only been 4 months for me, and it has been the longest 4 months of my life. I am genuinely so so sorry. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.