January Snowdrops +*+* Testing Thread *+*+ Ring in the New Year with BFPs!

@NDH your kids sound adorable xx sorry for asking I just wondered if it was a baby they had met or a m/c. They just sound so cute fxd they know!

Nothing much on the test, a slight line but not clear like the one steps

I took a cassette test at work today. More for BFN reference than anything else. It makes my heart ache a little to remember the lines I saw on the same test last cycle.
5 dpo cassette test for fun. :)PXL_20230107_172940368~3.jpg
@Oh I really hope so @jellybeanxx!! I meant to ask, you mentioned a few posts back you have fertility problems I wondered what specifically was/is wrong have you found out? I have my first fertility appointment coming up the day af is due!!
9dpo and thought maybe a shadow on wondfo and frer but doubt it, will test again before bed and see
Not sure if anyone will see this as it's super duper faint but I *think* I might have a line in timeframe! At 5 mins cheeky before bed test at midnight

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Thanks hon. I know I need to be more patient. I just worry about my age so much. I am already taking coq10 and other stuff. Been a bit on and off with it since September. But the last 2 cycles been more consistent.
Hopefully Those and the maca will do the trick.

Sorry I been away ladies
AF showed at 13dpo.
Not sure why it seems to be getting earlier.
Last cycle was 14dpo and this cycle 13dpo. I normally don’t start until 15 to 17dpo.

can the coq10 and maca shorten the luteal phase?
If ovulation is early I May get to test again toward the end of the month. Or will be early February.

Prob take a break from here for a bit.
It’s always hard when AF shows.

Will be back soon.
Good luck that are waiting to test.

I’m praying so so hard this new cycle I am on will be the one[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<
@Suggerhoney :hugs: you know where I am whenever you need a chat

@josephine3 I think I see it in the first photo there! Hope your fertility appointment goes well. I’ve got a bit of a history but will try to keep it brief! I was on birth control of varying types from when I was 16. Came off it all at 28 to TTC my eldest. After a year nothing was happening so went to GP. She did various tests. I wasn’t ovulating and DH had a really good count and motility but 2% normal morphology. We were referred to a fertility clinic for further tests but in the mean time my GP prescribed me clomid. I’ve since found out it’s really unusual for GPs to prescribe it but I’m glad she did as we conceived our eldest on round 3.
She told me to come back to her when we wanted another baby but by that point we’d moved so when I wasn’t getting pregnant the second time around, I was also bleeding for months on end. My new GP sent me to a gynaecologist who diagnosed me with PCOS and prescribed metformin. He was going to give me clomid again but the metformin combined with diet and acupuncture did the trick and I had my second.
Trying for our 3rd took 2 years and I was prescribed metformin again. I also had 3 chemical pregnancies and was referred to the recurrent miscarriages clinic but by the time my appointment arrived I was 20 weeks pregnant!
Because of my history and my age (I’ll be 40 in March) we started trying again pretty much as soon as we had our youngest. We haven’t used any birth control at all and I tried to do NTNP but that didn’t last :lol: it’s been 2 years again now.
So that’s my brief history of fertility issues, well as brief as I can make it!
If ovulation is early I May get to test again toward the end of the month. Or will be early February.

Prob take a break from here for a bit.
It’s always hard when AF shows.

Will be back soon.
Good luck that are waiting to test.

I’m praying so so hard this new cycle I am on will be the one[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<
Sorry af came early. I also took a short break but am back now ovulation for me is tomorrow but I'm already having my Ovulation signs. Hopefully see you back around soon. Miss chatting with you
@Laurabub84 thank you so much, you’ve made me emotional! My cycles vary even when I do ovulate so there’s no knowing for sure if it’ll still happen. I’m all over the place! My LP is around 10/11 days so quite short but it’s always been like that.
Thank you again for your kindness, it’s wonderful how much you help others even when you’ve been through so much yourself :hugs:

I was just wondering because your temps looked like they steadily started rising from cd13. I really hope your body sorts itself out and you get clear ovulation

Aww jellybean I really hope if it's an anovulatory cycle AF arrives soon so you can have a reset and try again.

Josephine idk about water but yet your husband to pee on one :haha:

Laura are you testing again today?

I've had a big temp rise this morning and feel a brightness, if that makes sense, in my womb. Feeling super hopeful today and I almost want to run out and buy some tests. But I'm going to be good and wait til at least the 10th when AF would be due.

My twins were talking about how much they miss our baby who died and then said soon I will have another baby in my tummy - my daughter interjected with two babies. I don't know what I would do if I have a second set of twins :haha:.

ooohh, yay for the temp rise and I’m glad your feeling more positive today. Hoping so much you get your bfp when you test. You’re amazing to have such strong will power not to test. I can’t wait to see them when you do.
I tested this afternoon and they were basically negative, then again this evening and still maybe the same. There is the slightest shadow but it’s the kind where you have to really look and tilt them under a good light. So I’m thinking it’s still the very last of the left over hcg. If there’s no obvious line tomorrow I won’t be expecting a bfp this month. My temp was up again this morning tho so I don’t know. I really don’t want to feel disappointed for a bfn but I already know I’m going to. I do feel it would be best to have my first af after the miscarriage to know my body’s completely reset but I still can’t help but want to be pregnant now I know that I’ve ovulated. This is my chart this morning. Am curious what tomorrows will be

Hello! Sorry for my very long absence. First it was all the holiday craziness, then I got sick, and then my anxiety was really bad for a few days after ovulation. I also was trying to play it cool this cycle. I usually have a super long and wonky cycle after the holidays. But I shockingly ovulated on CD19 which is super early for me. I'm telling you intermittent fasting has given me the most regular cycles I have ever had 10/10 would recommend. Even with the stress and weirdness of the holidays and being sick, I still ovulated early!!!!

We BDed on CD 17 and CD 19, so our timing was great. I had super awful horrible anxiety from 3dpo-5 dpo and I cried like 5-6 times a day. It was not good. I had mild anxiety at 6 and 7 dpo and cried maybe once or twice a day, but very manageable thank goodness. And since my chemical, I've noticed this spike in anxiety the week after ovulation has become my new norm, so I didn't think anything of it.

Then on 7 dpo (night) DH and I dtd and I shoved some Kleenex in my underwear to catch the semen lol. Later when I removed it the tissue was stained light pink. But I've had no other spotting. Then yesterday evening (8dpo) I had some odd cramping. And this morning as well. No other symptoms yet. Here are my 8 dpo tests (top)and my 9 dpo tests (bottom) : I always see lines, so I don't trust my own judgement anymore. Lol

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Your timing sounds great. I really hope the spotting was implantation. Good luck for tomorrows tests. Also I’m sorry about your anxiety. I also suffer badly with it. Mine started when I fell pregnant with my first and have had to live with it ever since. It’s horrendous

Well we dtd Thursday/Friday morning because it was almost midnight by then and again this morning (sat) so I think we have a great chance seeing as ovulation is tomorrow. I'm feeling pretty good about it. Now just hoping the tww goes by quickly. I'll most likely start testing at 7dpo so only 8 long days to go O:)

Good luck ladies testing. Hope to see many new years :bfp:s . Sorry to the ladies who are out already. May February be your month!


best of luck to you hun

9dpo and thought maybe a shadow on wondfo and frer but doubt it, will test again before bed and see

my bfps tend to start with a shadow evening of 9dpo. Eeek, I hope tomorrows has a more obvious line

Not sure if anyone will see this as it's super duper faint but I *think* I might have a line in timeframe! At 5 mins cheeky before bed test at midnight

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I can see all the lines you’re seeing. Excited to see your mornings test. Fx’d so hard for you

Thanks hon. I know I need to be more patient. I just worry about my age so much. I am already taking coq10 and other stuff. Been a bit on and off with it since September. But the last 2 cycles been more consistent.
Hopefully Those and the maca will do the trick.

Sorry I been away ladies
AF showed at 13dpo.
Not sure why it seems to be getting earlier.
Last cycle was 14dpo and this cycle 13dpo. I normally don’t start until 15 to 17dpo.

can the coq10 and maca shorten the luteal phase?

I’m sorry af got you but I’m relieved for you that you’ve not had to wait as long for it. I don’t know anything about coq10 or Maca unfortunately. Did the Maca do this to you before? I’m not sure if I remember you worrying in the past that something shorted your lp. Oh love I really, really hope this new cycle is the one. I really want to see you get your bfp
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@josephine3 Oh I see faint lines on your tests. Oh I hope they turn into a beautiful BFP for you.

@littlewitch awww sorry taking that test made you sad. Losses are just so hard. I hope and pray that in a few days you will have a second beautiful line..

@Suggerhoney Awww I'm sorry AF showed up. I totally understand needing some time after that. I took maca once years ago and I remember it made my cycles wonky too. I can't remember what exactly it did, but I do recall it caused some kind of odd changes too it. I responded better to Vitex, but lots of people swear by maca. I look at it that all our bodies are different and require different things.

@NightFlower I'm so glad you have a supportive partner. That really makes a world of difference. My husband has been a saint through the last few months. I pray and thank the Lord for him and literally cry with gratitude every single day. I have to brag on him because I just feel so blessed to have him. And I'm so happy to hear that your OH and son have been the same for you. Fingers crossed a sweet little baby is being conceived as we speak!!!!

@ehjmorris Oh those shadow lines are so frustrating. It's always like is it a vvfl or is it just the shadow of the antibody strip or an evap line. Ugh it's so frustrating. I really hope it's the start of something for you. And feel free to post pictures. I for one enjoy obsessing over other people's tests so much more than obsessing over my own lol

@jellybeanxx Where are you at right now? How are you? I read through the thread, but I was so far behind it was hard to remember where everyone was and how things were going. I know your December cycle was hard on you. Are you doing any better this time around?

@Laurabub84 I'm so sorry you deal with it, too. I guess I didn't realize a pregnancy could cause something like this. I was barely pregnant at all. The fact that I had such a strong and negative reaction to such an early loss definitely makes me a little nervous about how I would handle either a later miscarriage or post partum. I mean I've always dealt with some anxiety, but never anything to this level, and never without some type of discernible trigger. This experience has been so eye opening to me, and I'm just so so sorry that you deal with this. It's truly awful.
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Oh Josephine I can see something on that latest test and that's saying something since my phone is so bad!

Suggerhoney I'm so sorry AF came :(. Looking forward to having you back after your break. You've been such a cheerleader for so many it's so hard to see you feeling so low :hugs:. Hoping this next cycle is your lucky one.
@S_Dowd I’m having a bit of a weird cycle (what’s new for me haha) I had 10(?) days of flashing smileys on a digi OPK before finally getting a peak on CD19. My temp rose for 3/4 days before dropping and I started getting EWCM again. So I started doing regular OPKs, got a positive one CD26 but am on CD28 now with my temp dropping and still getting EWCM so I think my body is just trying and failing to ovulate.
How’s things with you?

@Laurabub84 thanks, I know what you mean about my temps rising but my ovulatory ones tends to go above 35.5 and I did have a couple after that peak but they’ve dropped again so just not convinced.
Your chart is looking great!
I definitely see that!

All these tests today are not helping my resolve to not test until I'm late :haha:. If I had tests in the house I'd have caved by now for sure
@NDH haha sorry! I’m hooooorrible when it comes to testing. I’ve been testing twice a day every day since 6DPO.
@jellybeanxx Oh that's so weird and so frustrating! I hope you ovulate soon. Have you tried anything new this cycle that may have caused this? Or a lot of holiday stress perhaps? New workout/diet? I just know the tiniest thing can throw me off.

I'm doing okay. 9 dpo right now. Have only seen shadows on my tests which I don't count since I always see shadows lol. Had pink spotting late at night on 7 dpo after sex that was weird, but no spotting since. And other than some mild cramping yesterday night and this morning I have no symptoms right now.

I've had crazy symptoms every cycle after my chemical until this one. So maybe things are slowly getting back to normal? Hopefully. The crazy symptoms every month have been making me a little nuts.

I realized that the horrible vertigo and nausea I had last month was just fluid building up behind my eardrum. It was the start of a sinus infection that I'm finally getting over. So having a month with no symptoms at least at this point is kind of a nice change of pace lol.

@m3mommy I see that!!!!!! Ahhhh!!!! Fingers crossed it keeps getting darker for you!

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