Thanks again Suggerhoney ❤
I wish the best for you!! Next week I can get one hopefully I'll still be pregnant by then.
I have everything crossed you still will be. You have been waiting a long long time for this and im praying this is finally it.
Be great to be In the same due date group as you and the other ladies here too. I feel like your all like family to me. If you know what I mean.
You ladies have been my rock.
Beautiful lines nightflower

. Have been watching your test progress in your journal and I'm really thinking your early lines just have been hcg-h prior to implantation, and now you're getting proper lines
Have you heard of the antihistamine protocol?
The OTC version is 10mg Claritin (loratidine) in the AM, 10mg Pepcid (famotidine) in the afternoon and 25-50mg of Benadryl (diphenhydramine hydrochloride) at night. It's a kitchen sink/hail Mary protocol for women who have had recurrent losses - especially chemicals. Of you haven't heard of it it might be something you want to try.
That’s so interesting about the antihistamine.
I was actually taking sleeping pills that you can get over the counter in 2020 when we was ttc last time. I did have 4 chemicals while being on them but also did fall with my son in the end.
Also was taking them when I fell with my 3 year old.
Maca can apparently help prevent miscarriage too. I was taking that for 3 months then bam fell with my son.
Only other 2 different things I was doing was taking folate and then baby aspirin from the moment I got a line.
But I also strarted the baby aspirin when i fell at the end of May but sadly didn’t work. wasn’t taking maca tho so I wonder if it was that that helped my son to stick: or a combination of all 3?
Been taking maca for a few months now so I hope I catch again and it helps that one to stick too.
I’ve actually stoped taking it from today tho because I’m wondering if where I upped the dosage it’s delaying ovulation. So I’m not going to take it for now at all, and hopefully ovulation will be soon and then I will start talking it again at the higher dosage.
Praying we catch so much and it’s sticky and healthy:
I’m cd13 still waiting for ovulation. Hope it’s soon. Hate all the waiting. Got it all crossed for you hon.
@NightFlower yay great lines! Iv also been peeking at your journal to check on progress lol x
@NDH I'm kinda feeling that way too, I've tried so hard for a year and getting nowhere, I need to relax with it for a while x
It’s so hard isn’t it lovely. When AF shows this Cycle it will be cycle 12 ttc.
I’m not temping this cycle as I was hoping it would give me the more relaxed approach. That’s a laugh. Been worrying I’m not going to ovulate.. wish it was all stress free. But it’s so hard when you been trying for a long time and with losses etc. urghhhhh,
I really really hope and pray this cycle is the ONE for us all

so I decided to ask my mum when she started menopause.
Now I know she had her tubes tied and burnt at 23 years old. And when I asked my Nan she didn’t know when my mum went through the menopause and assumed it was very early as she had her tubes burnt:
So I decided just to ask my mum.
She does not know we are ttc so I did it in a sneaky way lol.
Anyway she said her periods stopped when she was 56 years old.
She did say she was late at starting her periods, she was 17.
I was 14 when mine started.
I really hope this means I’m a long way from menapause myself and I still have a good few years in me yet.
I did read we usually follow our mums and there mums etc etc.
But my nanna had a full hysterectomy at just 27 years old because she had cancer.
anyway I just hope and pray this means I still have a good few years in me yet.