I have a question and would love to hear everyone's thoughts and experiences. Is it possible to have varying hormone levels with different pregnancies? With my first child (8 yrs. ago) I took a First Response test in the afternoon of the first day of my missed period and the test line appeared first, and it was dark, I believe darker than the control line. With my second daughter (whom we lost a 21 weeks) I took a dollar tree test but since she was a surprise I am only guessing that it was about close to a week after I missed my period and, again, it appeared immediately and was darker than the control line. My last pregnancy, in April, was ectopic and I tested 3 different times (in the first week) with First Responses and neither time did they reach the concentration of the control line, although they were clear. But my Firday test was a tiny bit lighter than the one I had taken that Wednesday and that did concern me a bit. This time, although my progressions are okay (not jumping for joy), they too have yet to reach the darkness of the control line.
Has anyone experienced higher or lower hcg levels from one pregnancy to the next and both ended with normal healthy babies? I will attempt to post a picture of my hpts.