July 2014 rainbows :)

Moltal - can you not call the early pregnancy unit with your concerns? Spotting happens quite a lot in the 6th - 7th weeks as far as i can tell. A scan would put your mind at rest at least
Only problem is the pregnancy unit won't check for a heart they just check for a sac wen a week ago because I had. Slight "show" .

Mayb I can phone my gynae for an earlier scan ?? But phonin won't change anythin .. Bleh because if it does happen they cnt stop it
I'm back!!

Took a day or two to just relax and try not to worry myself silly. Thank you to all of you who gave me advice and reassured me :) I got my bfp quite late I guess, at the hospital it was negative 13dpo. I rang the second hospital today to rearrange my today scan to next week but because today and yesterday my symptoms had gone they said to pop in anyway. Bubs is now measuring 6w2days, so I've caught up 1 day and grown 2.6mm in 2 days! I'm taking this a good news :happydance:

hello & congrats to all newbies!

How is everyone doing?
Who's got scans coming up?
It's the weekend again which means we've all made it another week!!
I'm having a wild Friday night drinking ginger ale & eating cheese :wacko:

As you
Loup-great news! Glad you got to see bubs again so soon and lovely growth in so little time.

Celine & Linnypops-I thought of that too but I had brown cm yesterday while the scan was on Wednesday. The tech used LOTS of that gel lubricant so I was on undies watch all day Wed. because I had that stuff oozing out left and right. I suppose it's possible being as it was brown it was old stuff leftover from my scan but I would have thought it would have come out with all that goop they used. :shrug: Seems to be gone now and I'm taking it easy when I'm not at work so we'll see what the weekend brings.

Moltal-Can you get a quantitative hCG done? It would tell you what your levels are at and if you have a repeat one in 2-3 days, it would show if they are doubling. With a blighted ovum, your hCG wouldn't be rising normally and with all of my BOs, my symptoms were really really mild to the point of nonexistant.

Nurse called with my u/s results. Everything looks good so I'm free to schedule my first appt! I see the OB dr in 2 weeks and we'll see what he thinks. I haven't talked to him since my last m/c so he doesn't know I'm pg again this fast.
Yay linnypops that's ace! 2.6mm is loads!! Time to relax a bit :) xx
I have a question and would love to hear everyone's thoughts and experiences. Is it possible to have varying hormone levels with different pregnancies? With my first child (8 yrs. ago) I took a First Response test in the afternoon of the first day of my missed period and the test line appeared first, and it was dark, I believe darker than the control line. With my second daughter (whom we lost a 21 weeks) I took a dollar tree test but since she was a surprise I am only guessing that it was about close to a week after I missed my period and, again, it appeared immediately and was darker than the control line. My last pregnancy, in April, was ectopic and I tested 3 different times (in the first week) with First Responses and neither time did they reach the concentration of the control line, although they were clear. But my Firday test was a tiny bit lighter than the one I had taken that Wednesday and that did concern me a bit. This time, although my progressions are okay (not jumping for joy), they too have yet to reach the darkness of the control line.

Has anyone experienced higher or lower hcg levels from one pregnancy to the next and both ended with normal healthy babies? I will attempt to post a picture of my hpts.


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They look like there progressing nicely i have no experience to give qhen it xomes.preg.to.preg as i havent even had my first yet hope someone here can be more helpful and gl
Ladies I really need your advice. I feel like I'm going crackers. I've not slept we'll since getting my bfp but the last few nights I've barely slept at all. It's now 4.30am and other than an hr before oh got home I've not slept and I was so shattered I was hallucinating yesterday already! A few ladies on first tri have suggesting taking diphenhydramine which is in nytol and everything I've googled says its safe during pregnancy but the packet says not to take during pregnancy?? I really don't want to do something I'll regret but I'm getting desperate!
welcome and congrats on your BFPs sofaqueen, hopefulagain

I am also bloating terribly!!! I'm fine in the morning but by the afternoon I am having to undo buttons lol. Anyone else having the same issue?! xx

Not sure if Im bloating as I usually wear yoga pants or PJs since Im home all day, Ive been incredibly lazy/lack of motivation lately for actually dressing to go into public lol... and if I go out with my husband I just wear a dress.. easy
Ladies I really need your advice. I feel like I'm going crackers. I've not slept we'll since getting my bfp but the last few nights I've barely slept at all. It's now 4.30am and other than an hr before oh got home I've not slept and I was so shattered I was hallucinating yesterday already! A few ladies on first tri have suggesting taking diphenhydramine which is in nytol and everything I've googled says its safe during pregnancy but the packet says not to take during pregnancy?? I really don't want to do something I'll regret but I'm getting desperate!

Ive been having similar problems with not sleeping well. And as bodies are different, take what my opinion with a grain of salt, but I use herbal teas at night. Im talking about Linden flower and Valerian root. Valerian is more widely known, but Im telling you even a cup of Linden flower tea will conk me out solid.. Im usually nodding off about an hour or so after drinking it.
Try those first before you take prescription drugs, cuz god only knows whats in half these pills Doctors are paid to prescribe out
Hopefulagain- I can't really help I'm afraid but I do remember that with my mc all my tests were about the same at 6 weeks as they were at 5 weeks with this pregnancy, I didn't keep checking though. All I know is at 7weeks when I miscarried my hcg levels had gone down to 180ish, I don't know if they drop quickly or were never high in the first place.

Munchkin - I'm not too sure about the nytol but why don't you go and speak to a pharmacist or if they're no help your doctor. I'm sure there are a lot of things that would be quite safe in pregnancy but best to check.

AFM - my boobs are slightly sore again, this is the most worrying for me, I know other symptoms can come and go but never thought boob soreness did? I still don't feel half as sick as I have been and yet I randomly nearly threw up out of nowhere half hour ago. It's so confusing.
I saw a poster at the hospital the other day asking if anyone wanted a scan if baby due in certain months (July being one of them) for medical training, they pay your parking costs and you get a free picture of the baby, I'll be exactly 9 weeks by my dates and 8 by previous scan so I'm tempted to send them an email...any excuse to see my baby again haha
I can't take an hsg because they said with a bo ur hsg des infact increase that's why its so hard to spot I'm not really worried just have that thought been readin too much .. Bleh
fab Lou, go get that free scan! any excuse to see bubs!

I still have very minimal symptoms, nips a bit sore at night time and tired but apart from that I feel fine. I just brought myself a cheapy test and my test line is loads stronger than it was 2 weeks ago, so i am happy with that.
I was reading back my posts on here when i was preg with daughter and i was saying the same thing about lack of symptoms. So maybe I just dont get Ms?
Hi all. Got a 3+ on my cb digi after last weekends 2-3wks so am v pleased.
Moltal-your hCG could still rise but it's most likely not going to rise normally because the pregnancy isn't growing right. I've had 3 confirmed BOs and possibly a 4th. And my hCG didn't rise normally in any of them. In fact, that's the biggest reason they were diagnosed BOs before the u/s confirmed it.

Munchkin-I will drink Chamomile tea and put a drop of Lavender oil on my pillow. Maybe a hot bath right before bed would help too?

Feeling absolutely HORRID today...Sick, headachey (but that's from falling asleep on the couch last night and getting a crick in my neck), and tired. And my boobs...I feel like I have two basketballs attached to my chest they are so big...

:happydance: Gotta love the pg symptoms, right? :haha:
Moltal-your hCG could still rise but it's most likely not going to rise normally because the pregnancy isn't growing right. I've had 3 confirmed BOs and possibly a 4th. And my hCG didn't rise normally in any of them. In fact, that's the biggest reason they were diagnosed BOs before the u/s confirmed it.

Munchkin-I will drink Chamomile tea and put a drop of Lavender oil on my pillow. Maybe a hot bath right before bed would help too?

Feeling absolutely HORRID today...Sick, headachey (but that's from falling asleep on the couch last night and getting a crick in my neck), and tired. And my boobs...I feel like I have two basketballs attached to my chest they are so big...

:happydance: Gotta love the pg symptoms, right? :haha:
Sorry I've not been on here much these past few days. I'll catch up With the posts in a moment.

So today Im 6 weeks and 1 day pregnant, and I have to say, I don’t feel positive at all.
Yesterday my symptoms near enough disappeared, until the night time when my nausea came back. I didn’t wear a bra at all yesterday so my boobs didn’t hurt as much. Only when I touched them.

Today my nausea is back, I have heartburn, my boobs hurt. All the usual. I’m still slightly cramping, but before for about a minute I had bad cramps. Well they weren’t bad, but just more than they have been. I’m just expecting to start bleeding soon.

I've also had a little bit of sharp pain about my left ovary which worried me. It's come and gone a few times. It's mainly discomfort but there's been a bit of sharp pain. I know I have cysts on my ovaries with my PCOS, but it hope this isn't an ectopic pregnancy.

I'm thinking of going to the EGU on Monday and they might give me a scan and see what's going on.

Dairy- I reckon it's possible. I had internal at 9am and got brown cm at 6pm. That's a good 9 hours later! Then red spotting the following day...I think in small amounts it takes a while to show up on the undies.
Sedgeez - it's probably fine love but totally understand your concerns. I had sharp left pains and was nothing...could be corpus lutetium cyst? If you call epu with left hand pains they are duty bound to check you out. X

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