July 2014 rainbows :)

Sedgeez - it's probably fine love but totally understand your concerns. I had sharp left pains and was nothing...could be corpus lutetium cyst? If you call epu with left hand pains they are duty bound to check you out. X

That's what I thought, my mum used to be a nurse there, and with my last pregnancy she took me there when I started bleeding.
She doesn't know I'm preg yet though this time.

I know it would get a lot worse if it is ectopic, I'm just worried. I know I have cysts so it could be that.

I think I will go on Monday and get checked. Also get my hcg checked out as I haven't yet. I'd just like to know what's going on.
I just wanted to share a few experiences that I have had in the past that will hopefully help ease some concerns.

Lack of sleep: I was the exact same way with my first daughter, it was exactly as described, could not sleep (at night) since getting my bfp, but I could nap better. So I would do that as soon as I got home from work as much as a could.

Lack of symptoms: I also had that with my first. It was even to to point that I mentioned to the doctor at my first scan (around 8 weeks or so) that I was going to be completely embarrassed if they found no baby in there beacuse I felt completely normal. My only evidence of pregnancy was a missed period and positive pregnancy test. It turned out to be the easiest pregnancy ever.

I hope this was helpful to someone. :flower:
Thanks hopeful again that does help. The other problem is I'm so so tired I don't know if I'm getting symptoms any more or not! I feel like a crazy person. I think my boobs might still be hurting a bit and I've got the empty tummy feeling then not being able to eat much which is classic but could be exhaustion??

Sedgeez all that you are saying sounds really stupid normal. I've lost count if the threads I've read and started on here about symptoms that come and go and cramps and it's completely normal. Although I totally get why you're paranoid!! Re ectopic my gp said you only need to worry if it's one sided pain that doesn't go away and keeps getting worse. I'm mainly stressed because I HAVEN'T got cramps this time!
If I were you though id def talk to your mum and get a scan if you're too worried xx
I understand you probably don't want to take drugs through your pregnancy for sleep - I am the queen of drugs since I live on them for the first 14 weeks of pregnancy due to hyperemesis. The dr prescribed me 20mg of Phenergan you can try 10mg at night and it helps me sleep!

I am currently 8 weeks and having another san next Monday which will put me at 9 weeks to make sure all is progressing well.

I haven't been as sick the last two days (gone from vomiting 8 tims a day to once or twice) I am NOT complaining... I feel nauseas on and off but still too scared to go anywhere incase it hits double time.
Managing to keep chocolate milkshake, rice bubbles, pineapple and water with a squeeze of lemon juice in it down.

Boobs still hurt on and off, I want hubby around all the time but am in an anti cuddling mood - been going on for the last 4 weeks poor man!

Had 3 sleeps through the day yesterday so when I was awake at 9pm I was not a happy chappy!!! Hope everyone feels somewhat better today!
Even though my sickness is disappearing slightly I'm not at all concerned of m/c because I still feel a very full feeling of a baby peanut in my pelic area. I know it's strange but I swear I feel little peanut even this early on!!!
That's great mumaoftwoboys. Lovely to have that reassuring feeling . I asked oh to get piriton because it's the only drowsy antihistamine on the NHS ok -ish list but he didn't and I'm glad. I had some Horlicks before my afternoon nap today and I actually slept so I'll try it again before bed. I think half my priblem is the empty stomach feeling so I think the Horlicks helps x
I had ridiculous heart burn with my dd too. Oh the joys of pregnancy!
SO I decided to tell my father that Im pregnant, even though Im waiting until out of the 1st trimester to announce to everybody else.. I decided to tell him because usually when i see him we have a few beers and stuff and I just didnt feel like lying, and i felt I could use his support either way good or bad...
so when i told him, he had like no reaction, didnt want to talk about it, so the next few hours we were hanging out it was like I didnt just drop a bomb on him or anything. It was kinda weird. Then a few hours after i got home he calls me to say 'congratulations, sorry I had no reaction, I was too stunned to know what to do or say but now that ive had a chance to think about it, im so happy for you and wish you a wonderful pregnancy and when the due date etc etc'
i guess i shouldve figured he wouldnt squeal like a female over the news lol, Im just glad hes happy for me... Ive always been closer to my dad than my mom anyways, so its good that he knows.

Anyone else have any weird announcement stories yet, or still keeping things quiet until 12+ weeks?
We are still keeping things quiet. But so far my husband, pastor and aunt knows and the reactions this time around have been vastly different from the previous announcements (including my own reaction). In the past it was pure elation, especially after our 21 week loss, but this time it has been more like we are all holding our breaths for the next 9 months. It's almost like I have revealed that I have some grave illness and the outcome is uncertain.

In a strange way it is very funny to compare the differences overtime. I'm hopeful that very soon , like in July, this will all be hilarious. :haha:
What an interesting insight, that is very true that the announcement of a pregnancy after a loss is akin to having a grave illness with an uncertain outcome.. Im hoping too that come July, these dark winter months of 1st trimester will just be a funny story
Thanks everyone!

I haven't had any sharp pains since so I think I'm ok.

Also my sickness is getting much worse! At 3am I had to run to the toilet and was sick. Then for an hour I had to sit there while my head was pounding and spinning.

I woke up this morning feeling very very rough. I feel like I'm going to throw up again. My head hurts so much and I keep feeling very dizzy.

I've got a forehead cooling patch thing on at the mo :thumbup: which is easing the headache.

Is it normal to have headaches and dizziness with nausea?

Is this a good sign?

I never threw up in my last preg. The baby passed away at 6 weeks, but I didn't know until I was 10 weeks. I still had symptoms but only slight ones that never got worse.

So I feel this is a bit of reassurance that little bean is still ok.
Headaches seem to be common love, and dizziness is a symptom of increasing progesterone, I got it a lot earlier on...it's a good sign. If the sharp pains are receeding that's great although....you might as well run it by EPU anyway. X
sedgeez, just remember to stay hydrated... make your OH get you a flat of gatorade or other electrolyte drink. I sometimes make my own at home with a bit of salt, honey and vanilla extract in water.
Everytime you puke, try to drink a big glass of water, like 16oz, that will really really help with the headaches also as headaches are usually a sign of dehydration
Good luck with the ms hun, it seems like this one is rooted in deep for you :)
def normal for dizziness - I get itall the time, usually from a lower blood pressure, nauea plays a big toll as well and can make you have the worst headaches. make sure you sip all day on anything if you can. Nights are my worse so I make sure I eat and drink all I can in the morning so I know I'm well hydrated. I am loving warm wate with a squeeze of lemon juice in it at the moment and ice cold milk!!! Strange I know considering I don't even like milk!

I swear I have a little belly now too feels so surreal.
Sorry i have dissapeared df ended up needing surgery for gallstones so we have been at hospital for 2 days he will be having surgery tomorrow or next day kinda stressful but im feeling fine and still having good symptoms so hope baby is doing well.

You ladies seem to be having alot of strong symptoms which is great hope we all got super stickys!!
Hi all im back from my weeknd away, no one was suspcious of me at all i put on a good show and even had a virgin cocktail on the sly. I was naughty and had some medium rare beef but could not finish it.

MS is aweful, ive lost some weight, yesterday i couldnt keep much down...only drinking water and eating white toast x
Yay for sickness celine x linny good luck with the scan today. What time is it?
Wannanewbaby sorry about your dh! Hope he's ok xx
Hi i think im due around july only found out last week think i am about 5 weeks along.. Feeling pretty confident about this pregnancy so hoping i can get past the 7 weeks as thats when i mc'd.. My symptoms are sore boobs, feeling sick, tired.. haven't had no ms yet tho. I haven't been intouch with my DR at the hosp yet gonna wait untill im past 7 weeks when did everyone make there first DR appointment? Heres some back info about me .. I have one daughter who is 4 with a previous partner, Me and my present partner now had to end a pregnancy at 21 weeks due to complications with her brain & have had 2 miscarriages one at 6 weeks and one at 7.. Hoping this is our time eventually as weve had a rough time.
Morning all, hows everyone doing today?
Thought i'd give a little update, i'm now at the 8 week mark (8+1 to be exact) and so far i'm feeling ok...apart from the nausea, the mild cramps every so often & tiredness oh and the ridiculously sore boobs and dizzy spells...I am taking them all on board as positives. Anyway....as I mentioned in a previous post I wanted to wait until the 8 week mark before booking in to see my gp as I didn't want to get my hopes up getting my maternity notes etc, so this morning I called the surgery and there are no appointments with my gp until next Thursday! which by then I will be 9+4. I feel my plan may have backfired on me slightly. Despite my previous experiences I am not classed for an emergency appointment and so I will have to wait until next week to see my gp. I'm not too worried about the later booking appointment thinking about it as I know what he will say as I've been there done that twice before, I also know that I will be able to get my bloods booked in and midwife appointment done the week after too, what I am concerned about is whether it will push me back after xmas for a scan appointment which I really was hoping to get one before. I know it will just be a waiting game for me to see when I get an appointment now xx

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