July/Aug 2022 babies ❤️

hi ladies happy New Year!!
so ive had been cramping since 5 weeks like intense, waking me in my sleep. but ive come off metformin suddenly which for those who dont know metformin usually.. can upset your tummy making you go alot.. so thats gone and i feel its caused my body to get backed up despite me making sure i have less bread and bulky foods. its gotten better but not totally fixed.
but the pains are like period cramps so so intense. i went to the gp on thursday my usual wasnt in and i said i wanna go for a private scan while i wait so i went with his referral, i wish i hadnt.. i was supposed to be 6 weeks and 6 days but he had a super old scanner and only could do abdominal, the baby measured between 5 weeks 6 days and 6 days and 3 days and no heartbeat. he said its because he cant get the scanner closer (i got bait of a tummy too )
but we confirmed pregnancy was in the womb not ectopic.
went to my own gp today as only open today due to new years, she referred me to early pregnancy unit appt came through already for the 12th but im so nervous. ive had no bleeding and i still have nausea and sore boobs.. its gonna be hard waiting til the 12th but least i got something to aim for.
sorry for the noval :dohh:

also my blood pressure is already elevated which cant be a good sign
Ahh red rose, sorry you've had a hard time lately
When I had an abdominal early they said I measured 6w6d but I was actually 7w4d which was confirmed at my 12 week scan how far along I was
Try not to worry as abdominals aren't accurate at this stage
Hope the 12th comes around quick for you and the cramps ease
At 7 weeks mine were awful for a week, to the point I couldn't sleep at night
Hope you feel better soon
Red rose that’s great they you have nausea and sore bbs. Hope the 12th comes around quickly for you
Babymoma I’m the same! My mood is shocking some days! I know I’m being ridiculous but I just can’t help it lol

my results came in this morning everything came back normal , I passed my glucose this time and the gender results are in. We are waiting for the 15th to do the gender reveal so my bestie has the envelope to avoid any peaking
hi ladies happy New Year!!
so ive had been cramping since 5 weeks like intense, waking me in my sleep. but ive come off metformin suddenly which for those who dont know metformin usually.. can upset your tummy making you go alot.. so thats gone and i feel its caused my body to get backed up despite me making sure i have less bread and bulky foods. its gotten better but not totally fixed.
but the pains are like period cramps so so intense. i went to the gp on thursday my usual wasnt in and i said i wanna go for a private scan while i wait so i went with his referral, i wish i hadnt.. i was supposed to be 6 weeks and 6 days but he had a super old scanner and only could do abdominal, the baby measured between 5 weeks 6 days and 6 days and 3 days and no heartbeat. he said its because he cant get the scanner closer (i got bait of a tummy too )
but we confirmed pregnancy was in the womb not ectopic.
went to my own gp today as only open today due to new years, she referred me to early pregnancy unit appt came through already for the 12th but im so nervous. ive had no bleeding and i still have nausea and sore boobs.. its gonna be hard waiting til the 12th but least i got something to aim for.
sorry for the noval :dohh:

also my blood pressure is already elevated which cant be a good sign

the waiting can be nerve racking ... hugs and try to remain positive. Maybe you just implanted later than you thought and that's why you are measuring behind. I had really bad cramping for the first couple weeks and it calmed down around 8 weeks. I still get some bad cramps here and there. Sending positive vibes your way hun ❤️
@babymoma89 That's brilliant news!! So glad everything is ok! What do you have planned for your gender reveal?
Pregnancy hormones aside my mood was terrible waiting for the results, just all the worry.

@star25 Sorry you are not feeling great, fingers crossed we get that energy burst soon!! I still have no energy at all, out of breath constantly. I think I'm less boaky/retching though so that's a positive.

I started looking at prams etc the other day, just doing the research. Quite like the Bumbleride Era (recycled materials). But I need something with decent sized wheels but they only ever seem to come on 3 wheelers or giant prams. I never got on well with a 3 wheeler we had....temporarily lol, with DS1.

We got rid of everything from our boys back in 2018 after our 3rd mc in a row. I figured then that there was something wrong and I gave up. I was content that we had tried. So out it all went!!
During our last surprise pregnancy in 2020 I did buy a few little bits - bottles, nappy bag, changing mat. That was about all and its currently in MIL's loft. I guess the good thing is that we know the items that we liked with DS1 &2 and will definitely use...just a annoying buying it again!
Anyone else having to start over again?
@babymoma89 That's brilliant news!! So glad everything is ok! What do you have planned for your gender reveal?
Pregnancy hormones aside my mood was terrible waiting for the results, just all the worry.

@star25 Sorry you are not feeling great, fingers crossed we get that energy burst soon!! I still have no energy at all, out of breath constantly. I think I'm less boaky/retching though so that's a positive.

I started looking at prams etc the other day, just doing the research. Quite like the Bumbleride Era (recycled materials). But I need something with decent sized wheels but they only ever seem to come on 3 wheelers or giant prams. I never got on well with a 3 wheeler we had....temporarily lol, with DS1.

We got rid of everything from our boys back in 2018 after our 3rd mc in a row. I figured then that there was something wrong and I gave up. I was content that we had tried. So out it all went!!
During our last surprise pregnancy in 2020 I did buy a few little bits - bottles, nappy bag, changing mat. That was about all and its currently in MIL's loft. I guess the good thing is that we know the items that we liked with DS1 &2 and will definitely use...just a annoying buying it again!
Anyone else having to start over again?

We are doing an evening bbq with family and friends and doing a firework gender reveal display ❤️
Babymoma, glad you for the results and all normal, can't wait to hear all about your gender reveal, you have some will power not to look!

I've got everything from all 3, I'm using a bugaboo donkey atm and have a buggy board, DS is 4 in Feb, he goes in it for the school run in the morning otherwise I would have to leave too early haha
I've got a carrycot for it too so whne baby comes they will have that and Dd who is 2 in April will still be in the other side
We won't need to buy anything else, I've got all their clothes from when Dd was born and DS, Dd is now 6 so I have massive cupboard floor to ceiling of clothes, it's a nightmare having to keep sorting the next size clothes out for Dd at the moment, but it saves buying more, I will be glad not to need it anymore and can have some more cupboard space!
Our loft was converted into a big room with ensuite, we moved here 6 months ago, it's a new build so we don't have a loft to store things, there's a big supboard up there u der the eves but thst filled with all sorts too, I literally have no space!

Fordt day back at work today, head feeling better so far, determined not to be late today and get some motivation to get out of bed!

Still haven't decided of were doing 16 week scan for gender or wait for 20 week one will sort and book tonight if we are, otherwise there won't be any good times left

My next appointment is gtt on 28th Jan
Still waiting to hear about 16 midwife appointment as not booked yet

Hope everyone is well
hi ladies happy New Year!!
so ive had been cramping since 5 weeks like intense, waking me in my sleep. but ive come off metformin suddenly which for those who dont know metformin usually.. can upset your tummy making you go alot.. so thats gone and i feel its caused my body to get backed up despite me making sure i have less bread and bulky foods. its gotten better but not totally fixed.
but the pains are like period cramps so so intense. i went to the gp on thursday my usual wasnt in and i said i wanna go for a private scan while i wait so i went with his referral, i wish i hadnt.. i was supposed to be 6 weeks and 6 days but he had a super old scanner and only could do abdominal, the baby measured between 5 weeks 6 days and 6 days and 3 days and no heartbeat. he said its because he cant get the scanner closer (i got bait of a tummy too )
but we confirmed pregnancy was in the womb not ectopic.
went to my own gp today as only open today due to new years, she referred me to early pregnancy unit appt came through already for the 12th but im so nervous. ive had no bleeding and i still have nausea and sore boobs.. its gonna be hard waiting til the 12th but least i got something to aim for.
sorry for the noval :dohh:

also my blood pressure is already elevated which cant be a good sign

As OP said, abdominal scans aren't as accurate in the early weeks. I had a couple of early scans and they didn't pick up hb until the second one when I was 6+5.
I imagine your stress/anxiety level at the mo is contributing to why your BP is elevated. It's such a stressful time. Try to keep positive and calm. 6 days will fly by and with the proper equipment they should be able to get a good look at baby and what's going on in there.
Babymoma, glad you for the results and all normal, can't wait to hear all about your gender reveal, you have some will power not to look!

I've got everything from all 3, I'm using a bugaboo donkey atm and have a buggy board, DS is 4 in Feb, he goes in it for the school run in the morning otherwise I would have to leave too early haha
I've got a carrycot for it too so whne baby comes they will have that and Dd who is 2 in April will still be in the other side
We won't need to buy anything else, I've got all their clothes from when Dd was born and DS, Dd is now 6 so I have massive cupboard floor to ceiling of clothes, it's a nightmare having to keep sorting the next size clothes out for Dd at the moment, but it saves buying more, I will be glad not to need it anymore and can have some more cupboard space!
Our loft was converted into a big room with ensuite, we moved here 6 months ago, it's a new build so we don't have a loft to store things, there's a big supboard up there u der the eves but thst filled with all sorts too, I literally have no space!

Fordt day back at work today, head feeling better so far, determined not to be late today and get some motivation to get out of bed!

Still haven't decided of were doing 16 week scan for gender or wait for 20 week one will sort and book tonight if we are, otherwise there won't be any good times left

My next appointment is gtt on 28th Jan
Still waiting to hear about 16 midwife appointment as not booked yet

Hope everyone is well
Lol I had the envelope in my hands yesterday and it was so hard no to open and take a peak but I really wanted the surprise reveal. So I handed over the envelope to my bestie to prevent myself from peaking now we wait till the 15 th . 9 more days ❤️
I'm sorry, Redrose :hugs:hopefully the 12th comes sound soon for you. It's actually good to wait for a week or two, as then you should definitely see some change between the two scans. I hope all is fine, and this is just a scare :hugs: also- my OB said that they see a hb 50% of the time at 6w. So, that isn't too out of the ordinary, especially with an imperfect scan.

Waiting to find out the gender isn't my thing! No way I'd be able to resist peeking. :rofl:

I had my first scan this week. Slightly mixed, but mostly positive. I'm measuring a week behind (which actually makes sense to me datewise), and they saw a hb. Didn't get clear measurements as the baby was right at the edge of the sac. So will go back next week to see again. But feeling positive overall.
That’s great you’re feeling positive about your scan @NightFlower!

@babymoma89 well done for not peaking, I think I would have lol

@BabyBrain80 that’s so exciting you get to buy all new things, I wish I got rid of my baby stuff so I could!

@star25 hope your first day back at work went well, do you have a bump yet?

sorry if I missed anyone, I’m on holiday but will be back to normal life in a week. Have a question, did anyone else find they were a bit mean to their partner in the first trimester? I definitely am! I not feeling very loved up, just want my space etc. I’m pretty sure I felt the same with my other two but I can’t really remember. Tell me I’m not alone!
im not sure what to do regarding gender this time.. i found out with all 3 and now ive got my little girl i feel abit more relaxed that i dont really mind once baby is healthy, i think for my daughters sake it would be nice to have another girl, but id love to take ouit my boys clothes again too so im happy either way. im tempted to do a small gender reveal with me the kids and maybe grandparents as we never did that sort of thing before.
then part of me wants to wait til the birth as its my last chance to have that surprise on the day.. im so torn!
That’s great you’re feeling positive about your scan @NightFlower!

@babymoma89 well done for not peaking, I think I would have lol

@BabyBrain80 that’s so exciting you get to buy all new things, I wish I got rid of my baby stuff so I could!

@star25 hope your first day back at work went well, do you have a bump yet?

sorry if I missed anyone, I’m on holiday but will be back to normal life in a week. Have a question, did anyone else find they were a bit mean to their partner in the first trimester? I definitely am! I not feeling very loved up, just want my space etc. I’m pretty sure I felt the same with my other two but I can’t really remember. Tell me I’m not alone!
I've felt that way towards my partner also like I had roid rage or something 8-[
im not sure what to do regarding gender this time.. i found out with all 3 and now ive got my little girl i feel abit more relaxed that i dont really mind once baby is healthy, i think for my daughters sake it would be nice to have another girl, but id love to take ouit my boys clothes again too so im happy either way. im tempted to do a small gender reveal with me the kids and maybe grandparents as we never did that sort of thing before.
then part of me wants to wait til the birth as its my last chance to have that surprise on the day.. im so torn!
I found out on my first born and have always wanted to have that surprise so exicted I get to do that this time around
That’s great you’re feeling positive about your scan @NightFlower!

@babymoma89 well done for not peaking, I think I would have lol

@BabyBrain80 that’s so exciting you get to buy all new things, I wish I got rid of my baby stuff so I could!

@star25 hope your first day back at work went well, do you have a bump yet?

sorry if I missed anyone, I’m on holiday but will be back to normal life in a week. Have a question, did anyone else find they were a bit mean to their partner in the first trimester? I definitely am! I not feeling very loved up, just want my space etc. I’m pretty sure I felt the same with my other two but I can’t really remember. Tell me I’m not alone!
What scan you talking about?? I'm confused.
Red rose I like the idea of waiting to find out but I know I just couldn’t resist finding out. I think a little gender reveal sounds lovely, that way you can have time to take out your little boy clothes again, or your daughters! For the first time this pregnancy I’ve started to wonder what’s in there, I think because the nausea has just hit today so now I’m starting to believe maybe this one will be a take home baby
Winter, I'm glad you had a good scan and saw the heartbeat, always a relief to have the first one!

Lucy, work was good thank you, headaches are easing up today so I'm hoping they stay away
I've got a bump como g along, definitely 2oukdnt have been able to hide it anymore haha
I probably look about 16 weeks

We still haven't booked a private gender scan, going to see of frie DS nearby are free one weekend to make the most of it as it's a bit of a trip, at this rate we will end up waiting for the 20 week scan!
I would like the surprise on the day, but also I'm impatient, it's probably my last too so its tempting!

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