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July/Aug 2022 babies ❤️

I'm a bit like that with dinners at the moment, don't really fancy anything like last night then got really hungry and had a bowl of cereal, 2 scrambled eggs and toast, should have just had dinner lol
I’m the same with dinner too. I usually still just have a bowl of cereal too
I'm still having an appetite however I am eating way smaller meals since it feels like have no room anymore :lol:
Just an update over here my third and hopefully final glucose test is scheduled for the 18th. I also have another check up later this month to monitor his size as he's been measuring big. I'm getting so excited the closer to July we get.
Good luck for the final test!

I missed the call from hospital today but they uploaded my results to the app and all is normal from Fridays gtt

27 weeks this fri
Next midwife appointment was next weds but I've cancelled as kids are still off for Easter, my midwife is off the following week so she will see if I can see anyone else, if not I said I'm not worried about waiting, I haven't seen her since 16 weeks then was my 20 week scan then next appointment was 28 weeks so it's been ages anyway lol

Apart from midwife now I haven't got anymore appointments or scans, they took my 28 week bloods with the gtt Friday so that should be everything now
I need to ask about the plan for the strep b as I had it with baby no. 1I had to have the iv antibiotics in labour with the next 2 without testing so I assume its the same this time, also of I will be on the medication iv to prevent a haemorrhage during labour as I was with the last 2
Im pretty sure my midwife went through this but we're talking 18 weeks ago and my memory is like a goldfish at the best best of times haha

Hope everyone is well?
I'd forgotten to ask about strep b star, glad you reminded me!
I had my growth scan yesterday. Baby is being naughty and is transverse at moment. Weighing just over 3lb. If it stays on the current centile trajectory its likely to be 9lb 1oz at birth. I'm scared haha.:haha:
That's a shame good weight MrsT!
My son was 8.15, it didn't feel too bad, my daughter was worse at 8.2 haha
My biggest was 8:15 and tbh it hurt just as much with my teeny 5lb 7dd.

can’t believe how far along u ladies are now and summer is coming up soon. Only May to go then June then it will be baby time for u ladies. So exciting.

@Lucy3 im 9dpo today and hadn’t had anything until last light and all night I’ve been cramping. Felt a bit like AF but way low down in the middle and off to the right side. I started bleeding at just 10dpo last cycle so was worrying maybe she’s gonna show early again. But even tho no sleep my temp went up again today. It normally plummets if I don’t have sleep so that’s a bit odd. So chart wise looking great but I know it doesn’t neascerily mean pregnancy. The cramps cud be down to ibs or AF is close so not getting excited. Tested yesterday and bfn but will test again today and the next few days. Even if I was pregnant I don’t know if it wud stick that easily as we had lots of struggles ttc in 2020 I kept falling but loosing and I was 40 then and my age got the blame by a fertility doctor. I’m now 42 so I know my chances are slim and the miscarriage rate even higher so even if I do get a BFP I won’t get excited unless they go really dark but even then I’ll be nervous until I have a scan.
Sugger that’s great your temp is up, I’ll be stalking for your next test

Star yay for normal results! I totally get not being worried about appointments, most of the time I find them a bit pointless until it gets more towards 30 plus week.

Mrs T can’t believe you’re 28 weeks with a 3lbs baby! So exciting you’re team yellow too.

all well here, I’m just starting to feel very faint flutters, like soooo faint. Seems like with the anterior placenta and perhaps it’s a bit of small little one I won’t be feeling much for a bit longer. Also, has anyone tried measuring their own fundal height? I think I must be a bit early to be measuring as it’s nowhere near 20cm, more like 16 at best. Glad I had my scan so I know not to worry!
I'd forgotten to ask about strep b star, glad you reminded me!
I had my growth scan yesterday. Baby is being naughty and is transverse at moment. Weighing just over 3lb. If it stays on the current centile trajectory its likely to be 9lb 1oz at birth. I'm scared haha.:haha:

Im right there with you nervous for my upcoming growth scan looking like I may be in for a 9-10 lb baby again I was much younger when I had my first born not sure I could handle all that again.
My girls were 8lb 7.5oz and 8lb 12.5oz so not small, but I feel this one is going to be bigger. I feel huge at mo :haha:

Lucy they don't start measuring fundal height here until 28 weeks because it's not accurate earlier on so I wouldn't worry.

Babymoma your first was a big baby wasn't it? Sorry hate putting "it" but I don't know if it was a boy or girl :dohh:

I'm going to have a chat with my boss tomorrow as work is really taking its toll at moment. I'm doing 50 hours this week, just finished my 4th 10 hour shift and my hips are so painful I'm struggling to walk. Not pleasant at all.
My girls were 8lb 7.5oz and 8lb 12.5oz so not small, but I feel this one is going to be bigger. I feel huge at mo :haha:

Lucy they don't start measuring fundal height here until 28 weeks because it's not accurate earlier on so I wouldn't worry.

Babymoma your first was a big baby wasn't it? Sorry hate putting "it" but I don't know if it was a boy or girl :dohh:

I'm going to have a chat with my boss tomorrow as work is really taking its toll at moment. I'm doing 50 hours this week, just finished my 4th 10 hour shift and my hips are so painful I'm struggling to walk. Not pleasant at all.

lol sorry that was my bad yes She was huge and measured at 21.5 inches long as well.

I'm sorry your having the hip pains . I found sitting on my birth ball when I get off work helps a lot with the pain and pressure especially when you are on on your feet all day. I also have this goofy cushion my chiropractor gave me that helps when I am sitting at work or in the car. Definitely recommend checking it out it's been a life changer for me.

lol sorry that was my bad yes She was huge and measured at 21.5 inches long as well.

I'm sorry your having the hip pains . I found sitting on my birth ball when I get off work helps a lot with the pain and pressure especially when you are on on your feet all day. I also have this goofy cushion my chiropractor gave me that helps when I am sitting at work or in the car. Definitely recommend checking it out it's been a life changer for me.

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Oooh that looks interesting! Thank you, I'm up for trying anything that helps. Hubby went and got me a ball the other day actually, I must try and make more use of it x
Oooh that looks interesting! Thank you, I'm up for trying anything that helps. Hubby went and got me a ball the other day actually, I must try and make more use of it x
It has done wonders for me especially since little man is so low that I have the hardest time sitting or even moving about a lot. Feels like I have a watermelon between my legs :lol: I've also been doing some stretches they recommended for me and all I all I'm able to move much easier with less pain.
MrsT my kids have used my ball more than me haha I'm sure I will need it soon though lol
Hope everyone is feeling well, nothing to report here realty. But I’d love your thoughts son these names.
I like them all but think Sophie will fit in so well with my other two. What do you think?
I love Sophie and matilda, Dd1 was nearly matilda and this one was nearly sophia
My biggest was 8:15 and tbh it hurt just as much with my teeny 5lb 7dd.

can’t believe how far along u ladies are now and summer is coming up soon. Only May to go then June then it will be baby time for u ladies. So exciting.

@Lucy3 im 9dpo today and hadn’t had anything until last light and all night I’ve been cramping. Felt a bit like AF but way low down in the middle and off to the right side. I started bleeding at just 10dpo last cycle so was worrying maybe she’s gonna show early again. But even tho no sleep my temp went up again today. It normally plummets if I don’t have sleep so that’s a bit odd. So chart wise looking great but I know it doesn’t neascerily mean pregnancy. The cramps cud be down to ibs or AF is close so not getting excited. Tested yesterday and bfn but will test again today and the next few days. Even if I was pregnant I don’t know if it wud stick that easily as we had lots of struggles ttc in 2020 I kept falling but loosing and I was 40 then and my age got the blame by a fertility doctor. I’m now 42 so I know my chances are slim and the miscarriage rate even higher so even if I do get a BFP I won’t get excited unless they go really dark but even then I’ll be nervous until I have a scan.
my dd who was 5lbs 9oz she deffo still hurt i mean the contractions still affect your body the same way.. i remember i was crying as the feeling was making me feel so weird and the midwife was like why are you crying.. ermmm.. because i can!!
they barely caught matilda in time as they didnt believe me i was in final stage of labour. i said shes coming now and they were like nah we just checked you 20 mins ago and you werent dialated enough for the final stage. she eventually checked and then immediately ran for the wheel chair and i told her look its too late i cant sit in that chair. i had to hobble to the labour suit , got on the bed and she came flying out. the labour midwives were like wtf
Hope everyone is feeling well, nothing to report here realty. But I’d love your thoughts son these names.
I like them all but think Sophie will fit in so well with my other two. What do you think?
im bias because my daughter is matilda lol but i think Sophieis lovely

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