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July/Aug 2022 babies ❤️

Red rose, I totally understand the pre scan nerves. Let us know how you go, will you get pics?

babymoma that’s interesting they think it might be because baby is measuring big. Hope water and a lie down help. Aww thanks, so true. Boy or girl it will be so loved. Bring on August!

I had a Telehealth with my OB and I said I’m keen to know the sex of the baby and she basically said no, lol. She said wait if I can, so maybe I will. Never thought I’d be able to wait but I’ve made it this far!
Oh also, has anyone had any experience with the cerebellum measurement being ahead of the other measurements? I was doing some reading and some say that measurement is a good indication of the actual gestational age which makes sense as I thought my dates are closer to 20 weeks. The cerebellum was 20 weeks but the rest measured 19, guess that’s why he said he doesn’t think it will be big baby. Sorry rambling!
Red rose good luck for your scan! Hope all goes well.
Lucy they didn't tell me what the cerebellum measurements were so I've no idea I'm afraid. If you can hold out for a surprise with gender it really is amazing :)
I'm officially 3rd tri as of today, can't wait to finish work. I'm finding it so hard, I'm on my feet all day and the hospital I work at is so so busy at the moment, no beds available. I work 10 hour shifts too which are really affecting my SPD :(
Finish on 18th May though so not too much longer to go.
hi ladies hope everyones well, i got my anomaly scan tomorrow, nervous as hell. but im hoping it will go smoothly.
my tiredness seems to be back im so tired and weak alot of the time, thinking my iron is still low

Good luck on your scan today Red rose ❤️
Red rose good luck for your scan! Hope all goes well.
Lucy they didn't tell me what the cerebellum measurements were so I've no idea I'm afraid. If you can hold out for a surprise with gender it really is amazing :)
I'm officially 3rd tri as of today, can't wait to finish work. I'm finding it so hard, I'm on my feet all day and the hospital I work at is so so busy at the moment, no beds available. I work 10 hour shifts too which are really affecting my SPD :(
Finish on 18th May though so not too much longer to go.

Hopefully these next few weeks fly by for you. I'm also looking forward to being on leave. My feet and legs are so swollen by the end of the day and I'm getting super uncomfortable. Little man seems to be stubborn and likes to be in the most uncomfortable positions . Currently he is transverse and we've been working on trying to get him to turn , before he was breech with his foot in my bladder most of the time. Fingers crossed the time goes by and you can get some rest. ❤️
Hopefully these next few weeks fly by for you. I'm also looking forward to being on leave. My feet and legs are so swollen by the end of the day and I'm getting super uncomfortable. Little man seems to be stubborn and likes to be in the most uncomfortable positions . Currently he is transverse and we've been working on trying to get him to turn , before he was breech with his foot in my bladder most of the time. Fingers crossed the time goes by and you can get some rest. ❤️

Thank you!
I hope your little boy decides to move into the right position for you! I've no idea which way around mine is, have midwife appointment tomorrow though so hoping she'll have some idea. Are you doing specific exercises /movements to encourage him to turn?
Thank you!
I hope your little boy decides to move into the right position for you! I've no idea which way around mine is, have midwife appointment tomorrow though so hoping she'll have some idea. Are you doing specific exercises /movements to encourage him to turn?

Thank you [-o< and yes I have a sheet of stretches and moments to do to try to get him turned the right way . Before he was breech and his foot was always in my bladder which caused major lightening crotch :oops: now he's sideways so hopefully he will move head down here soon . He's been facing towards my back which has been causing a ton of back pain. I do the stretches every night so fingers crossed he moves here soon. The doctor says usually around 28 weeks they make the move so leaves me 3.5 weeks to get that accomplished :lol:
Red rose, hope scan went well

Lucy, sorry I can't help with the measurements

MrsT, not long now! Makes it feel so real 1 of us starting maternity leave, work must be so tough for you, I work in social care for 3 care homes so I can imagine how busy you are with the amount of referrals we've been getting, our issue is staffing has been so awful we've had 4 /5 empty rooms for almost a year now
We're starting to fill them now but luckily the owner knew it best to keep them empty and focus the care on the residents we had without pushing the staff to the limit, we had a bad covid outbreak in Feb so it was a good job too
Staffing is so much better now though and we're starting to take new clients
I feel so bad for people ready for discharge in hospital but have no care package in place to go anywhere

Afm, gtt tomorrow, really not in the mood!
Morning ladies, i had my Anomaly scan yesterday and im happy to say mostly looks great, he was faced into my spine so she couldnt see his face or parts of his heart so she asked me to come back in 2 weeks just to be 100% sure but she said mostly looks fine. i was nearly 22 weeks and he weights 15oz , so nearly into the lbs now. i noticed he was so high last few days like right up at my lungs and she confirmed yes hes breech and head up high. so in 2 weeks i got 2 more appts one scan and one with consultant
Morning ladies, i had my Anomaly scan yesterday and im happy to say mostly looks great, he was faced into my spine so she couldnt see his face or parts of his heart so she asked me to come back in 2 weeks just to be 100% sure but she said mostly looks fine. i was nearly 22 weeks and he weights 15oz , so nearly into the lbs now. i noticed he was so high last few days like right up at my lungs and she confirmed yes hes breech and head up high. so in 2 weeks i got 2 more appts one scan and one with consultant

Glad you received good news and hopefully when you go back they can confirm the rest is all good for you. Sending positive vibes your way.
Red rose, hope scan went well

Lucy, sorry I can't help with the measurements

MrsT, not long now! Makes it feel so real 1 of us starting maternity leave, work must be so tough for you, I work in social care for 3 care homes so I can imagine how busy you are with the amount of referrals we've been getting, our issue is staffing has been so awful we've had 4 /5 empty rooms for almost a year now
We're starting to fill them now but luckily the owner knew it best to keep them empty and focus the care on the residents we had without pushing the staff to the limit, we had a bad covid outbreak in Feb so it was a good job too
Staffing is so much better now though and we're starting to take new clients
I feel so bad for people ready for discharge in hospital but have no care package in place to go anywhere

Afm, gtt tomorrow, really not in the mood!

Hope the gtt goes alright star. I'm an OT working mainly in our emergency department trying to avoid hospital admissions where possible, but like you say less beds in the community and less staffing/funding in social care are having such an impact. Its been such a stressful time for everyone hasn't it?

I've got my 28 week midwife appointment this afternoon, hoping she'll tell me what position baby is in. I think I'm measuring big this time around too but we'll see.

How is everyone doing? The year seems to be flying by x
Morning ladies, i had my Anomaly scan yesterday and im happy to say mostly looks great, he was faced into my spine so she couldnt see his face or parts of his heart so she asked me to come back in 2 weeks just to be 100% sure but she said mostly looks fine. i was nearly 22 weeks and he weights 15oz , so nearly into the lbs now. i noticed he was so high last few days like right up at my lungs and she confirmed yes hes breech and head up high. so in 2 weeks i got 2 more appts one scan and one with consultant

Did you suspect he was breech before the scan? Glad all looked good, and yay for another bonus peek at him in a couple of weeks :D
Did you suspect he was breech before the scan? Glad all looked good, and yay for another bonus peek at him in a couple of weeks :D
yeah i did because i have so much pressure on my stomach and lungs, but kicks down low.. i know hes just gonna be difficult lol
Ah I see. I've seen midwife today who thinks mine could be breech. Also measuring big for dates so have a growth scan scheduled for Monday
Good news scan went well red rise, hope you can see more next time!

Gtt went well, bloods worked first time for both tests, that's never happened before lol
Yay for GTT going well Star! That’s a big one to tick off. Will you get your results soon?

red rose, that’s a pity baby was in an awkward position. But lovely you get to see him again!

MrsT116 did baby measure big with your fundal height?

I found another potty shot from my scan (I’ve got too much time on my hands lol). Pretty sure it’s a girl now.

Haha Lucy definitely looking girly there!

They will ring Monday with the results either way so fingers crossed!
Congratulations ladies on the scans. Lucy ure baby girl is so cute and yes I’m definitely saying girl. Thought it as soon as u said they didn’t make u look away. Such a cute 3d scan pic,

@RedRose19 I had that happen with my nearly 3 year old son, he was totally in the wrong position and wouldn’t move at all despite many attempts. She couldn’t get all his heart checks in and I had to go back 2 weeks later. Everything was absolutely fine.

Glad u passed the GTT that’s always a relief.
Star Haha the drawing on the potty shot is quite a lot isn’t it ! Fx for your results on Monday.

sugger, I had an idea then too. He had a really quick look at the very beginning and then after that didn’t say look away so feel that was the give away really. No one needed to tell me at my DSs scan that he was a boy, it was all right there lol. Then when he showed the 3D pic I said that looks like my DDs twin and he laughed. How are you? Hope the 2ww goes quickly!
hi all, has anyone gone off their food in the second tri? im like never hungry no cravings, then i go from not hungry to absolutely shaking starving in a few mins so im wondering if its the baby lying against my stomach or something like that. i can tell hes still head up as his kicks are down low still. i remember in the third tri my nausea came back abit but not this early

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