@CharlieKeys Lovely scan!
@Tonka106 Glad your scan went well too!
@kittiecat Welcome and congrats! I've got you added to the page 1 EDD list!
@Emsabub How did the scan go?
@Danizzychar Time flies!! We've kinda adopted the opinion that this Christmas will be what it has to be... but for us, that means we get to drag it out until January 11, which actually makes me really happy! Maybe you can celebrate after the quarantine period and just leave up all your decorations for an extra week (or 2 or 3, or maybe just until these babies come along?!?

). I love Christmas
I have my NT scan on Wednesday---just two more days! At my first midwife appointment last week, the midwife couldn't find the heartbeat on the Doppler, so we did a quick mini scan to make sure we could find it, and baby looked so small. She thought it looked OK for my gestation, but didn't take measurements since I have the one on Wednesday. So I'm a bit nervous for the NT scan. For some reason, I feel like my scans with my son were showing him bigger and more developed at this point.
Also, I may not qualify to deliver at this birth center. I'm not a fan of hospitals, given the horror stories I've heard about unnecessary interventions (plus my sister-in-law was just forced to be induced at 40+5 due to baby size concerns, and her daughter was a whopping 7lbs 6oz---absolutely no need to induce!), so I opted for a birth center this time around. But they're really digging into my blood clotting ability, since I have an inherited protein C deficiency. I have to meet with a hematologist on Wednesday as well to make sure I'm not supposed to be on blood thinners. If it's recommended, I can't deliver with the midwives. I'm going to be super upset if that's the case...