July/August IUIs

Good luck luvsgreen!

Babywhisperer I also hated the HSG and was in terrible pain!! I wondered how I would do child birth having trouble with just the procedure hehe ;)

The cramping I had was similar to what I had while I was in labor. It's like af cramps on steroids...but ready to do it all over again 2 days later.
beaglemom I hope that this IUI is your last and you can get a BFP! Your trip sounds so exciting! It will help keep your mind occupied so you don’t stress and worry.

luvgsreen you are right, it could have been too early. I would say just wait it out, BUT, I don’t. lol. I hope you can get a BFP this weekend! :hugs: A lot of women say the months they weren’t pregnant they had ALL symptoms and then a month comes with no symptoms and they are shocked to get a BFP.

babywhisperer I would think the cramps came from stopping the bc. Are you still having them? Hopefully the meds will keep AF from starting (unless that's what you need. :winkwink:)

I am excited for ultrasound tomorrow! It’s early in my cycle, but I hope that I get great news! I think this cycle I may end up doing 4 ultrasounds since we started early.

I am pretty lucky with my OB/GYN. I usually call and talk to his nurse and if she can’t make the decision she leaves him a message and he calls me back same day. I always see him for IUI’s, ultrasounds and appt decisions. He is really great! He has even come in on days off just to do my IUI. This is part of why I don’t want to start an RE out of state (no RE’s in Alaska :dohh: ) because I just love him! I am glad the docs and nurses you all see are so kind and helpful. It makes a big difference.
Hey ladies! I am back from our mini vacay and just caught up. I love reading what is going on in each one of your cycles, and hearing each other encourage, advise, help and just vent with each other. THis has been a great thread, and I hope we all stick together through August. JCM and Babylala I am so sorry for your negatives. JCM, I really really thought you'd be the BFP from this group. I know you are both strong and positive and have a plan but I am still sorry for you both. I still am mind blown with these procedures not working out sometimes. Life REALLY is a miracle. Miki/JCM I like the idea of collective "wine nights" or conference calls. Ugh! IT's like even though we aren't nearby we are all in the same boat at some point.

What cycle day is everyone on? I'm losing track. I know some just began new cycles, some are at the middle, and some waiting in the tww! I am on CD 9, and just finished my last femara pill. I go Monday for a ultrasound and will HOPEFULLY trigger that night. Someone (i think Miki) said they would love twins and I'm the same! I would love to have multiples and everyone on mom and dad's side of my family have them (two maternal aunts, maternal grandmother, fraternal grandfather and fraternal great grandmother) Obviously we aren't doing good with the getting pregnant part so natural twins are kinda out, but after all our 2 years trying I'd rather have two. But of course, that's wishful thinking bc IUI #1 didn't even get me one baby. Anyways! I am going to continue with my acupuncture and meds and IUI regimen through august even if IUI#2 doesn't work. The only change they are making this month is progesterone (this time SUPPOSITORIES :dohh:) will start at 1dpiui instead of waiting until my 7 dpiui blood test.

Raelynn- good luck as you are hopefully starting a new cycle soon. Has AF showed? Sometimes I feel such relief and hope at the start of a new cycle, in spite of the past disappointment from a failed one.

Buttrfly- I'm glad you were able to move forward! Yay for small victories! Hoping femara works good! I am on it too and just took my last dose today. Grow follies grow!

Miki- You have an ultrasound tomorrow right? Good luck! Also, I guess I didn't realize you were in Alaska! How awesome! And, a good OB/GYN is so huge. I love my nurse and dr at my RE's. The nurse at my OBGYN was great too, htey just could only do so much before moving me on. I can't wait to tell her one day that we are finally pregnant!

Beagle- Your RE office sounds a lot like mine. I have dealt with both Dr's and mainly one nurse. They're all great. I hope your testing date being on your hubby's bday is a good omen! maybe good news on that day? What's your IUI date? You are day 5 , I am day 9 right now so we aren't too far apart! I go July 30th for IUI if all goes well!

Luvsgreen- I love your pic of your boxer! Such cute dogs. When do you test? I hope you're our first bfp, we need one!! Good luck waiting it out!

Babywhisperer- I'm a huge fan of acupuncture! What days do you have it done with an iui? I tried a few days before and a few days after. Should I change that routine up this time?
Mischeif- welcome!

I don't know if I missed anyone but hang in there all of you!! Who all is moving onto IVF? I am really curious about that. Stick around here and let us know how it goes!
Ltruns - my next u/s is Tues...should trigger that night if everything sizes up right...IUI would be on the 31st...so even though we are a few days apart in cycle, I am only 1 day behind you! I take femara cd 3-7.

I used acupuncture with the IUIs at my gyno's office. She is only a few minutes away. But with the RE being an hour & a half away, I cut the acupuncture. I decided it would cause me more stress to try to fit in more appointments since I already have 3 within about a 10 day period. I did not find it that beneficial before. It was relaxing, but I never noticed a huge difference. I do try to do relaxing techniques at home & also light incense before bed to help me fall asleep.

Oh & this is my last IUI...I did 3 with gyno & 3 with RE...if this one doesn't work, we are doing IVF.
Ltruns, It was me who wants twins too. DH told me to just have quads so can be done in one fell swoop. :rofl: Way to bite off more than you can chew babe. :haha: I am on cd10. Last month I triggered on cd19 and IUI on cd20. Clomid is supposed to make you O 5-9 days after last pill, but mine usually takes an extra day or two. Weird, I know. :wacko: I am looking forward to tomorrow and also nervous at the same time. I am with beagle, if this IUI is a negative, IVF for me. Sorry you have to have suppositories now. Hopefully this will help. :hugs:

beagle and the rest :winkwink: Here is a great breathing exercise for sleeping. Close your eyes, and breathe through your nose only to the count of four, exhale through your nose to the count of four- REPEAT. I told this to DH and he rolled is eyes because he thinks breathing exercises are dumb :haha: He uses it now because it helps him fall asleep. :dohh: Sometimes when my brain is running I have to do it for what seems like forever before it works, but most of the time, before I know it- it's 2am and I have to pee. :thumbup:
Mikihob I struggle with that too. Usually I am a testing queen lol. This month I told myself to stop because it so devastating seeing BFN after BFN so I am really trying to hold out for AF or next Wed. My cycles have been so off the past few months so I don't know exactly when I will start. I am happy that you have such a wonderful Dr. That really helps out a lot.

Ltruns33 thank you! He is such a ham. He really believes he is a human! I saw that you are in TX too? What city are you in? I am in Dallas. I am planning on not taking another test unless AF is late, but all of you ladies know how well that works out so we shall see. Good luck to you on this cycle! I hope that you get your BFP this time around.

I have heard so many good things about acupuncture. Do you ladies really think this helps? I went ahead and made me an appt just in case things don't work out this month.
I don't think anyone is in the tww right now! Lots of iuis coming up! Hooray! Ivf doesn't seem that scary today. Lol I spoke with the office and got the "schedule of events" I'm starting bcps on CD3. Ugh where is she??? I will take those for 2 weeks, then do injections after that for 10-12 days. Then trigger. Then egg retrieval 36 hours later. Then they will take Mikes strongest swimmers and inject each egg with them. Grow them for 5 days. Then put the best ones back in my oven! Then blood test in 9 days. Ultra sounds all the way through the cycle of course. A little over a months time. Not too bad right? Ivf itself will be 10k plus cost of meds (figuring another 4 or 5k?) we will transfer 2 embryos and anything we have leftover can be frozen for future. I'm super excited to have a plan. We feel good about it. I am booking a flight to go visit one of my closest friends for August 8th weekend. The kids come back this Monday for our usual set schedule, school is starting back up for them, gymnastics, basketball...this month is going to be so busy and fly by! Can't wait!

Can you all just move to arizona? Haha I will plan girls nights...
JCM - Are they having you do ICSI then? Where they inject sperm straight into the egg? That is what we did back when I did IVF. Sounds like they have you all planned out.

I am STILL waiting for AF. Ugh so torturous! It'll probably come on the weekend when my nurse isn't in but I'll just call the front desk and schedule my CD3 appointment on my own if that is the case since my nurse is off Mondays too.
Yes definitely ICSI. You and I might start our cycles together! I feel like AF will be here tonight or tomorrow morning by the way I feel today. So I'm going to drink in my pool with DH!
I don't think anyone is in the tww right now! Lots of iuis coming up! Hooray! Ivf doesn't seem that scary today. Lol I spoke with the office and got the "schedule of events" I'm starting bcps on CD3. Ugh where is she??? I will take those for 2 weeks, then do injections after that for 10-12 days. Then trigger. Then egg retrieval 36 hours later. Then they will take Mikes strongest swimmers and inject each egg with them. Grow them for 5 days. Then put the best ones back in my oven! Then blood test in 9 days. Ultra sounds all the way through the cycle of course. A little over a months time. Not too bad right? Ivf itself will be 10k plus cost of meds (figuring another 4 or 5k?) we will transfer 2 embryos and anything we have leftover can be frozen for future. I'm super excited to have a plan. We feel good about it. I am booking a flight to go visit one of my closest friends for August 8th weekend. The kids come back this Monday for our usual set schedule, school is starting back up for them, gymnastics, basketball...this month is going to be so busy and fly by! Can't wait!

Can you all just move to arizona? Haha I will plan girls nights...

haha JCM Arizona would be great!I'd love the heat, the scenery, and these girls nights you speak of!!

Great that you have a plan for ICSI. Plans and appointments make me feel comfortable with the process! Hoping to hear good things from this cycle for you after AF starts!
Mikihob I struggle with that too. Usually I am a testing queen lol. This month I told myself to stop because it so devastating seeing BFN after BFN so I am really trying to hold out for AF or next Wed. My cycles have been so off the past few months so I don't know exactly when I will start. I am happy that you have such a wonderful Dr. That really helps out a lot.

Ltruns33 thank you! He is such a ham. He really believes he is a human! I saw that you are in TX too? What city are you in? I am in Dallas. I am planning on not taking another test unless AF is late, but all of you ladies know how well that works out so we shall see. Good luck to you on this cycle! I hope that you get your BFP this time around.

I have heard so many good things about acupuncture. Do you ladies really think this helps? I went ahead and made me an appt just in case things don't work out this month.

I am in Lubbock. Lots of family in Dallas and originally from Weatherford, so I love that area. We have two dogs that are our babies for now and fully think they are "human". Dogs are such great animals bc they are so full of personality and love you unconditionally! (I'm a big dog fan!)

I have used acupuncture for years for anxiety/stress management. and really like it inconjuction with ttc for it's benefits in that area as well as to relieve the stress of ttc. Lots of research has been done on it and it's effects on fertility and IUI/IVF success rates. My RE and the fertility department at Texas Tech did a huge study on it, and they are big fans of it. I was doing it before them with a guy that was "ok". Got pregnant the cycle that my husband and I both were going every two weeks. m/c had nothing to do with the acupuncture, it was likely due to low progesterone. I think to see full benefits it's all about a.) the quality of your acupuncture provider and b.) the frequency of your visits. I switched providers to a more traditional Chinese provider. It's costly, but we like it. Some insurances will cover it.

Here's a link that shows the benefits of acupuncture, and you can definitely research it on your own. We felt like if it's not going to hurt, and there's research to support that it helps, then why not?


Just keeo both your acupuncturist and your RE in the loop. My RE pulls rank over anything any other doctors tell me!
Ltruns - my next u/s is Tues...should trigger that night if everything sizes up right...IUI would be on the 31st...so even though we are a few days apart in cycle, I am only 1 day behind you! I take femara cd 3-7.

I used acupuncture with the IUIs at my gyno's office. She is only a few minutes away. But with the RE being an hour & a half away, I cut the acupuncture. I decided it would cause me more stress to try to fit in more appointments since I already have 3 within about a 10 day period. I did not find it that beneficial before. It was relaxing, but I never noticed a huge difference. I do try to do relaxing techniques at home & also light incense before bed to help me fall asleep.

Oh & this is my last IUI...I did 3 with gyno & 3 with RE...if this one doesn't work, we are doing IVF.

I hope you and I both have success with this IUI. How fun to only be one day apart! This may be our last one if it doesn't work, but I really want to do I more in late august if we can. Hopefully we won't need to.
Ltruns, It was me who wants twins too. DH told me to just have quads so can be done in one fell swoop. :rofl: Way to bite off more than you can chew babe. :haha: I am on cd10. Last month I triggered on cd19 and IUI on cd20. Clomid is supposed to make you O 5-9 days after last pill, but mine usually takes an extra day or two. Weird, I know. :wacko: I am looking forward to tomorrow and also nervous at the same time. I am with beagle, if this IUI is a negative, IVF for me. Sorry you have to have suppositories now. Hopefully this will help. :hugs:

beagle and the rest :winkwink: Here is a great breathing exercise for sleeping. Close your eyes, and breathe through your nose only to the count of four, exhale through your nose to the count of four- REPEAT. I told this to DH and he rolled is eyes because he thinks breathing exercises are dumb :haha: He uses it now because it helps him fall asleep. :dohh: Sometimes when my brain is running I have to do it for what seems like forever before it works, but most of the time, before I know it- it's 2am and I have to pee. :thumbup:

I used to do hot yoga & loved it. The heat just made it feel like all the shit of my day/week was sweating out of my body. And then the last 5 minutes or so we laid down & did breathing to light music & the instructor's soothing voice. I loved that part best. I would literally visualize taking my troubles out of my brain & throwing them away. Very theraputic. Then I sort of just stopped going...lazy. And now with TTC, the hot yoga is really not a good idea...gets the core too hot.
Ltruns - my next u/s is Tues...should trigger that night if everything sizes up right...IUI would be on the 31st...so even though we are a few days apart in cycle, I am only 1 day behind you! I take femara cd 3-7.

I used acupuncture with the IUIs at my gyno's office. She is only a few minutes away. But with the RE being an hour & a half away, I cut the acupuncture. I decided it would cause me more stress to try to fit in more appointments since I already have 3 within about a 10 day period. I did not find it that beneficial before. It was relaxing, but I never noticed a huge difference. I do try to do relaxing techniques at home & also light incense before bed to help me fall asleep.

Oh & this is my last IUI...I did 3 with gyno & 3 with RE...if this one doesn't work, we are doing IVF.

I hope you and I both have success with this IUI. How fun to only be one day apart! This may be our last one if it doesn't work, but I really want to do I more in late august if we can. Hopefully we won't need to.

Yes...I love having someone close in my cycle. I really hope it is the last...but at least if it fails, I know IVF is next & I have a good shot with it...but it is super scary to think about IVF & failing.
JCM I love your IVF plan. I am so glad they planned the whole thing out at first. I hate finishing the first part and then getting contacted about the second and then waiting, etc. I am a planner by nature and like to have a set plan (mostly set anyway :winkwink: ) Exciting about your trip and other kiddos being back. My DH’s name is Mike too!! I agree lets all move to Arizona- Don’t come to Alaska we are NOT infertility friendly. :growl:

I love dogs too. I have 3, 9yr old Great Dane, 4yr old Great Dane and 1yr old Dalmatian. The little one sits on the couch, literally like a person. On the butt, back straight against the couch. It’s hilarious!!
Ltruns, It was me who wants twins too. DH told me to just have quads so can be done in one fell swoop. :rofl: Way to bite off more than you can chew babe. :haha: I am on cd10. Last month I triggered on cd19 and IUI on cd20. Clomid is supposed to make you O 5-9 days after last pill, but mine usually takes an extra day or two. Weird, I know. :wacko: I am looking forward to tomorrow and also nervous at the same time. I am with beagle, if this IUI is a negative, IVF for me. Sorry you have to have suppositories now. Hopefully this will help. :hugs:

beagle and the rest :winkwink: Here is a great breathing exercise for sleeping. Close your eyes, and breathe through your nose only to the count of four, exhale through your nose to the count of four- REPEAT. I told this to DH and he rolled is eyes because he thinks breathing exercises are dumb :haha: He uses it now because it helps him fall asleep. :dohh: Sometimes when my brain is running I have to do it for what seems like forever before it works, but most of the time, before I know it- it's 2am and I have to pee. :thumbup:

I used to do hot yoga & loved it. The heat just made it feel like all the shit of my day/week was sweating out of my body. And then the last 5 minutes or so we laid down & did breathing to light music & the instructor's soothing voice. I loved that part best. I would literally visualize taking my troubles out of my brain & throwing them away. Very theraputic. Then I sort of just stopped going...lazy. And now with TTC, the hot yoga is really not a good idea...gets the core too hot.

Hot yoga sounds amazing. I do regular yoga bc there's not a studio nearby to do hot yoga in- but I def agree with what you said about visualizing your troubles out and throwing them away! That's what running does for me. And yoga and just any kind of activity, but mainly running. My runs are limited in length now (2-4 miles instead of 6-8 miles) :( but it's still beneficial for me.
Ltruns, It was me who wants twins too. DH told me to just have quads so can be done in one fell swoop. :rofl: Way to bite off more than you can chew babe. :haha: I am on cd10. Last month I triggered on cd19 and IUI on cd20. Clomid is supposed to make you O 5-9 days after last pill, but mine usually takes an extra day or two. Weird, I know. :wacko: I am looking forward to tomorrow and also nervous at the same time. I am with beagle, if this IUI is a negative, IVF for me. Sorry you have to have suppositories now. Hopefully this will help. :hugs:

beagle and the rest :winkwink: Here is a great breathing exercise for sleeping. Close your eyes, and breathe through your nose only to the count of four, exhale through your nose to the count of four- REPEAT. I told this to DH and he rolled is eyes because he thinks breathing exercises are dumb :haha: He uses it now because it helps him fall asleep. :dohh: Sometimes when my brain is running I have to do it for what seems like forever before it works, but most of the time, before I know it- it's 2am and I have to pee. :thumbup:

I used to do hot yoga & loved it. The heat just made it feel like all the shit of my day/week was sweating out of my body. And then the last 5 minutes or so we laid down & did breathing to light music & the instructor's soothing voice. I loved that part best. I would literally visualize taking my troubles out of my brain & throwing them away. Very theraputic. Then I sort of just stopped going...lazy. And now with TTC, the hot yoga is really not a good idea...gets the core too hot.

JCM I love your IVF plan. I am so glad they planned the whole thing out at first. I hate finishing the first part and then getting contacted about the second and then waiting, etc. I am a planner by nature and like to have a set plan (mostly set anyway :winkwink: ) Exciting about your trip and other kiddos being back. My DH’s name is Mike too!! I agree lets all move to Arizona- Don’t come to Alaska we are NOT infertility friendly. :growl:

I love dogs too. I have 3, 9yr old Great Dane, 4yr old Great Dane and 1yr old Dalmatian. The little one sits on the couch, literally like a person. On the butt, back straight against the couch. It’s hilarious!!

Great breathing exercises! Also, miki omg I LOVE Danes! Agh so jealous! They are big gentle giants I hear and I have always wanted one, but we can never find one and plus already have two big dogs. 1 doberman with floppy ears, and one husky/lab mix.
Ltruns they are VERY gentle. They also have this signature "Great Dane Hug" where they drop their head and press it against your belly/pelvis and cuddle. Pipe is the 9 yr old and this girl will push you over. She weighs about 120lbs. Noodles is the 4 yr old, she pushes harder the little stinker and she weighs 100. Oreo is the 1 yr old and he tries to great dane hug even though he's a dalmatian. lol. But dalmatians do this thing where they kind of raise their jowels ( :shrug: ) to "snarl" but it's actually a smile. It's really adorable. I will try to post a pic or two later so you can see all the cuteness. :thumbup: :winkwink:

I like doberman's always wanted one. I had a husky who lived to be 18, but sadly we had to put her down last summer. It was the hardest thing in my life, other than TTC. :cry: Our next dog will be a chocolate lab. Cute!!

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