July/August IUIs

@raelynn: I agree, that was a terribly insensitive "joke/facade"... So crass... If you have to lie, don't say anything... Pray for them, they need it!
We originally thought that they said they were struggling with TTC to deflect but nobody even brought up baby stuff. They just got married so everyone has been focused on that. My aunt (who knows our story) even mentioned something to me about it thinking that they were just trying to get attention or something. It just makes me sad that people can be so insensitive about something that is such an emotional struggle for those going through it.
Babywhisperer I also have my second ultrasound tomorrow! I hope you get great results showing you are responding to the meds!

JCM and Ltruns I hope your baselines are great! 4 ultrasounds tomorrow, we are busy ladies. :winkwink: :hugs:

JBN welcome to the group! Are you testing tomorrow?

Saks, JBN and Mischief I hope you three can get BFP's this week! It's almost Thursday!

raelynn I don't think it's just infertility speaking, I think that family member was a little out of bounds. I would be furious if that happened. The worst part is, to announce that you are having troubles getting pregnant and then announce they are pregnant. Have you talked to them and let them know how it made you feel? As Babywhisperer said they could have just been deflecting. But it is still rude.

Luvsgreen are you close to testing day? If I remember correctly you should be about 11dpIUI?? Are you testing Thursday too!!

:hugs: :dust: :hugs:

Sorry if I missed anyone. Hope everyone is doing well!!
We originally thought that they said they were struggling with TTC to deflect but nobody even brought up baby stuff. They just got married so everyone has been focused on that. My aunt (who knows our story) even mentioned something to me about it thinking that they were just trying to get attention or something. It just makes me sad that people can be so insensitive about something that is such an emotional struggle for those going through it.

I know how you feel. I can't understand some people's insensitivity. I had a co-worker who used to say that she could never have kids because then "It wouldn't always be about her anymore". Then she gets pregnant. :dohh: After he was born (at this point I had been trying for 9 months) she tells me if I don't "hurry up" she will have two kids before I have 1. Really?? :wacko:
Miki - That co-worker's comment was rude too.

I wish infertility wasn't such a private battle. I feel like there are so many people struggling with it and if people knew more they'd think twice before making comments like these.
I agree raelynn. I know that some people keep it quiet because they are shy or want their private lives private, and some keep quiet because they feel ashamed and some keep private because their religion is against ART. Either way, I think that people should tell others. Every city should have a support group where all the people dealing with infertility can talk. These forums are amazing, without them and especially without you ladies I wouldn't be able to take it. As "crazy infertility Jen" says, I am not the same person as I was. I am crazy infertility Sarah. Poor, poor DH. :haha:
I think that family member should have said something else like not ready yet or something...not say you have issues then announce 3 months pregnant. But then the other side is people who do not have issues don't know they need to be sensitive...doesn't cross their minds.

So my follicle check is tomorrow...I feel nervous...I think because this is the last one...lot of pressure. But I think my body is ready. Having some cm as soon as I started the follistim...last dose tonight. I was actually a little nervous so I plan to take n opk later just to be sure my body is not about to ovulate...don't want to miss it!
Ugh I wish everyone in the world would understand how annoying infertility is. Just a couple months of it and they would be going nuts. I always worry my little sister will get knocked up before I do. She can't keep relationships with men OR friends. Watch. She will get oops pregnant. She is so irresponsible. So when that happens, be ready for me ladies! Lol
I had my cycle day 3 scan (ew) today. I have 4 giant cysts that I have to shrink again. Ugh. So frustrating. So I will do birth control pills for 3 weeks or so and have a scan then to see if they are below 9mm. Right now they are 27mm! I hate these things! Then I can start injections and egg retrieval plans. So fun right? Yuck! So I'll be drunk for 3 weeks and will drink allllll of the alcohol for everyone! ; ) even still, I really hates cysts. I don't understand why they have to ruin my exciting ivf cycle. It's just mean.

Oh, and Miki, if a friend told me to "hurry up" or she will have 2 before my 1? I'd punch her square in the face. Hahaha
Ugh I wish everyone in the world would understand how annoying infertility is. Just a couple months of it and they would be going nuts. I always worry my little sister will get knocked up before I do. She can't keep relationships with men OR friends. Watch. She will get oops pregnant. She is so irresponsible. So when that happens, be ready for me ladies! Lol
I had my cycle day 3 scan (ew) today. I have 4 giant cysts that I have to shrink again. Ugh. So frustrating. So I will do birth control pills for 3 weeks or so and have a scan then to see if they are below 9mm. Right now they are 27mm! I hate these things! Then I can start injections and egg retrieval plans. So fun right? Yuck! So I'll be drunk for 3 weeks and will drink allllll of the alcohol for everyone! ; ) even still, I really hates cysts. I don't understand why they have to ruin my exciting ivf cycle. It's just mean.

Oh, and Miki, if a friend told me to "hurry up" or she will have 2 before my 1? I'd punch her square in the face. Hahaha

I agree with the punch. Since when is it a race?????
@Mikihob: Re: "...Every city should have a support group where all the people dealing with infertility can talk." YESSSSSSSSSS! I am going to look for one in Houston, TX. :)
@Mikihob: Re: "...Every city should have a support group where all the people dealing with infertility can talk." YESSSSSSSSSS! I am going to look for one in Houston, TX. :)

Are you in Houston? I am too! There is a group that used to meet at the library in Humble. I'll try to find out if they still do.
Are you in Houston? I am too! There is a group that used to meet at the library in Humble. I'll try to find out if they still do.[/QUOTE]

Yessssssssss! I am in Houston!!! Born and raised! Okay. Let me know what you find out... :) Thank you so much!
Are you in Houston? I am too! There is a group that used to meet at the library in Humble. I'll try to find out if they still do.

Yessssssssss! I am in Houston!!! Born and raised! Okay. Let me know what you find out... :) Thank you so much![/QUOTE]


It looks like there are several groups in Houston!
Beautiful, Mischief! Just what I needed!!!! Thank you so much!
Hey ladies! I need advice/help!

Ok, today was cd 12 u/s day. I am technically cd 13 today. My lining looked great, 10 (mm?). anyways, my right had NO follicles and my left has a BABY follie, like barely 10mm. They are putting me on a second round of femara in the same cycle to boost follie production. What? I asked the nurse if it would throw my body off, and she said no. I said, so your body doesn't know CD it just knows hormones?

Anyways, i go back in a week after 5 days of femara again to see how the follies look. I can't help but think this cycle is a bust! They say they have done this before often, that sometimes your cycle just needs a boost. I googled like crazy and have found a few threads that showed their RE's doing the same thing. I trust my RE, and I know he's way qualified for his job, but I can't help but scratch my head over this!

I did call a little bit after I left and asked for more explanation but until then, any ideas?
Hey ladies! I need advice/help!

Ok, today was cd 12 u/s day. I am technically cd 13 today. My lining looked great, 10 (mm?). anyways, my right had NO follicles and my left has a BABY follie, like barely 10mm. They are putting me on a second round of femara in the same cycle to boost follie production. What? I asked the nurse if it would throw my body off, and she said no. I said, so your body doesn't know CD it just knows hormones?

Anyways, i go back in a week after 5 days of femara again to see how the follies look. I can't help but think this cycle is a bust! They say they have done this before often, that sometimes your cycle just needs a boost. I googled like crazy and have found a few threads that showed their RE's doing the same thing. I trust my RE, and I know he's way qualified for his job, but I can't help but scratch my head over this!

I did call a little bit after I left and asked for more explanation but until then, any ideas?

Same thing happened to me this last cycle! I was originally just doing clomid, trigger, iui. Then, on my us check for my BIG follicle check to tell me to trigger, he was like uh uh. Things aren't growing like I wanted...cue in hormone injections. Then, after two days of those he scanned again. Nope! She needs two more days. Then another scan. At this point I figured I was good. I was pushing cd14 at that point. Still not good enough! 2 more days of injections, rest a day then trigger! I was freaking out. Cycle day 18 ovulation day when I'm usually cd9 or cd10??? He's crazy. No way will I ovulate...he missed it wasting time with adding more days of injections. I said I normally have a 24 day cycle, you can't do this now! He looked at me and said I've been doing this a long time. My job is to get you pregnant. Your body does not control when you ovulate anymore, I'm controlling it by giving you meds to tell your brain to not let you ovulate while growing the smaller follicles to catch up. He was right. My body ovulated just like he wanted it to. Those damn sperm just didn't find an egg in enough time apparently! Lol either that or my lining isn't friendly enough! Btw jealous of your great lining! My RE won't do anything for lining under 7mm. The extra days of injections suck but you want those follicles to GROW! Let him control your body! ; ) cycle days don't matter anymore!
Oh and I forgot to add...I totally thought my body would be out of wack with my negative blood test, clomid, injections and progesterone. But once I stopped the P I bleed a couple days after and I'm right back on track. Like I said, my cycles are 23-24 days. For the last year! Sometimes I'd have 16 or 17 day cycles. This last one was 34 days and it's been the most normal one I've ever had. Everything happened when it was supposed to and my RE just pulled the strings. Dont stress too much over it. I hated feeling like I had no control but the truth is, I'm glad RE is controlling my body now. He knows more about it at this point! ; /

And each time they gave me two extra days they increased my dosage too. $$$$$$ ugh! And that's the story of why I had a 5k iui instead of a $395 iui.
Lt I have heard of this. I think it is fine. Just let your body take in the med school and relax. :)
So I had some cramping yesterday & this morning & kept forgetting to do an opk…ugh! So now I am at work without my car & really wishing I could get to the dollar tree to buy one. Anyways…I am nervous I will ovulate today or tomorrow. So I had my u/s. The reason for my cramping…follie measuring 22.8! I have never had one that big. So she told me none on the right side & 2 maybe 3 on the left. Well she left the screen up when I was getting dressed so I took a picture. My follie measurements are: Right side 10.3, 7.6, 12.3, 8.6, 9.5, & 7.3…Left side 22.8, 17.8, 17.5, & 13.7. So I do not know why she said the 3rd one was so much smaller. To me, it seems I def have 3 on the left & depending on the growth between now & IUI…maybe 1 more on each side…long shot, but could happen. So my IUI is set for Thursday. We bd last night but now I wish we had used the conceive plus. I was really only trying to refresh the boys. But we put in an effort. I still have cramping so I REALLY do not want to ovulate too soon! I am trying to stay positive about the larger follicle…hope it is healthy & ready to be fertilized! I plan to do an opk when I get home before doing my ovidrel if I can remember! Now here’s wishing for a good sperm count.
Hey ladies! I need advice/help!

Ok, today was cd 12 u/s day. I am technically cd 13 today. My lining looked great, 10 (mm?). anyways, my right had NO follicles and my left has a BABY follie, like barely 10mm. They are putting me on a second round of femara in the same cycle to boost follie production. What? I asked the nurse if it would throw my body off, and she said no. I said, so your body doesn't know CD it just knows hormones?

Anyways, i go back in a week after 5 days of femara again to see how the follies look. I can't help but think this cycle is a bust! They say they have done this before often, that sometimes your cycle just needs a boost. I googled like crazy and have found a few threads that showed their RE's doing the same thing. I trust my RE, and I know he's way qualified for his job, but I can't help but scratch my head over this!

I did call a little bit after I left and asked for more explanation but until then, any ideas?

Ahhwee JCM I'm tearing up bc of how baby I needed to hear that! Gah I'm really hoping this works at least I know the meds and extra time are ok! It'll be a late cycle for sure.

Same thing happened to me this last cycle! I was originally just doing clomid, trigger, iui. Then, on my us check for my BIG follicle check to tell me to trigger, he was like uh uh. Things aren't growing like I wanted...cue in hormone injections. Then, after two days of those he scanned again. Nope! She needs two more days. Then another scan. At this point I figured I was good. I was pushing cd14 at that point. Still not good enough! 2 more days of injections, rest a day then trigger! I was freaking out. Cycle day 18 ovulation day when I'm usually cd9 or cd10??? He's crazy. No way will I ovulate...he missed it wasting time with adding more days of injections. I said I normally have a 24 day cycle, you can't do this now! He looked at me and said I've been doing this a long time. My job is to get you pregnant. Your body does not control when you ovulate anymore, I'm controlling it by giving you meds to tell your brain to not let you ovulate while growing the smaller follicles to catch up. He was right. My body ovulated just like he wanted it to. Those damn sperm just didn't find an egg in enough time apparently! Lol either that or my lining isn't friendly enough! Btw jealous of your great lining! My RE won't do anything for lining under 7mm. The extra days of injections suck but you want those follicles to GROW! Let him control your body! ; ) cycle days don't matter anymore!

Ahhwee JCM I'm tearing up bc of how baby I needed to hear that! Gah I'm really hoping this works at least I know the meds and extra time are ok! It'll be a late cycle for sure I think I'm going back in cd 19. All that matters is follies+sperm+implanting! Whatever it takes.

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