July/August IUIs

Beagle, I love how good a hot heating pad can make cramps and pains feel! I hope your signs are good! I really really hope it is a BFP bc that would be a great birthday present for your DH!

Babywhisperer I like how you explained about doing dairy, gluten, soy and egg free helped with inflamation. I have read alot about the Whole 30 which I think is wicked strict... but I have read lots of people having underlying health problems they cant seem to fix or explain, and then within the month of eating no dairy, no sugar, no gluten and no additives the health issues seem to be reduced or resolved. (of course minor health issues like IBS, headaches, etc.. not like cancer! lol) Who knows what is in half the stuff we eat and that makes me nervous especially with ttc long term. I'm sure it's not the whole or main cause for anyone bc I see teenagers get pregnant every month who eat hot cheetos and nacho cheese with red bull and drink on the weekends- so clearly diet isn't everything.. but when you've been trying THIS long, it's not going to hurt. That's kind of how I've felt about really going kinda strict whole30 then adding back in certain foods. We eat organic and at home most the time as it is, but you can always tweak things to be healthier!

As far as the thyroid, I just have a lot of the symptoms, and I know that sucker can control EVERYTHING so if it's out of whack everything else is too. Again, not trying to make up or blame my IF on the thyroid, but I am chronically fatigued, even in the summer when I get good rest- cold, brittle hair/nails and then this weight stuff (which could be related to the butt load of hormones I have going on right now) So we'll see. I heard a nurse prac friend of ours talking about thyroid problems and she said it's one of the single most undiagnosed women's health issues there is. That everyone just thinks they're tired from work or gaining weight bc they're over 35. Who knows! But it's covered, so I'm going to check it out!

HearMyPrayers, I'm sorry you are feeling out. :( That's never a fun feeling, and the last few days of the TWW always go so slooooow. Hope that you're tests are just wrong and you get a late bfp!

Good luck to everyone else this week and thanks for being a place to vent and then be lifted up. It's so nice. I am thinking of you all today wherever you are in your fertility battle! My husband always tells me "The greater the struggle the more glorious the triumph".. he's a fball coach and loves to talk about battles and fights and victory.. haha so he's been using some fball coach encouragement on me! I love that he's so involved and supportive.
tested yesterday morning with a dollar store cheapie.......slight faint positive again. Bought a FRER took that......stark white negative. Took another dollar store cheapie this morning, there is a shadow of a positive but you can barely see it. I think its safe to say I am out this time.

Are you 12dpiui now? I forget. How are you feeling?

I'm 13dpiui 14 days past trigger

Still a 10% chance you are getting false negatives. How are you feeling?

I'm feeling crampy, like AF is on her way. I think she will be here very soon. I don't feel pregnant, just feel very AF like.

That's how I felt before my bfp last time. I hope you don't get af. I hope none of us get af this week. Damn her!!!!

A good friend of mine just confided in me that she's trying for #2. last time she got prego the first month they tried. This should be interesting. All my prego friends have had no issues getting bfp's with #2. it's maddening.
No blue veins...I went to the bathroom to check...:haha:

Another infertility thing I have thought about is cell phones. My husband has owned a cell phone for at least 15 years. And the majority of that time he puts it where most men do...the front pocket. I don't think it would be 100% the cause...but if the count is already low, it is not helping. I saw a story of a young girl who kept her cell in her bra...she ended up getting breast cancer. Not sure if it was the cause or just increased the growth already there...you never know.

I sort of feel like the world is just sort of on this downward spiral. You ever see the movie Wall-E? Basically we are becoming more lazy, infertility is higher...it is just a strange world. It often makes me concerned when I do have a baby & being sure they are eating the right things.
No blue veins...I went to the bathroom to check...:haha:

Another infertility thing I have thought about is cell phones. My husband has owned a cell phone for at least 15 years. And the majority of that time he puts it where most men do...the front pocket. I don't think it would be 100% the cause...but if the count is already low, it is not helping. I saw a story of a young girl who kept her cell in her bra...she ended up getting breast cancer. Not sure if it was the cause or just increased the growth already there...you never know.

I sort of feel like the world is just sort of on this downward spiral. You ever see the movie Wall-E? Basically we are becoming more lazy, infertility is higher...it is just a strange world. It often makes me concerned when I do have a baby & being sure they are eating the right things.

I have heard that too about cellphones. Hubby stopped keeping his there for a while, and still takes it out when he doesn't absolutely need to have his there. It IS a crazy world we live in now. :(
No blue veins...I went to the bathroom to check...:haha:

Another infertility thing I have thought about is cell phones. My husband has owned a cell phone for at least 15 years. And the majority of that time he puts it where most men do...the front pocket. I don't think it would be 100% the cause...but if the count is already low, it is not helping. I saw a story of a young girl who kept her cell in her bra...she ended up getting breast cancer. Not sure if it was the cause or just increased the growth already there...you never know.

I sort of feel like the world is just sort of on this downward spiral. You ever see the movie Wall-E? Basically we are becoming more lazy, infertility is higher...it is just a strange world. It often makes me concerned when I do have a baby & being sure they are eating the right things.

I have heard that too about cellphones. Hubby stopped keeping his there for a while, and still takes it out when he doesn't absolutely need to have his there. It IS a crazy world we live in now. :(

My husband has offered to do the belt thing, but I know he hates it. There is no clear evidence...but makes you think.
Beagle, I love how good a hot heating pad can make cramps and pains feel! I hope your signs are good! I really really hope it is a BFP bc that would be a great birthday present for your DH!

Babywhisperer I like how you explained about doing dairy, gluten, soy and egg free helped with inflamation. I have read alot about the Whole 30 which I think is wicked strict... but I have read lots of people having underlying health problems they cant seem to fix or explain, and then within the month of eating no dairy, no sugar, no gluten and no additives the health issues seem to be reduced or resolved. (of course minor health issues like IBS, headaches, etc.. not like cancer! lol) Who knows what is in half the stuff we eat and that makes me nervous especially with ttc long term. I'm sure it's not the whole or main cause for anyone bc I see teenagers get pregnant every month who eat hot cheetos and nacho cheese with red bull and drink on the weekends- so clearly diet isn't everything.. but when you've been trying THIS long, it's not going to hurt. That's kind of how I've felt about really going kinda strict whole30 then adding back in certain foods. We eat organic and at home most the time as it is, but you can always tweak things to be healthier!

As far as the thyroid, I just have a lot of the symptoms, and I know that sucker can control EVERYTHING so if it's out of whack everything else is too. Again, not trying to make up or blame my IF on the thyroid, but I am chronically fatigued, even in the summer when I get good rest- cold, brittle hair/nails and then this weight stuff (which could be related to the butt load of hormones I have going on right now) So we'll see. I heard a nurse prac friend of ours talking about thyroid problems and she said it's one of the single most undiagnosed women's health issues there is. That everyone just thinks they're tired from work or gaining weight bc they're over 35. Who knows! But it's covered, so I'm going to check it out!

HearMyPrayers, I'm sorry you are feeling out. :( That's never a fun feeling, and the last few days of the TWW always go so slooooow. Hope that you're tests are just wrong and you get a late bfp!

Good luck to everyone else this week and thanks for being a place to vent and then be lifted up. It's so nice. I am thinking of you all today wherever you are in your fertility battle! My husband always tells me "The greater the struggle the more glorious the triumph".. he's a fball coach and loves to talk about battles and fights and victory.. haha so he's been using some fball coach encouragement on me! I love that he's so involved and supportive.

GMO's have negative implications for fertility. I have greatly reduced my food from a box factor, and eat very little corn. I shop at Whole Foods and look for the Non-GMO label whenever I can. It has made a difference in how I feel for sure.
No blue veins...I went to the bathroom to check...:haha:

Another infertility thing I have thought about is cell phones. My husband has owned a cell phone for at least 15 years. And the majority of that time he puts it where most men do...the front pocket. I don't think it would be 100% the cause...but if the count is already low, it is not helping. I saw a story of a young girl who kept her cell in her bra...she ended up getting breast cancer. Not sure if it was the cause or just increased the growth already there...you never know.

I sort of feel like the world is just sort of on this downward spiral. You ever see the movie Wall-E? Basically we are becoming more lazy, infertility is higher...it is just a strange world. It often makes me concerned when I do have a baby & being sure they are eating the right things.

Love Walle! I cried like a sap. Evaaaaaa!!!!

Our food supply has gone to crap. Monsanto is the devil and our government can be bought. You go to Jamaica and you see how fruit is supposed to be eaten. You go to Argentina and eat meat and you will never eat anything like it here. Most of the heart disease and other health issues are caused by inflammation, acidic diets. The fact that I get sick from eating it helps me be aware of what I put in my body. Then there is Dh who eats Jiffy Pop, Lemonade, hot dogs and Italian ices whenever he can.
Ltruns - Have you been checked for PCOS too? A lot of the symptoms you listed are what I get with PCOS. I don't have the cysts but my hormone levels indicate PCOS. I've also had my thyroid levels checked several times because my thyroid gland is enlarged but everything is ok there.

On the topic of diets, I feel like I need to get stricter with my low carb/low sugar too but it is so hard trying to find the right foods. Why are healthy food so much less convenient?
I told my husband today we need to do better. He had a free burger at Red Robin, so we went there for lunch. So I said tonight we eat light. I still want to eat the things I enjoy. We added frozen vegatables to replace canned. Fresh just doesn't work in my house...it goes bad. So we have been replacing the really bad stuff. We still aren't super strict. But I have extra weight that I just find gross & I don't like seeing it.
beaglemom I hope the lower back ache is from your uterus stretching.

Ltruns I am glad that you are doing well and I really, REALLY hope that your Estradial numbers look better on Wednesday. I understand the feeling of “screw it”. I cry sometimes, and I just ugly cry as you call it and just let it flow and flow and flow. Sometimes it’s once, sometimes it’s multiple times a day. If you need to cry, let it out. I learned that if you hold it in, after awhile you spend 6+ hours on your couch crying watching Baby Mama (I did that). Now, I cry when I feel the need. If our IUI doesn’t work we need to save up for IVF and it might be next summer. I plan to go back to work to make more. Still work on our website from home, but have a full time job too so that we can save, save, save. It’s expensive. :hugs: to you.

HearMyPrayers you aren’t out until AF shows. I suggest you wait it out. If nothing by Friday, take another test. You could be one of the “lucky ladies” who has to have HCG build up for awhile before it can trigger a positive. Keep your chin up. “hugs:

Babywhisperer you could still get a BFP. Test again on 12dp and then I would suggest increasing Gonal F so you can produce more follies. If that doesn’t work, you can do the IUI or skip the IUI and do a aggressive acupuncture and then start again. I hope you don’t have to worry about all that.

I have added 50lbs in the past two years while TTC. I hate it!! I had been losing weight so good too, then I stopped BCP and my PCOS took over and had fertility drugs to help. Eating right in Alaska is super hard because the fruit and veggies we get are gross. They are pretty good, but not fresh. They have to get trucked up here and you bring them home and 1-2 days later they are over ripe or bad. It’s not the same. I definitely need to get back into eating healthy and exercising.
I still have a slight cold that isn’t progressing past a stuffy nose and sore throat, severe headaches, lower back ache, dull, pressurey, achy cramps in my low abdomen, and fatigue. I blame the back pain on my lifting a 55lb bag of dog food and the rest on Clomid. My breasts are way more sore than usual and hurt bad. I have loads of blue veins too. I had them last month and turned out not to be pregnant. I really hope these signs are good signs. But I am trying so hard not to get my hopes up.
how is everyone doing?

I'm 14dpiui no sign of AF yet. Killer sore boobs, strong AF cramps that come and go. But haven't taken anymore tests.
How is everyone feeling??

I feel VERY af like. I have that grinding feeling, been very emotional, weepy, irritable and really just over it. I didn't break down and test this morning, mostly because I feel strongly in my gut that I am out this month. Feeling defeated. It's going to be a long week.
How is everyone feeling??

I feel VERY af like. I have that grinding feeling, been very emotional, weepy, irritable and really just over it. I didn't break down and test this morning, mostly because I feel strongly in my gut that I am out this month. Feeling defeated. It's going to be a long week.

I totally understand what your feeling. Its been a rollercoaster ride off up's and down's this last week for me too. I have a deep feeling I'm out too :hugs:
Back pain is much less today but still there. My husband reminded me I moved a desk on Thursday. But the pain didn't start until Sunday...wouldn't think that would be it. Hoping for a positive but also thinking hard to think positive when you have only seen negative after negative.
Back pain is much less today but still there. My husband reminded me I moved a desk on Thursday. But the pain didn't start until Sunday...wouldn't think that would be it. Hoping for a positive but also thinking hard to think positive when you have only seen negative after negative.

I'm dying for you to test!!!
How is everyone feeling??

I feel VERY af like. I have that grinding feeling, been very emotional, weepy, irritable and really just over it. I didn't break down and test this morning, mostly because I feel strongly in my gut that I am out this month. Feeling defeated. It's going to be a long week.

I totally understand what your feeling. Its been a rollercoaster ride off up's and down's this last week for me too. I have a deep feeling I'm out too :hugs:

When is your beta? My boobs don't hurt one bit. Just pre af cramping on and off.
How is everyone feeling??

I feel VERY af like. I have that grinding feeling, been very emotional, weepy, irritable and really just over it. I didn't break down and test this morning, mostly because I feel strongly in my gut that I am out this month. Feeling defeated. It's going to be a long week.

I totally understand what your feeling. Its been a rollercoaster ride off up's and down's this last week for me too. I have a deep feeling I'm out too :hugs:

When is your beta? My boobs don't hurt one bit. Just pre af cramping on and off.

Technically I could go today as its been 2 weeks since my IUI. I just hate the phone call from the nurse saying I'm not pregnant, it hurts worse then seeing that ugly negative HPT. So I'm gonna wait it out, I may test tomorrow (15dpiui) if I don't get AF. But I'm getting some really strong AF cramps, so I'm not sure. But I do know, I don't "feel" pregnant at all.
HearMyPrayers, BabyWhisperer I am sorry that you feel so down and out about this month. Keep your heads up and try to stay positive. AF isn't here yet, you could still get late BFP's. Do you plan to test tomorrow at 12dp Babywhisperer??

beaglemom I hope that the back pain is from you being pregnant. If moving that desk did strain your back it would have been sore the day after, not three days later. Come on BFP!!

11 dpIUI for me today! Headaches, still have a slight cold, dull AF like cramps and non-AF like cramps, fatigue and weird dreams. I have weird dreams off and on but these are crazy.

For instance, last night I dreamt that my step-daughter had a baby. After it was born we went to see the baby girl and she looked like she was 6 years old. I was happy that she had a baby, but sad that I didn't. Super strange. Friday cannot come soon enough.
HearMyPrayers, BabyWhisperer I am sorry that you feel so down and out about this month. Keep your heads up and try to stay positive. AF isn't here yet, you could still get late BFP's. Do you plan to test tomorrow at 12dp Babywhisperer??

beaglemom I hope that the back pain is from you being pregnant. If moving that desk did strain your back it would have been sore the day after, not three days later. Come on BFP!!

11 dpIUI for me today! Headaches, still have a slight cold, dull AF like cramps and non-AF like cramps, fatigue and weird dreams. I have weird dreams off and on but these are crazy.

For instance, last night I dreamt that my step-daughter had a baby. After it was born we went to see the baby girl and she looked like she was 6 years old. I was happy that she had a baby, but sad that I didn't. Super strange. Friday cannot come soon enough.

OMG dreams!!! I had a dream that I got my bfp, went to hospital and delivered a baby that was not the same race as me!! They got my husband's sample mixed up with someone else and it was a nightmare. It was crazy!!!!

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