July/August IUIs

My back still hurts & now this morning a head ache. My husband asked me last night what everything thins about me waiting to test. I said everyone hates you for making me wait...lol!
JCM welcome back! Great job at taking the BCP pills every night. I was horrible at that, even taking Clomid at roughly the right time was almost impossible. Come on August 25th- Woop Woop!!

Babywhisperer I am sorry that you got a BFN this morning. If you are indeed pregnant, will stopping the Endometrin still cause a period? :hugs:

kjg I am sorry you got a BFN. You said you were roughly 11-12dp?? It could still be early. Wait to test Friday and see what you get. If AF isn't here by then, you aren't out!

beaglemom that is hilarious about DH. I do "hate" him for making us wait. lol. It's sweet he asked though. :thumbup: I can't wait for your BFP Thursday!!
I'm out. Started AF spotting last night, horrible cramps. Just waiting for the full blown show. Stark white BFN this morning.
I'm totally bummed out. Cried a lot. Its just so much work and we put our bodies through so much during these cycles that the mere thought of doing another IUI exhausts me. I think we are going to take a month off then trying again, but I want a break for a month to be normal. Whatever that is!

I hope you ladies all get your BFP's! if you ladies don't mind I'd love to stick around and follow the outcomes for you all.
A month off can be very theraputic. We did that (wasn't our choice...just bad timing). But it was really nice.
I'm out. Started AF spotting last night, horrible cramps. Just waiting for the full blown show. Stark white BFN this morning.

Sorry hun, I know the feeling. I don't think we will skip this month as I don't want to be prego in the Summer here in NY...the heat in the subway would kill me. I hope this works soon!

I don't know if af starts spontaneously if you're prego and you stop the progesterone. Anyone know?
I'm out. Started AF spotting last night, horrible cramps. Just waiting for the full blown show. Stark white BFN this morning.

Sorry hun, I know the feeling. I don't think we will skip this month as I don't want to be prego in the Summer here in NY...the heat in the subway would kill me. I hope this works soon!

I don't know if af starts spontaneously if you're prego and you stop the progesterone. Anyone know?

That question can go different ways. If you are pregnant & are producing progesterone on your own sufficiently, I do not see why your body would start to bleed. But on the other hand, if you have low progesterone quitting the suppository could make your levels go down low enough to not sustain a pregnancy. At least that is how I understand it.
HearMyPrayers - So sorry that you got a BFN. I agree though, a month off can be a big help. As frustrating as the last month was for me since it wasn't my choice to have to cancel a cycle and then have AF a week late, it did give me a chance to stop worrying about every little thing TTC and focus on some other things in my life. It also helped me to come back fresh and be ready to go this cycle. Hopefully, whatever you choose will help you too!

beaglemom - I can't wait to hear your news tomorrow. Hopefully all these symptoms are your BFP coming!

KJG - I agree with the others, it is still early! You're not out yet!

babywhisperer - Sorry for the BFN. If you do end up getting AF, hopefully the acupuncture will be the last piece of the puzzle for you and next round will be the one.

JCM - That is so great you remembered all your BCP I have a tough time remembering anything other than my prenatals. The 25 will be here sooner than you know! So excited for you to get started!

As for me, I'm still just waiting it out until Friday. My OPKs are still pretty light so no idea if anything is happening. I had some cramping yesterday which I usually get around ovulation so hopefully it is follicles starting to grow since they're being so lazy this month. Looking at the positive side though, the IUI round I got pregnant on last time, I didn't ovulate until day 20 something so this is similar to that one with slow growers.
raelynn that sounds promising. At least now it's similar to your last successful one so you can worry less- slightly. :winkwink: What CD are you today??

HearMyPrayers we would love for you to stick around! Sometimes a break is well needed. If my IUI is a bust, we will take some time off prior to IVF. Mostly to save money, but also to put me on birth control for a bit to get rid of PCOS symptoms, lose some weight and hopefully boost IVF success. Breaks are a blessing because your mind can stop constant worrying. Make sure you stay busy during the break. You don't want to spend the whole time being mopey. (As DH tells me). :haha: :hugs:
raelynn that sounds promising. At least now it's similar to your last successful one so you can worry less- slightly. :winkwink: What CD are you today??

HearMyPrayers we would love for you to stick around! Sometimes a break is well needed. If my IUI is a bust, we will take some time off prior to IVF. Mostly to save money, but also to put me on birth control for a bit to get rid of PCOS symptoms, lose some weight and hopefully boost IVF success. Breaks are a blessing because your mind can stop constant worrying. Make sure you stay busy during the break. You don't want to spend the whole time being mopey. (As DH tells me). :haha: :hugs:

Very true! I think I'm going to use the month to focus on myself. Start working out again, soon a class maybe, DO SOMETHING FUN! I need a break from the pressure I put on myself so I'm looking forward to being a little carefree!
raelynn if you O on CD20 like your first time you would have your IUI roughly next Wednesday. Are you triggering before? I can't wait to hear what your u/s shows, hope it's a great progression!!
Not sure if I'm triggering or not yet. The plan is to use the trigger shot but last time I ended up ovulation without it so they didn't have me do one. Guess we'll wait and see.
babywhisp and hearmyprayers - so so sorry for the bfns... please stick around and keep posting though! our time will come!
babywhisp and hearmyprayers - so so sorry for the bfns... please stick around and keep posting though! our time will come!

Thank you. I will stay in touch. Came home and started spotting. I've been so keyed up, oily skin, weepy the way I have been before af since I had the baby. It's crazy I haven't had PMS in years and after the baby it came back. I always get a huge burst of energy right before af and I decided to cook an great meal for dh who is working on a major case and taking depositions all day and then working all night to prep for the next days depositions. He's pretty burnt out. I broke down crying about this gorilla Koko's reaction to learning about Robin Williams' passing. For some reason his death has really hit me and a lot of people I know have said the same. It just makes me sad.

Calling the RE tomorrow as it will be cd1 of full flow. Great. My friend who is due at the end of Sept said she will do acupuncture on me. She said the Hashimoto's is my biggest obstacle now. I hope my GF, DF, EF and SF diet mixed with Synthroid will help. I am due to get blood taken to check my thyroid.

Beaglemom I am super excited to hear what happens tomorrow!

Who tests next after that?

Raelyn I'm crossing fingers for you!!
Hey everyone! Lots of exciting and hopeful symptom spotting this week! Hope y'all are all doing well. HearMy Prayers and Babywhisperer I'm sorry for the bfn's :( I understand the need to take some time off. I am almost to that point too, I think it's good to take a step away and let the meds cycle out of your system and clear your head from all the appointments and stress. The past week or so has been so horrible for me. Just sadness keeps creeping in at random times! :( I had my annual yesterday at my regular ol gynecologist's office and my dr talked to me about depression! I mean, I know infertility and it's treatments can bring about depressive symptoms, but I don't think I am "depressed". It's hard to tell. She was so good to bring it up and talk about it. She's such a sweet doctor, I really want her to deliver my kids one day- she has brought me so much help and hope and just been everything good a doctor should be. I only see her once a year but she's always sweet! Anyways, I am not up for anti depressants, but AM going to try and keep an eye out in case symptoms worsen. I do acupuncture, essential oils, yoga, and running to help keep me sane and NOT depressed through this process.

Saw my RE today. So they were expecting to just check my ovaries and see why the follicles weren't growing, but I started AF monday so this ended up being my baseline. I still had the actual RE do it. When she asked how I was doing I just welled up with tears and said "frustrated". WIth everything, my body, the appointments, everything. I told her I just want to know what's wrong so we can fix it. She said, my body is somewhat of an anomoly, but that's what they're there for. She ooh and ahh'd about my lining at this stage and about how fertile my ovaries looked. So that was it for the baseline. BUT, she did talk about the possibility of me being polycystic bc there were a lot of little follicles already starting. She said sometimes having that many can get confusing for one to take over as the dominant one. She didn't say there were too many, but she said they'd look at it. I don't have many of the symptoms (not overweight, regular cycles, no insulin problems, never have had acne, no excessive hair growth) but I hear sometimes you don't have symptoms or cysts like you said Raelynn. It's funny that you mentioned it and then she mentioned it. Maybe not a coincidence. I would be pissed to be going for almost 3 years and having no one thought of that yet though! Even with laprascopic surgery and monthly blood draws of every kind. But it's possible and better sooner than later! She recently published a really great study with Texas Tech Women's Reproductive center about women with polycystic ovaries and some dietary changes that were shown in this study to help these women conceive. 8 out of 15 ladies in the study who were ttc got pregnant in the course of the study, and the others who weren't ttc saw significant hormonal and weight changes. She said they wouldn't hurt to try those changes this cycle. The changes are simple but she said had a big impact: unlimited lean meats, veggies, nuts, healthy fats, fruits, whole grains with no corn, no beans, and limited dairy. She said greek yogurt was included in the diet for this study and about 1 oz of cheese but no dairy milk etc. Some ladies showed improvement in pcos symptoms within a week and conceived within one cycle changing nothing about their lifestyle except their diet. She's a huge believer in diet and fertility and I didn't realize what a world renown researcher and professor she was as well as my RE. I'll link the news article about the research but still can't find the actual article. I really like research articles though so I'll link it when I find it.

Anyways, talking to Dr. Phy was like therapy/consult/emotional support plus a baseline. She was even so sweet as to file this visit as diagnostic and have insurance cover it 100%. I really welled up at that one when I went to pay. So, we have time if everything works out for ONE MORE IUI before school starts, and because my last insemination didn't happen it will be "free" this month. I still have my ovidrel from last month, and the money I didn't use last month will cover this month. In order for all to go well though I HAVE to grow follicles perfectly by 8/21/14 to inseminate before our first day of school 8/25/14. Talk about a hail mary. I am throwing every last ounce of hope I have in this one, but totally not expecting anything so as not tp be crushed if it doesn't work out.

Anyways, Raelynn let me in on any infor you have about polycustic ovaries and not having many symptoms or what you can do to get pregnant with it. I am not sure I have it, but it seems to add up in some ways.

Good luck this week to you all.
babywhisp and hearmyprayers - so so sorry for the bfns... please stick around and keep posting though! our time will come!

Thank you. I will stay in touch. Came home and started spotting. I've been so keyed up, oily skin, weepy the way I have been before af since I had the baby. It's crazy I haven't had PMS in years and after the baby it came back. I always get a huge burst of energy right before af and I decided to cook an great meal for dh who is working on a major case and taking depositions all day and then working all night to prep for the next days depositions. He's pretty burnt out. I broke down crying about this gorilla Koko's reaction to learning about Robin Williams' passing. For some reason his death has really hit me and a lot of people I know have said the same. It just makes me sad.

Calling the RE tomorrow as it will be cd1 of full flow. Great. My friend who is due at the end of Sept said she will do acupuncture on me. She said the Hashimoto's is my biggest obstacle now. I hope my GF, DF, EF and SF diet mixed with Synthroid will help. I am due to get blood taken to check my thyroid.

Beaglemom I am super excited to hear what happens tomorrow!

Who tests next after that?

Raelyn I'm crossing fingers for you!!

I have been so sad about Robin Williams too! He was a huge part of my childhood movie experience plus loved his movie roles in my teen years in Good Will Hunting and Dead Poets!

Good luck with acupuncture and with getting your thyroid figured out. Sorry you have that as an added worry!
Ltruns - So sorry you're starting things all over again but glad your doctors have been helpful. Thanks for posting the diet too. I would love to see the article once you find the link. The diet is pretty much what I follow now so at least I'm doing something right. I have a lot of follicles at the start too. My baseline count is always way high. Hopefully it will get you on the right track to figure all this out now.

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