July/August IUIs

Byrnhild - Congrats on the BFP and sorry for the low beta. Your nurse is probably just trying to give you realistic expectations. I ended up having a miscarriage on my low beta BFP (mine was much lower than yours though) so they're probably just trying to keep things in perspective. But, as the other ladies have said, don't lose hope. As long as your numbers double every 2 days (I think it is) then you are fine. I've read lots of stories of those with low betas who went on and had perfectly healthy pregnancies so don't give up hope!

Prayingforno1 - As the others have said, the injections are no problem. I used to be terrified of needles and had to psych myself up on every injection but most of them I never even felt. For me it was easier to do them myself then to have someone else do it because I felt more in control.
GM everyone! Had first menopur dose last night and it wasn't that bad felt a little burning sensation as it was going in but other than that no issues. The nurse was so sweet explaining the process of mixing injecting etc when I get my bfp this month I will definitely be getting her a thank you gift :)
GM everyone! Had first menopur dose last night and it wasn't that bad felt a little burning sensation as it was going in but other than that no issues. The nurse was so sweet explaining the process of mixing injecting etc when I get my bfp this month I will definitely be getting her a thank you gift :)

Glad it was a breeze.

Afm, 2nd night of endometrin and I had to get up 4-5 times to use the bathroom...again, I renew my idea for a Craftmatic bed that can sit over a toilet. I get up every 90min, but the meds make me tired so I can fall back asleep. What's the most irksome is my right ovary is very tender still. Is this from the 2 follies?

How is everyone else?
hi all! for those of you who took the trigger, when was it out of your system? I am 8dpiui and 10dp trigger and I know I shouldn't have tested, but I took a test on an IC this morning and there was a faint BFP... i am thinking it was probably the trigger but wanted to hear your experiences!
@ Babywhisperer: Lol! I'd love to see a drawing of the bed you have in mind. Too funny!
-I heard the ovary is a little sore/tender once the eggs break free from the follicles.

@Lusterleaf: My HCG/trigger shot did not leave my system entirely until after 14 days. Others are different due to metabolism.

Me: Wow... You ladies were right! The surgery this morning was a breeze. Once they hooked the propofol to my IV, I was out in 3 minutes. Woke up an hour later and they said the surgery was over. I do not remember anything!!!!! The nurse showed me a pic of the tiny polyp and helped me get dressed. Asked hubby to come in and sit with me while she completed the release papers and we were outta there! No pain. No drowsiness. Doc said I can get back to BDing, as soon as I don't see any blood. I'm excited! I thank God, my husband, and you beautiful ladies! Hallelujah!

-God bless us all.
Babywhisperer, I had the same issue with tenderness for about a week after the trigger.

Lusterleaf, I think the trigger (ovidrel 250, 6500u) was out of my system by 8dpiui. I can't be sure because I didn't test it out... I started testing that day (10 days after the trigger) and I had a very faint positive then, almost a squinter, but it kept getting darker and darker. I now have a positive beta result, though it was low (60) and my doctor wants to test again tomorrow. So... yes, I'm still using HTP. If you can help it, please stop testing. OCD is my excuse.
Prayingforno1 - Glad your first injection went well. If I remember right, if you let the menopur sit for a minute or so it should help the burning be less. I had multiple injections for IVF and they had me draw up the menopur, let it sit , then do the other injections first then the menopur and I never had any burning. Hope that helps!
My trigger was out by 6 or 7 days I think. I think you should test your trigger until you get a negative so you aren't second guessing. But you could continue to test...if the line gets darker you could have a positive. Another girl on the threads tested her trigger out & it never was a clear negative. Then it got darker & turned in to a positive.
hi all! for those of you who took the trigger, when was it out of your system? I am 8dpiui and 10dp trigger and I know I shouldn't have tested, but I took a test on an IC this morning and there was a faint BFP... i am thinking it was probably the trigger but wanted to hear your experiences!

That's right on the cusp. Test again tomorrow.
Prayingforno1 - Glad your first injection went well. If I remember right, if you let the menopur sit for a minute or so it should help the burning be less. I had multiple injections for IVF and they had me draw up the menopur, let it sit , then do the other injections first then the menopur and I never had any burning. Hope that helps!

Thanks Raelynn I will give that a try tonight.

I am the luckiest person in the world. My beta doubled (more than, actually): From 60 13dpiui to 160 15dpiui. The nurse said everything looks good. I can stop being a nervous wreck.

So it can happen: 39 years old, first iui, bfp. Have hope!!!!

Lots of luck to you all!!!! I'll stay around to wish you all the best.
Glory to God! Congratulations, Byrnhild! Have a happy and healthy 9 months!
hi all! for those of you who took the trigger, when was it out of your system? I am 8dpiui and 10dp trigger and I know I shouldn't have tested, but I took a test on an IC this morning and there was a faint BFP... i am thinking it was probably the trigger but wanted to hear your experiences!

That's right on the cusp. Test again tomorrow.

Thanks, used another IC this morning and the line was lighter.... like if i squint I could see a line... so I guess it was the trigger!

I am the luckiest person in the world. My beta doubled (more than, actually): From 60 13dpiui to 160 15dpiui. The nurse said everything looks good. I can stop being a nervous wreck.

So it can happen: 39 years old, first iui, bfp. Have hope!!!!

Lots of luck to you all!!!! I'll stay around to wish you all the best.

awesome news! congrats!

I am the luckiest person in the world. My beta doubled (more than, actually): From 60 13dpiui to 160 15dpiui. The nurse said everything looks good. I can stop being a nervous wreck.

So it can happen: 39 years old, first iui, bfp. Have hope!!!!

Lots of luck to you all!!!! I'll stay around to wish you all the best.

Congrats!! I told you! My beta on 15dpiui was 157 and now have a happy and healthy 8mo baby boy. It was my first IUI. Ladies it can happen. Stay the course and have faith.

Have a H&H 9mos and feel free to chat me up with any questions. You'll start to feel some cramping as the uterus expands, don't worry it is all normal. Relax and enjoy the wonderful journey. 1 word of advice, water water water. Drink more than normal, stay hydrated and keep potassium levels up. I hope your 1st tri was like mine, nothing but 2 weeks of nausea. Congrats again!!!!!
hi all! for those of you who took the trigger, when was it out of your system? I am 8dpiui and 10dp trigger and I know I shouldn't have tested, but I took a test on an IC this morning and there was a faint BFP... i am thinking it was probably the trigger but wanted to hear your experiences!

That's right on the cusp. Test again tomorrow.

Thanks, used another IC this morning and the line was lighter.... like if i squint I could see a line... so I guess it was the trigger!

Don't worry, I would take my first frer on 12dpiui and most women who were prego got their bfp then..not that it can't happen later, but if you feel a need to poas try to wait at least until then.
Thank you all!!!! I'm still in shock but I feel I can finally start to relax and enjoy my pregnancy. I have my U/S on the 16th.

Lusterleaf, I know it's hard, but if you can wait a little bit, do wait till at least 12dpiui. I drove myself crazy with too much poas-ing. Best of luck to you!!
Thank you all!!!! I'm still in shock but I feel I can finally start to relax and enjoy my pregnancy. I have my U/S on the 16th.

Lusterleaf, I know it's hard, but if you can wait a little bit, do wait till at least 12dpiui. I drove myself crazy with too much poas-ing. Best of luck to you!!

Wait until you hear the heartbeat. Emotions you never knew you had will come to the surface and tears will roll. It's beautiful and simply a miracle. I am very happy for you. Every woman deserves to experience this especially when they truly desire it. :hugs:
Congrats Byrnhild! So happy your beta results came back so good! Enjoy it, it all goes by so fast!

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