July/August IUIs

congrats byrnhild!!

i had my most recent scan at cd15 - showed 2 mature follicles at 25mm and 18mm but a lining of only 5.7 or so. My doc wants to push me a little further for my lining before triggering. She wanted to see me again for bloodwork and u/s on cd16 but i couldn't bear making a long trip to the office TWICE over the holiday weekend so we decided to just forget the additional u/s and do the trigger tonight (cd16) and plan for iui on monday (cd18), 36hrs later.

don't have a great feeling for 2 reasons- i feel like the 25mm follicle will just be too large by the time i O (heard the larger follicles get over-ripe) and in addition to that, my lining is just so thin.

best case scenario, the 18mm follicle will be just right and my lining will increase a few mm by the time of iui. wishful thinking but really keeping fingers crossed. can't believe i still have a whole tww to go! ugh!!

hope everyone else in the tww is hanging in there!
Hi ladies so i went in for my scan today (cd11) and had 1 dominant follie 24mm. Doc said based on size i would need to trigger today and we'd schedule iui for Monday. Unfortunately my blood work came back and this month is a no go for iui. Although the size and lining is perfect estrogen is low and based on that the egg will likely not fertilize. Doc advised me to use the opks this month and bd but should af come he will lower my meds next month as the follie grew so fast it didnt get an opportunity to develop properly. DH and I are so disappointed and sad. I cried my eyes out but what can i do? On top of that I have a baby shower to go to for my cousin this afternoon and have to face the usual family questions about when are you gonna have a baby you better hurry up. My morning went from excitement to disappointment but I still remain hopeful.
Ladies, so exciting that we'll have several IUIs coming up soon.

I caved and tested today (10dpo) and BFN. I know it is still early but that is when I tested positive last time so I'm thinking I'm out. Kinda bummed but at least we're heading to the beach so I can enjoy some family time until AF shows. I'm planning to take my progesterone a bit longer than 14 days just so I don't hit CD3 while we're away. If I time it right, hopefully I can go in for CD3 at my beta appointment since we pushed that back because of vacation too.
sorry raelynn, still early though!

praying- i think you should def still BD. Especially if you are on femara i heard it can interfere with your estrogen levels so my RE does not put a lot of stock on the estrogen levels. you have a good follicle and good lining, id say you def still have a shot this cycle!

im triggering tonight although my dominant follicle is probably 26-27mm today, yikes! hope it's not too big and that my lining increased some. i wish they'd ultrasound on the day of iui!
sorry raelynn, still early though!

praying- i think you should def still BD. Especially if you are on femara i heard it can interfere with your estrogen levels so my RE does not put a lot of stock on the estrogen levels. you have a good follicle and good lining, id say you def still have a shot this cycle!

im triggering tonight although my dominant follicle is probably 26-27mm today, yikes! hope it's not too big and that my lining increased some. i wish they'd ultrasound on the day of iui!

Thanks for the encouragement kjg123 and GL on your iui
kjg - I thought the same thing when I went in. I wish they did the ultrasound first on day of IUI so we could make sure everything was as it should be before doing the procedure.

Having stretching type cramps tonight. I wish I would quit getting signs while the tests show negatives. It messes with my head.
Good luck to those triggering!

I am 11dpiui and 13 days past trigger and got a bfn on a frer this morning, however on a ic test there is a squinter of a line. It has been the same for the past two days with the squinter lines on the ic test (i have been testing out the trigger). I don't know what to think but I'm not hopeful. Oh and I've been having sore bbs and feeling sick so I don't know if it's all in my head or because I'm taking crinone during the 2ww.
kjg - I thought the same thing when I went in. I wish they did the ultrasound first on day of IUI so we could make sure everything was as it should be before doing the procedure.

Having stretching type cramps tonight. I wish I would quit getting signs while the tests show negatives. It messes with my head.

I know how you feel! I am having symptoms too with bfn, it stinks!
kjg - I thought the same thing when I went in. I wish they did the ultrasound first on day of IUI so we could make sure everything was as it should be before doing the procedure.

Having stretching type cramps tonight. I wish I would quit getting signs while the tests show negatives. It messes with my head.

They don't do ultrasound even if you ask? In my clinic it's the policy, but if it weren't, I think they would do it if asked.

Good luck everybody!! Hope your TWW is not too hard and has the happiest ending! :dust:
Raelynn and Lusterleaf be patient. I know the 2ww is a killer but your symptoms sound promising. It might just be too early to test. Hang in there. I'm right behind you both.

Ok so something weird happened this morning. It's been exactly a week since the IUI and I've been feeling fine, just some tenderness and cramping here and there. I've had that awful chalky discharge that accompanies Endometrin but I was laying in bed this morning and TMI warning, I felt like I was leaking while laying flat. It was watery and enough for me to have to get up and clean myself. No chalky stuff just thin watery stuff. It reminded me of when my water broke. Anyone have this? Is this a side effect of increased progesterone from the Endometrin? I know they say it can be an early sign, but let's be honest I'm 7dpiui that's wayyyy to early for anything. The only other thing I've noticed the last 2 days is increased libido. It's all I think about. I'm like an 18yr old boy!!!

I don't know if I had the thin watery discharge; If I did, I probably thought it was just one more progesterone- induced discharge.

As for the libido, yes. Now THAT was noticeable. I have been on progesterone before and felt most symptoms, but the way too increased libido was a first this cycle. Exactly that: 18 year- old boy. My 39 year- old "meh" self did wonder.

I don't know if I had the thin watery discharge; If I did, I probably thought it was just one more progesterone- induced discharge.

As for the libido, yes. Now THAT was noticeable. I have been on progesterone before and felt most symptoms, but the way too increased libido was a first this cycle. Exactly that: 18 year- old boy. My 39 year- old "meh" self did wonder.

Dh is googling everything I say and says they are signs but I have to burst his bubble a little bc increased progesterone causes both the high libido and watery discharge. I freaked bc anything that reminds me of going into labor or my water breaking brings me right back to that moment. I was napping on the couch and heard a pop and woke up and ran to the bathroom. I thought maybe I peed myself while asleep. I took a shower, did a load of laundry and the leaking continued and became tinged with pink. I called my Dr and they told me to get to the hospital. I was a ball of nerves but got my bag ready and blew out my hair!!! Anything to kill time waiting for dh to come home. The leaking this morning brought me right back.

Sorry prayingfor. I hate to say it but it's better to know now rather than do the cycle and wait just for disappointment. See what the Dr says about tweaking the protocol.
I had a pos opk last night...putting in a good effort for a natural positive this cycle...anything can happen.
Raelynn and Lusterleaf be patient. I know the 2ww is a killer but your symptoms sound promising. It might just be too early to test. Hang in there. I'm right behind you both.

Ok so something weird happened this morning. It's been exactly a week since the IUI and I've been feeling fine, just some tenderness and cramping here and there. I've had that awful chalky discharge that accompanies Endometrin but I was laying in bed this morning and TMI warning, I felt like I was leaking while laying flat. It was watery and enough for me to have to get up and clean myself. No chalky stuff just thin watery stuff. It reminded me of when my water broke. Anyone have this? Is this a side effect of increased progesterone from the Endometrin? I know they say it can be an early sign, but let's be honest I'm 7dpiui that's wayyyy to early for anything. The only other thing I've noticed the last 2 days is increased libido. It's all I think about. I'm like an 18yr old boy!!!

I've been leaky like this the last few days too. It happens in the morning and I'm always annoyed because the sensation wakes me up.

AF is due Wednesday for me and I'm tired of seeing negatives so I think I'm going to wait until Wednesday and then test with a FRER instead of an ic and then be done with it - if AF doesn't show by then.
Raelynn, you and I have the same AF date.

I tested this morning 12dpiui and bfn, I pretty much know I'm out at this point since with my son I had a bfp by now. I have an appointment to go in on Wednesday for a beta blood test but I'm probably just going to cancel it and stop the crinone if I get a bfn tomorrow. It would just be a waste of time and copay to confirm what I already know. I am just so stressed out, trying to make arrangements for someone to watch my DS extra early in the morning while I go to monitoring appointments. Plus when I have the iui done I am always waiting in the RE office for at least an hour and so I'm always late to work. Yesterday my friend let me know she was pregnant after just coming off the pill and her first month trying, I wish it were that easy!! Sorry just needed to vent...

I don't know if I had the thin watery discharge; If I did, I probably thought it was just one more progesterone- induced discharge.

As for the libido, yes. Now THAT was noticeable. I have been on progesterone before and felt most symptoms, but the way too increased libido was a first this cycle. Exactly that: 18 year- old boy. My 39 year- old "meh" self did wonder.

Dh is googling everything I say and says they are signs but I have to burst his bubble a little bc increased progesterone causes both the high libido and watery discharge. I freaked bc anything that reminds me of going into labor or my water breaking brings me right back to that moment. I was napping on the couch and heard a pop and woke up and ran to the bathroom. I thought maybe I peed myself while asleep. I took a shower, did a load of laundry and the leaking continued and became tinged with pink. I called my Dr and they told me to get to the hospital. I was a ball of nerves but got my bag ready and blew out my hair!!! Anything to kill time waiting for dh to come home. The leaking this morning brought me right back.

Sorry prayingfor. I hate to say it but it's better to know now rather than do the cycle and wait just for disappointment. See what the Dr says about tweaking the protocol.

Thanks babywhisperer I am grateful he cancelled as my chances for bfp were slim to none. Doc also advised next month he will modify my meds as he prescribed the standard dosage but will have to lower mine next month.

GL to you hoping you soon will be here confirming your bfp. I just love how excited your hubby is that he's googling your symptoms. So sweet :)
Raelynn, you and I have the same AF date.

I tested this morning 12dpiui and bfn, I pretty much know I'm out at this point since with my son I had a bfp by now. I have an appointment to go in on Wednesday for a beta blood test but I'm probably just going to cancel it and stop the crinone if I get a bfn tomorrow. It would just be a waste of time and copay to confirm what I already know. I am just so stressed out, trying to make arrangements for someone to watch my DS extra early in the morning while I go to monitoring appointments. Plus when I have the iui done I am always waiting in the RE office for at least an hour and so I'm always late to work. Yesterday my friend let me know she was pregnant after just coming off the pill and her first month trying, I wish it were that easy!! Sorry just needed to vent...

Go ahead and vent I know exactly how you feel but you are not out yet. I went to a baby shower for a cousin Saturday that got pregnant 1 month after coming off of bc but little ole me still here trying. Keep ur head up Hun your bfp is coming
lusterleaf - I know what you're saying. I'm still trying to hold onto some hope but I just know I'm out. I feel like such a failure since everything was so perfect this cycle I'm just feeling why didn't it work when it worked last time on a cycle almost exactly like this. I'm giving it one more chance and testing Wednesday but I just have this feeling it'll be negative too. I almost don't even want to waste a FRER on it but I want to know for sure. Hubby asked me today if I felt pregnant and I just feel like I'm letting him down especially since it's all on me now.

I'm going to try and enjoy the beach these next few days and not think about TTC things so much. Hopefully with the progesterone I can time it so the next cycles Day 3 is when we get home so we can get started again right away.
Hey everyone!Wow so many new people just in the little time I was away! We started school 8/25 so we've been crazy busy! I coach XC and my husband coaches football. I also help with all the programs strength and conditioning so the first week is a blur with 5:00 am practices and a vball tourney and home football game. I love it though and I love our teams/athletes.

Welcome to all the new people! I read from my last post all the way through. I am excited for you Brynchild thats amazing about your bfp!I hope your numbers keep going up, I know thats the important thing!

I missed too much to catch up with everyone but I'll do better!
to all who are testing this week! I'm supposed to do a blood test on Friday, but I'm going to have to go for blood maybe Thursday instead bc we have an away football game. That will be before 14dpiui so do yall think i should wait until Monday, which will be 17 dpiui? I'm not fond of peeing on sticks so I'd rather know via blood.

We had our best follies/sperm/eno lining so I'm feeling hopeful, but school has kept me busy enough so that I haven't been counting days down. I have been on preogesterone suppositories which haven't been bad! No excessive nastiness down there haha and no need for a pantyliner so I was really surprised by how easy they've been. I also haven't been running more than 1 mile at a time, and I bike to work so exercise has been light but existent. I'm really all in this last cycle we do iui so praying we don't need to go again. :)

Praying for you all!

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