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July/August IUIs

Raelynn and Lusterleaf be patient. I know the 2ww is a killer but your symptoms sound promising. It might just be too early to test. Hang in there. I'm right behind you both.

Ok so something weird happened this morning. It's been exactly a week since the IUI and I've been feeling fine, just some tenderness and cramping here and there. I've had that awful chalky discharge that accompanies Endometrin but I was laying in bed this morning and TMI warning, I felt like I was leaking while laying flat. It was watery and enough for me to have to get up and clean myself. No chalky stuff just thin watery stuff. It reminded me of when my water broke. Anyone have this? Is this a side effect of increased progesterone from the Endometrin? I know they say it can be an early sign, but let's be honest I'm 7dpiui that's wayyyy to early for anything. The only other thing I've noticed the last 2 days is increased libido. It's all I think about. I'm like an 18yr old boy!!!

I've been leaky like this the last few days too. It happens in the morning and I'm always annoyed because the sensation wakes me up.

AF is due Wednesday for me and I'm tired of seeing negatives so I think I'm going to wait until Wednesday and then test with a FRER instead of an ic and then be done with it - if AF doesn't show by then.

Yes! The leaking woke me up too. I asked my friend who is an obgyn and he said the watery discharge is from the increased progesterone. It could be a sign but since I'm on the suppositories he said it's more likely from that. So far I'm feeling nothing else. I'm stuffy but everyone I know some up that way today from allergies even dh who never has allergies is all stuffed up. Long Island is in the midst of hay fever season. I can't believe I'm more than half way done with this tww. I am not testing before Fri and since I have work I might not test then for fear of going to work in a bad mood. I do want to start af though on the w/e since it will be awful on the higher Gonal D dose.

How is everyone doing?
Hey everyone!Wow so many new people just in the little time I was away! We started school 8/25 so we've been crazy busy! I coach XC and my husband coaches football. I also help with all the programs strength and conditioning so the first week is a blur with 5:00 am practices and a vball tourney and home football game. I love it though and I love our teams/athletes.

Welcome to all the new people! I read from my last post all the way through. I am excited for you Brynchild thats amazing about your bfp!I hope your numbers keep going up, I know thats the important thing!

I missed too much to catch up with everyone but I'll do better!
to all who are testing this week! I'm supposed to do a blood test on Friday, but I'm going to have to go for blood maybe Thursday instead bc we have an away football game. That will be before 14dpiui so do yall think i should wait until Monday, which will be 17 dpiui? I'm not fond of peeing on sticks so I'd rather know via blood.

We had our best follies/sperm/eno lining so I'm feeling hopeful, but school has kept me busy enough so that I haven't been counting days down. I have been on preogesterone suppositories which haven't been bad! No excessive nastiness down there haha and no need for a pantyliner so I was really surprised by how easy they've been. I also haven't been running more than 1 mile at a time, and I bike to work so exercise has been light but existent. I'm really all in this last cycle we do iui so praying we don't need to go again. :)

Praying for you all!

14dpiui is a good day to test any earlier there is still a decent chance it's a smidge early. Can you wait until the 17th?
Thank you ladies for all your kind words and support. Took my first dose of Clomid last night, no side effects noted at this time. I have my first ultrasound on Monday the 8th. They will look for follicles and lining. Then hopefully trigger next week and iui. I believe the latest I would do iui would be the following week September 15.
Hey everyone!Wow so many new people just in the little time I was away! We started school 8/25 so we've been crazy busy! I coach XC and my husband coaches football. I also help with all the programs strength and conditioning so the first week is a blur with 5:00 am practices and a vball tourney and home football game. I love it though and I love our teams/athletes.

Welcome to all the new people! I read from my last post all the way through. I am excited for you Brynchild thats amazing about your bfp!I hope your numbers keep going up, I know thats the important thing!

I missed too much to catch up with everyone but I'll do better!
to all who are testing this week! I'm supposed to do a blood test on Friday, but I'm going to have to go for blood maybe Thursday instead bc we have an away football game. That will be before 14dpiui so do yall think i should wait until Monday, which will be 17 dpiui? I'm not fond of peeing on sticks so I'd rather know via blood.

We had our best follies/sperm/eno lining so I'm feeling hopeful, but school has kept me busy enough so that I haven't been counting days down. I have been on preogesterone suppositories which haven't been bad! No excessive nastiness down there haha and no need for a pantyliner so I was really surprised by how easy they've been. I also haven't been running more than 1 mile at a time, and I bike to work so exercise has been light but existent. I'm really all in this last cycle we do iui so praying we don't need to go again. :)

Praying for you all!

14dpiui is a good day to test any earlier there is still a decent chance it's a smidge early. Can you wait until the 17th?

I'n thinking that's what Ill do bc I never test early! I'll call my dr tomorrow and ask!
You should be ok with day 17 testing. Mine isn't scheduled until day 19 since we'll be away all week and they don't run the betas on the weekend since it is so busy with monitoring appointments.
well, onto September IUI for me... good luck ladies!

Beta or did the witch arrive? I'm so sorry hun, I should know in a few days if I'll be joining you. Hang in there and try to remember it's not a case of IF but rather WHEN you will get your bfp.

How is everyone else doing?

I have nothing going on symptoms wise. I keep feeling myself up at work hoping to detect some soreness. My co-workers must think I'm nuts. I got nada.

I did have some excitement yesterday as dh was outside with the baby and he fell hitting his mouth and severed his frenulum which attaches the top lip to the gums. It bled like crazy and he screamed non-stop for a good 10min. We took him to the ER to be on the safe side. After 30min the baby was smiling and laughing like nothing happened. I, on the other hand, was a mess. I was covered in blood and so shaken to see him bleed that much. Seeing him in pain was awful. I wish I was at home with him today. It's like nothing happened, but I miss him so much when I see him all weekend. Now I know why dh wants daughters.
well, onto September IUI for me... good luck ladies!

Beta or did the witch arrive? I'm so sorry hun, I should know in a few days if I'll be joining you. Hang in there and try to remember it's not a case of IF but rather WHEN you will get your bfp.

How is everyone else doing?

I have nothing going on symptoms wise. I keep feeling myself up at work hoping to detect some soreness. My co-workers must think I'm nuts. I got nada.

I did have some excitement yesterday as dh was outside with the baby and he fell hitting his mouth and severed his frenulum which attaches the top lip to the gums. It bled like crazy and he screamed non-stop for a good 10min. We took him to the ER to be on the safe side. After 30min the baby was smiling and laughing like nothing happened. I, on the other hand, was a mess. I was covered in blood and so shaken to see him bleed that much. Seeing him in pain was awful. I wish I was at home with him today. It's like nothing happened, but I miss him so much when I see him all weekend. Now I know why dh wants daughters.

:hugs:Babywhisperer so sorry to hear what happened but happy to hear baby was laughing in no time. LOL at the symptom spotting or rather searching you've been doing:blush:. I know alot of people have no symptoms and still get that BFP so I'm sure you are good.

AFM: after cancelled IUI due to low estrogen I am back to OPK this month but still not giving up hope that this can be my month. Doc wants DH to run a few tests b4 next cycle should we not get the bfp and start process of 1st iui cycle again.
well, onto September IUI for me... good luck ladies!

Beta or did the witch arrive? I'm so sorry hun, I should know in a few days if I'll be joining you. Hang in there and try to remember it's not a case of IF but rather WHEN you will get your bfp.

How is everyone else doing?

I have nothing going on symptoms wise. I keep feeling myself up at work hoping to detect some soreness. My co-workers must think I'm nuts. I got nada.

I did have some excitement yesterday as dh was outside with the baby and he fell hitting his mouth and severed his frenulum which attaches the top lip to the gums. It bled like crazy and he screamed non-stop for a good 10min. We took him to the ER to be on the safe side. After 30min the baby was smiling and laughing like nothing happened. I, on the other hand, was a mess. I was covered in blood and so shaken to see him bleed that much. Seeing him in pain was awful. I wish I was at home with him today. It's like nothing happened, but I miss him so much when I see him all weekend. Now I know why dh wants daughters.

:hugs:Babywhisperer so sorry to hear what happened but happy to hear baby was laughing in no time. LOL at the symptom spotting or rather searching you've been doing:blush:. I know alot of people have no symptoms and still get that BFP so I'm sure you are good.

AFM: after cancelled IUI due to low estrogen I am back to OPK this month but still not giving up hope that this can be my month. Doc wants DH to run a few tests b4 next cycle should we not get the bfp and start process of 1st iui cycle again.

Happy bding, anything can happen!!!
Anyone having an iui done next week or the week after?

I am suppose to have us on monday. My last dose of Clomid will be thursday. I have read women naturally ovulate 5-10 days after last dose. I should have a trigger. Not sure when to expect iui until after monday.
Anyone having an iui done next week or the week after?

I am suppose to have us on monday. My last dose of Clomid will be thursday. I have read women naturally ovulate 5-10 days after last dose. I should have a trigger. Not sure when to expect iui until after monday.

If I don't get my bfp I will likely be doing another IUI not next week but possibly the following week. I usually do it cd11/12.

Ok ladies I feel out. I have pre af headache, uterus feels full like I feel before, I'm very warm even in blasting AC, and the opening to my lady bits are swollen like af is dying to come. I'm very irritable too and it feels like the 24-48hrs before af comes. Do I even bother testing, or should I stop the Endometrin and see if af comes? Dh was googling again and he thinks it's all signs of bfp. I sneezed last night and he turns to me and said its a sign. Omg he's going crazy. I just feel out. I def did not feel this way with my last bfp.
Babywhisperer - I know how you feel! I've been super crabby today. I feel like AF is just waiting to come. I guess I'll know tomorrow since it is 14dpo and I'm testing then.

FutureBabyGirl - If I'm not pregnant I'll most likely be doing IUI 20 days from Friday or Saturday (whenever AF shows after I stop Progesterone) I tend to ovulate around CD20 when I do clomid.
Babywhisperer - I know how you feel! I've been super crabby today. I feel like AF is just waiting to come. I guess I'll know tomorrow since it is 14dpo and I'm testing then.

FutureBabyGirl - If I'm not pregnant I'll most likely be doing IUI 20 days from Friday or Saturday (whenever AF shows after I stop Progesterone) I tend to ovulate around CD20 when I do clomid.

Still have the headache and just feel crappy. Really crampy with af like cramps.
I go in on Friday for a follicle scan at CD10. So depending on how the follicles look and how my OPK's turn out, IUI might happen this weekend.
I go in on Friday for a follicle scan at CD10. So depending on how the follicles look and how my OPK's turn out, IUI might happen this weekend.

Good luck with the scan, keep us posted.

I cramped all night but woke up fine. Could it be from the Endometrin wearing off since I take it at 6am and then again at 9:30pm? I feel nothing like I felt yesterday. This tells me yesterday was probably the progesterone or af is coming.
BFN for me this morning. Oh well...on to the next cycle I guess.
BFN for me this morning. Oh well...on to the next cycle I guess.

raelynn :hugs: so sorry you didn't get your bfp today but af is stil MIA so you are not out yet :flower:

Babywhisperer-I see you are still cramping and I hope that means your body is getting ready for your little one to grow. GL to you. When do you test?

floridasian-GL on our scan and hopefully IUI this weekend sending you lots of :dust:

AFM-still in the tww after cancelled IUI cycle:coffee:
BFN for me this morning. Oh well...on to the next cycle I guess.

raelynn :hugs: so sorry you didn't get your bfp today but af is stil MIA so you are not out yet :flower:

Babywhisperer-I see you are still cramping and I hope that means your body is getting ready for your little one to grow. GL to you. When do you test?

floridasian-GL on our scan and hopefully IUI this weekend sending you lots of :dust:

AFM-still in the tww after cancelled IUI cycle:coffee:

Thanks lady, from your lips to God's ears. I ached for quite a while and today nothing. I think its the endometrin. I will probably test Fri at 12dpiui.

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