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July/August IUIs

BFN for me this morning. Oh well...on to the next cycle I guess.

raelynn :hugs: so sorry you didn't get your bfp today but af is stil MIA so you are not out yet :flower:

Babywhisperer-I see you are still cramping and I hope that means your body is getting ready for your little one to grow. GL to you. When do you test?

floridasian-GL on our scan and hopefully IUI this weekend sending you lots of :dust:

AFM-still in the tww after cancelled IUI cycle:coffee:

Thanks lady, from your lips to God's ears. I ached for quite a while and today nothing. I think its the endometrin. I will probably test Fri at 12dpiui.

Ok good I'll be waiting on your results so don't forget to update us here I m so excited for you and feeling good bfp vibes coming from you :)
Thanks ladies but I'm pretty sure AF isn't here just because I'm still taking progesterone. I'm trying to hold it off until this weekend with the progesterone so I can enjoy our beach trip then start again when we get back home.

Babywhisperer - Hoping your signs are all leading to a BFP!
Ugh Babywhisperer I was so pulling for you! Its early for AF isn't it? We need some good luck in this group!
Ugh Babywhisperer I was so pulling for you! Its early for AF isn't it? We need some good luck in this group!

It's a week early and I'm on Endometrin. I have had a 3 week cycle before but never on an IUI cycle. Maybe I need to take Endometrin 3x/day? I had to stop taking it last time at 13dpiui when I just knew I was out and 12hrs later af started. I wish it was implantation spotting but it's more red than pink and I can feel my cervix it's low soft and not closed.

My skin is very greasy like right before af too. What should I do? Stop the Endometrin or keep taking it?
I called my doctor yesterday about the hcg blood test and they said the 4th (12 dpiui) was fine. I'm afraid it'll be too early and there'll be residual hcg from the shot, or that it'll be too low. but they haven't steered me wrong and I'm dying to know but I refuse to POAS. I'm probably going to go in just so I can hear back by friday. and maybe if positive re draw blood to test on monday?
Babywhisperer - Are you only 7dpo? It could still be implantation bleeding. All my paperwork said to keep taking the progesterone unless you get a full on AF bleed so I'd keep taking it.

Ltruns - Hoping you get a BFP! Blood is much more sensitive than our pee sticks so I'm sure testing early is fine, just know the levels might be a little lower than you'd expect for a day 14 test. Good luck!
Ugh Babywhisperer I was so pulling for you! Its early for AF isn't it? We need some good luck in this group!

There is good luck in this group!! I can't have taken it all...

Sending lots of good luck and :dust:your way!!!!
This seems like af. Calling Dr today for an appt tomorrow. They will likely say I just got af early. I took Endometrin last night but woke up to more flow. I didn't take it this morning. The blood is bright red. The good part is that I can start again this weekend and next IUI will probably be in 10-11 days.
This seems like af. Calling Dr today for an appt tomorrow. They will likely say I just got af early. I took Endometrin last night but woke up to more flow. I didn't take it this morning. The blood is bright red. The good part is that I can start again this weekend and next IUI will probably be in 10-11 days.

So sorry Hun AF really knows how to throw a wrench in our hopes and plans. Hoping we get our bfps next cycle. What is the endometrin for? Is that similar to the progesterone tabs?
I called my doctor yesterday about the hcg blood test and they said the 4th (12 dpiui) was fine. I'm afraid it'll be too early and there'll be residual hcg from the shot, or that it'll be too low. but they haven't steered me wrong and I'm dying to know but I refuse to POAS. I'm probably going to go in just so I can hear back by friday. and maybe if positive re draw blood to test on monday?

Hi hun GL on your test Ive heard people get bfp betas at 12dpiui so I'm sure you bfp will be a real bfp :). I know the urge to poas drives me absolutely crazy and I am often battling in my mind whether to test or wait.
This seems like af. Calling Dr today for an appt tomorrow. They will likely say I just got af early. I took Endometrin last night but woke up to more flow. I didn't take it this morning. The blood is bright red. The good part is that I can start again this weekend and next IUI will probably be in 10-11 days.

So sorry Hun AF really knows how to throw a wrench in our hopes and plans. Hoping we get our bfps next cycle. What is the endometrin for? Is that similar to the progesterone tabs?

Thanks. I'm profoundly sad today and it's so hard to hide it while working on a trading desk. The littlest thing is sending me to the brink of tears. I had multiple follies, great size, great lining, I cramped all night on day 9 only to spot 24hrs later. I am a full week early. Spotting on 10dpiui is just cruel. The endometrin is supposed to help short luteal phases and keep progesterone high enough to support a pregnancy. I don't have low P or a short lp but they do this as a precaution. I'd be lying if I didn't say I was devastated. I have no idea why it came a week early, it makes no sense. I don't know what they can tell with a u/s or b/w tomorrow. Was the cramping implantation that didn't take?

I have a 1yr old bday party for my friends daughter, and she'd prego with twins. This is going to be hard.
:hugs::hugs: hun as I've been on this journey a while trust me i know exactly how you feel. I am sometimes in my cubicle and the tears are just rolling and i have to psych myself up to get them to stop. I surely know about having to share in someone elses pregnancy happiness when I am still waiting on my own. I went to and had to help at a baby shower on Saturday for a cousin who got married last October and is now due with her first child at the end of the month and in Feb I threw a baby shower for another cousin. Both showers were hard for me and I'm finding the longer I'm on this journey the harder it becomes to go to these type of events but I am confident my day is not far from now when I will want them all to come and share in my joy.

Have you scheduled an appointment with your doc to find out why af came so early? It may be the meds because I know these drugs as they are hormonal based mess with our bodies sometimes. Keep your head up knowing that this will be the last time you see af for the next 9 months :). Go for a short walk away from your desk if you need a bit of time for yourself and you can always come back here and share how you are feeling becuase we have all understand. Take care hun and praying for your strength.:flower:
:hugs::hugs: hun as I've been on this journey a while trust me i know exactly how you feel. I am sometimes in my cubicle and the tears are just rolling and i have to psych myself up to get them to stop. I surely know about having to share in someone elses pregnancy happiness when I am still waiting on my own. I went to and had to help at a baby shower on Saturday for a cousin who got married last October and is now due with her first child at the end of the month and in Feb I threw a baby shower for another cousin. Both showers were hard for me and I'm finding the longer I'm on this journey the harder it becomes to go to these type of events but I am confident my day is not far from now when I will want them all to come and share in my joy.

Have you scheduled an appointment with your doc to find out why af came so early? It may be the meds because I know these drugs as they are hormonal based mess with our bodies sometimes. Keep your head up knowing that this will be the last time you see af for the next 9 months :). Go for a short walk away from your desk if you need a bit of time for yourself and you can always come back here and share how you are feeling becuase we have all understand. Take care hun and praying for your strength.:flower:

Thanks hun, I really appreciate your empathy. I should shut up, I have a beautiful and healthy 8mos old baby boy so I am blessed. It's all the more frustrating that I did iui once and it worked, now 2 failed cycles and I'm left scratching my head. I spoke to the nurse and she said I am not a week early, I'm more like a day early. With the meds they were expecting me to get it tomorrow if this didn't work. Apparently the meds shorten your cycle if you don't get a bfp. I am concerned though, bc she said she wanted to see what the Dr suggested and asked if we wanted to move onto IVF and that scares me. The cost and chance of multiples is scary. I am calling mt acupuncturist though and starting that asap.
This seems like af. Calling Dr today for an appt tomorrow. They will likely say I just got af early. I took Endometrin last night but woke up to more flow. I didn't take it this morning. The blood is bright red. The good part is that I can start again this weekend and next IUI will probably be in 10-11 days.

So sorry Hun AF really knows how to throw a wrench in our hopes and plans. Hoping we get our bfps next cycle. What is the endometrin for? Is that similar to the progesterone tabs?

Thanks. I'm profoundly sad today and it's so hard to hide it while working on a trading desk. The littlest thing is sending me to the brink of tears. I had multiple follies, great size, great lining, I cramped all night on day 9 only to spot 24hrs later. I am a full week early. Spotting on 10dpiui is just cruel. The endometrin is supposed to help short luteal phases and keep progesterone high enough to support a pregnancy. I don't have low P or a short lp but they do this as a precaution. I'd be lying if I didn't say I was devastated. I have no idea why it came a week early, it makes no sense. I don't know what they can tell with a u/s or b/w tomorrow. Was the cramping implantation that didn't take?

I have a 1yr old bday party for my friends daughter, and she'd prego with twins. This is going to be hard.

Im really sorry for your sadness and completely understand how frustrating good numbers+ lining can be devastating. I hope you have a good week. If the party will hurt too much, could you not go? I go into hiding sometimes when life is too hard!
So sorry, Babywhisperer and Lusterleaf!
Both of you had such good stats... I too wonder why you both did not get a BFP. Anyone have any theories as to why someone with everything in place, would not get pregnant?
Did you do acupuncture, right before you got pregnant with Baby Jack? Is that the only thing you didn't do this time, that you did when you got your BFP?

The response (listed below) from Floridasian still sticks with me. I didn't know it at the time, but the progesterone really messed with my hormones/cycle. It shortened my LP...and made me ovulate VERY early this cycle. I am not disappointed though, because I had surgery this cycle and I had to wait to heal, before BDing. I look forward to starting fresh later this month...or early October.

"...I stop progesterone early because 1. I don't think I have low progesterone (my doctor refuses to test it) and 2. (the main reason) it makes me ovulate early (prematurely) the next cycle because it extends my LP by two days. My normal LP is 13 days so when I don't stop the progesterone until 14DPO I don't get AF until 16 DPO. I started getting positive OPK's at CD7 and ovulated on CD9 for two cycles when I was on it the two cycles before that. I had super light periods those cycles and my doctor agreed that my lining probably didn't have enough time to thicken when I o'ed that early. My theory is that even though the follicles can't start developing until AF shows some of the hormones might be brewing at the end of my natural LP causing the premature O."
This seems like af. Calling Dr today for an appt tomorrow. They will likely say I just got af early. I took Endometrin last night but woke up to more flow. I didn't take it this morning. The blood is bright red. The good part is that I can start again this weekend and next IUI will probably be in 10-11 days.

So sorry Hun AF really knows how to throw a wrench in our hopes and plans. Hoping we get our bfps next cycle. What is the endometrin for? Is that similar to the progesterone tabs?

Thanks. I'm profoundly sad today and it's so hard to hide it while working on a trading desk. The littlest thing is sending me to the brink of tears. I had multiple follies, great size, great lining, I cramped all night on day 9 only to spot 24hrs later. I am a full week early. Spotting on 10dpiui is just cruel. The endometrin is supposed to help short luteal phases and keep progesterone high enough to support a pregnancy. I don't have low P or a short lp but they do this as a precaution. I'd be lying if I didn't say I was devastated. I have no idea why it came a week early, it makes no sense. I don't know what they can tell with a u/s or b/w tomorrow. Was the cramping implantation that didn't take?

I have a 1yr old bday party for my friends daughter, and she'd prego with twins. This is going to be hard.

Im really sorry for your sadness and completely understand how frustrating good numbers+ lining can be devastating. I hope you have a good week. If the party will hurt too much, could you not go? I go into hiding sometimes when life is too hard!

I'm over it for now. I will go to the party. She's going to have 3 kids under 2yrs old soon so I may never see her! I'm just sad that I may have to do IVF which will be tough taking days off work.

I have my sil shower on the 14th. She's 42 and tried for 2 mos! And she's a diabetic!!! :dohh:

On to the next. Come on ladies, get some bfps on here!!!
Babywhisperer - did you take a HPT at all? Maybe it's not AF? I've heard of women thinking they're getting AF (some even have heavy flow) but are in fact pregnant. Is Endometrin an oral medication? I know the suppositories are supposed to work better to boost your progesterone. I think it works too well for me (see SAKS's quote on my previous comments above) it really ends up doing more harm than good and I cringe when my RE wants to put me on it again nowadays.
So sorry, Babywhisperer and Lusterleaf!
Both of you had such good stats... I too wonder why you both did not get a BFP. Anyone have any theories as to why someone with everything in place, would not get pregnant?
Did you do acupuncture, right before you got pregnant with Baby Jack? Is that the only thing you didn't do this time, that you did when you got your BFP?

The response (listed below) from Floridasian still sticks with me. I didn't know it at the time, but the progesterone really messed with my hormones/cycle. It shortened my LP...and made me ovulate VERY early this cycle. I am not disappointed though, because I had surgery this cycle and I had to wait to heal, before BDing. I look forward to starting fresh later this month...or early October.

"...I stop progesterone early because 1. I don't think I have low progesterone (my doctor refuses to test it) and 2. (the main reason) it makes me ovulate early (prematurely) the next cycle because it extends my LP by two days. My normal LP is 13 days so when I don't stop the progesterone until 14DPO I don't get AF until 16 DPO. I started getting positive OPK's at CD7 and ovulated on CD9 for two cycles when I was on it the two cycles before that. I had super light periods those cycles and my doctor agreed that my lining probably didn't have enough time to thicken when I o'ed that early. My theory is that even though the follicles can't start developing until AF shows some of the hormones might be brewing at the end of my natural LP causing the premature O."

I don't think it extends my LP and they monitor me with blood to make sure I don't surge too early before I trigger. My overall cycles are shorter in fact, by not being prego I got af a week before I would have from the meds, not the progesterone. I take suppositories.

I just don't understand. I haven't done the acupuncture or the herbs this time and that's what different this time around. Calling Yinova right now actually. I have an appt 4pm with my fav one!
Babywhisperer - did you take a HPT at all? Maybe it's not AF? I've heard of women thinking they're getting AF (some even have heavy flow) but are in fact pregnant. Is Endometrin an oral medication? I know the suppositories are supposed to work better to boost your progesterone. I think it works too well for me (see SAKS's quote on my previous comments above) it really ends up doing more harm than good and I cringe when my RE wants to put me on it again nowadays.

I didn't take an hpt, I am flowing like af. They will check via blood tomorrow though.

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