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July/August IUIs

My cycles were shorter with the meds & IUI...but the P made them longer. So I would O on cd 12 rather than 15-16...then stop P after 14 days. I never had any bleeding...but my nurse told me you can start AF even when on P.
My cycles were shorter with the meds & IUI...but the P made them longer. So I would O on cd 12 rather than 15-16...then stop P after 14 days. I never had any bleeding...but my nurse told me you can start AF even when on P.

Yeah my cd1 was Aug 8, trigger cd9, iui cd 11, started spotting cd 21. My cycles are usually 25-28 days giver or take. I think my Hashimoto's is playing a role according to my bff who is an acupuncturist. I have an appt at 4 and hope to get back on a better path.
Thanks hun, I really appreciate your empathy. I should shut up, I have a beautiful and healthy 8mos old baby boy so I am blessed. It's all the more frustrating that I did iui once and it worked, now 2 failed cycles and I'm left scratching my head. I spoke to the nurse and she said I am not a week early, I'm more like a day early. With the meds they were expecting me to get it tomorrow if this didn't work. Apparently the meds shorten your cycle if you don't get a bfp. I am concerned though, bc she said she wanted to see what the Dr suggested and asked if we wanted to move onto IVF and that scares me. The cost and chance of multiples is scary. I am calling mt acupuncturist though and starting that asap.

I completely understand! I got lucky with the first IUI last time too and now I just don't understand why it didn't work this time. Everything was so similar to the cycle that worked for me now I'm just wondering what went wrong. I'm so sorry for how you're feeling right now and hope your doctor can figure out what is going on and what is best to get you that BFP.
Thanks hun, I really appreciate your empathy. I should shut up, I have a beautiful and healthy 8mos old baby boy so I am blessed. It's all the more frustrating that I did iui once and it worked, now 2 failed cycles and I'm left scratching my head. I spoke to the nurse and she said I am not a week early, I'm more like a day early. With the meds they were expecting me to get it tomorrow if this didn't work. Apparently the meds shorten your cycle if you don't get a bfp. I am concerned though, bc she said she wanted to see what the Dr suggested and asked if we wanted to move onto IVF and that scares me. The cost and chance of multiples is scary. I am calling mt acupuncturist though and starting that asap.

I completely understand! I got lucky with the first IUI last time too and now I just don't understand why it didn't work this time. Everything was so similar to the cycle that worked for me now I'm just wondering what went wrong. I'm so sorry for how you're feeling right now and hope your doctor can figure out what is going on and what is best to get you that BFP.

Thank you for your support. I went for acupuncture and it immediately relaxed me. I go I to this half dream state and it feels like I took a Xanax. She said I look tired and I need more rest. Hahaha I work 10 hrs a day, I commute 2 hrs a day and come home to a baby and feed and bathe him and make dinner. Rest! Hahahaha that's hilarious. I am so used to it though that it's become my new normal. She said that I need to take my downtime seriously. No alcohol, no late nights on weekends, and I should try and meditate every day even for just 5min. She said quieting the voices in my head that I may see as normal is necessary to truly relaxing and keeping cortisol in a healthy range. If this cycle doesn't work she will add herbs for the next one. She wants to see me once a week which is great bc it's expensive since their specialty is fertility. It is tax deductible though.

How is everyone else?
Glad to see you are feeling better, Babywhisperer. Sounds like a great plan coming up for you. :)

Me: I should be ovulating tonight or tomorrow. Will try to get more baby-making in too! I'm CD 14. I had a positive OPK, one day after my period. It was so strange. I researched and found that many women ovulate early and don't even know it. I believe the progesterone suppositories really put my cycle off. I couldn't BD when I saw the positive OPK, because I was still recovering from my uterine surgery.

One week later, we are back on it. I have not had another positive OPK since last week. I am still hoping I will ovulate tonight or tomorrow...or the day after (I have had EWCM for 2 days now).

If, by chance, I am out this cycle, I won't feel bad about it...because I probably should use this cycle to let my body fully recover from the surgery. I am hopeful about the future. I thank Father God in advance for placing a child in my womb, and I look forward to a happy, peaceful, and healthy pregnancy. During my pillow talk with DH last night, I told him to imagine how much love he will have for our child. He smiled*and I felt reassured.

-God bless us all.
I'm so sorry, Babywhisperer.

We are very lucky to have gotten pregnant in our first IUIs. I just hope that it works for you again real soon.

Big hug!
well, onto September IUI for me... good luck ladies!

:hugs: lusteleaf did the :witch: show up?

Hi sorry I haven't been on in a few days, I am sorry for those that have gotten BFN's like I have had...

13dpiui I had a negative HPT so I stopped my crinone and got AF shortly after, that same afternoon. My beta appointment was the next day but I didn't want to waste my time and money going in for something I already know was going to be negative, and so i cancelled my beta appointment.

I went in for CD4 monitoring this morning so I will be starting a September IUI thread if anyone would like to comment on it!!

Best of luck ladies and congrats to those that have gotten BFPs!!!
well, onto September IUI for me... good luck ladies!

:hugs: lusteleaf did the :witch: show up?

Hi sorry I haven't been on in a few days, I am sorry for those that have gotten BFN's like I have had...

13dpiui I had a negative HPT so I stopped my crinone and got AF shortly after, that same afternoon. My beta appointment was the next day but I didn't want to waste my time and money going in for something I already know was going to be negative, and so i cancelled my beta appointment.

I went in for CD4 monitoring this morning so I will be starting a September IUI thread if anyone would like to comment on it!!

Best of luck ladies and congrats to those that have gotten BFPs!!!

Hi lusterleaf I will be joining you on that thread due to my cancelled IUI this cycle I doubt I will be getting a bfp this month. I am praying September is our month :thumbup:
well, onto September IUI for me... good luck ladies!

:hugs: lusteleaf did the :witch: show up?

Hi sorry I haven't been on in a few days, I am sorry for those that have gotten BFN's like I have had...

13dpiui I had a negative HPT so I stopped my crinone and got AF shortly after, that same afternoon. My beta appointment was the next day but I didn't want to waste my time and money going in for something I already know was going to be negative, and so i cancelled my beta appointment.

I went in for CD4 monitoring this morning so I will be starting a September IUI thread if anyone would like to comment on it!!

Best of luck ladies and congrats to those that have gotten BFPs!!!

Follie scan showed one 19.6 mm and one 12 mm follies on the right. Nothing on the left. Lining was only 7.2mm. So RE and I concluded that our experiment with baby aspirin was that it did help me with my lining (last cycle was almost 10 mm) and since I didn't take it this cycle it wasn't as thick. Will be going back to it next cycle. He said Aspirin might interfere with the follicle bursting so I shouldn't take it now since I'm so close to ovulation.

OPK was getting darker but not positive this morning so we have the IUI scheduled for tomorrow morning if it's positive tonight or Sunday morning if it's still not positive until Saturday.

I showed my doctor my OPK from this morning to make sure he agreed that it wasn't positive and he said no the two lines had to be the same color because he took an OPK HIMSELF :shock: and he got two lines so he wrote to the OPK manufacturer and complained about getting two lines and they told him the two lines had to be the same color to be considered positive. I said, well, men have LH too and he responded, yeah, but I shouldn't be surging! LOL!!
Follie scan showed one 19.6 mm and one 12 mm follies on the right. Nothing on the left. Lining was only 7.2mm. So RE and I concluded that our experiment with baby aspirin was that it did help me with my lining (last cycle was almost 10 mm) and since I didn't take it this cycle it wasn't as thick. Will be going back to it next cycle. He said Aspirin might interfere with the follicle bursting so I shouldn't take it now since I'm so close to ovulation.

OPK was getting darker but not positive this morning so we have the IUI scheduled for tomorrow morning if it's positive tonight or Sunday morning if it's still not positive until Saturday.

I showed my doctor my OPK from this morning to make sure he agreed that it wasn't positive and he said no the two lines had to be the same color because he took an OPK HIMSELF :shock: and he got two lines so he wrote to the OPK manufacturer and complained about getting two lines and they told him the two lines had to be the same color to be considered positive. I said, well, men have LH too and he responded, yeah, but I shouldn't be surging! LOL!!

good luck w/ your IUI!

We usually follow the SMEP schedule and we should be on schedule to BD again tonight (didn't BD yesterday but did the day before). However I just got a positive OPK so it looks like IUI will be done tomorrow morning at 8:30 AM. DH has excellent count last time (90 mil) so should be BD tonight as scheduled or just wait till tomorrow morning's insemination?
@Floridasian: I would BD tonight and all weekend! :) GL!

P.S. This will be my last time posting in this forum. I don't have time for the cattiness...or the cliquey, spoiled grown women. It's sad that the ones that wish they had better friends, don't know how to be a friend. Nothing good will come to you until you get your heart right. Jealousy, hatred, prejudice, and selfishness will get you no where. I have been nothing but nice, cordial, and supportive, but I am continuously ignored, looked over, and treated like an unwanted stepchild. Why act like spoiled mean girls, when you've been out of high school for years? It's time to grow up! If I wronged someone, they could have sent a private message to me and we could have talked it out like mature adults. The selfishness of some of you is appalling. You want everyone to read and respond to your issues, but you could give a damn about someone else. And you wonder why something you want so badly isn't happening for you (look inside).
Wow, that hurts...

I'm very sorry you feel that way, SAKS. You were one of the first people to congratulate me on my BFP and I was hoping to be one of the first to congratulate you on yours. I wish you all the best and I sure hope you get your good news soon.

Good luck!
SAKS - Sorry to see you feel that way. I've been trying to update when I can but I don't always have something to contribute to every situation as I'm sure is the same as many of the other ladies here. I didn't notice and cattiness or mean responses from anyone but if you felt you were being ignored I'm sorry. I'm sure that was not the intention of anyone. Lashing out isn't the best response but I can understand your frustration. Hope you find the support you need and your BFP soon.

Floridasian - I would just skip BDing the night before IUI so you have the best possible count. Then resume afterwards :)

I stopped my progesterone today. Hopefully AF won't take another week to get here and we can get moving right along. On the plus side, my nurse called today since she noticed I hadn't come in for a beta yet - so they do pay attention! I let her know I had it scheduled for when I'm back from the beach (not that I think I'll need it)
SAKS - I'm relatively new to this thread so I'm not really sure about the history here but I have not experienced any cattiness here. I'm really sorry you feel that way. I thought we were all here to support one another on the nerve-wrecking journey of TTC. Best of luck to you!:hugs:

raelynn - progesterone delays AF for you too? I thought it was delaying my AF by two days so the last cycle I stopped it two days EARLIER and it still delayed it by another day. Two days was frustrating enough for me so I can't imagine it delaying it for one week. I hope that won't happen to you this time! I'm glad that you have caring staff at your clinic. Caring people really makes the experience a lot better!
I normally get AF a few days after stopping progesterone. So yeah, I guess it delays me a bit. Last cycle I wasn't on progesterone and AF was a week late. So either way, I'm delayed. Usually progesterone gets me closer to normal though.
@Floridasian: I would BD tonight and all weekend! :) GL!

P.S. This will be my last time posting in this forum. I don't have time for the cattiness...or the cliquey, spoiled grown women. It's sad that the ones that wish they had better friends, don't know how to be a friend. Nothing good will come to you until you get your heart right. Jealousy, hatred, prejudice, and selfishness will get you no where. I have been nothing but nice, cordial, and supportive, but I am continuously ignored, looked over, and treated like an unwanted stepchild. Why act like spoiled mean girls, when you've been out of high school for years? It's time to grow up! If I wronged someone, they could have sent a private message to me and we could have talked it out like mature adults. The selfishness of some of you is appalling. You want everyone to read and respond to your issues, but you could give a damn about someone else. And you wonder why something you want so badly isn't happening for you (look inside).

Did I miss something here? I haven't seen any cattiness or clique type behavior. I have seen that on other threads and it saddens me. We all need and deserve support. I haven't seen anyone get attacked on here like I have on other threads. You seem like a warm, supportive and religious person. Whoever wronged you I hope you can forgive them. The last thing anyone needs on this journey is to harbor ill feelings. It doesn't help the process and it adds stress. I hope you stick around bc it would be wonderful to hear about your bfp.

Raelynn I hear you about the P. I stopped it and af came 12 hrs later. The waiting is the worst part of all of this. How are you feeling?

Floridasian I would bd as much as possible as it seems his count isn't an issue.

Not much to report for me. I'm at the Dr for cd3 stuff. This place is packed.
Still waiting on AF here. I took my last progesterone pill Thursday night so I'm still waiting it out. I've been cramping lightly every once in a while so I keep expecting AF but nothing yet. I hate the waiting game.
Ahhhh I was really hoping this was gonna be it for you, Raelynn! I was so sure you were gonna be our thread starter BFP! ; ) I stopped the P on a Tuesday and AF CAME FULL FORCE on that Friday. I hope yours is more tolerable than mine. Hope you had a fun beach visit!

Looks like I missed a TON! Lots of new people to join us now! Plus, a BFP! Congrats! Hope you are staying sane! I've had a couple of friends on here that got their BFPs this cycle and they are so nervous....isn't it a bummer when we finally get what we want and then we worry? Ahhhh so frustrating!

SAKS, so sorry you feel this way. I may have missed something somewhere on the cliques and catty behavior. Anyway, good luck to you!

Floridasian, I agree with Raelynn. Give hubby a little break before the big day! My RE actually had DH abstain for 3 days. Then he told us to go home and get busy after the iui for "back up". I will admit, I felt gross and bloated but I put in a good effort! Good luck!!!

AFM, I've been laying a little bit low since I've been so cranky. My ivf meds got delivered 4 days late so I basically had to double purchase over half of my meds. Oh well, it is what it is! My last day of injections is Sunday (5 per day ouch!) and another u/s on Monday for follicle check. I've got about 15 big ones now so hoping we get to trigger Monday night and keep egg retrieval scheduled for Wednesday! It's coming up so quickly and I'm so nervous. I can't believe I'm finally almost to the end of this ivf crap! Yay!

Oh, and I'm loving acupuncture! Babywhisperer, hopefully you get back into doing it soon. Keeps me calm and I really feel good about it!

Anxiously awaiting good news from you, Ltruns!!!
Hi to everyone else! Hope you're all having a great weekend!

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