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July/August IUIs

Just saw your last post about twins...my dr offers PDG (I think I have that right). They do additional testing to determine the strongest egg to transfer. The policy is if they do this, they will ONLY transfer 1. I think success goes from 50% to 70%. My office charges about $3k for this service. But I am considering it. Since I am young & no issues found with me, I think I have a good shot with 1 egg. But I also think I have a high likelyhood of 2 eggs both succeeding if I transfer 2. Twins sound cute & awesome & I would be thrilled of course...but if I had a choice, I would stick with a single. Plus I keep thinking what if one of my 2 splits & I get triplets!!!
I think this is the link beaglemom was talking about: https://www.sart.org/frame/detail.aspx?id=3893

Click on the state and choose the clinic. Then click on the "ART Data Report" at the bottom. The latest data available is from 2012 (not all babies conceived in 2013 are born yet!) You can view the overall success rate or you can choose particular issue you have from the drop down menu in "diagnosis" and view the success rate for that specific diagnose (if you know what your issue is that is. I don't unfortunately!)

Good luck!!
When we did IVF it was around $10,000 but we also did ICSI and hubby's operation so it was pretty expensive at that point. That is why we switched over to IUI with donor. It sucks that money is such an issue with infertility treatment and insurance doesn't seem to help out a lot. My IUI cycles are typically around $500-$700 depending on how many times I have to go in before I ovulate.

I think I would stick with IUI for maybe one more cycle and then switch but like the others said, do your research and weigh out the pros and cons.

AFM - I have a terrible head cold but at least it came during a time where I can take cold meds and not during the 2WW. I start clomid tomorrow. I'm hoping my cycle will be a little shorter this round but knowing how my body tends to behave - I'll probably still be waiting until around day 20 or so.
Raelyn - I briefly discussed donor sperm with my husband with IUI but he was against it. I know my situation is totally different than yours...but it was still something I brought up just because of the cost of trying that vs IVF.

My TWW has flown by...with vacation & then busy catch up days at work I didn't really know my dpo until I looked at my signature. Still not expecting much though with no meds or IUI this cycle. I left a message with my nurse to find out if my dr would have any issue with me doing another medicated cycle. My insurance will pay if I do timed vs IUI. My chances are still slim, but I have meds at home that will go to waste if I don't try something. So with u/s & a trigger it will cost me about $160...so figure worth a shot while I wait for IVF. Still no info on the grant.
beaglemom - My hubby was initially against donor too but when our IVF failed we reconsidered things. Sometimes you end up in situations you never expect. Hopefully you won't have to worry about any of it because this cycle is the one for you!
beaglemom - My hubby was initially against donor too but when our IVF failed we reconsidered things. Sometimes you end up in situations you never expect. Hopefully you won't have to worry about any of it because this cycle is the one for you!

Funny...I just googled transferring 1 vs 2 embryos. I am really not wanting twins & terrified of triplets. So I said I think I want to just do one. So my husband started asking about the time line for IVF when I start in Oct. And he says, not that it really maters because you are pregnant now.

Stranger things have happened...
So when are you testing, beaglemom?

I honestly haven't thought about it. If I start spotting probably no testing unless I am late. I am not on P this time, so no reason AF will be delayed...except I haven't had a natural cycle in quite some time. But my body usually bounces back. I usually spot a few days brown before AF. But if no spotting then I will probably test on Sunday...my husband is off that day & that will be 14 dpo. So far I am not feeling the itch.
When we did IVF it was around $10,000 but we also did ICSI and hubby's operation so it was pretty expensive at that point. That is why we switched over to IUI with donor. It sucks that money is such an issue with infertility treatment and insurance doesn't seem to help out a lot. My IUI cycles are typically around $500-$700 depending on how many times I have to go in before I ovulate.

I think I would stick with IUI for maybe one more cycle and then switch but like the others said, do your research and weigh out the pros and cons.

AFM - I have a terrible head cold but at least it came during a time where I can take cold meds and not during the 2WW. I start clomid tomorrow. I'm hoping my cycle will be a little shorter this round but knowing how my body tends to behave - I'll probably still be waiting until around day 20 or so.

Thank you everyone for your thoughtful replies. We are going to contest the insurance companies decision. I am going to Cornell they are the best in NY and let's face it everything is expensive in NY. I originally went to North Shore but had a terrible experience and would never ever go back. They were awful from beginning to the last appointment when I decided to get a second opinion. My Dr is a very close personal and colleague of my Uncles. He helped Celine Dion get prego. He's an amazing Dr and I have a lot of confidence in him. I just don't know why it's not happening this time. Dh says God wanted us to have our first baby and made it easy for us. If this doesn't work I may take a break. I've gained weight, it's stressing me out with the side effects and the idea of dipping into our savings. I'm very fiscally conservative. I might just keep going for acupuncture and try the old fashioned way. From our research most places in NY are very expensive so we might as well go with the most highly rated. They may not have the highest success rates but they don't turn people away or force them to do IVF. North Shore said I had almost zero chance to get prego with IUI and Cornell disagreed and felt it was worth a shot.

I'm also worried this time I'm not responding well. I'm on the same dose and don't feel the follies like I did last time. I barely feel anything going on. I'm not tender at all like I was last time at this juncture. Any ideas why?

I have my Dr appt tomorrow for u/s and b/w.

Thank you so much for your advice. It really helps to have someone else weigh in.
When we did IVF it was around $10,000 but we also did ICSI and hubby's operation so it was pretty expensive at that point. That is why we switched over to IUI with donor. It sucks that money is such an issue with infertility treatment and insurance doesn't seem to help out a lot. My IUI cycles are typically around $500-$700 depending on how many times I have to go in before I ovulate.

I think I would stick with IUI for maybe one more cycle and then switch but like the others said, do your research and weigh out the pros and cons.

AFM - I have a terrible head cold but at least it came during a time where I can take cold meds and not during the 2WW. I start clomid tomorrow. I'm hoping my cycle will be a little shorter this round but knowing how my body tends to behave - I'll probably still be waiting until around day 20 or so.

Sorry about your cold. Have you tried a Neti pot? I used it for a cold and allergies when I was prego. It helps so much!
Raelyn - I briefly discussed donor sperm with my husband with IUI but he was against it. I know my situation is totally different than yours...but it was still something I brought up just because of the cost of trying that vs IVF.

My TWW has flown by...with vacation & then busy catch up days at work I didn't really know my dpo until I looked at my signature. Still not expecting much though with no meds or IUI this cycle. I left a message with my nurse to find out if my dr would have any issue with me doing another medicated cycle. My insurance will pay if I do timed vs IUI. My chances are still slim, but I have meds at home that will go to waste if I don't try something. So with u/s & a trigger it will cost me about $160...so figure worth a shot while I wait for IVF. Still no info on the grant.

Sometimes it happens when you least expect it! I know a few who got their bfp while waiting to do IVF. I'm happy your tww went fast. I always joke that I wish I could be put in a coma and wake up when it's over.

I think your plan for leftover meds is great. Might as well if it's only 150. Can't wait for you to test.
I have never been pregnant but maybe this time is different for you because you have delivered a baby and also a couple years older. Our bodies seem to always be changing especially as we get older.

I didn't do a lot of research on my Dr. She was her my gyno referred me to and I went with it. My experience has been very good so far. I Def think there is a lot to be said about being happy with your Dr despite the money factor.
I have never been pregnant but maybe this time is different for you because you have delivered a baby and also a couple years older. Our bodies seem to always be changing especially as we get older.

I didn't do a lot of research on my Dr. She was her my gyno referred me to and I went with it. My experience has been very good so far. I Def think there is a lot to be said about being happy with your Dr despite the money factor.

Thank you for that. I'm just overwhelmed. This is a hard week for me. I work for Cantor Fitzgerald and today is the hardest day of the year. We do a charity day where all our profits go to the families of people who were killed on 9/11 and other charities like Wounded Warrior. It puts things in perspective. Some people haven't stopped mourning. I work with people who were there that day. I wish I wasn't so sensitive. Heading into work in the train and looking at the sunrise I'm sad. I wish there was no reason to commemorate this day.

Sorry to be Debbie Downer. Off to the Dr let's hope there's some follies brewing in there. I have to say this has been the best thread as far as supportive and positive women in the 2yrs I've been on here. You are all so compassionate and I appreciate you. I hope to see more bfp's on here soon even if I move onto IVF or take a break I will be checking in.
Babywhisperer-GL on your scan today and I pray today isn't too emotionally difficult for you Hun. I also agree this groups of gals are awesome. Everyone is very supportive and always quick to share a kind word when another may be feeling down in the dumps. Many days I feel blah abd reading all of your encouragement and support keeps me going. Praying we see a lot more bfps this month and also praying that those who already got their bfp have a h&h 9 months
Hello ladies...so I think I briefly discussed this before. I got the green light from my dr to do a medicated/monitored cycle this month using letrozole & my leftover follistim. It will go to waste if I don't use it. But instead of IUI, I will do timed intercourse. Chances are low, but higher than a natural cycle. And my insurance will pay for it. So I pay a copay for my u/s & pay for the ovidrel...so about $160 all together.
Babywhisperer - So sorry that today is so rough for you. Hopefully your appointment goes well!

Beaglemom - That is great that you got the green light to go ahead with this cycle. Maybe doing something different will be the key to getting your BFP!
Hello ladies...so I think I briefly discussed this before. I got the green light from my dr to do a medicated/monitored cycle this month using letrozole & my leftover follistim. It will go to waste if I don't use it. But instead of IUI, I will do timed intercourse. Chances are low, but higher than a natural cycle. And my insurance will pay for it. So I pay a copay for my u/s & pay for the ovidrel...so about $160 all together.

Hey Beaglemom I think it is good your doctor is working with you to use your leftover meds instead of wasting them and also getting a bit of a boost versus just a natural cycle. Is letrozole similar to femara (pills) and follistim similar to menopur (injected)? GL to you hun.

Your copay is super low. I live in the Bahamas and insurance covers 0 fertility treatments so absolutely EVERYTHING is out of pocket and as we all know these fertility meds are ridiculously priced. We will have another go at IUI #1 this month but if no luck we will be referred to IVF which I will have to fly to Florida to do. My doctor here is partnered with The South Florida Institute for Reproductive Medicine so more than likely that would be where we go should IVF be the route we have to take. Still praying we get our BFP before we get to that point as the whole IVF process seems really intense and honestly scares me a bit but given DH poor SA we've been told this is our best option. Anyway let me not get ahead of myself because I am praying September is our BFP month!!!

On a side note, do any of you ladies have any baby items you've bought for your little one even though no BFP?? I've recently been more attracted to baby items, closthes etc and so far I have 2 packs of onesies that were on sale and an I love daddy onesie (I've had this a while and planned to give this to DH when we get or bfp). I didn't feel sad or anything buying them it actually made me feel excited. Anyone else buy or bought baby items before bfP?
Hi ladies.

Beaglemom so happy your doctor is working with you to use up your meds and keep the ttc going.

Prayingfrono yes dh and I have bought a few items that were on sale and are neutral.

Babywhisperer that is really nice of your work to do a volunteer day and give back. It is really sad that today has to be remembered for such a great loss.

AFM iui this am. We are headed for dh to give his sample then we will wait an hour and then it's go time. I am cramping really bad off and on. It's coming from both sides so I guess we will see if we can catch one. On a side note it is my great grandma's birthday today. We lost her many years ago but I really do think she is watching over me everyday including today. We definitely have her in our favor and then my brother in law too. He left us October 2010 and today was the day he joined the us army. He has his way of showing us he is around every once in a while. Hopefully today we can get some baby dust from above.
Future GL today!! You have 2 angels watching over you and sending babydust your way. I am going to send you a bit extra as well :dust:
Babywhisperer - good luck on your scan today!

FutureBabyG - sounds like today's the perfect timing for the IUI. Fingers crossed for you!!

beaglemom - I'll be testing on Tuesday so I'm not far behind you! I'm glad you are still able to use up some of your old meds so nothing's wasted!

Prayingforno1 - I lived in South FL for many years and I am still working for the company there. I'm not familiar with that particular clinic although I was not TTC when I lived there so I never paid much attention to these kind of things back then. The one clinic that did run tons of radio ads is IVF Florida. If you look at the success rate stats from the link I posted yesterday I think they are pretty high. But let's hope IUI will get you pregnant so you don't have to go through any of that.

AFM, for those of you who don't know, I still work for the same employer from Florida even though I no longer live in Florida. I now work from home but travel back to Florida to check in. When I do, I'm gone for an entire week. I used to go religiously every 6-7 weeks but ever since I started TTC traveling for work and be gone for an entire week is just not working out. I've been making excuses on not going so it's now getting old and people are starting to get suspicious. With my miscarriage and the cancer scare then another surgery earlier this year there was no way I could go.

But now that I'm undergoing fertility treatments it's even harder to plan out these work trips ahead of time. It's one thing to not being able to time intercourse perfectly (I would just bring DH with me since he's a government employee and has tons of vacation time) but when you're undergoing fertility treatment you never know when you'd have to go to the doctor's office. Booking plane tickets and hotel usually requires at least 3-4 weeks of notice ahead of time so it makes it super hard.

Today my HR person kept asking me when I was going to come and I just kept avoiding the question and said I didn't know. She said my boss was asking her when the last time it was that I went down and I just said it'd been a while. Eventually she dropped it. Then she called back half an hour and said that my boss asked her a question she couldn't answer. And then she asked me if I was pregnant. Ha! Mmm..nope, not yet but all I said was no. And she said my boss was wondering why I wouldn't come. I told her I would call him myself.

So now it looks like it might be time for me to come clean. I still want to make it as vague as possible but I might have to spill some beans. I'm a very private person and I'm super nervous about telling people but it looks like I can't hide it any longer!

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