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July/August IUIs

Floridasian I understand what you are going through. I had to tell my boss last week because I knew if I didn't I would end up having to come back from our trip early to explain it and I didn't want that hanging over me. I have to schedule my work 2 month in advance for 8 weeks out. I am sorry but may family doesn't plan 4 months in advance and neither does fertility treatments. I just told my boss that we were ready for a family and unfortunately it's not as easy for us therefore I was going to be calling in and need to switch my scheduled days. She understood and helped me fill out fmla paperwork only to find out I was denied. I think I will just do part time and pick up days. I have to talk to her when I get back but I think I will just wait until I see my bfp this cycle. Then I can avoid it all together! Come on bfp!

Good luck talking to your boss.
I can't believe you were denied FMLA...actually I can believe it...so ridiculous.

I came clean with my boss a while back...only because the other banker left so I needed to make sure he knew even though we were short staffed, when I ask for time off, I need it. I did that for the IUIs done locally with my gyno. When I had to start with the RE, it required more time off besides just a lunch hour so I told him the whole deal.

As far as baby things go, I have tons of stuff. Some people will tell you not to do it, but I say you know you so do what makes you happy. Most of my items are things I found crazy cheap so I couldn't pass it up. I am at the point now where I cannot buy much without knowing a gender. However, if I see a crib I like on sale...super cheap kind of sale...I am buying it!

IVF is scary...that is my next step...that is why I do not have as much to contribute to this thread lately. But I try to give advice where I can & follow what everyone is doing. I am hoping mid Oct I will begin that journey...if no positive before then.
Florida-Thanks for the info I will check out the link you posted when I get home from work but from what I see online South Florida Institute for Reproductive Medicine is also known as IVF MD and I did goolge them before and their success rates were the highest for South Florida.

So sorry you have to share a bit of your private struggle with your boss. I am praying should we have to go through IVF and travel to Florida, it will all happen at a time away from my reporting deadlines so I don't have to share with my boss in order to get the time off. My boss is very understanding however. Last December when I had my laparoscopy I went in to tell him I'd likely be out for 2 weeks and through telling him I just started crying (yes I am a big baby) he came over and pat me on the shoulder saying he understands what I'm going through because his wife had similar issues so he knows how scary it is. :hugs: hun it will be alright
I can't believe you were denied FMLA...actually I can believe it...so ridiculous.

I came clean with my boss a while back...only because the other banker left so I needed to make sure he knew even though we were short staffed, when I ask for time off, I need it. I did that for the IUIs done locally with my gyno. When I had to start with the RE, it required more time off besides just a lunch hour so I told him the whole deal.

As far as baby things go, I have tons of stuff. Some people will tell you not to do it, but I say you know you so do what makes you happy. Most of my items are things I found crazy cheap so I couldn't pass it up. I am at the point now where I cannot buy much without knowing a gender. However, if I see a crib I like on sale...super cheap kind of sale...I am buying it!

IVF is scary...that is my next step...that is why I do not have as much to contribute to this thread lately. But I try to give advice where I can & follow what everyone is doing. I am hoping mid Oct I will begin that journey...if no positive before then.

I agree beagle all the stuff we have are gender neutral as well and who can pass up a good deal on cute baby stuff??? It makes me feel like I am moving in the right direction while also boosting my hope and faith. We will soon have 10 fingers and 10 toes to fill our acquired baby collections hun :)
Hello everyone!!

Sorry I have been MIA. I have been dealing with so much lately. I have been very, extremely down about my last BFN and have had some family issues that have taken up some time.

I got a new job! I was supposed to start this week, however the background check is taking forever to get completed. Apparently the state office has around background checks to do so mine will be another 7 days. EEEK! But, once I start I can plan out my vacation time so I know how much I will have at certain intervals.

When we get our dividend this October we will pay off DH's exisiting 401K loan and be ready to take out another for IVF. We still don't have a time frame for the IVF yet but for now we are working on diet and weight loss and overall trying to get healthier before we move into injectables. Yikes! lol.

I hope you all are doing well. I haven't gone back and read all that I have missed yet, but I will. :hugs:
Hello ladies...so I think I briefly discussed this before. I got the green light from my dr to do a medicated/monitored cycle this month using letrozole & my leftover follistim. It will go to waste if I don't use it. But instead of IUI, I will do timed intercourse. Chances are low, but higher than a natural cycle. And my insurance will pay for it. So I pay a copay for my u/s & pay for the ovidrel...so about $160 all together.

Hey Beaglemom I think it is good your doctor is working with you to use your leftover meds instead of wasting them and also getting a bit of a boost versus just a natural cycle. Is letrozole similar to femara (pills) and follistim similar to menopur (injected)? GL to you hun.

Your copay is super low. I live in the Bahamas and insurance covers 0 fertility treatments so absolutely EVERYTHING is out of pocket and as we all know these fertility meds are ridiculously priced. We will have another go at IUI #1 this month but if no luck we will be referred to IVF which I will have to fly to Florida to do. My doctor here is partnered with The South Florida Institute for Reproductive Medicine so more than likely that would be where we go should IVF be the route we have to take. Still praying we get our BFP before we get to that point as the whole IVF process seems really intense and honestly scares me a bit but given DH poor SA we've been told this is our best option. Anyway let me not get ahead of myself because I am praying September is our BFP month!!!

On a side note, do any of you ladies have any baby items you've bought for your little one even though no BFP?? I've recently been more attracted to baby items, closthes etc and so far I have 2 packs of onesies that were on sale and an I love daddy onesie (I've had this a while and planned to give this to DH when we get or bfp). I didn't feel sad or anything buying them it actually made me feel excited. Anyone else buy or bought baby items before bfP?

Letrozole & femara are the same thing...I think letrozole is the generic. Follistim is the follicle inducing hormone...not sure if the same as menopur (not familiar with that drug).
Husband had great numbers post wash was 22 mil 92 % motility and 88% progressive. She says we have an awesome chance.
Hello everyone!!

Sorry I have been MIA. I have been dealing with so much lately. I have been very, extremely down about my last BFN and have had some family issues that have taken up some time.

I got a new job! I was supposed to start this week, however the background check is taking forever to get completed. Apparently the state office has around background checks to do so mine will be another 7 days. EEEK! But, once I start I can plan out my vacation time so I know how much I will have at certain intervals.

When we get our dividend this October we will pay off DH's exisiting 401K loan and be ready to take out another for IVF. We still don't have a time frame for the IVF yet but for now we are working on diet and weight loss and overall trying to get healthier before we move into injectables. Yikes! lol.

I hope you all are doing well. I haven't gone back and read all that I have missed yet, but I will. :hugs:

Sorry to hear you are going through some things. It sounds like things are starting to look up tho. Good luck to you with the new job.
Hi all,

When everything was ready for me to start my first IUI cycle, I told my boss that I was going to TTC via IUI. He is very conservative so I was a little scared (single mom, IUI) but he took it well. I would have waited longer to tell him about my BFP but I had ohss and I knew he would ask a lot of questions if I went on sick leave with no explanation... I'm glad I told him though it makes me a Little bit anxious.

Beaglemom - IVF sounds scary but it isn't so bad. You're already used to the injections so that part will be a cinch for you. The egg retrieval was super easy for me. The IV was the worst part since I was a needle-phobe at that point but I woke up afterward and had no pain. The transfer is the same as an IUI only with an embryo instead of sperm. Of course I hope you won't have to go through any of it since you'll get you BFP before then but you'll do great!

About the work stuff - back on my first round I had to tell my boss too since we were doing IVF and I was out several days. I just told him I had some health issues I was dealing with that I would need to be out some days for and I would give him as much notice as possible. I'm sure he would have been supportive if I had told him everything but it felt very private to me. Legally, they can't make you tell them any specifics about medical issues so it is up to you how much you tell or don't tell.

FBG - Numbers sound great!! Good luck!

Mikihob - Glad you're still around. Hopefully this time off will get you in a great spot health-wise and money-wise so your IVF cycle is perfect!

Nothing much happening here. I start clomid tonight! We're dealing with some house stress right now so it is good we're kind of in a waiting period for IUI stuff. We're about to start a kitchen remodel and then our basement flooded so now we're dealing with the whole house being all ripped up at once. It is a little crazy.
The scary part of IVF is the lump sum of money & no guarantees...but I feel pretty good about after doing research & getting used to the idea.
Raelynn:GL on your remodel and sorry to hear about your flooding. I hope alot of your stuff didn't get damaged.

Future-OMG your SA numbers sound great!!! Keeping everything crossed for you.

Miki-GL on your new job and good luck on your weight loss goals

AFM: Starting to feel like AF is on her way but so early as I'm only CD 22 and normally have 31, although I expect this cycle to be shorter due to the meds. I still have a bit of hope tht I could get my bfp this month even though iui was cancelled and I refuse to give up hope until that wicked witch shows!
Need some friends over here ladies
beaglemom - I definitely understand the scary part of taking the risk and all the money. But IVF will give you the best possible chance. Hopefully you won't need it but if you do at least you're well prepared by all your research.

Praying - You're right, you're not out until AF shows. Hopefully it is just implantation cramping you're feeling.
Thanks everyone for sharing your experience with telling your boss. I had "the talk" with my boss this morning. I kept it as vague as possible but I did tell him about my miscarriage, the multiple surgeries and that I'm going through "treatments" and he seems to be understanding. I think he was just more curious why I didn't want to travel than the actual nitty gritty details. It's a big relief now that I don't have to try to come up with different excuses why I can't go, although I feel bad about it still.
Thanks everyone for sharing your experience with telling your boss. I had "the talk" with my boss this morning. I kept it as vague as possible but I did tell him about my miscarriage, the multiple surgeries and that I'm going through "treatments" and he seems to be understanding. I think he was just more curious why I didn't want to travel than the actual nitty gritty details. It's a big relief now that I don't have to try to come up with different excuses why I can't go, although I feel bad about it still.

If your boss is anything like mine, he mainly just wanted to know I was okay...nothing serious. Also I think a small part of him thought I was looking for another job :) So he felt relief to hear what was happening, sympathized with my struggle, & was excited at the idea of me & my husband expanding our family.
Hi ladies.

Beaglemom so happy your doctor is working with you to use up your meds and keep the ttc going.

Prayingfrono yes dh and I have bought a few items that were on sale and are neutral.

Babywhisperer that is really nice of your work to do a volunteer day and give back. It is really sad that today has to be remembered for such a great loss.

AFM iui this am. We are headed for dh to give his sample then we will wait an hour and then it's go time. I am cramping really bad off and on. It's coming from both sides so I guess we will see if we can catch one. On a side note it is my great grandma's birthday today. We lost her many years ago but I really do think she is watching over me everyday including today. We definitely have her in our favor and then my brother in law too. He left us October 2010 and today was the day he joined the us army. He has his way of showing us he is around every once in a while. Hopefully today we can get some baby dust from above.

Hope the IUI went great, crossing my fingers you catch the eggies!!

Sorry for your loss, but I am like you, I truly believe they are up there pulling for us!
If your boss is anything like mine, he mainly just wanted to know I was okay...nothing serious. Also I think a small part of him thought I was looking for another job :) So he felt relief to hear what was happening, sympathized with my struggle, & was excited at the idea of me & my husband expanding our family.

Yes that's exactly it!! He just wanted to make sure I was OK and I didn't even realize it at the time but then he followed up by saying how important I was to the company and that he absolutely needed me so yes I think he was definitely wondering if I was looking around.

Also, so happy to see you use the phrase "extending our family" - I absolutely hate it when people use "start a family" to mean "having a baby", as if people like us who are childless don't have a family. It's one of my all-time personal pet peeves!
Babywhisperer - good luck on your scan today!

FutureBabyG - sounds like today's the perfect timing for the IUI. Fingers crossed for you!!

beaglemom - I'll be testing on Tuesday so I'm not far behind you! I'm glad you are still able to use up some of your old meds so nothing's wasted!

Prayingforno1 - I lived in South FL for many years and I am still working for the company there. I'm not familiar with that particular clinic although I was not TTC when I lived there so I never paid much attention to these kind of things back then. The one clinic that did run tons of radio ads is IVF Florida. If you look at the success rate stats from the link I posted yesterday I think they are pretty high. But let's hope IUI will get you pregnant so you don't have to go through any of that.

AFM, for those of you who don't know, I still work for the same employer from Florida even though I no longer live in Florida. I now work from home but travel back to Florida to check in. When I do, I'm gone for an entire week. I used to go religiously every 6-7 weeks but ever since I started TTC traveling for work and be gone for an entire week is just not working out. I've been making excuses on not going so it's now getting old and people are starting to get suspicious. With my miscarriage and the cancer scare then another surgery earlier this year there was no way I could go.

But now that I'm undergoing fertility treatments it's even harder to plan out these work trips ahead of time. It's one thing to not being able to time intercourse perfectly (I would just bring DH with me since he's a government employee and has tons of vacation time) but when you're undergoing fertility treatment you never know when you'd have to go to the doctor's office. Booking plane tickets and hotel usually requires at least 3-4 weeks of notice ahead of time so it makes it super hard.

Today my HR person kept asking me when I was going to come and I just kept avoiding the question and said I didn't know. She said my boss was asking her when the last time it was that I went down and I just said it'd been a while. Eventually she dropped it. Then she called back half an hour and said that my boss asked her a question she couldn't answer. And then she asked me if I was pregnant. Ha! Mmm..nope, not yet but all I said was no. And she said my boss was wondering why I wouldn't come. I told her I would call him myself.

So now it looks like it might be time for me to come clean. I still want to make it as vague as possible but I might have to spill some beans. I'm a very private person and I'm super nervous about telling people but it looks like I can't hide it any longer!

Instead of being specific, can you say that you are going through something private with your husband and while work is your main focus, travel might have to be more flexible or put off for a little bit, but you do intend to come down asap.

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