** July lucky testing thread **

I have one daughter, almost 15 months. It took us 3 months to conceive ( 1st mo was a chemical, waited 1 mo, then conceived the following).
We've now been trying for 3 months and I had a chemical last month, so I totally feel the pressure/stress to conceive quickly to give my daughter a sibling. The fact we conceived so quick last time and now it seems like it's taking forever was stressing me out, but I know that doesn't help anything, so I've really been trying to just relax and trust it will happen when it's meant to.
Good luck to you!!

Yeah, it’s crazy how it can be quick one thing me and not the next for some people. I also feel the pressure to conceive quickly because DD will be 6 next month. But I just have to hope that it will happen when it is meant to...
For our older son, it took only two months.
For our younger son, it took six months, and that felt long.
Let's see what this round of TTC brings. It is the first time trying in my thirties.
First time trying in my thirties too! Glad I am trying now instead of waiting because of how long it took to conceive DD in my mid twenties.
@tropicsgirl I'm nearly 37 and my OH is 35 next week, we have been trying for 3 years. We've known what the problem is for all of that time but its taken me a long time to persuade OH to go down the AI route. I guess you could say this is our first 'real' month of trying. It's so frustrating.
Sorry I’ve not been in here much ladies...sometimes I feel like I don’t really belong here recently because my chances of TTC are so low.
Last night I had slight spotting after orgasm (sorry for TMI) I NEVER get spotting mid cycle esp before ovulation has even happened. I really do suspect I have fibroids or cysts or endo (hopefully nothing worse). I also get a pressure feeling down near my C- section scar. I’m seeing the doctors next week for a horrible internal examination so hopefully they may be able to tell me more. Obviously I don’t want there to be anything wrong with me but more worried about being out forever.

Lightning - was definitely lines in those tests and the strips can be a bit unpredictable early on. And if AF is late I hope it is a good sign. Sorry the tests today were BFN but possibly more dilute pee? Which can make a big difference early on. Got everything crossed for you for more tests..go out and buy some bad boys! X
So I haven't caught up yet, but ladies LOOK! IM SEEING ANOTHER LINE! so the top test was day before yesterday that I am already posted, the bottom one was yesterdays, I didn't post it yesterday as I thought it was a dud test as the strip never want white but stayed pinkish so I couldn't see if there was a line, but the sunlight is brighter this morning and I glanced at it and saw a definite line stronger then the day before! I have just tested with FMU again and waiting impatiently for that one to dry lol but also I am officially at 12dpo for the first time ever, my AF usually comes at 10-11dpo, and so far no sign of her, guys I am shaking I'm so hopeful but nervous! Please let this be it after so many months! I want it so much [-o<[-o<[-o<

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Oh that’s definitely there!! FX this is your bfp!!

I feel totally crushed.
It just feels so unfair, im still holding on to a tiny bit if hope that this isn't another loss and instead is just a good clear out.

But all the odds are pointing to early Misscarige.
The fading symptoms mainly and now this.
I didnt get a positive test tho, I only got shadow lines on ICs and I did a frer at 11dpo which had a vvf line then when I tested again there was nothing the next day.
I was hoping it was just a faulty test. With my chemical back in April I bad a much clearer line.

Oh please don't let this be another loss, [-o<

I really hope this isn’t a chemical for you, but if it is it doesn’t definitely mean your next cycle will be messed up so please try not to worry - it will happen lovely!!

@Alligator I swear something is catching my eye on the FRER and the cheapies! Like Dee said, don't count yourself out until the witch shows. I didn't get positive with either of mine until 13DPO. And every pregnancy is different! You could have a late implanter who is just doing things in their own time! Don't give up hope!

@drudai ugh, that is so frustrating! do you typically have irregular cycles? Did you temp or anything this last month to confirm you ovulated and didn't have an anovulatory cycle? That could explain the abnormal period flow

@Suggerhoney I feel the same way. I have two wonderful and amazing little boys who I am so incredibly grateful for every single day. But that doesn't mean that I don't still long for another to complete our family. Wishing and dreaming for more love, more babies....that doesn't mean you're not grateful for what you have now and we all understand that <3 Oh hun, I just to your next post about a possible chemical. I am so so sorry :hugs::hugs:

@ChibiLena I keep telling DH that we need to have a girl otherwise a boy will just be "boy 3" hahaha. We do have a shortlist of 7 or 8 names, with a frontrunner, but I'm not going to commit to any of them until we find out we are having a boy. Because what will happen is we pick a name, I fall in love with it, we have a girl and I start pestering DH for baby #4 to try to use the name lol

@Jft1 :hugs::hugs:

@tdog :dance::dance:GREAT progression!!

@Nixnax I'm glad your + finally showed up!!

@StarryEyes. CD8 feels early to me, but I am sure it is possible. It's probably that FF gave you crosshairs because you have your mucus marked as eggwhite followed by 3 days of rising temps. Try taking that out and see if you get crosshairs closer to your typical O day as it comes up. It very well could move your CH without taking the marked E off (mine have done that) as you move along in the cycle with more information. Temping is great but can be a bit tricky!!

@Cronkie121 I don't know anything about trigger shots but 6dpo does seem early. Hopefully the coming days pass quickly for you so you can start testing!!

@3 girlies :hugs::hugs: Good luck with your next cycle!!

@Hevalouaddict I'm sorry for the extra long AF (I had one of those last cycle too). Best of luck this cycle to catch that eggy!!

@Lightning7 Definitely see those lines!!! And I wouldn't put a lot of stock in the cheapies honestly...there is a reason why they are cheap :) I never got much more than faint lines on them, even when my FRERs were darker than control. Your chart is looking awesome. I would give it a day or two and bust out one of the FRERs to see. You have to remember too that you won't see progression one day over the next easily on tests. Compare every other day to track it.

AFM, i FINALLY got my + OPK today!! Took it's sweet time to show up but it did! Basically jumped DH once the kids were in bed :haha: I have one more CB OPK that I'll take in a day or two just to use it up (i'm not planning on using those next cycle if we don't catch this month so figure, why not pee on one more thing lol). Will keep temping to confirm O and watch over the next couple weeks and then sit back and enjoy the next week of a pee on stick free life until i start obsessing about it again. Honestly I find the week after ovulation to be the best of the month when you are trying. You're not in the midst of AF, big check. You're not worried about timing sex right with ovulation, and then the bit of worry of what if i don't ovulate (this was me yesterday), check. You're not in the POAS, line eye, etc phase, check. You can just sit back, relax and dream of seeing that BFP. Obviously the best is when you get your BFP, but as a whole, the third week is the most relaxing of all of them to me.

Yay for the +opk!! Good luck! I hope you caught the eggy!

thanks for looking at my chart, I took out the ewcm and it didn’t change anything - I also added in a -opk just to see if that would get rid of the crosshairs but it didn’t either ‍♀️ But I’m pretty sure it’s wrong, I’m still gearing up for ov in around 5 days and hopefully my temps and a +opk will reflect that so it updates! My temps were quite erratic up to that point, last 4 days have all been very stable so maybe I’ve just got the hang of taking my temp better?!

Hope I don't upset anyone by posting this but this is my progression :) xx

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Love this!!!! :bfp:
@Alligator I swear something is catching my eye on the FRER and the cheapies! Like Dee said, don't count yourself out until the witch shows. I didn't get positive with either of mine until 13DPO. And every pregnancy is different! You could have a late implanter who is just doing things in their own time! Don't give up hope!

@drudai ugh, that is so frustrating! do you typically have irregular cycles? Did you temp or anything this last month to confirm you ovulated and didn't have an anovulatory cycle? That could explain the abnormal period flow

@Suggerhoney I feel the same way. I have two wonderful and amazing little boys who I am so incredibly grateful for every single day. But that doesn't mean that I don't still long for another to complete our family. Wishing and dreaming for more love, more babies....that doesn't mean you're not grateful for what you have now and we all understand that <3 Oh hun, I just to your next post about a possible chemical. I am so so sorry :hugs::hugs:

@ChibiLena I keep telling DH that we need to have a girl otherwise a boy will just be "boy 3" hahaha. We do have a shortlist of 7 or 8 names, with a frontrunner, but I'm not going to commit to any of them until we find out we are having a boy. Because what will happen is we pick a name, I fall in love with it, we have a girl and I start pestering DH for baby #4 to try to use the name lol

@Jft1 :hugs::hugs:

@tdog :dance::dance:GREAT progression!!

@Nixnax I'm glad your + finally showed up!!

@StarryEyes. CD8 feels early to me, but I am sure it is possible. It's probably that FF gave you crosshairs because you have your mucus marked as eggwhite followed by 3 days of rising temps. Try taking that out and see if you get crosshairs closer to your typical O day as it comes up. It very well could move your CH without taking the marked E off (mine have done that) as you move along in the cycle with more information. Temping is great but can be a bit tricky!!

@Cronkie121 I don't know anything about trigger shots but 6dpo does seem early. Hopefully the coming days pass quickly for you so you can start testing!!

@3 girlies :hugs::hugs: Good luck with your next cycle!!

@Hevalouaddict I'm sorry for the extra long AF (I had one of those last cycle too). Best of luck this cycle to catch that eggy!!

@Lightning7 Definitely see those lines!!! And I wouldn't put a lot of stock in the cheapies honestly...there is a reason why they are cheap :) I never got much more than faint lines on them, even when my FRERs were darker than control. Your chart is looking awesome. I would give it a day or two and bust out one of the FRERs to see. You have to remember too that you won't see progression one day over the next easily on tests. Compare every other day to track it.

AFM, i FINALLY got my + OPK today!! Took it's sweet time to show up but it did! Basically jumped DH once the kids were in bed :haha: I have one more CB OPK that I'll take in a day or two just to use it up (i'm not planning on using those next cycle if we don't catch this month so figure, why not pee on one more thing lol). Will keep temping to confirm O and watch over the next couple weeks and then sit back and enjoy the next week of a pee on stick free life until i start obsessing about it again. Honestly I find the week after ovulation to be the best of the month when you are trying. You're not in the midst of AF, big check. You're not worried about timing sex right with ovulation, and then the bit of worry of what if i don't ovulate (this was me yesterday), check. You're not in the POAS, line eye, etc phase, check. You can just sit back, relax and dream of seeing that BFP. Obviously the best is when you get your BFP, but as a whole, the third week is the most relaxing of all of them to me.
Glad you have ovulated and got some BD in at the right time, it’s a relief to know you have done all you can and I agree that the wait after ovulation can be the most relaxed. Chill and allow your womb to accept that little egg soon :)

Tdog - please get rid of that spoiler! I think I speak for everyone when I say we are all thrilled for you and would never take away your joy even if we have struggles ourselves. Your lines are progressing just as they should I would say. Can I ask your age please?
@Alligator - contrats!! That looks like a BFP to me.
@Suggerhoney, I'm sorry. :( I know what it feels like to ttc for so long and feel like it will never happen. You gotta have hope!!

Sorry if I don't reply to everyone's post. I feel like whenever I come back to this thread there are so many posts to go through!

I was just wondering, how long have each of you been trying to ttc? If you have previous children, how long did it take for you to conceive them? I am just curious because it took us 13 months to conceive DD. It's funny how the doctors all say "if it takes more than a year, you likely have fertility issues" and yet...we got pregnant after more than a year of trying. My thinking is that...there are so many factors that come into play. Not only do you have to DTD when you ovulate or around then, but all the conditions have to be perfect. When I think about it...it feels amazing that anyone can get pregnant lol.

It'll be our 6 month of trying this time and I am trying my best to stay positive because I know that if I let myself go down a rabbit hole like I did the first time, it won't do me any good.

I have 3 children.
#1 took 3 months with a chemical the second month.
#2 took 3/4 months
#3 was an accident when my dd was 10 weeks old :lol:

We've been ttc this one since june 2019. We conceived in december but had a mmc.
Sorry I haven't been responding much recently ladies. I am reading the posts every day but struggling a lot mentally with ttc right now so I haven't been commenting much. I'm on cd52 now :sad2: it's so frustrating how messed up my cycles have been since my miscarriage.
My daughter was conceived 4 months after my MC, I stopped BFing when she turned 1 and fell pregnant in the May with my twinnies. It’s been 6 years since we started trying for number 4 but it’s not happened yet. I’m 30 (31 next month) and Hubby is 31. Not much has changed with us. I should be grateful for my babies as we were both told as children we’d probably never have them (I had Rubella and he had Shingles)
Alligator: Congrats!! I see the lines on the FRER with no problem. FX for even darker tests here soon!! :happydance:

Tdog: Lovely progression. Keep them coming. We are all here to see everyone succeed. Your tests give me hope just seeing bfp.

Sugger: HUGS I hope it lets up soon. I am so sorry. You have been so sweet and supportive to everyone. Hang in there sound trite but please do. We will be hanging in there with you.

Lighting: I think I can see some faint lines coming through. Hoping madly this is it for you!! Keep us posted FX!

Dee: You are not out at all. Your hormones may be at war a bit but Ovulation should happen still. Hopefully your doc can shed some light on what might be going on though. Are they doing a sono at all? I know my fibroids are supposedly small and not located in a way that impedes a pregnancy i was told. I havent checked up on them in at least a year or two. Guess its time. Keep us posted on how you are doing. I feel the same with posting lately. I'm old and been at this a while but you know , we still need the support of ttc community and I love reading your posts. :)

kksy: FX for catching the eggy! And yes, the week after o is confirmed is the best ever. No more anxiety over bding or ewcm. Tea time. :D

Nix: Get that bding in!!! Cuppin whatever ya can get stirrin!! hahaha...

I read everyone's posts and want to send out BIG HUGS to those with bfns or AF knocking on the door. I never want any cycle to end that way but we pick up and move on. Our goal is the rainbow and we will get there.

AFM waiting on O and super busy part of work starting tomorrow so I will fade back into the shadows again. With work picking up like mad I barely have energy to type once I kick back...lol..but I think about all of you on here and wish nothing but the best so I try to post where I can. I know I really need the support and company of you all.

Have an amazing day everyone!! :hugs2:
@tdog love the progression!!

@Suggerhoney I’m so sorry things didn’t work out this cycle. Hugs.

@kksy9b yay for positive opk!! Sometimes it feels like they are never going to turn positive!

AFM: I attached my opk today below. Not positive, but getting darker, which is great! This is the first time we’ve TTC that my cycles have been somewhat regular and Ov is easier to pinpoint. Because of my previous experience never knowing (some cycles 28 days, some 70, and anything in between!) I’m still sceptical that it’ll happen when I think! But looks like it might! Should Ov on Saturday so we BD tues, wed, and will do thurs and Fri. Unfortunately we are camping at the weekend with the kids so no chance to Dtd as we all pile in to bed at the same time!
Also, it’s been 2.5yrs since we last TTC with #3 and I forgot the enjoyment/frustration that comes with POAS! I’m obsessed with my opk. I said I wouldn’t do them this time because I kinda know more when I’ll Ov, but I just ordered another batch :haha:
Alligator: Congrats!! I see the lines on the FRER with no problem. FX for even darker tests here soon!! :happydance:

Tdog: Lovely progression. Keep them coming. We are all here to see everyone succeed. Your tests give me hope just seeing bfp.

Sugger: HUGS I hope it lets up soon. I am so sorry. You have been so sweet and supportive to everyone. Hang in there sound trite but please do. We will be hanging in there with you.

Lighting: I think I can see some faint lines coming through. Hoping madly this is it for you!! Keep us posted FX!

Dee: You are not out at all. Your hormones may be at war a bit but Ovulation should happen still. Hopefully your doc can shed some light on what might be going on though. Are they doing a sono at all? I know my fibroids are supposedly small and not located in a way that impedes a pregnancy i was told. I havent checked up on them in at least a year or two. Guess its time. Keep us posted on how you are doing. I feel the same with posting lately. I'm old and been at this a while but you know , we still need the support of ttc community and I love reading your posts. :)

kksy: FX for catching the eggy! And yes, the week after o is confirmed is the best ever. No more anxiety over bding or ewcm. Tea time. :D

Nix: Get that bding in!!! Cuppin whatever ya can get stirrin!! hahaha...

I read everyone's posts and want to send out BIG HUGS to those with bfns or AF knocking on the door. I never want any cycle to end that way but we pick up and move on. Our goal is the rainbow and we will get there.

AFM waiting on O and super busy part of work starting tomorrow so I will fade back into the shadows again. With work picking up like mad I barely have energy to type once I kick back...lol..but I think about all of you on here and wish nothing but the best so I try to post where I can. I know I really need the support and company
of you all.

Have an amazing day everyone!! :hugs2:

Thank you, that means a lot. I was scheduled for a ultrasound/sonogram but then we had Covid and it was cancelled..they booked me for this internal in the mean time I guess and maybe I will get another appointment for a scan if they find anything and consider it necessary to re-book. I hope your work does not exhaust you too much, It's tough when work is so demanding. I am only working odd days here and there so far so lucky in that I can 'relax' more whilst TTC at the moment but sometimes too much time on your hands drives you crazy thinking too much!
Hope O arrives soon and wishing you much luck for this cycle.

Wishing everyone still waiting the best luck in the world.
Sorry I haven't been responding much recently ladies. I am reading the posts every day but struggling a lot mentally with ttc right now so I haven't been commenting much. I'm on cd52 now :sad2: it's so frustrating how messed up my cycles have been since my miscarriage.

I'm so sorry you are struggling with these long cycles...I can only imagine how frustrating it must be. Have you spoken to a doctor about it or do you think it's just regulating since your miscarriage? When you want to be pregnant and have to wait it out like you are it must be horrible. I hope that your cycles sort themselves out better soon :hugs:
Ladies I just don’t know, what looks like a BFN on FRER this morning, maybe a shadow but I can’t pick it up. Now I’m worried it’s a chemical? AF due Saturday so I could expect some progression at least, don’t you think? Ugh. I got so excited yesterday now I’m confused. I also had stabby/tingly pain in my breasts and nipples off and on yesterday which I got with my pregnancy with my daughter, haven’t noticed this morning yet but it’s not even 6am haha. I woke up too early and was excited to test for nothing!

feeling down again today after yesterday’s positive, why isn’t it getting darker? I have one more FRER, maybe I’ll try a lint hold this morning or save until tomorrow? I could pop out and get more and spend more money hahah

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Forgot to mention I’m 13dpo so the line should definitely be stronger, no? I can’t figure it out other than a chemical. Has anyone had this and been pregnant in a previous pregnancy? Breast pain is mostly gone too which was my big symptom, maybe it will come back through the day!
@Suggerhoney I'm sorry your AF is rough. Clotting doesn’t necessarily mean a loss though. Also progesterone rising post ovulation causes many of our pregnancy symptoms. I understand how you feel though. I hope you catch the egg soon :hugs:

@Lightning7 congrats!!
@Alligator thats soo strange! FRER has been off its game so you may check with another test!

@tropicsgirl for TTC #1 it took us 2 years but we ended up doing IVF. I had 4 losses in that time. For #2 this is our 9th month and I have had 3 losses so far

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