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** July lucky testing thread **

@Jft1 I think it's hard no matter where you are in your journey, each month that doesn't work seems like a blow and each month seems so long as you get your hopes up! It's hard no matter what, and you're allowed to feel down. <3
@Hevalouaddict that's strange about your MIL to make an issue of it now. I love celebrating my birthday (and everyone's lol I love bdays) so maybe she's just feeling not super celebrated? What does she want a giant parade? Seems strange to make an issue of it now, especially if your kids still buy her a small gift. Do you not celebrate birthdays in your faith? Sorry I am not super familiar with it!
Hev: sorry she is making a stink after all these years. Need more positive thoughts these days not negativity. Do as you do and keep the peace where you can. I do not believe the same as you but I wouldn't rain on your parade just the same. She will come around. Hugs

Nix: Yay....love when that pain finally comes so you can know ovulations has happened and we can quit sweating opks.
Anyone else butt heads with the in-laws? My mother in law has just started giving my husband grief over my religion. My husband has no beliefs and I’m a Jehovah’s Witness. We work fine together. We respect each other and raise the kids with Witness values. My mother in law has a birthday coming up that we don’t celebrate but I let the kids buy her a gift to keep her happy since we won’t be going to see her. She’s decided that it’s not good enough and I’m a bad person. 8 years we’ve had the same arrangement but this is the year she’s mad.

How strange after 8 years. Is your husband happy with the arrangement? As long as he is then MIL just has to deal. My nana is a jehovah's witness but my grandad wasn't. She didn't celebrate birthdays but he did and would give us cards and money every year but they didn't come to parties or anything. That's just what worked for them.
I'm so sorry you are struggling with these long cycles...I can only imagine how frustrating it must be. Have you spoken to a doctor about it or do you think it's just regulating since your miscarriage? When you want to be pregnant and have to wait it out like you are it must be horrible. I hope that your cycles sort themselves out better soon :hugs:

I haven't yet because I'm sure they'll say it's just the miscarriage. I'm really hoping it's just temporary :( I think if my next cycle (my 3rd since miscarriage) is really long then I'll go to the gp.
You are all such a lovely group of ladies....I really want each and every one of you to get your forever BFP's.

It just doesn't seem fair that some women fall pregnant just by looking at their DH's or get pregnant and don't even realise it right away and there is all of us doing OPK's and trying to time BD just right, charting, sucking on pineapples and overdosing on various vitamins each month amongst other things and we still don't get lucky. ](*,)](*,)
Hi ladies, just caught up on everything. I love how fast the thread moves.

@tdog great progression, I'm so happy for you!

For everyone nearing ovulation, good luck, I hope you catch the egg!

@Alligator im so sorry for the positive then negative, I can see why you're feeling a bit deflated. Fx you get answers soon.

To everyone feeling down, I feel your pain. I've been so deflated the last couple of days. I feel selfish because we've only been trying about 4 months. I have a beautiful son who's nearly 8 months who of course is my priority, but naturally when it comes to testing time I get upset when I see a bfn. There's only 15 months between my brother and I and that's why I wanted a sibling to close to ds. We fell pregnant the first cycle trying, but that was an ectopic and I lost a tube. I had to take a month out, but the month after we had a chemical and then the next month ds was conceived. Looking back it was luck we conceived basically 3 cycles in a row. I don't know if stupidly I thought it would happen like that again. Anyway, sorry for the rant, I'm sure it will happen soon for all of us.
So glad we have each other for support. Baby dust to everyone :dust:

I’m sorry to hear about your previous losses. Don’t feel selfish though, it’s so hard not being able to control this ttc business, and we all want it so badly that when it doesn’t come, after doing everything right, it’s awful. I have 3 lovely kids, and I am TRYING to tell myself it won’t happen for a few months, but I know when I don’t get my bfp this cycle I’ll be really down about it. TTC sucks sometimes.
@salamander91 he's fine with it, He understands my faith and he’s never been bothered with holidays. We think it’s because his brother (who’s birthday is the day before hers) has decided to go camping with his friends instead of driving 9 hours to come see her. He’s coming in August for their 40th wedding anniversary and with the not working he’s saving his cash for that. We’ll also be attending the party because Anniversaries are a big deal.

@Alligator we don’t celebrate holidays that aren’t in the bible like birthdays and Christmas but we celebrate the memorial of Jesus resurrection and we have present day’s throughout the year. We buy gifts for family members who aren’t witnesses so they know that I’m not a monster and I like giving gifts.

@FTale i tend not to talk about my beliefs because there’s usually a lot of mixed reactions and I’d never force anyone into my beliefs because it was my personal decision. I work with kids, I have to do Christmas themed lessons and Halloween lessons, I don’t tell them they’re wrong etc. I’m respectful and my MIL should be too... (she wanted to convert to Judaism when I first met my husband but she didn’t want to give up bacon so decided against it)

And that’s my crazy life \\:D/
I'm feeling quite emotional, and I know this is going to probably make me public enemy #1 on here, but I'm starting to feel edged out by the LTTC gate keeping going on. This used to be a rather open and accepting forum, regardless of how long or short you've been ttc, but apparently unless you've been trying for years you're invalid now...

I guess this just isn't the forum it used to be. x And I know some may be saying 'then maybe you should move on' or are offended, but I'm also offended and I am moving on.

My point is we have ladies apologizing, because they haven't been ttc long...because they are reading and hearing the comments.

I am sorry for the rant, but I just wanted to say it's become a little bit of an echo chamber on BnB.
@Hevalouaddict ah I see. That's interesting I didn't know. Of course you're not a monster! Giving gifts is certainly a lot of fun and no need to celebrate a birthday to do so. Sounds like she's just being a grouch. Sorry! MILs can be so challenging sometimes.

@drudai I'm sorry dru! I think, for me, I have never really taken offence to anything anyone has said about LTTTC but rather I feel that way in my own head, a bit guilty since it hasn't been long and many others trying for much longer. It's in my own mind, nothing anyone else says! But of course you may have read differently, and I'm sorry if you did experience that! I found everyone here to be so lovely, still.
Oh sweetheart my heart is beaking for you. It does sound like u are having a chemical and I just want to give u a massive hug.
Thanks again for all the support ladies.
The bleeding slowed right down today then stopped. Ive only had a 4 day AF, last cycle was 6 days.
I hope this doesn't mean O will be early.
Im praying that I dont ovulate for another 9 to 10 days.
Im gonna be absolutely crushed if I do end up O to early. I really hope it holds off.

Im still holding on to hope that this isnt another chemical. Only time will tell.
CD5 tommorow :coffee:
@Suggerhoney do you have a stock of opks? I would maybe start using them now. If you do ovulate early you can then catch it and still be in with a chance next cycle. I dont think it matters if you ovulate late or early, as long as you catch it and get some nookie at that time.

@drudai i agree, nobody should have to apologise for anything on here. We are all here with one goal in mind. I'm super happy for ladies that are just starting out their TTC journeys, and even happier when they get that BFP. Some have been on here a long time now and have made friends on here. I'm sorry you feel that way.
@salamander91 sorry your cycles are messed up, have you tried looking up some natural remedies for cycle length? I heard good things about Maca root for all things TTC related both men and women, so hubby and I have both been taking that!

@Alligator - contrats!! That looks like a BFP to me.
I was just wondering, how long have each of you been trying to ttc? If you have previous children, how long did it take for you to conceive them? I am just curious because it took us 13 months to conceive DD. It's funny how the doctors all say "if it takes more than a year, you likely have fertility issues" and yet...we got pregnant after more than a year of trying. My thinking is that...there are so many factors that come into play. Not only do you have to DTD when you ovulate or around then, but all the conditions have to be perfect. When I think about it...it feels amazing that anyone can get pregnant lol.

It'll be our 6 month of trying this time and I am trying my best to stay positive because I know that if I let myself go down a rabbit hole like I did the first time, it won't do me any good.
@tropicsgirl when TTC for my Aug18 son, we fell pregnant 2nd cycle, had a MC at 7 weeks, skipped a cycle to recover as recommended by my doctor then fell 1st try with our son.
This time, well, let's just say we weren't being careful :)lol: NTNP I guess?) from July last year, started trying properly in October. And here we are still trying.. I never thought it would happen to us but my hubby did get diagnosed with T1D in September so I guess that's a possible cause, and also I have a short Luteal Phase of 8-10 days. :roll:
Thanks @Suggerhoney wish i could hug you also! I usually have a 4-5 day cycle (since my daughter only 1-2 days are heavier flow) and ovulate around CD15 this last time so fx that’s the case for you too! I hope you don’t O too early!
Ladies I just don’t know, what looks like a BFN on FRER this morning, maybe a shadow but I can’t pick it up. Now I’m worried it’s a chemical? AF due Saturday so I could expect some progression at least, don’t you think? Ugh. I got so excited yesterday now I’m confused. I also had stabby/tingly pain in my breasts and nipples off and on yesterday which I got with my pregnancy with my daughter, haven’t noticed this morning yet but it’s not even 6am haha. I woke up too early and was excited to test for nothing!

feeling down again today after yesterday’s positive, why isn’t it getting darker? I have one more FRER, maybe I’ll try a lint hold this morning or save until tomorrow? I could pop out and get more and spend more money hahah

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@Alligator oh man you and I are going through EXACTLY the same thing at the same time, my tests just aren't progressing, there are vv faint lines on both my 10miu and 25miu tests for yesterday now, tested with a FRER this morning and it has the same sort of shadowy line as yours! Have also tested with a 25miu strip test and currently waiting for that to dry, I'm out of 10mius. Still no sign of AF, now a few days late and like you I am on 13dpo, surely tests should be darker by now!! So confused :sad2:
My phone camera is terrible so I didn't really get a good pic so you guys probably can't see it but I'm posting it anyway..

@Suggerhoney do you have a stock of opks? I would maybe start using them now. If you do ovulate early you can then catch it and still be in with a chance next cycle. I dont think it matters if you ovulate late or early, as long as you catch it and get some nookie at that time.

@drudai i agree, nobody should have to apologise for anything on here. We are all here with one goal in mind. I'm super happy for ladies that are just starting out their TTC journeys, and even happier when they get that BFP. Some have been on here a long time now and have made friends on here. I'm sorry you feel that way.

Hi hon yeah I do. Im gonna start tommorow day 5. The earliest I've ever got a positive was CD7 and O on CD8 but that was directly after my chemical.
My normoly O is day 12 to 14.
Ovulation b4 day 10 is not good hon. The egg is not mature enough abd can't be fertilised or if it does its likely to end in misscarrage.
That was my findings when I O supper early on google and it freaked me out but thankfully I 0 on day 14 the cycle after but now im unsure if its another chemical and thats why I'm freeking out because I don't want to O to early agian.
If that makes sence lol
@drudai sorry you feel that way, I am happy for each and every lady on here who gets their BFP regardless of whether they have been trying for 1 month or 10 years, there's no need for those who have not been trying for long to feel guilty for being upset about it, I was extremely upset about it within my first 3 months of trying, and every time someone says they feel guilty for feeling this way when others have been trying much longer I always reply with saying that it doesn't matter how long you've been trying TTC is still an emotional rollercoaster and everyone has a right to their feelings about it and to being able to vent on here and get support from the other ladies. I'm truly sorry you felt this way and I hope you and every other lady on here get BFP very soon <3
Thanks @Suggerhoney wish i could hug you also! I usually have a 4-5 day cycle (since my daughter only 1-2 days are heavier flow) and ovulate around CD15 this last time so fx that’s the case for you too! I hope you don’t O too early!

Thank u sweety. Im keeping it all fixed for you to hon.

@Alligator oh man you and I are going through EXACTLY the same thing at the same time, my tests just aren't progressing, there are vv faint lines on both my 10miu and 25miu tests for yesterday now, tested with a FRER this morning and it has the same sort of shadowy line as yours! Have also tested with a 25miu strip test and currently waiting for that to dry, I'm out of 10mius. Still no sign of AF, now a few days late and like you I am on 13dpo, surely tests should be darker by now!! So confused :sad2:
My phone camera is terrible so I didn't really get a good pic so you guys probably can't see it but I'm posting it anyway..

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Oh no hon im so sorry ure going through this to. I hope ure strip tests give better results. Nothing worse than fading lines on tests ive been there a few times its truly horrible.
Ure chart looks great hon. I hope AF stays away

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