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** July lucky testing thread **

Just about caught up again lol!

I don't think anyone is judgemental and I don't think anyone is overly apologetic. I have said before that I do feel a bit guilty getting frustrated after just a couple of months of TTC because seeing a bfn is so heartbreaking, so lttc must be so difficult seeing that negative every month. I doesn't mean that how I feel matters any less. We all support each other.

@Alligator & @Lightning7 i hope you get answers soon!

I'm in limbo too, my temp keeps rising, AF was due today but no sign of it. I tested at 10dpo and it was bfn on frer. I tested using cheapies yesterday and bfn as well.

Morning ladies. No test for me this am! Well I did take one a cheapie. But stark bfn at 14dpo, so I didn’t waste an FRER. I’ve wasted them enough hahah! Spent a fortune. I’m a little down but expected it, I do think it’s a very early chemical. I just hope AF arrives on time tomorrow (or today even, I usually have 29 day cycles and today is day 29 so I expect it tomorrow). Sometimes I have 30 day cycles so Sunday is possible too but now I just want to get it over with! I’m going to do my workout today and do my best to be positive. I’ll buy a BBT too so I can start tracking once it comes from amazon on the weekend sometime. That’ll help me feel better I think.

fx for all or you I plan to stick around to pee on OPKs near the end of the month and then move to August!

@tdog lovely lines im so happy for you!
Just about caught up again lol!

I don't think anyone is judgemental and I don't think anyone is overly apologetic. I have said before that I do feel a bit guilty getting frustrated after just a couple of months of TTC because seeing a bfn is so heartbreaking, so lttc must be so difficult seeing that negative every month. I doesn't mean that how I feel matters any less. We all support each other.

@Alligator & @Lightning7 i hope you get answers soon!

I'm in limbo too, my temp keeps rising, AF was due today but no sign of it. I tested at 10dpo and it was bfn on frer. I tested using cheapies yesterday and bfn as well.

View attachment 1084259
That's is a beautiful looking chart. Got my fingers crossed that you get your BFP
Morning ladies. No test for me this am! Well I did take one a cheapie. But stark bfn at 14dpo, so I didn’t waste an FRER. I’ve wasted them enough hahah! Spent a fortune. I’m a little down but expected it, I do think it’s a very early chemical. I just hope AF arrives on time tomorrow (or today even, I usually have 29 day cycles and today is day 29 so I expect it tomorrow). Sometimes I have 30 day cycles so Sunday is possible too but now I just want to get it over with! I’m going to do my workout today and do my best to be positive. I’ll buy a BBT too so I can start tracking once it comes from amazon on the weekend sometime. That’ll help me feel better I think.

fx for all or you I plan to stick around to pee on OPKs near the end of the month and then move to August!

@tdog lovely lines im so happy for you!

Oh bless you hun, I hope you get your BFP soon. Big hugs and stay positve as you say. Wish I had the motivation to work out today
@Jft1 Maybe you tested too early? I never saw a clear line until 13/14dpo last time. If your temps keeps going up, I would wait a couple days and test again.

@Alligator I am sorry Alligator. I saw the lines on all your tests and was so hoping they would get darker for you. All the best of luck for next month!
Morning ladies. No test for me this am! Well I did take one a cheapie. But stark bfn at 14dpo, so I didn’t waste an FRER. I’ve wasted them enough hahah! Spent a fortune. I’m a little down but expected it, I do think it’s a very early chemical. I just hope AF arrives on time tomorrow (or today even, I usually have 29 day cycles and today is day 29 so I expect it tomorrow). Sometimes I have 30 day cycles so Sunday is possible too but now I just want to get it over with! I’m going to do my workout today and do my best to be positive. I’ll buy a BBT too so I can start tracking once it comes from amazon on the weekend sometime. That’ll help me feel better I think.

fx for all or you I plan to stick around to pee on OPKs near the end of the month and then move to August!

@tdog lovely lines im so happy for you!

Thank you lovely lady and so sorry your going through this :hugs: xx
@Nixnax @Bevziibubble thanks ladies x

@ChibiLena you could be right. I don't want to waste another frer and I'm out of cheapies so I think if there's no sign of AF tomorrow I'll use fmu on Sunday and test
Hi all!! Sorry I haven't been on the in the last couple of days. I had a minute so wanted to pop in. I will go through later today/tonight and read through what I've missed and respond but wanted a quick note to say I hope you all are doing well and can't wait to read the updates!

AFM, temps have had a nice rise the last 2 days and hoping to get CH tomorrow. I took an OPK yesterday afternoon and it was negative so my surge was less than 24 hours. Not sure how long people usually have positives for, but good to know for next month if we don't catch this month to be testing a lot so I don't miss it! Going to do another one this afternoon, just in case, and figure I'll stop if I see CH tomorrow.

I've got to run but will catch up later today!
It is so hard to keep up with this thread haha! I feel like if I don’t check it hourly, I miss a ton! Not complaining at all, I love a chatty group!

I am sorry For those of you with BFNs. It doesn’t matter if this was your first cycle TTC or you 31st cycle, bfn hurts when all we want is a perfect little child at the end.

afm I’m CD 17 and **MIGHT** be on my way to ovulation? Which would make it the earliest in my entire TTC lifetime lol but I always get the Blazing positives where it’s overtly obvious that the test line is darker than control and I have had the “just as dark as” lines sometimes and I’m not Oing so.. anyway does this look like it’s ever so slightly darker than the control or just as dark as? I’ll test later today to see if it changes. I quit temping except to confirm ovulation (analyzing my chart added sooo much more stress) but I happen to test the last few mornings (my little bro tested positive for COVID so I just got in my head!) and today definitely had temp dip so.. fingers crossed.
Sorry for the novel!

@Nixnax I've been trying to get back into it lately. I was super active before my daughter's pregnancy. Then I was so sick and pregnant then a baby and I just kinda let that part of my life go (and gained a ton of weight) and then COVID happened...and I ate a lot of junk LOL. I was super unhappy with my weight. So about a month ago I started working out again (it feels great!) and not really dieting but just limiting the junk I was eating and keeping on track. I lost about 7lb in a month - without really harsh diets and stuff! I still eat treats (just like 2 oreos instead of 10 lol). And pizza! Friday is pizza night in our home so I'm excited for that too :)

Now I just want AF to hurry up and arrive so we can move on with it! I'm slightly less regular since my daughter, the last 3-4 cycles have been 29 days on the nose, before that a little more random, 28, 31, 30, 27, 33, 29...still fairly regular but 2-3 days seems like forever when you just want to move on to the next cycle to start trying again!
It is so hard to keep up with this thread haha! I feel like if I don’t check it hourly, I miss a ton! Not complaining at all, I love a chatty group!

I am sorry For those of you with BFNs. It doesn’t matter if this was your first cycle TTC or you 31st cycle, bfn hurts when all we want is a perfect little child at the end.

afm I’m CD 17 and **MIGHT** be on my way to ovulation? Which would make it the earliest in my entire TTC lifetime lol but I always get the Blazing positives where it’s overtly obvious that the test line is darker than control and I have had the “just as dark as” lines sometimes and I’m not Oing so.. anyway does this look like it’s ever so slightly darker than the control or just as dark as? I’ll test later today to see if it changes. I quit temping except to confirm ovulation (analyzing my chart added sooo much more stress) but I happen to test the last few mornings (my little bro tested positive for COVID so I just got in my head!) and today definitely had temp dip so.. fingers crossed.
Sorry for the novel!

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I would say the lines are equal to be honest. Perhaps test again later? Good luck catching the egg.
Oh, I am glad to test together. O:) I'll be 11/12dpo. And you?
ohh you are patient i will be 10 dpo surely i would get a postitive if i have been lucky this month haha we will see good luck will you be using your first pee ? xx
@Alligator thanks girl! And I so hear you with the weight gain. I was super into weightlifting and exercising pre and during pregnancy but when little one came it was near impossible for me to keep up with and then I had PPA and couldn’t be away from her so I worked out a handful of times each month max and finally the last few months I’ve been regular.
@Alligator thanks girl! And I so hear you with the weight gain. I was super into weightlifting and exercising pre and during pregnancy but when little one came it was near impossible for me to keep up with and then I had PPA and couldn’t be away from her so I worked out a handful of times each month max and finally the last few months I’ve been regular.
It's so hard to find that time! I feel lucky as I am working from home and my daughter back in her home daycare (otherwise I would get no work done!). So I have some flexibility to do a quick workout over my lunch. It's harder on weekends to find the time for sure! So much else to do.
Hi everyone! So my journey has been a struggle! We actively tried for months and months with nothing, my fertility doctor put me on letrozole, two cycles with progesterone each day after O, neither of those took, then COVID happened and fertility docs weren’t prescribing anything anymore, how is it any of their say when we can try for a baby or not? So all this quarantine months I didn’t have AF... about four months! The fertility docs finally opened back up and I got provera to induce AF, well she still never came after a month! So went back into fertility docs and did an US on ovaries and uterus, well she said my uterus lining was thin which is why I haven’t gotten AF, but that’s good because I can start letrozole again, higher dose this time and she wants me to come back in on the 14th to check my ovaries to see progress and check blood to see if I did O. Also wants to give me a trigger shot then as well. Was told to Bd like crazy the 11th and 13th, the 13th is OHs birthday! Anyway has anyone had luck with the trigger shot and letrozole with progesterone?

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