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** July lucky testing thread **

Thank u sweety. Im keeping it all fixed for you to hon.

Oh no hon im so sorry ure going through this to. I hope ure strip tests give better results. Nothing worse than fading lines on tests ive been there a few times its truly horrible.
Ure chart looks great hon. I hope AF stays away

Thank you @Suggerhoney <3
Not seeing anything on 25miu strip test yet :sad2: thank you, my chart is the only thing keeping me hopeful atm, each morning when I check my temp I am afraid to look at the screen in case there is a big drop!
Just keep testing like a crazy lady! I have no control. If my FMU is negative tomorrow I’ll try my best (hahah) to hold off testing until AF is late, if she’s going to be. I expect her arrival on Saturday but I suppose there’s always that chance that until she arrives you’re in it. Feeling more certain I’ve likely had a chemical. Gives me hope our timing was good! I’ll be temping this month (will order a thermometer when AF arrives, would that be ok to start temping a couple days into AF? I just don’t want to spend the money until I know for sure lol)

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@Alligator yeah should be fine to start temping a couple days in, do start as early as possible though, you need to get a handle on what your "normal" levels are to know the patterns for sure :D I found the 1st month or 2 hard to tell so easy but as I went on it gets easier
So ladies I hears opks can pick up pregnancy depends I suppose when you take one and some ladies have that surge just before af so tbh I'm prob just blabbering anyway I done a opk just for shits and giggles as you do first 9dpo second 12dpo oh and a strip test we'll just because lol xx if any of you are going to use strip tests I really recommend the light blue handle ones no shadow when negative and so so much easier than the one step they are called sweety fox of amazon xx

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I'm feeling quite emotional, and I know this is going to probably make me public enemy #1 on here, but I'm starting to feel edged out by the LTTC gate keeping going on. This used to be a rather open and accepting forum, regardless of how long or short you've been ttc, but apparently unless you've been trying for years you're invalid now...

I guess this just isn't the forum it used to be. x And I know some may be saying 'then maybe you should move on' or are offended, but I'm also offended and I am moving on.

My point is we have ladies apologizing, because they haven't been ttc long...because they are reading and hearing the comments.

I am sorry for the rant, but I just wanted to say it's become a little bit of an echo chamber on BnB.

Hmmm...I don't feel like anyone on this thread has made anyone feel like they have to apologize if they have not been TTC for a long time. But perhaps I missed something? I TTCed for over a year for my DD, yet I know that even someone who it doesn't take as long to TTC has the same kind of crazy emotions and hardships that I do. TTC is very hard regardless of how long anyone has been trying.

That being said...when you are long term ttc I think it can be a different kind of experience too (this is just coming from my personal experience...) However, no one else's experience should feel less "validated." All in all, TTC can be a very isolating experience and that's why this forum has been so great to me since I can talk to others and be open about my TTC experience without judgment.
Hi hon yeah I do. Im gonna start tommorow day 5. The earliest I've ever got a positive was CD7 and O on CD8 but that was directly after my chemical.
My normoly O is day 12 to 14.
Ovulation b4 day 10 is not good hon. The egg is not mature enough abd can't be fertilised or if it does its likely to end in misscarrage.
That was my findings when I O supper early on google and it freaked me out but thankfully I 0 on day 14 the cycle after but now im unsure if its another chemical and thats why I'm freeking out because I don't want to O to early agian.
If that makes sence lol

I hadn't even considered the maturity of the eggs, you make a very good point there hun. In that case I'm hope for a later that CD 10 ovulation for you [-o&lt;.
Lightning - I can see your line but I agree it is faint for 13 DPO. How confusing and frustrating for you. I really hope your temps stay up and AF does not come along. Some beans are shy.

Sending you hugs Alligator - chemicals are so depressing and frustrating but like you say proves it is possible and you got timings spot on. Wishing you a ton of luck for the next cycle.

Drudai - I hope my posts have never made you feel like that. I’ve been TTC a year now and of course a year of BFN’s is mega hard but I wouldn’t want anyone who had just started their TTC journey to feel bad ...every month of BFN’s sucks even from the start and I get that. We are all here with the same end dream in mind and I want everyone here to fulfil that dream.

I’m on CD13 today and hardly no fertile CM which I usually have by now. Have these pressure feelings low down and the right sided pains around the ovary area..just convinced I have fibroids or cysts going on but I do suffer IBS and have changed my diet so could be some of that going on too. I’ve decided too plow ahead with TTC even whilst I am hopefully getting a diagnosis for my symptoms..I’m going to let fate and my body decide what is best for me. Will do another OPK today which will hopefully be darker.

Happy Friday everyone! I was born on a Friday and so was OH and my girls too lol
Morning ladies hope we are all well :) this is my progression over night I'm shocked if honest as with Heidi the line at 13dpo was so much lighter :shrug: ill upload hers aswell so you can see the last photo is Heidi's xx

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Everyone keeps saying that on this forum I ment :haha: I've booked a early scan for 17th Aug sooooo far away don't no when I'll get one with all this covid xx
@Suggerhoney I hope you are feeling better today, my heart aches for you as I just cannot imagine what its like but I know I'd struggle too. Try not to loose hope though.

@tropicsgirl It took us 3 months to conceive our son, he is now now 4 years old. I am 30 now and in my 5th cycle, I ovulated CD 14 and got a BFP at 8DPO in the evening after finishing a 12 hour shift. I am 10 DPO today.

@Deethehippy I hope you are okay, I have every hope that you'll get your BFP soon. Don't loose hope and we are here to support, great OPKs too by the way.

@Alligator I've been following your progression, I can't believe your recent tests. Anymore news ? I hope you are okay.

@tdog I used one step OPK and came across sweety fox HCG. I got my BFP using sweets fox at 8 DPO which shocked me a little. Your line looks dark too. Congratulations also.

I hope everyone is well, have a great weekend ladies. I will try and post my BFP picture x
Hmmm so I should be Ov tomorrow, but my test today is very negative.
Yesterday’s test actually got more positive over about 5-10mins so I’m wondering if I Ov yesterday/today instead? I have no other symptoms so I don’t even know if I’m going to Ov at this point in this cycle I hate irregular cycles.
My opk is lighter today then yesterdays, the same as Wednesday's and I have hardly any fertile CM which I usually have in abundance right now in my cycle. This makes me worry I will not ovulate or may ovulate much later? All I can do is wait for now and hope I get signs of impending ovulation soon.

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