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** July lucky testing thread **

Hi everyone! So my journey has been a struggle! We actively tried for months and months with nothing, my fertility doctor put me on letrozole, two cycles with progesterone each day after O, neither of those took, then COVID happened and fertility docs weren’t prescribing anything anymore, how is it any of their say when we can try for a baby or not? So all this quarantine months I didn’t have AF... about four months! The fertility docs finally opened back up and I got provera to induce AF, well she still never came after a month! So went back into fertility docs and did an US on ovaries and uterus, well she said my uterus lining was thin which is why I haven’t gotten AF, but that’s good because I can start letrozole again, higher dose this time and she wants me to come back in on the 14th to check my ovaries to see progress and check blood to see if I did O. Also wants to give me a trigger shot then as well. Was told to Bd like crazy the 11th and 13th, the 13th is OHs birthday! Anyway has anyone had luck with the trigger shot and letrozole with progesterone?
Oh wow that's a lot! So upsetting they couldn't do anything for 4 months! It's not hard to prescribe meds over the phone either. Frustrating. I'm glad you're able to get back at it this month!! Fx you get that egg!
I dont know if I was just super lucky this month but my period was really light. I'm on high dose blood thinners so normally suffer quite badly. Only lasted 3 days which is fab lol!

Alligator sorry that your tests got lighter. That happened to me last month it's worse than just getting bfns. I miscarried at the start of lockdown so it's frustrating knowing I can fall pregnant it just doesnt stick.

Hopefully july is a better month for all of us xx
Hi everyone! So my journey has been a struggle! We actively tried for months and months with nothing, my fertility doctor put me on letrozole, two cycles with progesterone each day after O, neither of those took, then COVID happened and fertility docs weren’t prescribing anything anymore, how is it any of their say when we can try for a baby or not? So all this quarantine months I didn’t have AF... about four months! The fertility docs finally opened back up and I got provera to induce AF, well she still never came after a month! So went back into fertility docs and did an US on ovaries and uterus, well she said my uterus lining was thin which is why I haven’t gotten AF, but that’s good because I can start letrozole again, higher dose this time and she wants me to come back in on the 14th to check my ovaries to see progress and check blood to see if I did O. Also wants to give me a trigger shot then as well. Was told to Bd like crazy the 11th and 13th, the 13th is OHs birthday! Anyway has anyone had luck with the trigger shot and letrozole with progesterone?

good luck! I’ve been successful with that line up, however, I have a hard time staying pregnant so I can’t really say “successful”. BUT letrozole is my fav.
@Alligator I used to really into my fitness, running half marathons on a regular basis. Then we started TTC and I just let myself go. I think I had it my mind that when I get pregnant I'll get fat anyway. Bad way to think lol. Since lockdown I've lost 14lbs, but that's because I dont have a pastry on the way to work every morning and sandwiches delivered to the office:haha:. I eat much healthier, without really trying. Just need to get some exercise in now as I still need to lose around 28lbs. Gyms are allowed to open in the UK next week, so I might start swimming again. Depends on how busy it gets, may need to book a slot.

@tbfromlv that's definitely positive.... time to get busy.

@kksy9b yay for CH. You can join the dreaded wait with me

@PinkCupcakes I dont have any experience with that, but wishing you lots of luck
@Nixnax I really thought not being at work I would lose weight too but I was majorly emotionally eating from home and my pantry is RIGHT THERE at all times! At work I eat lunches out a lot and lots of pastries (I work for a school that has a baking and pastry arts program so we eat a lot of their assignments lol). But alas I probably gained 10lb during lockdown and I already had 20-30 to lose! I've lost 7 so far and feeling good because I am not depriving myself and feeling stronger. I do need to drink more water I am so bad at that when POAS all the time.

I got really into queso and chips during this pandemic. I don't know what it was I would have it 5-6 nights a week. not great. Now I have it once every Saturday and it's my treat I look forward to all week, honestly!
Went ahead and bought a BBT - bought the fancy one that connects to the app to make myself feel better lol. My husband is going to be annoyed, I remember TTC our daughter he got annoyed my 'alarm' went off so early, but I always found it easiest to temp around 5:30-6am and then fall back asleep and/or rest before needing to be up around 6:15. He's such a light sleeper it drives me crazy! If it's not my alarm (or my daughter) I swear I don't wake up.

Hoping AF arrives soon so I can reset this cycle and the chemical. What a rollercoaster.
Went ahead and bought a BBT - bought the fancy one that connects to the app to make myself feel better lol. My husband is going to be annoyed, I remember TTC our daughter he got annoyed my 'alarm' went off so early, but I always found it easiest to temp around 5:30-6am and then fall back asleep and/or rest before needing to be up around 6:15. He's such a light sleeper it drives me crazy! If it's not my alarm (or my daughter) I swear I don't wake up.

Hoping AF arrives soon so I can reset this cycle and the chemical. What a rollercoaster.

Good luck for next cycle! I got a thermometer that connects straight to the app too, so easy

I’m still waiting to get a hint of a line on an opk - they are SO negative!! I can definitely feel the odd cramp type thing in my lower right side, so really thought I’d ov earlier this cycle. But looks like I’ll need to sit tight and wait for next week
Morning ladies. No test for me this am! Well I did take one a cheapie. But stark bfn at 14dpo, so I didn’t waste an FRER. I’ve wasted them enough hahah! Spent a fortune. I’m a little down but expected it, I do think it’s a very early chemical. I just hope AF arrives on time tomorrow (or today even, I usually have 29 day cycles and today is day 29 so I expect it tomorrow). Sometimes I have 30 day cycles so Sunday is possible too but now I just want to get it over with! I’m going to do my workout today and do my best to be positive. I’ll buy a BBT too so I can start tracking once it comes from amazon on the weekend sometime. That’ll help me feel better I think.

fx for all or you I plan to stick around to pee on OPKs near the end of the month and then move to August!

@tdog lovely lines im so happy for you!

So sorry! Was crossing fingers for you! Still am! Sending my love.
Went ahead and bought a BBT - bought the fancy one that connects to the app to make myself feel better lol. My husband is going to be annoyed, I remember TTC our daughter he got annoyed my 'alarm' went off so early, but I always found it easiest to temp around 5:30-6am and then fall back asleep and/or rest before needing to be up around 6:15. He's such a light sleeper it drives me crazy! If it's not my alarm (or my daughter) I swear I don't wake up.

Hoping AF arrives soon so I can reset this cycle and the chemical. What a rollercoaster.

I love those thermometers that connect straight to the app. They make temping a lot easier. I prefer to temp very early and then go back to sleep too.
Just about caught up again lol!

I don't think anyone is judgemental and I don't think anyone is overly apologetic. I have said before that I do feel a bit guilty getting frustrated after just a couple of months of TTC because seeing a bfn is so heartbreaking, so lttc must be so difficult seeing that negative every month. I doesn't mean that how I feel matters any less. We all support each other.

@Alligator & @Lightning7 i hope you get answers soon!

I'm in limbo too, my temp keeps rising, AF was due today but no sign of it. I tested at 10dpo and it was bfn on frer. I tested using cheapies yesterday and bfn as well.

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Your chart looks good! I’m 9dpo and I’ve just had a dip. Crossing my fingers that my temp rises tomorrow.
ohh you are patient i will be 10 dpo surely i would get a postitive if i have been lucky this month haha we will see good luck will you be using your first pee ? xx

I’ll be 10dpo tomorrow and that’s when my app suggests I start testing, but I’ve been very naughty and testing everyday since 6dpo. Sometimes a few times a day. I know, I’m a mess, teehee. And it’s all been BFN so far. Not even a shadow or a squinter.

I had a temp drop today, I hope it rises again tomorrow. Temp drops scare me.
@StarryEyes. thank you! Good luck to you as well - our bodies do such weird things to throw us off sometimes. Maybe it's just your body gearing up and you'll get the positive soon. Fx.

@Kwipeh fx for tomorrow's temp - hopefully today is an implantation dip! I'm eager to start temping again, I know OPKs are great but I guess I was still kind of guessing about O date (the premom app was helpful though to better guesstimate). I was using fertility friend last time, is that still a good one to use? I feel like I may have paid for a membership too LOL. I don't know if I need to do that this go around. Is the free version sufficient?
@Alligator ugh I’m so sorry :( I keep saying they need to have something like a blood sugar monitor but for hcg, prick your finger and put it on the test strip and get a hcg number reading so we aren’t squinting at lines and wondering about faulty tests endlessly.

@Suggerhoney thinking of you honey, you will get that rainbow baby I know it.

@Deethehippy how are you feeling? Do your older kids live at home too? How’s the family holding up during this crazy time?

@StarryEyes. how long have you been using OPKs? My lines are super inconsistent until bam they’re positive. What CD are you on?

@Kwipeh hope your temp goes back up!!! Fx Fx Fx

@PinkCupcakes welcome! My sister is crazy organized and a huge planner and she and her husband (who happens to be my husband’s brother!) have been waiting and saving and planning before TTC... and then this god awful pandemic hit, and she was like wow, you know, all the waiting and planning in the world doesn’t prepare you for EVERYTHING so we might as well just follow our hearts and TTC now since you just never know what’s coming or what life has in store for you. I hope you get your baby very soon

sorry for those I’ve missed! I’ll read back and respond more.

AFM, 4ish dpo and just waiting. If things go how they have been my period will be here in 4 days. If I think about it much I feel all panicky so I’m trying to just not think about it...
@Alligator also I am just Iike your husband haha, any tiny thing wakes me up and I’m up for hours. I am the worst sleeper ever but at least my kids will literally never be able to sneak out as teens cause they’d wake me up just attempting to open a window haha
Hello ladies i am new to baby and bump i am 38 years old myself and my husband have been trying for a baby for some time well the story is i am 15 days late on af i have been20200710_132216.jpg doing urine pregnancy test but they were coming up with nothing so i decided to get a blood test pregnancy test to see what was going on here are the results BFP
Thanks @Kwipeh this has been my first month temping so I didn't know what to expect.
I've had a few headaches which I never get. Light cramps today. I have a feeling AF will show tomorrow, but if not I'll test on Sunday. I'll be 14dpo by then. Usually my cycles are 31 days, today is day 32.
I can't believe I had the willpower not to test today! If I get through tomorrow it'll be a miracle!
@MrsKatie I am good thanks. Yes, my older children still live at home..they have both continued to work throughout the lockdown..my son works in a warehouse that sells online order items (John Lewis) and my daughter works for a medical recruitment company so both of their jobs have continued. I decided at the beginning of lockdown to either worry myself silly about Covid-19 since most of us were still 'out and about' in one form or another or just let it go and I went for the latter for my sanity. Of course..we are wise about hygiene and I have kept my younger two contained but I try not to let the media scare me anymore.
And today was our first trip to the playpark for the girls so nice to be doing normal things again.
I hope that the TWW flies by for you and you make it way beyond 8DPO. :)

I just ordered a BBT thermometer and joined Fertility Friend! lol Want to know what the whole temp thing is all about. Can you temp in your mouth? (until the thermometer turns up?)

@Sarah Pearce I don't know anything about those HCG blood test pregnancy tests to be honest but there does seem to be a positive test line there...some women take a while to show positive on a urine test but I would advise a blood test to get a HCG number at the doctors..good luck.

Oh and I finally got some fertile CM this afternoon so fingers crossed O is gearing up to come along soon.

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