June Testers Thread - gimme your dates

Good morning my luvs. I'm a bit shaky at the moment. I couldn't sleep because I knew I had to test this morning.

Ladies, I have a :bfp:


DH is still sleeping. I'm terrified.



:headspin: OMG!!! I'm ecstatic for you...CONGRATULATIONS!! :hugs:
just to ease your mind if i can, its been exactly a week now since my bfp and my symtoms are still only minimal very slight pain in boobs and mostly in nips. I had very bad bloating alright most of the wk but that only started when i found out, feeling bit nauseous but cant help but wonder if that's my own fear.

Happy Birthday to your gran. Hope we make it through these next 13 wks...PMA PMA PMA!!!! (but yes I'm still petrified too) :hugs:
Thanks hearty! Its been a bit of a confusing time but at least I've had my period and I can get back to trying for my little bundle.

Oddly, the BFP announcements always make me happy! I never seem to get the sadness when I read about them. Its odd... but I see every new BFP announcement (at least in TTCAL) as something hopeful for the future of all of us... The success of one of us seems like a good omen for future successes for the rest, iykwim? The ones that have gotten to me in the excited but sad sort of way have been the deliveries lately. I happened to get my BFP along side a group of women that I was really close to... We were all just exactly a weeks apart... Like, one was 2 weeks ahead of me, one was 1 week ahead of me, then me, then 1 a week behind me, etc... Well, those 3 all have had their babies now! And, I'm 100% ecstatic for them... but knowing that it could have been me too... that's the jab to the heart that you mentioned.

I agree with Megg 100% your good news gives me strength and hope. It makes me believe that it will happen for me and the other girls plus after everything you've been through you deserve a sticky bean so happy for you.

hey there hun my OH always says the same too, but with good reason i guess, when i was prgnant in jan this year and it all went pear shapped it really crushed me and he had tried not to get excited, he even said when we were told it was an ectopic that we wouldn't be trying again but luckily enough he came around, was hard to deal with that and the lsos too.... but recently found out my pregnancy might not have been ectopic and they might have just messed up, so not happy about that ut i know what you mean about being worried and OH not wanting to get ahead of himself,, i really hope things work out for you. when you tell him why not tell him you need his full support and only positive thoughts? my partner tried hard to not say anything but i always get ahead of myself. i really hope you get your little bundle.

we're hoping its our month soon, feel like been TTC a lifetime.

Thanks Lynne. I will tell DH that I need his support and positive thoughts. If only he would wake up!!! LOL!!

What do you mean they messed up? Did you get results back from your procedure? How are you feeling?

long story short, where they said i had my ectopic is impossible because my left tube has never been opened don't think it developed right so never been able to get in there to have an ectopic in the first place, i always thought something was wrong but people said it was just my grieve talking, they might have ended a healthy pregnancy because they were to rushed to dignose me
hey there hun my OH always says the same too, but with good reason i guess, when i was prgnant in jan this year and it all went pear shapped it really crushed me and he had tried not to get excited, he even said when we were told it was an ectopic that we wouldn't be trying again but luckily enough he came around, was hard to deal with that and the lsos too.... but recently found out my pregnancy might not have been ectopic and they might have just messed up, so not happy about that ut i know what you mean about being worried and OH not wanting to get ahead of himself,, i really hope things work out for you. when you tell him why not tell him you need his full support and only positive thoughts? my partner tried hard to not say anything but i always get ahead of myself. i really hope you get your little bundle.

we're hoping its our month soon, feel like been TTC a lifetime.

Thanks Lynne. I will tell DH that I need his support and positive thoughts. If only he would wake up!!! LOL!!

What do you mean they messed up? Did you get results back from your procedure? How are you feeling?

long story short, where they said i had my ectopic is impossible because my left tube has never been opened don't think it developed right so never been able to get in there to have an ectopic in the first place, i always thought something was wrong but people said it was just my grieve talking, they might have ended a healthy pregnancy because they were to rushed to dignose me


I know this probably doesn't help... but it is possible to have an ectopic with a blocked tube. Sometimes a particularly motivated sperm can swim past the blockage to get at the egg, but then the egg obviously can't descend into the uterus and does end up being an ectopic! I guess there's really no way of knowing now... but take some solace in the fact that they could have been right! :hugs:
my RE said it was impossible from what the maternity hospital had said, my tubes isn't just blocked its not formed so nothing at all can get in it. i have a whole medical team say they were wrong and thier information etc didn't add up,when i was there getting a second dose of methotrexate the doctor left the room and i looked at my medical file and it said different from what he said, he got my numbers all mixed up and didn't even know really what he was talking about, i was screaming and demanding to see a high up doctor and they kept snding student or junior doctors, was disgusting, only cause my dad i let it go he said i was being unreasonable becayse my hormones, but me and OH both agree somethin was wrong with what they said, plus two midwifes didn't agree with them at the time.
Oh my god Lynne. That is horrific. I can't believe you are dealing with this sweetheart. I wish I had words that could help, but I'm utterly speechless! :hugs: :hugs:
Elly, thanks for your words. They do comfort me. My boobs seemed to have grown overnight. They are slightly tender today, but that's it!

I just told DH. He was in shock. Didn't have much of a response. He said we'll take it one day at a time. I cried. Told him I was terrified. He looked terrified but didn't say he was. It was a very anticlimactic moment. I'm pissed about these damn mcs simply for the fact that I can never tell my husband about being pregnant again and get any excitement out of him. That's just one of the many things these previous losses has taken away from us. Excitement. Pure, unbridled joy. GRRRR.

He had to go take a shower, he was so overwhelmed. We're spending the day at the petting zoo with our adorable 2 year old nephew. See Disco Derail thread for a picture of the cutie. I think hanging out with him will both put us in a merry mood about this new bean.

Hope you all are having a swell Sunday. I'm out for the rest of the day. Thank you so much for your lovely words. I couldn't have gotten through this morning without you all.

Oh my god Lynne. That is horrific. I can't believe you are dealing with this sweetheart. I wish I had words that could help, but I'm utterly speechless! :hugs: :hugs:

going to request my medical file and then see what it says take it to my RE and maybe take it to court, took us 2.5years to get prgnant and clomid to have them end it, so not sure what i can legally do. maybe get them done for emotionally distress?
Oh lynne you poor thing thats awful I hope you manage to get some answers.

Hearty have a wonderful day with your nephew had a look on the disco derail thread and he is a cutie!!
Good morning my luvs. I'm a bit shaky at the moment. I couldn't sleep because I knew I had to test this morning.

Ladies, I have a :bfp:


DH is still sleeping. I'm terrified.

Yay! Congrats! I was secretly sending loads of pma... Now I am sending loads of :hug: and pma and :dust:
Wow I am shaking with excitement for you!
AFM... I said I needed something good to happen today... I've finally reached the EDD of my 1st pregnancy. I've been dreading it for so long... especially knowing that I wouldn't be in the midst of a healthy pregnancy to see me through it. So, I'm a tiny bit down on the inside... but very happy to know that I'll wake up tomorrow and it will be over. Too bad I have another one coming up in exactly 5 months, huh?

I'm just a text away if you need me. :hugs: I wish I could ne there for you today in person.
my RE said it was impossible from what the maternity hospital had said, my tubes isn't just blocked its not formed so nothing at all can get in it. i have a whole medical team say they were wrong and thier information etc didn't add up,when i was there getting a second dose of methotrexate the doctor left the room and i looked at my medical file and it said different from what he said, he got my numbers all mixed up and didn't even know really what he was talking about, i was screaming and demanding to see a high up doctor and they kept snding student or junior doctors, was disgusting, only cause my dad i let it go he said i was being unreasonable becayse my hormones, but me and OH both agree somethin was wrong with what they said, plus two midwifes didn't agree with them at the time.

OMG! Well, so much for my theory! That's CRAZY! I'm SOOOOOO sorry, honey! :hugs: That's totally disgusting how you were treated and that they were allowed that sort of "screw up!" :(

Elly, thanks for your words. They do comfort me. My boobs seemed to have grown overnight. They are slightly tender today, but that's it!

I just told DH. He was in shock. Didn't have much of a response. He said we'll take it one day at a time. I cried. Told him I was terrified. He looked terrified but didn't say he was. It was a very anticlimactic moment. I'm pissed about these damn mcs simply for the fact that I can never tell my husband about being pregnant again and get any excitement out of him. That's just one of the many things these previous losses has taken away from us. Excitement. Pure, unbridled joy. GRRRR.

He had to go take a shower, he was so overwhelmed. We're spending the day at the petting zoo with our adorable 2 year old nephew. See Disco Derail thread for a picture of the cutie. I think hanging out with him will both put us in a merry mood about this new bean.

Hope you all are having a swell Sunday. I'm out for the rest of the day. Thank you so much for your lovely words. I couldn't have gotten through this morning without you all.


I wish the joy could still be there for you! :hugs: Mine is eternally hopeful, so he hasn't lost that ability just yet.

Oh my god Lynne. That is horrific. I can't believe you are dealing with this sweetheart. I wish I had words that could help, but I'm utterly speechless! :hugs: :hugs:

going to request my medical file and then see what it says take it to my RE and maybe take it to court, took us 2.5years to get prgnant and clomid to have them end it, so not sure what i can legally do. maybe get them done for emotionally distress?

I would like to think you could get SOMETHING for what they did to you! :cry:
Thanks Lucy. I'm super scared. I don't feel happy or excited at all. I've already done this twice with bad results.

You know how I was moaning about having no symptoms? Only yesterday did I feel anything. My right boob had a small twinge of pain throughout the day and I felt some very mild AF like cramps. It's only 6 am here so I haven't had time to notice any other symptoms. I'm not sure I'll have any today.

I want you ladies all to know that you can have no symptoms at all, get a negative test at 13dpo and then get a positive on 16dpo.

I was so convinced I wasn't pregnant that I've been drinking more wine in the past week than I ever normally do to drown my sorrow (only 1 - 2 glasses a night for 5 days). Oops!

How are you doing hun?

Hearty - I totally understand how you feel...I have known for 9 days now that I am pregnant, and I still don't feel like I am. You are bound to be nervous and scared and everything else in the book; I am too. Every time I go to the washroom, I am always checking for blood. I think it is just a normal reaction we are having. I am finding though that as the days pass, I am starting to feel more excited about it, and I hope that happens for you too. Don't worry about the wine....Most people drink before they find out they are pregnant, and it is harmless...it's as long as you stop when you find out. I wish you all the best with this little one, and I hope it is a very sticky pregnancy:)

HEARTY BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WOOOHOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! Im soooooooooo HAPPYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!! I knew it, i just knew it!!!!!!! Im actually so happy that im crying out of joy for you!!!

....But wait.....aren't you the blondie who knows her body soooo well?????? Aren't you like 100% in tunes with that fab bod of yours?????Im confused oh wise jedi of the TTCAL crew......:fool::fool:

Lynn, wow thats fucked up....Im soooo sorry and i cant imagine what you must be feeling right now....we are here for you anytime you need a friend...

Megg my second due date just passed as well hun so i know exactly how you feel...Keep strong and soon im sure youll be holding little meggles in your arms...!!

I had a great weekend at the beach, it was extremely relaxing and ive got the beginnings of tan finally!!! Ill be doing this every weekend from now on, no more swealtering in my downtown flat!

once again WOOOOOHOOOO!!!! for my darling Hearty!!!
Thanks, Vicky! :hugs: Same to you, love! Aren't you due a BFP at the end of this cycle? I believe that's what I said! :winkwink:

Beach... outside... :sick:
For your sake i better get that bfp.....dont forget....

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