Here you go! My DPO symptoms the month I gott BFP:
*The first half of my 2ww I was extremely hungry but now that I'm in my 1ww that has died down
1 DPO - nothing substantial (headaches)
2 DPO - nothing substantial (headaches)
3 DPO - gassy, vivid dreams
4 DPO - gassy, vivid dreams
5 DPO - gassy, vivid dreams, light cramps, some back pain
6 DPO - gassy, vivid dreams, more light cramps with a little back pain, increased CM, face has not broken out yet, no usual PMS/moodiness yet.. in a relatively good mood!
7 DPO - less gassy, had a TTC dream last night (lol), increased cramps and lower back pain, still no acne break out or usual PMS/moodiness, CM
8 DPO - Not really gassy anymore except every now and then, dreams were not too memorable last night, cramps and back pain is still lingering (maybe a little more today) and BBs are a little sensitive/sore but nothing to write home about, still no major acne break out and exceptionally good mood which is SO not like me 4 days before AF is due! I did notice a teeny tiny little red dot on the TP this morning in the bathroom... now I am NOT reading in to this because for one, it could have been some weird mark on the TP to begin with, it was hard to tell and I only saw it with one wipe and second, I think it was far too little to be even considered implantation bleeding, I had IB with #1 and it was MUCH more noticeable so I am not reading in to that, just wanted to document!
9 DPO - back pain, cramps off and on, weird dream last night I got a positive pregnancy test and kept trying to get an early ultrasound with my doctor and then waiting for those results, temp is up at 98.48. Took a test this morning, thought I saw a shadow of a line. Took a test again tonight and the shadow is visible, even in a photo!!!!
10 DPO - back pain, not really cramping, FAINT BFP!
11 DPO - back pain, nauseous/dizzy every now and then, tired, BBs are starting to bother me a little, light but noticeable line on a FRER
12 DPO - MORE back pain (sheesh), light cramps every now and then.. was almost scared AF was coming on schedule this morning, not too nauseous (it's mostly anxiety), boobs are bothering me every now and then but not a lot... went to the doctor today, pregnancy confirmed, did blood work and will get results tomorrow (89)
13 DPO - Cramping off and on, not too bad... back pain, clear CM, got my beta blood results from 12 DPO and they were 89, BBs are bothering me a little bit
14 DPO - Random cramping, back pain, increased CM, tired, BB pain sometimes but not a lot, did my second blood test but won't get results until Monday.. not too much change in my FRER maybe a tiny bit
15 DPO - Off and on cramps (not bad), back pain a good bit, CM is trying to go away, BB are okay but they bother me every now and then.. SUPER dark FRER, this is my last update on this blog!