KEEPING IT REAL *TEAM - IT WILL HAPPEN* Join me in the journey ladies! :)

All we want for Christmas is a BFP!! Try singing that to the tune!! haha
Sorry I know I'm sad!!! haha
Sandy and Newbeginnings - I am soo with you - all I want is Christmas is a BFP!!! lol

Well I had a pinky/red wipe on Friday night, Saturday morning. Then nothing till this morning. When I wiped this morning there seems to be a lot more but not enough to get sanitary wear out. Its also too early to be AF. Only 10DPO today. So really dont know what is going on here. If it is AF then this will be my shortest cycle by far - 26ish day cycle!! Could this be possible when I usually have 30 - 34 day cycles?

maybe we switched witches lol i still have not heard from my af lol sure i was due about monday, which was cycle day 28 im now on cycle day 34 soon 2 be 35, my longest cycle day was 31 since i been taking notes of days and was only 31 days as i had chemical, so i have nooooooooo idea what is going on with my body now and negative tests and a couple of funny 1s but dont think they were positive x
Hey Zara - this place has been super quiet over the weekend!!
Well all the spotting seems to have stopped again - no spotting to be seen this morning again!!! So FXed this is it for me!! But that would be Murphy's Law as I am seeing the Gynae at Darenth Valley next Friday!! haha

I would suggest you go see the doc if you keep getting BFN's and still no AF by the end of the week.

Don't know if I will get back on here before the end of the week again - uber busy week ahead of me!
So hope everyone has a really good week.
got drs this afternoon so will see what he says and see if he can bring scan forward or chase it up, every1 is busy busy and the time of year where no1 has any time at all lol

hope every1 else is well x
Hey girls

Well I'm bk and finialy feeling better well sort of. Iv missed so much there are way too many pages for me to catch up on you have all been busy.

How is everyone doing? Have I missed any bfp's?

Iv missed chatting to you girls
Hey Ladies,
I have been so busy with school and Hubby Just got back home on the 21st. Hope everyone is doing ok
Hey girls

Well I'm bk and finialy feeling better well sort of. Iv missed so much there are way too many pages for me to catch up on you have all been busy.

How is everyone doing? Have I missed any bfp's?

Iv missed chatting to you girls

Hey! welcome back! i haven't been around much either :dohh:
I am trying to be better about catching up with everyone. Not sure if there is anyone else but i got my BFP :) so excited! how are you feeling? i see you are 16 weeks! yay!
I just wanted to update! I had an u/s today.... I am 7 weeks, 3 days! We heard the heart beat!!!!!! 133bpm :) EDD is July 12th... we go back in 4 weeks for the NT scan!

note: the circle on the right is the yolk sac ;)
andrea so cute. I think I see the arms, looks alot like the pic on your siggy. I love looking at u/s pics they are just so amazing. Congrats again Andrea I'm so happy for you

Janene I can't wait to see u/s pics of your little peanut

welcome back Sammi
Glad all r well, Andrea that pic looks so cute :)

well I see dr, I currently have infection but isnt serious as i have no symtoms etc, was found when i had swabs with gyn, but been told i cant take medication yet due to still waiting for af or maybe she wont come i dunno, but tests are showing kinda negative or deffo negative atm but have urine test to take in end of week if no af by hubbys tests back and was told he has very low sperm count we r both very gutted, he has to do another test to confirm and compare so will see how that goes but treatment and ivf is an option right now so will know more when tests are done again just thought id let ya all know xxx
Zara-- sorry for the gutting news but at least you both have some answers starting and you can take the right steps. Much love and strength to you both as you work your way thru this! Hoping BFP or AF show up soon to ease your minds.

Andrea -- great pic! So happy for you that it's all turning out well! You've def paid your dues and then some! It's lovely to see lil gummy bear u/s pics!

Janene-- how are you feeling honey? Whens your next doc appt?

Sammi-- glad to hear you're feeling better (and back home i hope!!!) Congrats on 16wks you're almost half way there!

I'm still stalking this thread waiting to see more BFP's from my girls!!! Just wanted to say hi and spread some baby dust around!
Hi ladies. Just thought I'd pop in to say hi. Waiting to ovulate. Will finish Clomid tomorrow (round 3) This is my last round of it. DH and I have had some long talks, we'll get him tested and me too and see what we are up against if this round doesn't give us a BFP but we can't afford IVF or anything really other than Clomid. So we'll stick with the beautiful DD we have and hope some day to add to our family and if not, then we'll have a blast with just DD!
Just wanted to stop by and say hi to everyone. I came home early from class today with the flu or something- no good! Life has been crazy, our kitchen was demolished and a new one is being put in as I type- super excited about that. Obviously no BFP yet, my period has been super weird anyways. I got it 2 days late this cycle (got it on Thursday) and I STILL have it...that's long for me. Anywho, love the pic Andrea and I hope everything else is good for you all!
yeah we r getting answers which is great news, and all cos its low doesnt mean nothing can be done and least the dr knows what the problems are now so he can fix them

af has arrived .......i think? lol im sure it must be had a bit of discomfort but nothing like period pains so bit baffled lol.....but looking forward to the steps ahead now and least i aint got to worry about what could be wrong we know so can deal with it and cant wait really :) x
hi ladeis
well I've had a pretty scary week, I got a call tues at 3am never a good time for a call and it was my mom calling me to drive my dad to the hospital cuz he had woke up with heart pain. I drove to their house as fast as I could I live around the corner so it didn't take me to long and after a couple of days of tests the dr's found out my dad had a heart attack. He's doing ok now but my dad isn't handling the news very well I hate to see him sad. hes still in the hospital and I'm not sure when hes aloud to go home. I'm trying very hard to be strong for my dad but I"m scared also I almost lost him this week. I've had so much on my mind these past couple of days about life and family pretty much everything I hope things turn around for the better soon.
butterworth i'm glad to hear your dad is ok now. Hopefully everything will settle down once he gets home and you all get back into a routine again! Sending healing hugs to you and your family!:hugs::hugs:
Hey ladies,

Andrea - great pic!! Looking forward to seeing more piccies soon.

Zara - Great to hear you are finally getting results that will get you somewhere on this journey! Hope

Janene - hows your little bean doing? Hope its growing well and not making you feel too ill.

Sammi - great to see you back on here and even better to hear you are feeling better! Happy 16 weeks!!!

Greer - FXed the clomid works its magic for you this cycle!!

Tiff - :hugs: to not feeling well!!! The flu really seems to be doing its rounds at the mo!!
YAY to the new kitchen - any pics coming?

Sandy - :hugs: glad to hear you dad is much better - that is a really scary thing to have to go through!! Hang in there. Now that the docs know what is wrong they can do things to make it better.

AFM - I have had yet another really busy week! Glad its coming to an end!!
We finally got our hands on OH's SA results - not that we can make out what it all means!! It just gives us a series of numbers and percentages that mean nothing to me. Is there anyone who can help us please?
Hey girls

Well I'm bk and finialy feeling better well sort of. Iv missed so much there are way too many pages for me to catch up on you have all been busy.

How is everyone doing? Have I missed any bfp's?

Iv missed chatting to you girls

Hey! welcome back! i haven't been around much either :dohh:
I am trying to be better about catching up with everyone. Not sure if there is anyone else but i got my BFP :) so excited! how are you feeling? i see you are 16 weeks! yay!

Oh wow congrats on your bfp that's fantastic news bet your so happy. I'm feeling a lot better now thanks, I know 16 weeks it's going so fast can't believe im nearly half way. Hope your feeling okay x
Hey ladies, where is everyone??
Really quiet on here!!

Hope you are all having a good weekend!
Just back from having my hair done and fetching my car - service and MOT - I was shocked, but relieved it passed MOT!!! :happydance:
1 week to my fertility appoinment and still no more enlightened on what OH's SA tests mean.
Thinking I might google and see what normal results look like - hopefully give me some idea as to what his are like.
Skweek-- glad to hear your appt is coming up soon. Hopefully you get alot of answers. You should start writing down questions now (I forgot 80% of mine,when i went to my doc because of nerves) Wish i could help you out on the SA results but i actually have no clue. DH was waiting 1 more month to do it when we got our BFP. Hope you have a good weekend. (oh and yayayay for hair appts! lol been ages since i've had mine done!)

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