KEEPING IT REAL *TEAM - IT WILL HAPPEN* Join me in the journey ladies! :)

Andrea you look so beautiful, I love the bump

AFM: well baby making is on hold for this cycle at least. I just want to make sure df is working before we start trying again. thank goodness that when we bought our house we budgeted for one income so at least the bills will get paid but it is going to be really tight. I hope he finds something soon.

Hope he finds a job soon, will be thinking of you guys. :flower:
Hey Ladies,
How are you all doing? I have been super busy with externship. I just thought i would stop by to say hi
Lacey, so good to see you around still.

Tiff - yay to team pink! :happydance:
congrats tiff!! you must be sooo excited with one of each now!!! bring on the pink!

butterworth i sure hope you both are getting along better . will be praying for a job for your OH! :flower:

Lacey you are doing sooo well with all your schooling you should be proud of all these accompishments! your well on your way to a great career and i'm sure the family to follow soon!

I don't remember if i posted any pics on here (i know this is not a pregnancy thread) but here is a current pic of my lil peanut settling in at home. He's quite the character!lol this is the crazy face i got after i DARED to take away the hat & binky lol


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congrats tiff!! you must be sooo excited with one of each now!!! bring on the pink!

butterworth i sure hope you both are getting along better . will be praying for a job for your OH! :flower:

Lacey you are doing sooo well with all your schooling you should be proud of all these accompishments! your well on your way to a great career and i'm sure the family to follow soon!

I don't remember if i posted any pics on here (i know this is not a pregnancy thread) but here is a current pic of my lil peanut settling in at home. He's quite the character!lol this is the crazy face i got after i DARED to take away the hat & binky lol

What a little angel!! Ahhh!!! I can't stand it! :) I can't wait to meet my little girl. I'll be week 25 tomorrow. I'll get my c-section date at week 30! I also have another ultrasound at week 28 to check the location of my low lying placenta. We are headed on vacation this Saturday and to see my aunt and uncle. I've been so sick since Saturday though, I've had no voice. But I think I'm finally getting better. Hopefully by this Saturday I'll be almost 100%!
Christina - he is beautiful!!! and got to love the little crazy face! just adorable!! I cant wait to 4:20pm GMT - my first scan appointment!! Really cant wait to see my little speckle - time to check that all is fine with SPeckle and to put my mind at ease too!!

Andrea - hope you get better soon!
Hi ladies,
I'm officially on :cloud9:
and here is why!

I was really pleased to see my fertility nurse there today. She landed up doing the scan.
She said there is a really strong heartbeat and lots of fetal movements. In this scan the head is at the bottom next to the yolk sac. From there you can make out the little arms and legs!
I also got my 12 week scan date through. Wednesday 25th April.
Thursday happens to be my citizenship ceremony! What a week it will be!!

Hope all is well with everyone!
I am so happy for you!! YAY!!!

AFM, I am headed to the beach and spend some time with my awesome aunt/uncle!! We SO need this vacation!
hey ladies
Christina he is so cute, I love the hair
tiff yay team pink
Carla your first scan that must have been so amazing to see on the screen

afm: well df is still having no luck with finding a job but on the plus side his old job still wants to have him back when they re-open whenever that is could be 6-8 weeks depending if all the changes they wanted to make with the place are finished. so thanks for the prayers ladies i feel pretty calm that it will all work out in the end as it always does.
hope you ladies have a good weekend
Hey girls, sup? I am back! long time though. DH has changed his mind. He keep google-ing pregnancy stuff i.e. planning, symptoms, precautions etc. It's a drastic change, yeah. I like this change, he looks so cute and worried at the same time the consequences I'll be going through. I am underweight, I weigh like 34 kgs. He wants me to gain 13-18 kgs, he showed me the BMI website and the ideal weight recommended (before/after conception) in order to avoid complications.

Tiff - yayyyy for you!

Christina - I was wondering the other day, isn't your lil man a lil early? correct me if I am wrong. I am so happy for ya, he's so cute!

Andrea - Lovely bump.

Who else got a :bfp: while I was away?
Yes I'm preggers too!! absolutely shattered today and so glad I'm on school holidays for 2 weeks!
Had my scan last friday and all is well with Speckle. It has a strong heartbeat and moving loads.

Really good to see that your OH has changed his mind! Now for you to put on a bit of weight and get your BFP too!!
P.s I have changed my Facebook account, made a new one where I only have friends and family. I had to deactivated my other Facebook account because load of unknown people in there, I felt stupid. I was tired of playing those games too seriously, it became a pain in the butt.

I have sent out requests to many of you from my new Facebook account, I sincerely apologize if I missed out any one of you. Let me know and I'll send a friend request to you in no time.
Carla, that's some awesome news, hun. Good on you, you're on holidays, you can pull back and rest. How far have you been?

I just need advice on putting on weight, any ideas?
Thanks hun, I'm coming up for 9 weeks now.
I had planned on cleaning the house and doing the washing and ironing today, but just no energy for any of that! Will hopefully have more energy to sort out a few things around the house tomorrow

as for putting on weight - I would suggest full fat options along with carbs (bread, pasta, rice and potatoes)
How about your wedding preparations?

I do eat hell load of potatoes, rice and junk food. But I don't put on anything grrrr, guess where they all go. LOL
Wedding is going ahead as planned. Have got my friend prepped already to look after the baby during the ceremony.
Plans are slow at the mo but thats only because there is nothing that needs sorting at the mo.

In that case I would see a GP and ask their advice. Often they prescribe high calorie shakes that would help put on weight .
Anna totally freaky that you re appear today! I was going to leave a message for u last nite but fell asleep before I did lol! I'm soooo glad to hear your DH hanged his mind! How have u been? Did u get your housing settled? Yeah you're right my lil peanut was quite early. I had him at 34+5 and 5lbs 9oz. He spent 2 weeks in the nicu and we are both now home under house arrest until his due date lol. It's comIng up fast I can't believe he's almost a month old already:cloud9: As for putting on weight I would talk to your doc but def add a couple extra mini meals into your day of healthy / higher carb foods. When you get preggo you'll need to eat the extra small meals anyway so it will get your body ready for it anyway!

Carla glad to hear all is going well with you & your lil one! Don't stress about the housework too much in a few weeks your energy level will start to come back! It really does get better in second tri promise!
Christina, I completely and totally got over the idea of TTC due to my past bitter experiences with DH when I really wanted to have a baby, until yesterday when out of the blue DH started to talk about pregnancy stuff and exploring the internet for more authentic infos and reading it out loud for me. I was stunned for a moment, when I finally realized that's coming from the mouth of the same person who wasn't ready to give in for a baby just a few months ago.

I told him you're obsessing yourself with all these pregnancy stuff, do you want a baby now? He was like, why yes anytime. He told me he has been google-ing and reading stuff about conception and precautions, watching videos and preparing himself for quite a while now. He is kinda worried about me too like I just mentioned above.

I have been not so good but not that bad though, have gone through ups and downs with DH in these past few months. It was that bad that it actually led me to call off the relationship but something hold us both back. We are doing great now. We are in our new home, but it sucks here. No one is happy, the building is quite old, our flat is on the toppest floor without elevator, and this sucks a big time, trust me. There is also problem with the wiring/electricity cables, no gas and so much of abnormalities. Plus my father-in-law wasted almost all his money paying for this place, somebody tricked my father-in-law in buying this place. Father-in-law is naive by nature anybody can trick him, so yeah we are trying to get out of this place and get a new one. Headache!

I second that, I told DH the same when I'll get preggers I'll do gain with all that extra meals/supplements I'll be taking, but MEN! LOL

Aww, it looks like your baby boy was impatient enough to wait to meet his mommy daddy and made his way earlier into the world where his parents belong. How's motherhood treating you?

Carla - You must be thinking to shop for your baby instead of your wedding at this moment, haha. I'd do that! ;)

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