KEEPING IT REAL *TEAM - IT WILL HAPPEN* Join me in the journey ladies! :)

my symptoms started kicking in at about 6 weeks. I just felt terribly sea sick for a few days. After that I would feel really bloated and slightly nauseous towards the end of the day. I was really fortunate to have one been sick 1ce so far.
FXed you also evade the MS!
my sister was very sick with ms most of her first pg her second not so much I hope for me not at all I hate throwing up. I hope everything turns out fine with this pg, my co-worker just lost her baby at 4 months a week ago so that has put the fear in me.
I, too HATE throwing up! I do think that the once I did get sick was kind of my own fault. I was up the night before that till 1am reading a magazine and then didn't get a good nights sleep at all! I was just so greatful that I was still on holiday when that happened.

FXed also have little or NO MS!!
:hugs: to your co-worker! that must have been really difficult!
I am sure your pregnancy will fly by with no problems!
i hope so that was very scary for her she had seen the baby moving a week before her loss on her scan so I'm sure that must have made it even worse. I don't want to think that will happen to me but it just make you think of the worse. I'm praying that all goes well and I will be holding my little bundle of joy in jan
jan 26th is the edd
I don't feel pg at all no cramps no nothing just a little tired but thats about it

This is amazing ... I'm January 12!!! Cannotnbelieve we get to go on is journey together as well!
jan 26th is the edd
I don't feel pg at all no cramps no nothing just a little tired but thats about it

This is amazing ... I'm January 12!!! Cannotnbelieve we get to go on is journey together as well!

yay, I'm so excited I can finally be bump buddies with the ladies I started this journey with. any symptoms so far Greer? I started to get some af like cramps this last hour. I feel like af is going to show, I keep going to the bathroom just to make sure. I have one more pg test left I was saving it for tomorrow but I might just take it tonight just so I can see those 2 lines again.
Hi ladies,
I mentioned a few days ago about someone else taking over as lead on this thread.

Just thought with so many of us whose details have changed, it would be nice to still be able to update our front page as Ana was doing.
I have been in contact with an administrator and she says its not a problem to change to one of us.
If no one minds or if there is no one else who wants to take over - I dont mind running it.
Any thoughts??

Hope everyone is well
Thanks for offering
To be honest, I am very computer illiterate so if you are offering, I say go ahead and take over please!
jan 26th is the edd
I don't feel pg at all no cramps no nothing just a little tired but thats about it

This is amazing ... I'm January 12!!! Cannotnbelieve we get to go on is journey together as well!

yay, I'm so excited I can finally be bump buddies with the ladies I started this journey with. any symptoms so far Greer? I started to get some af like cramps this last hour. I feel like af is going to show, I keep going to the bathroom just to make sure. I have one more pg test left I was saving it for tomorrow but I might just take it tonight just so I can see those 2 lines again.

I have taken like 15+ tests, no joke. My boobs are so very sore (and big!) and very crampy and super sick.

I actually woke up with brown spotting (lots). Had quite a scare. Went t the doc and they did an external U/S and we could see the heart beat! They did an internal one for a better view so all is well.

Dc said bleeding g/spotting/cramps happen in about 20% of all pregnancies so hang in there!
Hi Greer,

Will contact the administrator and again and request the change over.

:hugs: to the spotting!
:wohoo: to seeing the heartbeat!!
I lost count as to how many tests I did in the end. I still have some left over but dont think I will use them for now. But am tempted as I had a a really bad nightmare the other night.
I dreamt that a stall at a baby and toddler show was selling/renting dopplers and I was their guinnea pig. They couldnt find the heartbeat!
I am now stressing out over next weeks MW appointment. That will be the first time I will get to hear the heartbeat.
jan 26th is the edd
I don't feel pg at all no cramps no nothing just a little tired but thats about it

This is amazing ... I'm January 12!!! Cannotnbelieve we get to go on is journey together as well!

yay, I'm so excited I can finally be bump buddies with the ladies I started this journey with. any symptoms so far Greer? I started to get some af like cramps this last hour. I feel like af is going to show, I keep going to the bathroom just to make sure. I have one more pg test left I was saving it for tomorrow but I might just take it tonight just so I can see those 2 lines again.

I have taken like 15+ tests, no joke. My boobs are so very sore (and big!) and very crampy and super sick.

I actually woke up with brown spotting (lots). Had quite a scare. Went t the doc and they did an external U/S and we could see the heart beat! They did an internal one for a better view so all is well.

Dc said bleeding g/spotting/cramps happen in about 20% of all pregnancies so hang in there!

glad everything turned out good with the u/s. I have my dr appointment on monday for some blood work but i took another test today a clear blue the one that shows you how far along you are and it said I was 2-3 weeks from conception so that means 4-5 weeks which is what I thought. my boobs are sore and large too not sick yet but I have this crazy thirst I can't seem to drink enough and it has to be super cold
Hi Greer,

Will contact the administrator and again and request the change over.

:hugs: to the spotting!
:wohoo: to seeing the heartbeat!!
I lost count as to how many tests I did in the end. I still have some left over but dont think I will use them for now. But am tempted as I had a a really bad nightmare the other night.
I dreamt that a stall at a baby and toddler show was selling/renting dopplers and I was their guinnea pig. They couldnt find the heartbeat!
I am now stressing out over next weeks MW appointment. That will be the first time I will get to hear the heartbeat.

don't be scard Carla I've read that crazy dreams are a part of being pg.
and that would be great if you took over this thread. it would be nice to have the front page updated.
glad everything turned out good with the u/s. I have my dr appointment on monday for some blood work but i took another test today a clear blue the one that shows you how far along you are and it said I was 2-3 weeks from conception so that means 4-5 weeks which is what I thought. my boobs are sore and large too not sick yet but I have this crazy thirst I can't seem to drink enough and it has to be super cold

I know what you are going through - that thirst drove me crazy!! That is one of the signs that gave it away for someone at work! I walked around work with a bottle in my hands for weeks on end! I was also so glad that we have a water filter in the staff room that gives us really cold water!!

don't be scard Carla I've read that crazy dreams are a part of being pg.
and that would be great if you took over this thread. it would be nice to have the front page updated.

I have contacted an administrator to change over the ownership of this thread.
Hopefully I can spend some time this weekend updating the front page.

Hope everyone is well
congrats ladies on all the bfp's!!!I can't think of a better group to have a preggo explosion! now just a few more ladies to get on that train!!!!!

just an update as i finally got some time to pop on here. Nathan is now 11wks today :) its gone so fast and now that his formula is sorted out he's porking up well :haha: He is now smiling and cooing! cantwait to see the new ones coming in here!


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Christina - Nathan is definitely gorgeous!!! and that little smile is sure to melt a few more hearts in years to come!!
I defo agree - we needed something to bring us back together!

I have asked an administrator to change me to the lead on this thread. Just waiting for it to be done then I will be updating the front page.
In the meanwhile can ladies update me on EDD's and LO's BD's.

Christina -Nathan is so cute I just love his hair and he has the cutest face he is def a handsome little man, he looks so happy

Carla I haven't done my blood work yet I have my appointment on monday so I should know better then on how far along I am now but from my calculations around jan 26 2013. monday couldn't come soon enough and thats to just get blood work done and get a referral to an ob then after that I could be waiting a month before I even see that dr.
I saw my GP when I was about 4 or 5 weeks. She said I would be waiting till about 14 weeks for my booking in appointment with the midwife. Here in the UK not much happens in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy!
But saying that we were really fortunate to get an early scan at 8 weeks which was great - even if it only confirmed that the baby was growing well and was healthy.
I found the lack of contact with the doctors and midwives in the early days was a bit frusttrating - but I suppose there isnt much reason to be in contact with them initially.

Seems like I might need to contact a different administrator to change over.
Will see what I can organise today.
I saw my GP when I was about 4 or 5 weeks. She said I would be waiting till about 14 weeks for my booking in appointment with the midwife. Here in the UK not much happens in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy!
But saying that we were really fortunate to get an early scan at 8 weeks which was great - even if it only confirmed that the baby was growing well and was healthy.
I found the lack of contact with the doctors and midwives in the early days was a bit frusttrating - but I suppose there isnt much reason to be in contact with them initially.

Seems like I might need to contact a different administrator to change over.
Will see what I can organise today.

same with in Canada not much happens in the first 12 weeks but lots of blood work. the only time you get an early scan is if something is wrong. my sister had an early scan with her first at 7 weeks because she started to spot but turned out it was IB bleeding. I didn't think you could get IB that far into your pg but for some women you can. I'm 5 weeks and 3 days today still feeling good just a lot of bloating, really tired and huge bb's I can not believe how big they are. I hope I don't get ms my sister got it with both her pg and she is 22 weeks now and still getting ms. the only time i feel sick to my stomach is if I'm hungry that is the one thing I have noticed if I'm hungry I got to eat right away or I won't feel very good.

hope all you ladies are having a good weekend
Wow, somehow I got unsubscribed to this thread!!!! Sheesh. What all have I missed!?!? I will be 34 weeks tomorrow, 36 days until our c-section. Not much else to report really.. just wanted to see how everyone was. I had to find someone to send me this link because I couldn't find it!
Sorry for being mia lately! After last cycle's s let down, i went into a funk and during that same time, they let a load of people go at work and i was scared to death of getting fired. I did not lose my job and have since been reassigned and have been very sad and depressed about it. As of today, I'm starting to feel better but all of that stress has kept my mind off the baby-making for a bit but I think might also have messed up my cycle. My chart is all over the place right now. My temp would indicate a possible early O this cycle but i had a positive OPK yesterday and a very faint one today. I'm not supposed to O until tomorrow...having O cramps today so hopefully things are on track. If not, not sure we did it the right days but i think we've done it enough this month to catch the eggy so FINGERS CROSSED! I'll go back through all of the posts I've missed to catch up but I hope EVERYONE is doing well and I can't wait to hear about any new BFP's since I've been mia. :)

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