oh my god ladies - i am so sorry for disappearing. i have no really good excuses as i know i just needed to find time to write but i never seemed to.

i will be better at it from now on. specially as my dd will be going solo to prek starting on wed.
here in sweden starting your child in prek is a 2 week process where the parent "withdrawls" a little day by day.

so that the child doesn't go from having you every minute of the day to nothing in one day.

so by day 3 you tell your child that you will go to the bathroom. and you return after 5minutes. haha the following day i told my dd that i would go to the store and buy a newspaper and that i would be back. and i was gone 25min. and so on until on tue she will even spend nap time there. i am so proud of her she has been so fine without me and all excited about having so many new friends. the reason we also tell them that we will be back and not just disappear is so they feel safe that mom and dad is always there and that we have not abandoned her.

it is such a great system.
strawberry so cool that you had such a high hcg result. i wish they did them here in sweden but they don't. when i was pregnant with my dd in the states my doc took the test and it was a comfort to learn that the result was a good one. i am so sorry that ms has gotten to you, it is the worse. i am glad that you have figured out all the remedies for it. hihi but i did that and nothing worked with dd hoping that ms will not come to me this time around. but i will know for sure around week 7-8. what else is new with you? looking forward to week 12 scan? they don't do them here in sweden either. i need to find a private doc that takes payment for a scan around that time.
keep me posted on your progress, i hope you will feel better soon. my ms got better around week 17 i think.
mara - sooo good to hear that the bleeding is gone. although not fun to hear about previa i am sure you feel better to know what it was that was causing your bleeding. good that the chances for the placenta to move is high. keep us updated.
canthrdlywait - sorry about ms. hopefully you will just be better was time progresses. but crazy as it sounds ms was the best way for me to know that baby was doing great as the hormones was what is causing the nausea.

i guess i just wanted to see the bright side of it all. did you check your iron? are you still feeling weak?
zaly - sounds like things are going good with you.
buttercup - i still temp so that i can be sure that all is going good. haha i need to stop but not yet i feel. haha how are you feeling lady? any symptoms? are you having ms or not yet?
HGsurvivor05 - how is it going? any luck this cycle? hope you get your bfp. keep us updated and welcome back to this thread.
youngmommy26 - how are you? did you get lucky this cycle? keeping my fingers crossed for you.
nothing new to report really. no symptoms what so ever. not even the heavy boobs that i had early in my last pregnancy. did go and see the doc but no tests taken yet have a new appointment for that in 1 week i think. to answer your question strawberry we did tell our parents and our closest friends. i went out last saturday and one of the girls (she is a friend but not a CLOSE friend) that went along didn't know that i am pregnant. i went to the bar and just ordered oj thinking that maybe she will think it is a screwdriver. hahaha but the first thing she asked was if i was pregnant. grrr i just asked her why she would say that and she said because you are drinking oj to which i responded that it might as well be oj and something else and then subject was changed.

although she kept harassing me with the same question later on. thought really it was not nice of her as most people want to wait until they are in the safe zone before telling. she is a mother of two and should have gotten that. well well. has something like this happend to you gals or are you just sharing the news with everyone even though you are or were not 3 months pregnant?
alright need to go and hang with hubby and dd. talk soon i hope.