I can't believe for as rare as hg is we both joined the same thread. Have they sent you home with meds? With DD my local GP wouldn't medicate unless I was hospitalised where I would get fluids and meds.
The difference this time is that they medicated me in hospital then moved me onto oral tablets once I was able to keep them down they allowed me to go home luckily after 3 days. It has taken though nearly a fortnight of bed rest I have been really knocked out by the meds and not quite with it. Slowly my body is becoming used to them although my fear is that I become immune to them. Compared to DD pregnancy this one is going so much better but I am still only 8 weeks and on complete rest and signed off work. I discussed with my community midwife that I was taking thorne b complex and she advised me to take a pregnancy multi vitamin so I stopped and went down hill as soon as I started them again I feel they are helping. I take 3 a day in between my cyclizine. I don't know how much you gave heard about Thorne b complex but I was advised thiamine is important for hg sufferers as is B6 which is in this vitamin and also contains folate. I spoke to Dr and he was ok with me taking it. The last 2 days I have managed proper meals not big meals but food
I am though getting fed up with the "have you tried ginger" them my mum asking if I am eating plenty fruit and veg!!!! They have been through this with me before and loose the plot when people mention food and what I should be eating Iam like aaahhhh I will eat what I bloody well can eat!!!!!
Also with hg the loneliness creeps in hubby went away wed fir his 2 week trip my mum moved in but demoted her to being on call but gave few good friends all which have visited, phoned, text every other day, go to shop transport daughter and today I managed to walk 2 minutes up road to school to pick up DD and one of my closest friends who I have not even had a text from says oh I was going to visit but DH says you just sleep. My DD then got upset as she couldn't go to a social event tonight as she needed an adult and I am not fit to take her. Anyway my neighbour who I know and chat too asked if she could take her which I was so thankful for then walking down the street my good pal says to DD see you tonight, I then asked if she was going and she said yes I am taking my 2. I have done so much for her, taken her 2 for play days fed them etc and was so upset. I know shouldn't expect offers but just feel I am starting to find out who my 'real' friends really are. Also hacked off that most people assume this pregnancy was an accident

this was well planned over a year. HG is so frustrating

Bella we are strong and brave and we can get through this

So sorry for my rant probably doesn't even make sense cause I am rambling!!!!
Love the new scans so exciting. I should get my 12 week scan in 4 weeks or so can't wait. We will book private 3d or 4d scan but don't think I want to know what baba is but if anything jumps out well so be it lol so exciting.
Hope everyone is doing ok x