Ladies TTC August/September 2013

Thanks Brit! :) I have been stalking your pregnancy journal now and again and I love the colors of your nursery. Can't wait to see the end result.

Hg survivor and Bella, my heart really goes out to you ladies. All I can say is I hope it passes really soon and you start feeling like your old selves again. After I suffered with "normal" all day morning sickness (*but I could still keep most meals down) I am really sympathetic to anyone who suffers with it or especially with HG sickness.

Bella I wasn't expecting to find out the gender out so soon either. I used to do ultrasound scans as part of my job a few years back and my husband is a doctor who has worked in obstetrics and also does obstetric ultrasounds...then the ultrasound Tech we had yesterday was very experienced and she said that she saw her own sons gender at 12 weeks as well and her daughter's gender at 13 weeks. It all depends on the quality of the ultrasound machine, the actual baby of course, and the position of course. Also it is still only 90% sure according to her. But my husband and I saw "it" so clearly as well that we are sure. I had this whole thing planned with finding out the gender at 18 weeks...but o well we are pretty stoked to put in mildly. I wasn't suprised honestly. ..I dreamt it was a boy and just had a feeling. :)

Have a lovely weekend everyone! :flower:
hi ladies - how are you all doing?

strawberry that is so cool. i have my 12 week us on wed i will make sure to ask. hopefully they will be able to see. i just want to know so that when i feel better i can start shopping. :)

ladies have you been shopping at all? what have you bought so far?

hg survivor - i am glad that you felt better after hospital stay are you still better? i wish i could say i was. i am stuck to bed still. have gotten meds since the start but none of them help so far. now the worst part of my day is the chest pains, which is common when having been dehydrated. :( not being able to breath. i can't wait till time passes. i understand your feeling alone and the whole have you tried ginger. it is is hard for ppl that haven't had hg to relate sometimes and they just want to help but i understand it can be frustrating sometimes. luckily for me my mom understands because she went through it as did my grandma and aunt. it is very common to have hg if other females in the family has had it. my parents wanted a big family but my mom was so sick that she couldn't handle it so she even aborted a couple of times. they ended up with just my brother and i. :)
hope you feel better soon.

big hug to you all ladies and please keep updating.
hey ladies, i have also had my 12 week scan. it was wonderful to see our baby. my oh was with of course and enjoyed the scan as well. we can't wait to meet her/him.

i am still sick as a dog and bed bound. but today feels a little better and i think it is because i got to see our baby. wonder if it is a he or she. the tech was super nice but when we asked about gender she said that will have to wait until the next visit.

can i ask you all something? where you live when you did the sequential screening test do they do blood test at week 16 or are the result based only on scan and blood test from first tri? with my dd we did the sequential screening test in the usa and there they asses based on blood taken in first and second tri and the scan but here in sweden they did with only first tri scan and blood.

well here is my baby in my belly :)


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hello ladies, where have you all gone? any new updates? hope all is well!!!
Hi Bella! :) Sorry I have been a bit quiet as well... All is well on my side.

I am so happy everything looked so well on your 12 week scan! Lovely pics of your lil bub :)

I hope you start feeling better soon hun. - i really feel so bad for you having been ill so much. It will all be worth it though. Stay strong. Xxx

I am so happy to be in my second trimester! I still get the occasional queasy feeling or get sick unexpectedly - but its definitely SO much better now. Most days im pretty good most of the time. I still sleep A LOT! :) but hey after baby gets here there will be much less of that! ;)

Symptom wise - I have started getting some sharp pains when i get up to quick - on either side of my lower abdo/groin area (in hip area) - i believe might be round ligament pain? Did you ever experience it?

Otherwise all good.
We have decided on names for our little baby boy:
Daniel Christian :)

Do you have any names yet? Both genders? :)

Take care and hope to hear from u soon. I will check in more as well. Xxx
Everything good here! A week away from third tri already! My stomach is starting to feel huge!
hey there strawberry so good to hear from you. glad that you are feeling well for the most part, i can't wait to get there as well. love the name you choose for your baby boy. we still have no names at all but it is because i have been so sick i can hardly talk. once i get better we will get started with all the fun things.

have you bought anything yet or started on the nursery? i can't wait for those days. :)

stawberry i can't recall having those ligmant pains that you are feeling but i know a few of my girlfriends had them and it was no fun. i hope it is just temporary for you because one of my friends ended up with a cruch for support. well dear i hope you continue enjoying your pregnancy and i hope to hear from you soon. xxx

canthrdlywait - how cool the you are in 3rd tri soon. by the time i get there you will already have had your baby girl. have you started purchasing things or getting nursery ready?

well i hope to hear from the rest of the ladies soon as well.
Oh yes.. we've painted, hung the curtains, bought rugs, and assembled the crib and chair. We just need a few more things, and the room will be complete. We just need our little Harper to complete it.
Hi Bella and all the other locals of this thread :) I hope you are all doing really well and feeling good!

I just wanted to udate: I had my midwife appointment today - and everything is going great! She felt baby easily and we listened to his heart beat...I totally teared up - it 's so amazing to hear that fast little heart beat. His heart rate was 150 beats per minute which is perfectly normal. She found his heart beat straight away - as in the moment she put the probe on my tummy :) She (the midwife) said that the top of my uterus is about one finger under my belly button -- so quite high already. She measured my tummy with her tape measure - and said that I measure at about 15 weeks - which is perfectly fine - as you are "allowed" to vary between 3 cm's either more or less.

I was also very surprised to learn (*and felt a bit dumb really for missing it before) = but she showed me that on my first ultrasound report (the one I had at 8 weeks) that it stated that my due date is the 7th of September, and not the 12th as I previously thought! :) So I am apparently already 16 weeks and 1 day today!! :)

So very happy with that!

Bella, I hope you will have some relief soon from the MS. How's it going?
We haven't purchased any of the "big" things for the nursery yet - as we are planning on moving before baby comes and wont be in this house - so I have been doing lots of research on which products I want and where to get it from. I have picked a crib and have narrowed the strollers down to a handful of possibilities as well. I have purchased one pillow for the nursery already! :) It's just a throw pillow to go on the recliner/rocking chair that I am planning on getting. I have decided on doing a neutral champagne/ sandy color with white in the nursery. The pillow is that sandy/champagne/earthy color, with a White Crown picture on it. looks very cute :)

We've been buying a couple of cute baby boy outfits, some are actually more gender neutral, but some are real BOY stuff ;)

I am feeling good mostly now - so very grateful for that. I just get a bit tired sometimes in the afternoon (like now!) and need to take a nap.

Take care and keep me updated how you're doing.

hello ladies - not a lot of activity has been going on in this thread. :(

canthardly - cool that you are done with nursery please do share some pics

strawberry - how awesome to find out that you are further a long than you thought. i wish that was the case with me but no. haha please do share items that you have bought or plan to buy always nice to get inspiration.

things are not good with me. i have the last 11 days been in the hospital. i am home since an hour ago but only until tomorrow afternoon. i just was given permission because my inlaws are visiting from norway and i wanted to see them outside the hospital for a bit. i have been hooked to an iv everyday since nothing stays and i barley eat or drink anything. will try to log in more from hospital.

ladies please try to keep updating would be nice to follow each others journey all the way through. :)

hugs b

hg survivor how are you?
I will post a picture of the nursery when I get home! I am so sorry HG that you are going through this again. I honestly cannot imagine!
Bella, so sorry to hear the sickness hasn't really subsided and you're on the iv in hospital. Was it this bad with your DD?
Strawberry, we're due a day apart i'm the 8th :flower: Your colour scheme for the nursery sounds lovely :)
Afm i'm doing OK, 17 weeks today and feel like this pregnancy is flying by! 4 weeks until my 20 week scan (i'll actually be 21 weeks!) and i'm so excited. Hope everything is well with baby and that we can find out the gender... I've bought a few new neutral clothing items including some frog sleepsuits with a matching hat which my DD chose and a 'born in 2014' sleepsuit which I think will be his/her going home outfit :cloud9:
Hey guys, I've been MIA from this thread. :blush:

Glad to see everyone is still here and posting though.

Bella - I'm so sorry to hear you've been so sick. :( I hope that goes away very, very soon. I never had MS, but in the past two weeks have been battling some horrendous heartburn which has had me running to the bathroom in the middle of the night. One particular night, I almost threw up all over myself in bed since I woke up in the middle of it all. :sick: Ugh. Hopefully once you're a bit further into 2nd tri, it should get better. Fx!!!!
As promised.. here are two pics from the nursery.. We've kind of been at a stand still for a few weeks because money is low. We still need a dresser and a few cosmetic things to hang on the wall.


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Long time no post I suppose. Things have been just a tad bit crazy. Been riding an emotional roller coaster the last couple of weeks as we go about telling our family and friends the good news. Makes me anxious as we tell people that something is going to go wrong now for some reason which is why I say it is a roller coaster. Still have a few family members we wanted to tell in person and/or via phone or text then we will be making it facebook official which I am excited about because we will be able to talk about it freely and not worry about hurting someone's feelings by not having told them personally.

I am 14 weeks this week and I feel my energy sort of on the upswing. Still have bouts of no motivation when I know I should be starting to plan so I don't procrastinate. Stomach problems are up and down. Because I have a history of intestinal issues I didn't really experience traditional morning sickness with nausea but intestinal issues and bloating mostly. Our next OB appt is May 2, I will be 18 weeks. Then 3ish weeks after that we get to see our baby!! So excited. We heard the heartbeat at 11 weeks and all I could do was laugh it made me so happy.

Sorry for the long post but don't have much chance to spill about these things.

CntHardlyWait- the nursery looks very cute. Love the name Harper!!

Bella- so sorry you have been sick. it will all be worth it in the end but I am sure it is no fun :-(

Buttercup- I get really excited when I look at baby clothes and almost want to buy some but kind of want to wait until we find out the gender to know what we will absolutely have to buy because I will be able to get some hand me downs from friends/family.
Hi ladies
Sorry disappeared for a bit bells I am sad to here you are still suffering. Is there no meds helping? I had it so bad with DD and since my admission and prescription of meds this time I am managing to control it. I have off days and still signed off but nothing like dd pregnancy which makes us wonder if this is a boy? Time will tell. I can't even offer tips as I know too well once it takes hold there is no miracle cure which I wish there was. Have you been advised or taken a thiamine vitamin (b1) I was told this was very important I am taking thrones B complex with contains both thiamine or b1 as sometimes known and b6 but I also no from previous hg that its not even easy keeping vitamins or needs down :-(

We had 12 week scan on mon and went well they have moved our date forward by a week so due date now 6th oct (think we just have another big long baby but wasn't going to disagree to bringing it forward a week!!) she was fantastic with our dd showed her baby's brain and heart showed her what was bone and tissue was amazing. She got cracker of baby looking from above of skull and tummy looks like alien or scream mask we had a right giggle as dd thinks we are having an alien. Baby was sucking thumb too so cute.

Canthrdlywait loving the nursery and love the name harper was one on my list, so pretty x

Jen I understand with emotions mine are all over the place all friends and family knew at 6 weeks due to hyperemesis and admission to hospital it has spread but not officially broadcasted it on FB was going to on Monday after scan but changed my mind. I have been so knackered this week dd had head knock and ended up at hospital to make it worse school failed to notify us so been worried about her all ok now thankfully.

Hope all you other ladies are well x

Will get scan up later x
Thanks ladies! We are loving the room, it's so peaceful!

HG - I'm sorry hear your aren't feeling the best either, but as you said, at least it's not as bad as it was with your DD. You ladies are so strong! I would not be able to deal with that AT ALL.

Jen- good to hear from you! I'm glad you are doing well. I was the same way. We didn't buy a thing for Harper until we knew she was a girl. I just didn't want to buy gender neutral stuff~
hi all, sorry for disapearing again but happy to find that you all have been posting.

canthrdly wait - love your baby room, did you get the rug at pottery barn kids? love the color theme of the room as well.

buttercup - i know the feeling i can't wait to find out gender to buy some stuff. how cool that you already have the going home outfit. it is on the top of my list. :)

mara - oh my dear i feel so sorry for you as i know how horrible it is to have hearburn. i am dreading that because with my dd i had first hg then once i got better i had hearburn so i barley dared to eat to much of anything. i hope it will disapear for you. are you stayign team yellow or do you know the gender of your baby?

jen - sorry about your stomach issues hope you get better soon. i know what you mean about making it official. we told all of our close friends and family very early on and then i got sick people at work found out from my boss after week 12 with my permission as they all wondered where i went as i have not been to work for 2 months now. will you find out the gender?

hg - i do take b vit and 3 meds although none helped during the worse times and they also started me on cortisone which i hate that i accepted but i was desperate. i am glad that you are feeling better this time around and hopefully get to enjoy your pregnancy more.

strawberry how are you? anyhting new to report? :)

hope you are enjoying being preggers!!

as far as my update.......i stayed in the hospital for 17days this time around and got out on friday. i feel better but still nauseas and vomit but not as bad as it has been these past 2 months. i can't wait for everything to be better and i can start enjoying this pregnancy. today i also did an amnio test to make sure baby is fine as i am 35 and at a higher risk. i am scared to mc but they say the risk is very small. i am keeping off my feet for the rest of the week. we should get the result in the next 7days and i can't wait for the days to go faster. we booked a flight to the us for next wed and i would want to go with a clear mind and enjoy some time with friends. i am hoping to be in a better and stronger condition by the time next week rolls around.
with the amnio results we will know the gender as well so that is bonus as long as it comes with a great amnio result as well. :) will keep you all updated. xxx
I actually got the rugs at Target! They were on sale so I jumped at the chance to buy them!

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