Ladies TTC August/September 2013

Aww Bella i'm glad you have that little bonus of finding out the gender via the amnio, I bet that's keeping you going a bit at the moment :) Fc for a good amnio result too of course and that your sickness continues to ease. I find out the gender in 3 weeks and I feel a little bad sometimes because if we're having a boy he'll get all his own stuff (some might be used but it'll actually be bought for him iykwim!) whereas another girl will mostly reuse DD's, I guess that's often how it goes though with second babies. Gotta say though most of DD's stuff, especially in the first few sizes, is pristine as she had tons and hardly wore most of it and I just know if I have to sell it there will be tears! I'm so not an emotional person usually but pregnancy brings it out of me :blush:
Glad your 12 week scan went well HG. I'm glad your sickness is turning out to be somewhat controlled this time around :flower:
bellaswedus - wow, I'm so sorry you've had a hard time. :( Glad you're out though. Hopefully things start to get better for you! Was the amnio scary/painful? I've always been so terrified of doing it. I'm sure you're fine, but the next 7 days will be filled with anticipation I'm sure. :hugs:

My heartburn has lifted a little bit. Mainly because I'm learning how to deal with it. I can't eat spicy, acidic or super saucy foods. :nope: And can't eat after about 7-7:30pm (like a dinner....snacks seem to be ok depending on what I choose). And TUMs are my BFF right now. I have two bottles (one for work and one for home) and keep some in my purse too. lol
bella- so sorry you have been so sick. Hope things start to look up for you. Yes we will find out the gender, my OH is very anxious to know and so i agreed we could find out. I kind of wanted to be surprised so we compromised and said we would find out this time but if we have another, I get my surprise :)
hiiii again ladies - i am sooo happy, we got the results already for the amnio and our baby is healthy. :) tomorrow i will have to phone my ob to find out the gender as they don't write that in the first letter. in the letter they just tell me abot trisomy 13, 18 and 21. will let you all know tomorrow if it is pink or blue. :)

buttercup - you are just like me. i can't sell my dd cloths because i am rediculesly attached to anything belonging to her so i have just cleaned them and packed them away for her to get them when she is older. hahaha but i know i can't continue to do that as we will need to get a whole house for me to save memories haha. but her first everything from year one is saved. after that i will have to start selling and saving some cute stuff that she loves. as far as baby number two i also feel guilty that if it is a she that she will inheriet so i figured the first she will get all her own stuff like her older sister and then after i will use the money from selling my first dd to buy baby number 2 her own stuff. haha i am soooo weired. when i try to have this discussion with others incl hubby they just think i am crazy. but i kind of feel that i don't want baby number 2 to feel as they only had hand me downs when they get their box of baby stuff as adults. hahaha so i understand. but i probably need to change thinking pattern before i feel guilty about everything.

mara - good idea, i will need to pick up tums when i visit the us next week so i am prepared for when acid reflux comes to get me. hehe but glad that you are handling it. :)

jen - so glad to hear from you. i am like your hubby i can't contain myself from finding out the gender. mainly because i want to be able to buy dresses if it is a girl and boy things if it is a boy.

to be honest ladies i think it is a girl but who knows. i can't wait for tomorrow to be here already. :) maybe i should go to bed now so times flies and i can find out early in the morning. :)
thank you canthrdlywait. this was a long day...i called my ob when i woke up and then i had to wait until almost 3pm to get a phone call back with the results.....and it is a BOY. haha i can't believe it we were so chocked as we were the entire time expecting a girl. i guess maybe because we already have a girl we couldn't see a boy. haha but we are over the moon. this means i get to shop from scratch almost. yaaaay!!! this is a great start to a great weekend. hope you guys have a great weekend. i don't quite believe in the chines gender predictor but it has been right with both of my babies.
Congrats on team blue Bella, lovely to have one of each :flower: I find out 2 weeks on Monday and the suspense may just kill me off haha, I had delusions of staying team yellow but I think I knew deep down that wasn't going to happen :winkwink:
A boy!!! Congrats!!! I know DH would love a boy if we have another.. I hope we can make it happen!

Waiting to find out the gender is SO HARD. I was nearly 21 weeks by the time I had my anatomy scan. I sensed it was a girl SO MUCH, and really wanted it to be a girl. When the tech said "it's a girl" I burst into tears. LOL
buttercup and canthrdlywait - i know what you mean about the whole waiting thing. i am only 16 weeks and it was still killing me. haha

buttercup - i know time flies by so that you find out soon. i find it hard to stay team yellow as i would find it hard to just buy gender natural although i am not necessarily pink person for example.

canthrdlywait - i must admit i was just like you with my dd. i couldn't admit it out loudly but my whole being wanted a girl sooooo bad that i would most likely been a bit disappointing if i had a boy. but now that i have a girl i was happy with either one.l i think i just wanted a mini me first. haha but i am so excited to have a boy now and i am already surfing the net for boy clothing. :)

where do you all buy clothing for your babies? let me know specially if you are from england or usa. :)
I had a slight girl preference with my DD but wouldn't have been disappointed had she been a boy. I think I just had such a strong feeing she WAS a girl and her 12 week scan had a very girly skull and nub so I was convinced before I even found out! This time I don't have a preference or any strong feelings, and the 12 week scan could be interpreted either way so i'll just have to wait and see :winkwink:
I love for baby clothes. They do sales (2 big and 2 small) ones a year though and everything is half price or less so that's when I usually shop there :thumbup:
hahaha buttercup i know it was not intentional but i feel bad about my dramatic comment about being disapointed if my dd turned out to be a boy. because i would probably been as happy as if she turned out to be a boy. becoming pregnant was not an easy ride for me specially the first time around. so a baby would have been equally welcome but i just wished secretly not even admitting to myself for a girl until i knew she was a girl. haha

i am a bit worried for strawberry she has not been on bnb for a while now. please post soon sb. hope all is well with you and your baby.
Hi Bella :) Thank you for thinking of me - sorry for being so quiet. I have been meaning to post and catch up with you all...but time just got away from me. I am so sorry to hear that you have been that unwell still and in hospital for so long. I am glad you are home again and feeling a bit better now. And exciting about your trip to the US. But even MORE EXCITING - yay for expecting a baby BOY! ! :) Go Team Blue! ♡ :) Now you'll have one of each - that's perfect :)

Everything is going really well with me...I am feeling great now, and am staring to get big now lol. I am 19 weeks and 1 day today. Baby is growing beautifully - and my husband and I have already been able to hear his little heart beat with my husband's stethoscope! My husband is really good at finding it though! :) I have my 20 week scan on Tuesday April 22nd. I will be 20 weeks and 2 days then.

My eldest brother is getting married in Sydney next weekend - and I haven't even looked for anything to wear yet! :/ I'm so scared of not finding anything flattering that I am avoiding the shops all together - which is silly I know! I have to read a few paragraphs during their wedding ceremony as well - so no hiding in the back! Eeeeck!!

I was happy to see this thread has come back to life again.

Enjoy your trip Bella and feel better soon.
So glad everyone is doing well!! I just hit 30 weeks yesterday! I can't believe we only have 10ish weeks left. I'm hoping she doesn't come AFTER my due date, but with first time mom's you never quite know!!
Hi girlies, haven't posted in a while, I'm so bad with keeping up with things. Bella- sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well but congrats on team blue! Hope the rest of you ladies are doing well too.

Almost 32 weeks here and things are starting to feel real lol, im actually having another baby...took a while to sink in. Getting nervous about the birth now, probably because I know what to expect but I guess if I did it once I can do it again.....I hope lol. Xx
Hey ladies how are you this sunny Easter Sunday (sunny with us and we don't get it often in Scotland :),)

Bells so sad that you can't get this horrible illness under control mine is pretty well controlled this time and I am currently phasing myself back into work. I get off days and had crap weekend last weekend and vomited in car came from nowhere I have never seen so much fear in DD face it was just me and her and she was sobbing saying please don't go back to hospital :-( my emotions went into overdrive and keep seeing her wee face. Luckily I was ok but had 4 bad nights with DD typical when dads away :-( I got through it and seen to manage fruit and veg ie cucumber carrot sticks and peppers. Got private scan next sat as decided to find out sex and NHS won't tell us. Have midwife next week too then 20 week scan in May. Passing quicker now I am on the go but like you say Zaly I am like you still doesn't feel 'real' even after scan we are well organised. Supplies also stocking up nicely :)

Anyway final hurdle for some of you ladies eek
That's me 16weeks tomorrow feeling flutters which is exciting.

Bella thinking of you wish I could help and offer advice but as I know and you know this is vicious illness that is hard to beat please know I am thinking of you xxx
Hallo ladies.

Just a quick update: We had our 20 week scan today. And we are definitely 100% having a beautiful baby BOY! ♡ :)

He looks totally healthy and is looking very comfy in my tummy. I really enjoyed the's so nice (*and and still kinda unreal) seeing him in there!

We are going on a roadtrip to Sydney tomorrow - my older brother is getting married on Saturday in Sydney. The reception venue has a nice view of the Sydney Opera House - so we are looking forward to all of it. This will be the first time my family sees me since I got pregnant - really looking forward to see my mom tomorrow night!

Have a lovely week everyone. Happy and healthy pregnancies to all. Xxz
yay!!!! Another boy!!! Congrats!!!

afm- 60 days until my due date!!! HOLY CRAP!
HG - I'm from Scotland too, wasn't it just lovely over the weekend, nice change from the usual rubbish we get lol. Xx
hello ladies - how are you? good to see some activity since i was last logged although the last post was a little while ago.

canthardlywait - so cool that you are getting close to your due date. do you feel ready?

strawberry - glad all is good with you and that you have just been busy. hope you had a good time at your brothers wedding. so then it is confirmed that it is a baby boy you are having?!

hg - thank you for your support. it has been hell and it seems as if my nausea is not going any where i am still vomiting but luckily now i can eat and drink a bit more. you are still feeling good?

so how much did you all gain at or around 20 weeks pregnant? i have not gained anything just lost. :( i am of an avr heigt and weigt, my bmi was 23-24 prior to pregnancy which is normal. i am a bit worried but it seems i am the only one as at the 20 weeks us they said baby looks great and growing normal.
alright gals hope to hear from you soon.
I've gained 10lbs so far. I'm classed as obese though (pre-pregnancy weight) so the less I gain the better really. With DD I lost weight initially and only really gained back her weight plus placenta etc. I'm much hungrier with this pregnancy though: With DD I never really got my appetite back after MS went away at the end of first tri (didn't have any MS this time just the odd wave of nausea) I'm trying to eat plenty of fruit and vegetables to keep me full so i'm not tempted to eat too much junk food! Ooh also, we had our anomaly scan last week and found out that we're having another girl :cloud9: We didn't have a gender preference but i'm happy that DD will have a sister to grow up with and that the bags and bags of her clothes will get another airing :thumbup: I admit though I do already have a pile forming of clothes that i've bought just for this baby so she has some stuff just for her and not all hand me downs!

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