Ladies TTC August/September 2013

hello ladies! I'm doing good. and yes! I feel ready, but it's still a little too soon for this girl to even think about coming.. anything after 37 weeks, and i'm game thought.

I'm 33+2 and I've gained 25 lbs. I think at 20 weeks i'd only gained about 4 lbs. I lost 10 in the first trimester, so that helped control the gain a bit.
awwwe buttercup - what a nice result. it is so sweet to have a sister, might try for another one just for that reason. haha i am over the moon with having a little boy trust me. i have a brother and love him to death but i always wished i also had a sister to share more of the girly stuff with that my brother didn't want to know anything about. haha how exciting. congrats!! and glad that everything looked great.

canthrdlywait - so around week 20 had you gained back the 10 pounds you had lost in first tri and an additional 4 pounds?

i am at the point of breaking some days as the nausea although much better than the first two and half months is still agony. i eat less and less each day and now losing more weight and getting dehydrated. ended up at the hospital yesterday and will go for some tests on monday and get a better evaluation and plan for what will happen forward if my weight stays the same or continues to decrease. i am of avg weigh. i am still below my pre pregnancy weight.

sorry for the rant. tomorrow i am going with hubby to a bal, yup he will be in a tailcoat with white vest and all and i in a long dress. the shitty part is i can't eat as i am unpredictable with my vomiting. 9 out 10 times i vomit after i eat. sometimes it is right away and other times it might take half hr or so. therefore i can't risk it so i will be just touching my food and people will think i am nut case but what can i do.

how are you all doing? haha sorry for being so negative but i am sure you can understand how it might feel after being like this for 3 months. what is new with your pregnancies? anyone shopped anything fun? we got our sun 2 teddys and his coming home outfit while in new york and some more clothing for the first 6 months. as soon as i feel better i will do more shopping also we need to start looking for a place to buy as we need the extra room. arg too much at once.

have a wonderful weekend ladies and it would be nice to see bump pics when you all get a chance. :) i barely have one. but will post after the weekend.
I started prepregnancy at 157 lbs. I got down to 150/149. I didn't start counting "weight gain" until I passed 157 lbs again. I didn't gain a single lb until week 16. By week 20 i'd only gained about 4 lbs (from 157)... then after that I had a couple big gains (3+ lbs) and they've been about 1-2lbs now. I really wish they'd slow down.
yeah canthardlywait i wish i could at least see a change in my nasuea so i know that baby and i are ok in the long run but at this point i am a bit worried.

have doc app tomorrow so will take some tests and see what it says. i know they want to put me in hospital but the next 2 weeks i honestly want to be home because friday my dd turns 2 and the saturday is the norweigan national day which we will celebrate as hubby is from there. then the followning saturday we have a birthday party for dd with everyone coming from norway and family and friends from sweden and a couple of our friends from the states. our family including dd gradparents didn't really get to celebrate our daughter last year for her first birthday as we were living in the states and we didn't know what we were doing as far as moving or not.

when it comes to my weight i was to start with 144 pounds. then i dropped to 130 pounds. after my time in the hospital i started to eat a bit and gained rapidly to 138 pounds and now i am losing again and so down to 134 pounds. so i am still 10 pounds to my pre pregnancy weight. if i continue to lose i don't know what to do.

here is the promised pic of "bump" haha. have nothing better than the pic from the bal thsi past saturday where i ate NOTHING just passed my plate to hubby as soon as he finished his. the gentleman on my right asked what was going on and i explained i didn't want to vomit on the table and ruin everybody's experience. haha no one thinks i am pregnant and when i tell them that i am past 20 weeks they think i am kidding. it is so ridicules. at least i feel pregnant now that i feel my darling baby boy kicking inside there. such a wonderful feeling.

so anyone else wanting to share a bump pic. :)


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Here is the last bump shot I had on my computer... it was at 32+6 and i'm now 34+1!


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Wow Bella, you look amazing :) I love your blue dress. So pretty :) It's hard to imagine how bad you've been feeling from how good you look. :) And your bump will get bigger as baby grows. Don't compare yourself to others - if you are feeling baby's kicks and your dr is happy then try and feel better and I hope that soon you will be feeling great. Xxx

Canthrdlywait, you also look great hun. Not much longer now. You must be so excited! Do you have a birth plan - or are you just going to see how it goes? Are there any pain relief methods you would consider for labour? ...I am trying to figure my birth plan out already! ;)

Have a lovely day ladies.
Thank you Strawberry!!

I don't have a birth plan. I don't want to obsess over it. I want a healthy baby and I'll discuss things as they happen with my doctor. The only thing I really want to avoid is a C section and induction if completely possible. I also would like to avoid an episiotomy if I can.

Part of me really doesn't like the idea of the epidural, but I've also never been in labor. I'm going to labor as naturally as possible for as long as I can, and if I really can't take it, then I guess i'll get an epidural!
thank you so much for the sweet words strawberry. your bump looks wonderful. are you feeling kicks? have you been buying stuff or waiting for later?

canthardlywait - your bump looks great as well. just another 6 weeks to go, that is pretty amazing.

hope all is well with the rest of you - any new news or just enjoying being pregnant and the summer......
Thank you so much Bella :)

I am feeling lots of kicks and movements. I love it! My husband can also feel it. Last night before I fell asleep I put both hands on my tummy and boy did he kick up a storm, I could feel him from the inside obviously, but also on the outside with my hands. So amazing.

I am starting to buy more and more stuff yes. I have been gradually buying cute baby boy outfits when I see them and a few practical stuff. I've also received a baby bath filled with lots of practical and all new baby stuff from a friend. All still in it's boxes and packaging. I have quite a few muslin blankets and wraps already and bibs. I need more thicker baby blankets as well though.

We have decided on a cot, but we are going away to the Gold Coast (area called Surfers Paradise - cause really it is!:) ) on Saturday. We are flying up. And coming back the following Sunday. My husband has a work related course there for a week so I am going along and making it a bit of a holiday/babymoon. We are staying in some lovely hotels so I am very excited. Also my parents only live 40 minutes drive from there, so we will get to see them again as well :) So back to the cot (*lol) - we will purchase it when we get back home. We also found a really comfy and quite stunning plush swivel chair to go in the nursery for me to nurse on. I am so excited to get that as well.

I have made a list of all the things I still wanna get, and am seriously starting to tackle that list now. I also wanna get the medela electric breast pump for example.

My inlaws want to pay for whatever pram/stroller we pick - so that's very helpful. We have decided on it - but still have to get back to them and tell them about it.

Are you buying stuff or starting soon? Making a list really helps.

O yeah also bought our first big pack of newborn nappies - will buy some bigger sizes as well and not just newborn. Although we can exchange it later if we want.

How are you feeling this week?

Take care.
Awwww Stawberry!! It's such a wonderful time when you start to feel them kicking and moving around!
how is everyone doing? any new news? things are better here but not all the way great. :( still vomiting and nausea is part of my life. i have not gained any weight and am in week 23. still under my pre pregnancy weight. will see what the doc says at my next appointment in 2 weeks. other than that at least i am living life a lot more than before. we had a huge week celebrating my dd 2 year birthday. we had a solo day with our dd on her bday everything from waking her up with cake, song, ballongs and gifts in bed. then her favourtie food for breakfast (she normally gets oatmeal but she loves to have scrambled eggs once in a while). :) then off to daycare where we invited the kids on lots of fruits (in sweden one is not allowed to give cake or anything with artificial suger at daycare). then we spent the day at an amusement park ending the day with dinner out. think she loved it. :) then we had a huge birthday party with friends and family this past saturday. it was a success but i am completly exhausted. haha

well let me know how you all are doing please. hope things are moving along well with you all.

Things are going well here! So close to the end now.. 25 days until my due date. I'm actually feeling pretty good aside from the lack of sleep. My body has a hard time getting comfy and I spend most of the night tossing and turning, and not getting much sleep. Hoping this gal comes a little early!
I am sure you will start gaining baby weight in the third trimester Bella. Hopefully the nausea will start to ease up now you poor thing.
It sounds like you had a special time with your daughter's birthday, I am sure she loved it.

Wow Britt, not long now hey. All the best for your last stretch of the pregnancy - I really hope all goes well with you and bub and that it is everything you wanted and pictured it to be. And the most important thing - that everyone is healthy and happy. :)

Not too much to report on our end, which is a good thing I guess :) All is well with our little family and the pregnancy is going well. I am still considered low risk and am feeling good. I have the pregnancy diabetes test on Monday, as it is something basically routinely done here. And Tuesday I have another midwife appointment. I am 26 weeks tomorrow! :) only 14 weeks left until my due date - so hectic if I think back how fast the last 10 weeks I counted down before our wedding went! :)

I am starting to set up the nursery slowly but surely. Cleaning out the room this weekend - so exciting!

I hope you are all well. Take care and keep us updated on how it's going. Xxxxx
Nice to see some updates :)
Canthardlywait, not long for you now! A girl in work just went on mat leave on Friday and 37.5 weeks and I know she was SO ready to finish. I found the last weeks with DD's pregnancy from 35 onwards really dragged but then when she was born time sped up again lol :wacko:
Strawberry, glad everything good with you... So exciting to be starting clearing out/decorating the nursery :) I have the gtt shortly aswell (it's not routine here but I have risk factors) so fc we both pass!
Bella, so sorry to hear the HG is still lingering but glad your DD enjoyed her birthday :) Really hope your symptoms continue to ease, are you on any medication still?
Afm, we just completed/got the keys for our first house yesterday. We're redecorating before moving in though so need to tackle that first, luckily i've been feeling pretty well in myself this pregnancy so i'm happy to get stuck in with it. No lifting furniture or heavy boxes for me but stripping wallpaper, cleaning etc is fair game :winkwink: Also, we have our 4D scan in 3 weeks time (21 June) Really excited for that :happydance:
Thanks Buttercup :) Wow a new house, so exciting - congratulations & enjoy! :)

Yeah my test for gestational diabetes is tomorrow morning. .. not looking forward to it at all...because it's only mid morning and I usually feel not so great it I skip breakfast. Hope it goes okay and that we both get good healthy results.

Oooo a 3d scan, how exciting! - I would love to have one too. Will just have to drive 2 hours to Melbourne to have it done there, as there's no one in our small town who does them. But we will be going to Melbourne to pick up the cot and stroller anyway sometime soon, so that is really something to consider...mmm :)

Glad to hear you are doing well. Enjoy the new house. Xxx
I am 21 weeks 4 days today! Hubs and I just found out on Friday that we are expecting a little boy! Both of us were convinced it was a girl so it was quite the shock for us, but in a very good way. I wanted a boy first for as long as I can remember but was so sure it was a girl and actually started getting excited about a girl lol. But feeling beyond blessed that our little guy is growing on track and doing well! Besides causing me heartburn/GERD that landed me in the ER. It was so painful and I felt nauseous, I wanted to make sure nothing else was going on. Also started to feel flutters and movement more regularly just today! Such a strange sensation, I find myself smiling every time I notice it.

Bella- Sorry to hear you are still so sick. :-( That can not be fun! Glad your DD enjoyed her birthday though!

CantHrdlyWait - You are sooo close! I have a friend due around the same time as you. She is getting very anxious. How are you feeling emotionally?

Buttercup- So exciting to have a new house to decorate and settle into! Hope those nesting instincts help you with all those tasks!

Strawberry - I have my gestational diabetes test at the end of this month, let me know how yours went. The woman who made my appt at the ob office told me the drink tastes like orange pop with tons of added sugar...blech, does not sound appetizing at all!
Emotionally - I'm ready, but I've convinced myself she will be overdue, so i'm trying not to get too excited and remind myself, that I very well could have a baby in July. At my 36 week appointment, I denied the first cervical check. I don't want to walk around thinking it'll be any time and go another 3.5 weeks. Trying to take the relaxed approach with this!
canthrdlywait - wow less than 2 weeks left until you meet your baby girl. how exciting. do we get to see the finished nursary? did you get a going home outfit? let us know as soon as you are feeling ready to go to hospital.

strawberry - how are you doing lady? did the diabetes test go well? do you have a pic of your baby's room? please share if you do? what else is new? cant believe you are now in third tri. amazing, do you have any names yet? buttercup - how fun with a new house. we are also hunting for one right now but hard to find anything we love in the price range we set. we will see how that goes. so when will you be moving in the house? have you also been buying stuff for new baby boy or are you holding of for a while longer as you are in the process of moving?

jen - good to hear from you. sorry about your heartburn but hopefully it is gone now. how exciting with a baby boy. i think canthrdlywait is the only one with a girl on our thread right. must be something in the water.....hahaa

as far as me, i am once again admitted in the hospital since 8days ago. i was majorly dehydrated and of course me gaining no weight is no bueno. at least i am now hydrated and feeling a bit better but still vomiting at the taste of food so i am only eating a tiny meal once a day as i can't handle the vomiting any longer. you know it becomes a mental thing as well. yesterday i started a cortisone treatment (my second this pregnancy) which i am supposed to take for 2 weeks. the plan is if all goes well and i am keeping what i eat thanks to the cortisone treatment then i get to go home tomorrow. but if i dont keep my meals then i will get a tpk it is milk type of meal that will go directly through my blood. urg doesn't sound so fun. other than that nothing new and exciting to report. i will get an u/s to check that the baby is growing accordingly. this will happen in 3 weeks.

well ladies hope you are all doing well and enjoying your pregnancies. :) zaly, mara and hgsurvivor is all ok with you? hope you are.....i have not seen you two on here for a while, please update us. :) zaly you must be giving birth any it a boy of girl?

big hug to all.

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