oh my god canthrdlywait this is it just another few days hopefully your darling harper won't delay her arrival. when do they induce if you don't go in labor?
zaly so good to see you hear again. not much longer for you either. i have asked you so many time but do you know the gender of your baby? let us know how all goes.
things are the same here, i have some good moments but still feeling very shitty. i was at the doctors today and i will most likely get food in my blood through iv.

not that excited about it but i honestly get no more than 5-800 calories and most of the time i vomit at least half of that out. so that is not enough nutrition for me. i will know for sure by next week, they just want me to finish the second cortisone treatment i am on and also try another brand of nutrition drink to
see if i can stomach that.
it seems like the baby is growing well so far. but they are doing an us done in 2 weeks to see that all is well in there and that the weight and growth is moving along smoothly.
please let us know how you all are doing, it has been a while ago for some of you to update.

hgsurvivor, strawberry, jen, buttercup, mara how are you all moving along? you are all having boys right?
ok ladies have a great one and i look forward to hear of your updates.
oh i also discovered that it is less than 100 days until i see my baby, can't wait. yiiipie