Ladies TTC August/September 2013

Congrats Mara!! Hope you and the little guy are doing great.

buttercup and canthardlywait - such cute little ones <3

I am 27 weeks pregnant today and the third trimester lack of energy is already making itself known. Just registering for baby wore me out and doing any little thing around the house is getting difficult again. Really need to be more proactive about getting our house in order. I think to do lists need to be my best friend again.

Hope everyone else is doing well!
Hid name is Eric. :cloud9:
Ahhh Eric is just gorgeous. Congrats Mara! Can't believe how time has just flown and now it's time to hold your baby :) Look at him so content curled up on mummy's chest. Adorable. Enjoy!
Thank you Strawberry2! He's a good baby. Only cries for dirty diapers or to be fed. <3 I never thought I could love someone as much as I love him. Sounds corny, but I think I love him more and more each day
jen - good to hear that you passed glucose test. how was your second u/s? let us know. i know what you mean about being tired. not only that i have hyperemisis and low iron but i am now even more tired in 3rd tri. oh also happy belated birthday.

strawberry - so cool that you have a name for your baby boy. i like the name daniel, will you use the nickname danny or dan? love danny haha. well done on getting everything you need, i really need to find energy somewhere to get more shopping done. seriously i am soooo tired all the time. i can barley stand up long enough. it is crazy that i am still below my pre pregnancy weight. by the way congrats on the pups are you going to keep them all?

buttercup - what a beautiful baby, can't wait to see your baby at birth and compare to these 3d pics. good luck on the move, i wish we could find our dream home to buy before baby arrives. i really don't want to move once we have him and the cold weather rolls around.

mara - how amazing, congrats to your baby boy and he is a handsome fella. i know what you mean about loving more and more everyday, i still feel that with my dd. it is an amazing feeling. enjoy your time with baby eric.

canthrdlywait - baby harper is a beauty. you and your hubby look so happy together with your baby girl. please update us on how things are going with you and your dd.

ok, so here is my update: the u/s went well. my baby is growing accordingly as of week 28, the doctor estimated that he weighted 1.1kg/2.2pounds. which is good. but i almost got admitted in the hospital as i was extremely dehydrated. but i didn't want to spend one more night in a hospital so she let me go with the promise that although i vomit that i have to increase my intake of fluids and i had to go back 2 days later to get rechecked. i worked my butt of on drinking, but vomited like crazy but it helped as some of it of course stays in. so results got better. but if my keatones get as high again she said i have to be admitted and also accept the tpn which is a nutrition that goes through the blood instead of stomach. :( not happy about that but anything for my son. she said that problem now is that babies are supposed to grow 2/3 of their weight in the last trimester and if my intake doesn't increase then he will suffer and therefore i need the help getting fed with "food" through and iv. well i have an appointment on wed and thursday so will let you gals know how it goes.

i hate saying this but i can't wait for these weeks to go and not be pregnant any more. i want to enjoy it but it is impossible feeling the way i feel. :( i feel soo bad saying that as i know there are plenty of woman wanting to get pregnant and would go through hell to be in the position i am in. i was one of those women last time around. i am so happy i am having a baby but this is getting to me mentally. well sorry for complaining. alright ladies hope to hear some updates soon again. xxx
Yay for babies :)

Congratulations ladies.

I will have a read back when I get the chance.

Bella I am so sorry you are still suffering. I lost so much weight when preg with DD but she was good 8lb 11 1/2 oz! I was heavier at time and she survived off my body fat :) HG is horrendous mine is still under control but I started to go down hill a bit few weeks ago I was doing too much at work getting ready for end of term. My boss has been amazing we ate now on hols for 6 weeks and due to start again for few weeks befor I start mat leave but she has let me take my holidays I would be due so I could finish the other week so that's me off till June next yr :).
I have also had severe heart burn which was making me vomit so on meds for that too. Still have to watch myself and can't overdo things or I find myself bedded for day or two.

I was 28weeks past mon and we have our 3d/4d scan in 2 weeks. We are pretty organised just need a baby :) our DD is getting super excited and loves watching my belly dance, baby moves to her voice. My kiddos at work were mesmerised by my changing belly too they were so cute I have most loved belly around at moment one oft per schoolers even told me how my baby comes out! She was spot on with section she says she watched it on telly she is 4 yrs old lol!!

Away to catch up its getting exciting seeing babies on here now :) c
Things are going well! Still getting into the swing of being a new mom. Harper was 3 weeks old yesterday. I can't believe how fast it's going. Crazy! I keep looking at her wondering what she will be like in 3 months, and in 6 months, and her first birthday!

Becky- it doesn't sound cheesy at all. I never knew I could love someone so much in my entire life until they handed her to me in the hospital. It's a love you will never know until you have a baby in your arms.
bella- sorry to hear you are still suffering so much. keep your head up it will be worth it in the end! Thank you for the birthday wishes

HG survivor - glad to hear your hg is under control. I had never had heartburn before until this pregnancy and it was pretty intense for a few days. Then I got on medicine and it has been pretty much under control since then thankfully.

CantHardlyWait- glad to hear you are getting in the swing of being a new mom. I am full of anxiety and so nervous for when our little guy actually arrives. I lay awake at night and worry, that is kind of how I am anyways I suppose. Everyone tells me we will figure it out but that doesn't really calm my fears.

Second u/s was just as amazing as the first. My mom came with me and we were able to see his little profile (which he was too stubborn to show us last time). I have another ultrasound tomorrow because they still had one structure in his heart they haven't seen and he still has fluid around one of his kidneys. But the placenta moved up and away from my cervix as it was supposed to so no more worries about placenta previa. Most major symptoms these days are being worn out constantly, being very hungry and hormones are definitely raging. In my chair at work it has gotten pretty hard to stay comfortable for 8 hours but to be expected I suppose. I toss and turn most of the night and am up 2-3 times peeing as well, uninterrupted sleep has become something I already miss and little guy isn't here will all be worth it I am sure!
Congrats mara, little Eric is just adorable aww! I'm on 3G at the moment so can't post much but will catch up properly once we're in the new house. Flooring goes down on Tuesday so after that we can start moving furniture in, exciting :D
Hello ladies :D can't remember if I updated on here but you probably know I had a baby girl, we named her Zaria and she is now 4 weeks old! Where does the time go? Still trying to work out a routine with my two girls, having two is very different to having one but I'm sure il figure this out soon. My birth story is in my pregnancy journal if you wana check it out.

Hope your all doing well and can't wait to see updates of more babies :flower:xx

hg survivor - good to hear from you. i am so happy that you have been feeling alright this time around. i wish i could say the same. how old is you dd again. mine is only 2 and she is excited about getting a baby brother. haha keep us updated on how things are moving along for you.

canthardlywait - yeah it is crazy how time flies once you have the baby. well after the first couple of weeks. :) it is amazing to see ones child progress and at times i just want to freeze time so i can keep my daughter exactly the way she is now but every moment is so wonderful and i look forward to see her develope. happy to hear that you are settling in being a momma til harper.

jen - how did things go with the lates u/s? did you get good news? please keep us updated. was this noticed at week 20 u/s?

buttercup - i take my hat off for you, it can't be easy to move while being pregnant. but you seem so happy with everything going around. how are you feeling by the way?

zaly - congrats again on the birth of your dd. i did read about it in another thread. it will sure be interesting to be a mom of two. i am sure it won't be a walk in the park but god i can't wait to be mommy to two wonderful kids. :)

strawberry - how are you doing? anything new or things are moving along smothly?

things are good with me. well the same as previous i should say. i am still sick and i have a second u/s again and th doc told us that our baby is not gaining weight as he should. we are doing another u/s this coming thursday to see if things have changed for the better. if not then i will have to do TPN which is food through the blood. i am not looking forward to that but my baby is number one priority. i still have not gained weight but i am not losing any more either. i am around 63kg which is still 2kg below starting weight. well well, i will let you know how things go at the next u/s. this week hubby is in japan and i a m at home with dd. i don't know where i get energy to take care of her but i do and i am enjoying it to the max. :) have a great weekend and please keep us updated.
As of my last u/s they have seen everything they need to see heart wise. Little guy still has some fluid around his kidney so continuing to monitor that via u/s. Next appt is Aug 13 and then I will be going every 2 weeks. They classify the fluid around his kidney as mild and that is the way it has stayed which is good. The ob says it isn't something they worry about unless it gets worse. If it stays where it is then it will continue to be monitored after birth. Yes bella this was noticed at my 20 week ultrasound and has been monitored ever since.
Hello :wave: may i join you ladies?

We tried to get a little one last year but i became ill and we wound up giving up, esp after pretty much trying from jan-sept and then decided maybe it wasn't for us.

but we are trying again, and this is our first real cycle trying this time around. this will be baby 2 if i'm lucky enough to become pregnant. cycle is irregular, changes each month.

usually about 30 something days. going to use opks, and going to just kind of take it easy. no getting crazy this time.

i'm nervous and excited at the same time.

I'm probably going to O around the first week of august.
where have you all gone? how are you all doing? anything new? let us know.

not much going on here. just trying to manage the last few weeks of pregnancy. i have another 4-5weeks to go. i have received the date for my planned c-sec. not long before i get to meet my beautiful baby boy. and also to feeling 100% better. :) but things have been much better these past 10days or so. i have managed to keep the food i eat, although it is not more than one meals worth that i can eat as my stomach has shrunk. hahaha. i have gained weight as well, yippie. i am not at my pre pregnancy weight. haha it is crazy. i wonder what i will weight when i have given birth. also, he is going to be born smaller than average but he is doing perfectly fine and shows lots of healthy signs according to my doctor, so nothing to worry about. :) i get to see my ds every other week on u/s as they want to keep an eye on his growth.

well i hope to hear from you all.
:flower:hey ladies just got back from vacation! any good news? what did i miss?
Hi ladies!! Man seems like pregnancy has taken it out of me... I've had my hands my dog (Siberian Husky) had puppies 7 weeks ago! Five puppies! So I have had 5 fur babies in the house along with trying to get everything sorted for bub. The pups have all gone to new homes now. And good homes which is great! 2 even went to the same home so that does my heart good.

Bella I am só happy to hear that you have gained weight and that you are feeling better! :) So exciting that you know when bub is coming! What is the date for the cesarean? So cool that you know the birthdate all ready.

I am soooo curious to know when our little one will make his appearance :) (TMI warning): Last weekend I lost my mucus plug and had a bloody show...but nothing much after that... had an OB appointment in the week and my blood pressure was a bit high, but went down again after an hour or so. I geel good otherwise. Feet are just swelling like crazy! I am 37 weeks + 1 today! FULL TERM YAY :)

I had a growt ultrasound this morning and bub weighs 2,9kg now. :) His head is already quite far down in good position. He looks healthy - just already a bit squashed in there poor thing ;)

Our due date is 7 September, but we would be over the moon if he turned out to be an August baby!! :)

I hope everyone's doing well. Would love to read ur updates ...and see babies when born :) :) :)

I can't believe how close you ladies are! Can't wait to see some more cute faces!

Harper is 8 weeks old today. I can't believe it.
Hi ladies, 37 weeks here (eek!) and had a scan today to check baby's position as she'd previously been transverse but thankfully shes turned now and is head down so its all systems go for a natural birth which is a relief :) I'm excited to meet our littlest girl but wouldn't mind too much if she stayed in for another week or so as I feel so unprepared! All been a bit mad with the move but as I'm on maternity leave now I at least have a bit more time to get it all done :)
Yayyyy buttercup! I can remember when you got pregnant and now you are about to have another baby! It's crazy how fast time goes!

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