jen - good to hear that you passed glucose test. how was your second u/s? let us know. i know what you mean about being tired. not only that i have hyperemisis and low iron but i am now even more tired in 3rd tri. oh also happy belated birthday.
strawberry - so cool that you have a name for your baby boy. i like the name daniel, will you use the nickname danny or dan? love danny haha. well done on getting everything you need, i really need to find energy somewhere to get more shopping done. seriously i am soooo tired all the time. i can barley stand up long enough. it is crazy that i am still below my pre pregnancy weight. by the way congrats on the pups are you going to keep them all?
buttercup - what a beautiful baby, can't wait to see your baby at birth and compare to these 3d pics. good luck on the move, i wish we could find our dream home to buy before baby arrives. i really don't want to move once we have him and the cold weather rolls around.
mara - how amazing, congrats to your baby boy and he is a handsome fella. i know what you mean about loving more and more everyday, i still feel that with my dd. it is an amazing feeling. enjoy your time with baby eric.
canthrdlywait - baby harper is a beauty. you and your hubby look so happy together with your baby girl. please update us on how things are going with you and your dd.
ok, so here is my update: the u/s went well. my baby is growing accordingly as of week 28, the doctor estimated that he weighted 1.1kg/2.2pounds. which is good. but i almost got admitted in the hospital as i was extremely dehydrated. but i didn't want to spend one more night in a hospital so she let me go with the promise that although i vomit that i have to increase my intake of fluids and i had to go back 2 days later to get rechecked. i worked my butt of on drinking, but vomited like crazy but it helped as some of it of course stays in. so results got better. but if my keatones get as high again she said i have to be admitted and also accept the tpn which is a nutrition that goes through the blood instead of stomach.

not happy about that but anything for my son. she said that problem now is that babies are supposed to grow 2/3 of their weight in the last trimester and if my intake doesn't increase then he will suffer and therefore i need the help getting fed with "food" through and iv. well i have an appointment on wed and thursday so will let you gals know how it goes.
i hate saying this but i can't wait for these weeks to go and not be pregnant any more. i want to enjoy it but it is impossible feeling the way i feel.

i feel soo bad saying that as i know there are plenty of woman wanting to get pregnant and would go through hell to be in the position i am in. i was one of those women last time around. i am so happy i am having a baby but this is getting to me mentally. well sorry for complaining. alright ladies hope to hear some updates soon again. xxx