just had a 2hr driving lesson, my instructor said what is holding me back from my driving test is cos i am struggling to reverse round a corner, its doing my bloody head in i asked my oh if he would take me out in his car and he said no cos last time we ended up arguing cos i tried to reverse round the corner and he said oh you fu**ed that up! so i went mad saying i dont need critising in that way! was so annoyed! so now hes not taking me back out again!
Aww hun, I went out driving with the DH, omg I really need to sort out my roundabouts and pulling out of junctions, I really need to just jump in so to speak and take the space!! ARUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My instructor text me yesterday, got a test date booked now for 14th Oct at 9:17am 6 weeks.. im so scared! Hope i can be ready in time for then , i have so much to get through yet.
Got a lesson in an hour.. cant be bothered today but i need to get a move on now and take it a bit more seriously
I've just had a brilliant driving lesson and then my instructor took the wind out of my sails by telling me the test is changing next month. Has anyone else heard about this? Mega-unhappy about it.
I have just had the worst lesson! Ive never come back and cried before, i just want to give up. I was doing ok did 2 good maneouvers then it just all went wrong
I forgot to change down a gear going round a sharp bend and as i got round it was a huge steep hill so car obviously couldnt get up it in 3rd id slowed too much, car stalled.. loads of ppl behind me, tried again stalled and then i was panicking by then cuz they all started to go around me.. i stalled again and burst into tears she had to help me set back off again id got myself in a right state crying. Then all way home just stupid little mistakes i dont usually make.. topping it off by turning into my street going into second gear my hand slipped and i hit my instructor in her leg We ended the lesson an hour early and right now i dont feel like i want to go to my next one on monday
Now im sat crying as if ive just caused some kind of bloody accident! Ive just handed over a cheque for £200 to book my final 10 hours before my test and now im wondering if i should have even bothered!
to all the ladies finding it hard i was making mistakes on the morning of my test but some how it all fell into place!