Haha!! i was reading but didn't have time to comment earlier! Busted!!
Is this thread supposed to be in the journals section?
Hm, how do i sum up our journey to people that dont know me? I'm 31 and have been ttc 2.5 yrs. I've had 2 natural bfp's 2 yrs ago and m/c's and nothing since. I ovulate on my own, but my progesterone numbers have always been low, so the doctors say i have weak ovulaitons. I had a robotic myomectomy to remove 3 fibroids in March. I did 4 rounds of clomid last year and am on my
4th consective month of clomid for this year. I'm currently haveing an hcg injection, progesterone, and estrogen. I'm a chronic spotter as wellAfter this cycle, i will be going natural until i decide i'm ready to get ivf. I'm also going to counseling...its a lifesaver for infertility!
I hope we see some new ltttc'ers up in here!
HI here and Gdane!! thanks for creating this!![]()
Here...you know me, but I'll put up my info for any new ladies
Jan 2013 will mark our 2 year mark of LTTTC. I have PCOS (which is kicking my ass) and my hubby has so/so count with 5% morphology.
I've had a normal HSG, tried 6 months clomid, metformin (), fertilaid, softcups, clearblue fertility monitor, opks, IUI with femara, and nothing has EVER given me that bfp we're so desperately seeking. We did talk about IVF with ICSI but backed off on the idea so now that I'm ovulating by myself (for the time being) we're just hanging out and RELAXING
I have a lap scheduled for Nov 15th because I have LOTS of symptoms of endometriosis also, but I have to reschedule because we just booked a trip to Mexico!!We're trying to take care of us first...the surgery can wait a month or two.
Welcome ladies! Excited to get to know more of you!