LTTTC while feeling left behind Room - Welcome

Man, this thread blew up!! That's awesome!! Welcome to KrystinaB and Scerena! I've seen you around a lot scerena! I didn't know you had been through so much.

Krystina, I'm very sorry for your loss. I've heard about tube spasming so hopefully that was your case. PCOS SUCKS ASS, so I feel your pain there. Freaking u/s are SOO expensive. Mine were about $350 a piece also.

I think it's pretty awesome we're all in the same boat, kind of up in the air, waiting for some miracle but still have IVF on our minds too as a's not awesome that we're in this position but awesome that we can relate.

Here, it is NOT a sign. Have you talked to a genetic counselor? My FS and my genetic counselor really put a cabosh to that "myth" a lot of it has to do with the age of the women getting pregnant and so on. It's really nothing to worry about. (well, it is, but you know what i mean) :haha: You do what YOU feels right in your heart.

Teddy, i know how you feel about "giving up" so to speak. Its just something you gotta take with a grain of salt I guess. I'd say I'm NTNP right now...:shrug: we'll go through it together lol.

AFM: I ovulated saturday or yesterday I would assume. We're covered but I wouldn't be totally heartbroken if I didn't get my BFP right now. I'm too excited about going to mexico in december!! :) :) :) :yipee:
:hi: teddy- I know I ignore it for days then evertually congratulate and then quickly get off! Seems its not about ttc anymore on there it's about pregnancy etc, its lovely to see but so sad when we thought we would have been one of them a long time ago!

Sorry for my long post above just realised how long it was :haha:

I completely agree..this is what happened to one of our threads too. I'm so so so happy they're not going through this anymore but it leaves us hanging too.
gdanemom4now :hi: I've seen you around a lot too :) I try and stalk your journal I'm just rubbish I belong to so many :haha:
Yeh I've been through quite a lot- Ivf is my only option after this cycle... SCARY!!!

Yay for ovulation!!! I hope that you get a surprise bfp!!! Mexico is meant to be lovely I'm soooo jealous!!! I got back from holiday in June- I wish I could go back on holiday already!!

It really does suck being left behind but now I guess we have new ladies to talk too who know the feeling and the pain! Just hope none of us are left waiting for much longer :hugs:
Woohooo for lovely ladies joining us on this thread!! I too agree with all said above about it being crappy that we are all in the same boat but it is amazing that we have other awesome ladies that can relate and go through these tough times with us! Nice to have you join our thread Krys and Scerena, sorry for your losses, I am hoping that each and everyone of us get our bfp that seems like we have been waiting on FOREVER!
HERE- I agree with the others (it is not a sign, I don't believe)
We all just may be doing IVF together one day!!
Gdane- I hope that you just get that surprise bfp to knock you right off of your feet but if not I know that you will have the amazing time that you desperately need and deserve in Mexico! Hubs and I loved it there, and dominican republic both!!! I'm Jealous!

AFM: Currently still waiting for hubs hormone test results, he also did a repeat s/a today so hoping to see some better results. Tomorrow determines whether he starts clomid/ or if we have to move to assisted conception, I have a feeling that is where they will point us being that we both have had issues at some point or another...I know I have said all of this before but I can't believe that we are down to the wire here, it is nerve wracking! I will say I'm glad that this urologist has been very honest and doesn't beat around the bush about this as other doctors have in the past, trying to get us to spend more money for nothing...
On a good note, in two weeks from tomorrow I am headed to LA California, for a live taping of the tv show "The Voice" I am super excited because I love the show and I love to sing, not to mention that Adam Levine is my boyfriend haha!! I won tickets to fly to see this show with airfare and a beautiful hotel included and I could really use it right now so a lady that I work with is joining me since hubs couldn't get off of work!
Anyhow, I will keep you all posted about tomorrows news, I know I will need a shoulder to lean on, or someone to celebrate the good news with LOL
Btw...AF has left the building!!!
pookabear-i hope you get good news tomorrow!! fx'd for you! but its good that you have a doctor that is honest with you. I think false hope is cruel. Your trip sounds exciting! I don't really watch that show but i think it would be cool to see a taping of it!
Pooka....Seriously!!!! Wow!!! You hit the jackpot. That is so cool winning tickets to see the voice. I love all of them. favorite is X-factor. I would love to win tickets there...heck I would love to win tickets anywhere for that matter. :rofl: That is awesome though. I hope DH SA come back improved tomorrow. It is scary when you get down to the nitty gritty of IVF and all the mixed feelings that go along with it. Whatever it takes though right?

Scerena: Hey there...I'm so glad you came over. I've seen you around as well and glad to have you here. I really understand about seeing preggo talk everywhere. I was telling Gdane and Teddy that when its your personal journal you can't say much because it belongs to them to talk about whatever but on an open TTC board is so not right. I just even start feeling like they quickly forget what its like. I could be wrong but it is how it seems to me. Again..Welcome and glad to meet you.

Teddy: We're looking for good news in the morning! No spotting!!!!!

Hey Gdane. I started to call you on my way home today and I got distracted with the radio.

:dust: to all of my old friends and new friends.

Oh teddy I got my CoQ10 in the mail today. I snapped some pics of the kind I get and what they say the difference is. You don't have to get liquid and can get the pills that like - naturemade, puritan, Rexall. They say the oil base are good ones. I just do the liquid firstly cause i hate swallowing pills. Secondly cause they say this liquid absorbs fast. I'll post these two pics.
Here it is. Google it and see what it says. I did read that it works better for men. Re's actually put men with sperm problems on this. It suppose to help with egg quality. I joined one thread and went back from the beginning reading. It was a lot of pages. But to see all the bfp's was crazy. Women that had been ttc for a long time. It says to give it at least 3 months. Something about the production/growth/maturing of the eggs. I've started back with it and going to give it a honest go this go around.


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Thanks Here! i will get that ordered asap if this month turns out to be a bust!

So far, so good. Not spotting yet. I'm hoping it stays away even if it doesn't end up with a bfp. Just the idea of prolonging the spotting is great! I will update tomorrow on my spotting news. Pray for me....eekkk!

I agree about the journals and thats what its there for. you talk about whats going on if you're preggers. But its not right to go on and on about it in a ttc thread. I don't think people realize how hurtful it becomes to the people that are still ttc and need to be in that thread. If i wanted to hear about your pregnancy, i would go to your journal, which I have followed several pregnant friends in here. But there are just days when you don't want to hear it. Ok, rant over! sorry.
Teddy - no bust this cycle. No spotting. Are you getting excited? :dance: I'm getting excited for you. I think your DH needs this as much as you do. :hugs:

Where's Lekker? Gdane have you heard from her. I hope she's doing okay.
Ha I feel the same way! I just can't drag myself to those journals anymore. Ugh I feel like a shifty person.but I agree with here that it seems like they forget so fast! Someone slap me if I'm like that!...if I ever get pg I guess :dohh:

Good luck pook! Text me with your results! crack me up. Oh my. :rofl: can you send a link which one you bought? These two that look the same but are 5 dollars different :shrug:
Hi all,

Can I share my update from my bloods and ultrasound tracking today? I'm on CD19 and had *finally* go some estrogen numbers in the 400s so they wanted to check out my ovaries. Well, now estrogen is back down into 300s, LH has dropped from 13 to 10, and my largest follicle is at 12. They want me to come back in two days, but I will be overseas for work by then! I have to go to a conference and won't be back until Monday afternoon. So, now they just want to give up on me this cycle.

I guess I knew in my heart that I wasn't Oing this month, but somehow it's still so hard to bear with the hope being ripped out from underneath me like this. I try so hard with diet and supplements and acupuncture to keep my hormones in check. The constant failure is just killing me. I don't have the energy to focus on anything else; I am so depressed.

Sorry to be so whiny and annoying. I am sure I will get over this in a few days but in the mean time I just needed to vent. Thanks for listening.
pook thank you :hugs: me and oh went to the Dominican republics for two week in may-June it was paradise :)
My oh goes for a repeat Sa on Friday- I hope that your oh gets good results :hugs:
Yay for f leaving the building time to get back on the ttc wagon :)
Enjoy your break and have super fun :happydance:

here thank you I've seen you around too :)
I totally get you on what you are saying- I think once you get your :bfp: and get into 2nd tri its probably easier to forget! The thing that bugs teddy and I is that they come on talking about their pregnancies for ages then all they ask us how are you- not all of them but a majority of them on this particular thread- I don't think they mean to, but its not very nice- I know one day when I get my bfp I will make time for my friends that haven't got theirs on here :dohh:
Nice to meet you too :)

teddy I am praying so hard that your spotting STAYS AWAY!!! That will be such a good sign and more hope in getting your bfp real soon (hopefully this month) :hugs: I also agree that your dh needs this just as much as you, you really both deserve it :hugs:
Rant all you like Hun- I know the feeling!!! I'm the same I stalk pregnant people's journals, but the thread is a joke!!! I ended up just congratulating people on te thread and keep it moving and stalk journals instead now!!

gdane I have pcos and my oh also has 5% morph! Random! I've seen ladies who's oh has worse morph and they got their bfp so it does give me hope :)
I would hope that someone would slap me too if I become like that also!!

phrumkidost :hi: I am so sorry they are giving up on you this cycle that's horrible! I've had that done on 3 of my 4 rounds of clomid :hugs: I am sorry it's hard to deal with when that happens :hugs:
I was in such a bad place with ttc that I had fertility counselling- although I thought it wouldn't make me feel different- it did!! It was nice to cry and air out how I feel to a lady who was trained and knew what to say- might be worth a shot???

I have my scan in a hour and half ladies- I'm cd11 and this is my last round of injectables- I I go by last cycle I won't expect to see much today and hopefully I can trigger next tues fx'd! I will update :)
Thanks Scerena for the support! And thanks to the rest of you, too! It really is nice to see so many of us in a similar place (however awful it is). And I appreciate the suggestion for counseling. I think I will look into that. In the mean time, though, I'm going to focus on work, try to enjoy my conference in Singapore, and not think about ttc! So, I may not check back here until I am back next week (also sharing a room with a student so a bit awkward to be wrapped up in ttc websites while she is there!).

Pooka, have a wonderful time in LA! Also keeping my fingers crossed for good results tomorrow!

GDane, where in Mexico are you going? I spent several month in Oaxaca and loved it there! I’d love to go back now with hubs. It was beautiful, relaxing, and the food was delicious. Just the sort of place to enjoy your BFP (keeping fingers crossed for you!)

Here, I may go for that CoQ10, too. Let us know how it works. Thanks for sharing the pic!

And also praying that your spotting stays away, Teddy! And happy to have you here, too, Krysten!

Lots of :hugs: to you all!
Phrum, I am so sorry to see that they have given up this cycle as well :flower:! They need you Get you Ovulating...and now!!! I am sure that you are trying hard to keep those hormones in check, I wish that they would get you on clomid just to see how it can help you, as Gdane and I have pcos and it helped us both with ovulation in the past. :hugs::hugs: I am sure that this has been so hard to deal with and you did not in anyway sound whiny, that is what we are all here for!! I hope they get you sorted out and have a good time away going to your meeting and such.

Teddy- Yay for no spotting!!!!! I hope that it stays away for you, I love when there is no spotting, getting it for a week or so before af can get really old, well unless its due to a bfp I'm sure fx'd for you! :hugs:

Here- I hope that CQ!10 works wonders for you!! I am considering having Hubs to start taking more of it again, just to try it out, thank you for suggesting it, at this point we will try anything...well, I thought we already had lol but I don't believe he was taking that much..I am going to look at the bottle today and see what the dosage is.

Everyone: Thank you for the good luck on my trip, you have no idea how excited I am going to LA and staying in universal city with a lady that I work with, we always make eachother laugh so I'm sure it will be an amazing time! Also thank you for the luck on todays results, we really need them...I have decided if this dr doesn't call today I may possibly go to their office LOL just kidding, but thats what I feel like...they have had hubs bloodwork back since last wednesday and keep telling me that they can't release the results til the dr signs off on them and have said that the dr will be in I hope I'm on their list to call LOL if not I will be bugging them!
Okie dokie, I think that about wraps it up for me. Wait...there is one more thing...Thank you all you ladies for making me want to come back to bnb again, before I came and went and was rarely even on here anymore because I started feeling like no one cared, well and I wasn't getting my bfp, but now I feel like I have joined a lovely group and am actually anxious to check this thread daily as opposed to every month or two!!:hugs:
Yay! I am so glad you are happy to be back in BnB again Pooka! I certainly care and am so excited to also feel like I have a group of ladies who care (and who know what it feels like to not ovulate).

This is all somehow making me feel more optimistic! :)
Awwww. Girls :hugs: Stop making me emotional and teary eyed :hugs: I'm so glad you guys are here and we can lean on each other. No such thing as whiney or talking to much or too much happiness.

Hi ladies,

I've been stalking your thread for a few days now and wnated to join the group. DH and I have been ttc since Feb 2011. I have never had a BFP, always get positive on OPK and had HSG Nov 2011 and everything seems okay. Doctor had me on clomid to see if it would help but no luck there. DH finally did a SA in August and we found out all his levels, count etc were pretty low. Got referred to urologist who ordered another SA, this time with DH doing it in the lab. He just did his SA this morning and I'm hoping when we go to see his doctor later this week, we'll have some good news and have some guidance on what we need to do next to have our little one. THis LTTC journey is really hard especially when everyone around you seems to be getting pregnant at the drop of a hat. I love my DH with all my heart and can't wait to have a healthy baby with him for us to share our love with.

Sometimes life seems so unfair but with the support from ladies like you all it makes the journey a bit easier.
phirumkidost enjoy your trip :hugs: looking forward to hearing about it all when you're back :)

pookabear I hope that your oh's results come back okay today Hun :hugs:

prayingforno1 :hi: I hope your oh's next SA comes back well also :hugs:

afm-10mm and 11mm loads of little ones... Lining 7.5mm

Go back Friday should trigger Friday at the earliest otherwise likely Saturday- trying to make my body hold out until Sunday when the kids go!!!

Hope everyone is well???

teddy I hope the spotting stayed away!! :hugs:
Scerna, that seems promising. I hope you catch that (those) eggies!

Phrum sorry this cycle didnt go as planned but enjoy yourself in Singapore :) FX next cycle is your cycle!!

Prayingforno1, welcome and good luck. I find that having a stong group of women to lean on makes this tough journey better!

Teddy any updates?

AFM nothing going on start using OPKs tomorrow...whoop whoop.

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