Anti-witch cream lasted till CD13. Applied liberally Saturday night, and woke up with unmistakable cramps Sunday morning. I'm gonna keep using it for the PMS though, wow not even a sore boob!
I'm starting to believe more and more that I have an ovulation problem, rather than an LP problem. My ovulation keeps getting later and later (CD16 for years, now CD18-19) and I keep getting these cysts at 8dpo. I swear I have that almost-impossible to diagnose non-bursting egg follicle problem......that I can't afford to diagnose and can't figure out how to treat.
One thing I read was to increase white blood cells to "eat" the egg out of the "shell" --- well it worked, my lab work confirmed elevated white blood cells, but all that happened was that MASSIVE cyst that bled for over a month. I dunno if extra blood cells caused it, or maybe it was there all along and started bleeding when they attacked it? I wonder if there are any side-effects of long term artificially elevated white blood cell counts. I dunno if I could stand the pain while it eats up another cyst, but I also dislike the cyclic 8dpo cyst burst.
Don't they have lasers for this kind of stuff???? I like my doctor, but sometimes I wonder....