OhH, glad the spotting had stopped sweetheart xx I have everything crossed for you gorgeous xxx I so hope this is your magic cycles. Baby movements are really something. Especially when they get big! I remember when I was pregnant with Leo and I got food poisioning. I was about 29 weeks. They had to put monitors in my belly and he didn't like it at all!! He kept trying to push them off. My whole belly was moving from side to side and you could see his feet and elbows bulging out of my skin. Alien style

Poor DH freaked out and asked if he always does that. It was quite funny xx You'll experience it soon
Green, anything different is a good sign!! Fx'd for you beautiful xx Like I said before, if I hadn't been looking for my symptoms, I wouldn't have noticed them. I still don't really have any except some cramping, which is made worse if I don't pee every half and hour and sore nipples. Which I never got past time. With Leo I honestly didn't have any major symptoms. I threw up twice and was a little more tired than usual and just generally felt unwell and off but that's about it

Sending you so much

Lorra, welcome honey xx Best of luck to you for this cycle xx
Kaiecee, how're you sweetie? Fx'd for you xxx
Les, Curiosity, Choco, Kk, Proud, Matts, how're all you beautiful ladies going? xxx
AFM, I think I'm going to bite the bullet and get some more tests today. I was going to do it yesterday but I had horrible anxiety. I just kept thinking, what if the FRER is super faint, or the Digi is negative or what if they're both negative... Since I got a pretty clear and fast + on a 25mIu I have pretty high expectations and I was a ball of nerves all day. I need to put myself out of my misery though. Bfing is starting to get hard. It hurts, ALOT and he is a nipple fiddler so the other one copps it too
Booking a doctors appointment today for Monday, to do some bloods. Pathology closes early on Fridays and aren't open on the weekends. It's not routine to do monitored blood work here but I want to get it done to make sure my progesterone is doing ok.
Much love and heart hugs to all xxx