***Lucky Testers: 32 Testers, 21 BFPs, 9 Angels***

Almost passed out tonight got all sweaty felt sick I think it's my gallbladder I was suppose to get operated a couple months ago but choose to ttc
Can't reply to everyone right now (on my phone) but am stalking for testers today!

Green- I hope it wasn't full blown AF and that you get a BFP today! KMFX!!

Happy- are you still going to teat today?? So anxious for you!

Proud- so sorry about the nausea hun :( its so hard to function and watch LOs when you feel so badly. I hope it eases up soon for you

AFM, Charles has a little virus so we've been on fever patrol and snuggle duty. Hoping its totally gone by tomorrow
Kaiecee- I hop everything is ok! Did you get in to see a doctor?

Happy- I am anxiously waiting for the BFP that I so believe is coming! Tomorrow you will hopefully have more answers.

Green- Keeping my fingers crossed, it's still possible, even with spotting!

AFM, I am still waiting on AF, according to my charts she should have arrived yesterday or today, although I remember that last month I wasn't really sure about CD1 because it was really light, just a bit more than spotting to start, so I wouldn't call myself properly late until about Sunday. Also, this morning my temp went right back up, which I am mostly attributing to it being ridiculously hot here at the moment. It would be a funny way to start TTC if I just accidentally got pregnant before trying!
My test was negative. My friend doing ivf also got a negative. I'm so upset for her. She just knew it was going to fail, and I hate that she was right.

My spotting has gotten heavier, but it's not full flow yet. Howevee, I did this a few months ago, so I'm going to call it and say tomorrow is cd1
Green- :hugs::hugs::hugs: I'm so sorry for you and your friend. Was she doing a fresh or frozen cycle? Praying next month is your month

Happy- I have had a great feeling for you this cycle since you started trying. Would totally still expect a negative test today. It takes 48 hours for hcg to double. Meaning tomorrow would be the earliest you MIGHT see a squinter (depending on the test and how it works for you. My ICs never worked well). My Sunday and definitely Monday you will be able to see a more clear answer. Its all looking amazing!
I currently have Wondfo's and Dollar Tree tests. I've just been using the Wondfo's because I have a ton of them. They are so stark white I can't even tell where the line is supposed to be.

I tried to check my cm today and there was still a little old blood, so I didn't record anything. I'm pretty sure the witch is going to show tomorrow. Why would I still have old blood from two days ago if it wasn't the start of her visit? It is only when I checked my cm and cp, nothing has made it to the tp or panties since that one spotting day.

So confused and IMPATIENT!! :coffee:
Phew! EPO delayed my ovulation (by 2 days) but hurray - I got my smiley face today!

I'm never using that stuff again though!
I bet that's what it is, Sweet. How long is your LP normally?

Tiny, I have a question for you. Today I had some stretchy CM out of nowhere (which I rarely get) on 9DPO. Maybe possibly yellowish? Where were you in your TWW when you got that?

3 more days til testing!

It's usually 14 and I'm on 12DPO took a test yesterday but it was bfn I'm not giving up yet though I'll test again when AF is late I mean it's only 3 days right? I've gotten sick yesterday and today so I'm taking that as a good sign I guess lol.

Arturia still sending you love and hugs. How are things today?

Tiny, aww our first March baby, so brilliant :D so so made up for you lovely <3

Green and Happy, very excited for you guys testing, let's hope we add two more :bfp:s!!

Sweet, I would say your dip could be a very good thing, I had a dip at 11dpo and cramps, was sure AF was on the way, turned out it was implantation! Fx'd for you!

Proud good luck at the doctor's tomorrow! Hope it goes well & looking forward to your update. My doctor appointment is on Thursday after an interview for promotion, talk about a bad day for it!

Liles, great to hear from you :hugs: how're you feeling? I get some evenings of feeling off, but it hasn't got too extreme yet, just very tired and sometimes crampy, headachy and generally blurgh lol. I haven't done much with the house since finding out as I'm scared of miscarriage but will help a little bit on Friday wallpapering. How is DS Hun? Xx

:dust: to everyone else, Les hope you're OK Hun :hugs:

My temps went back up and have pretty much stayed up so we will see I'm still having very good signs

hi all! i keep falling into this cycle of getting caught up and then falling behind again. i've felt so sick for the last week and have had no energy to read (or do much of anything TBH). But I felt great all day yesterday and no nausea so far today. so while DS is sleeping and i'm feeling good, i'm going to catch up!!

arturia- oh hun, i am so so sorry to hear about the decision you all have come to. i pray that you are able to either find peace in it and with your OH or find someone who shares in the same dreams as you. i totally understand not wanting to ruin/set you back financially. could you try and rent out the house? that way you're not losing money but can get some time apart from one another while you start to figure things out. will be thinking of you and pray that things work out just as they should.Please know that I will always be here if you are needing someone to vent to :hugs::hugs::hugs: Just read some of your later updates. He sounds like a hard individual to be with, like you had said earlier. There becomes the question of, even if he did (really) change his mind, is this someone you want to co-parent with? you have to be adaptable with kids because things can change in an instant and how would he handle that type of situation and is that the environment you want your children to grow up in? have you considered seeking individual therapy (i remember you said before he is resistant to talking to anyone) to help you work through all of this?

sweetmama- chart is looking amazing!! how are you feeling? and 6dpo is crazy early but soon a test should start showing. you had a fantastic dip yesterday...FX it was implantation! i had a massive dip to my cover (that stayed there for a few days) at 10dpo and wound up with a BFP. timing for implantation with your dip is perfect. when do you plan on testing again? so excited to see your results!

les- :hugs::hugs::hugs: so sorry about AF showing last week. hopefully taking a step back will help you mentally and emotionally. have you talked to your doctor about next steps if you aren't preggo in XX cycles taking the Prometrium?

glong- great news that they found the sac and yolk at your scan! Praying that at your next scan you will see that beautiful flickering heartbeat! only a week to go!! how are you feeling?

proud- :hugs: i feel your pain. i hope you are able to get some breaks from the nausea. how are you feeling today? glad your daughters party went well! did you do any type of theme or just have everyone over for some fun? happy belated birthday to her! yay for a good appointment and not long at all until your scan!!

matts- praying that this is your month and that ovulation hurries up and gets here for you!

green- actually, i was the only one with a May BFP and didn't realize I had put my name under April until you pointed it out..whoops! I can't wait until you start testing!!! just a couple more days to go!

tiny- EEEEEKKKKK!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! i literally squealed when I saw your ticker and then was anxiously reading through waiting for your test post (and on pins and needles even though i already knew it was positive lol) . I am so so so happy for you love!!!! After such a long struggle I pray this is your sticky forever bean. Let me know your EDD so I can get it up on the front page.

curiosity- good luck at your appointment tomorrow!! can't wait to hear how it goes. how are you feeling?

happy- :hugs::hugs: brown blood= old blood. you're right at a good point for implantation (no matter if you're 9 or 12dpo). i literally had all of my typical PMS symptoms and still got a BFP. So spotting because you normally do doesn't mean you are out. Praying for a beautiful BFP in the coming days. :hugs: And as for your friends wedding, if I was you, i would continue to try. If you're not pregnant this month and fell next month, she will understand because she is your friend and loves you. And if you're not pregnant this month and DONT fall next month, you will regret it and wonder "what if" until you get pregnant. :hugs::hugs:

kaiecee- welcome back to the tww!! best of luck for you and hope it goes by quick!

choco- glad your doctor is sending your for the US just to be sure all is well. The other ladies had some good suggestions with preseed and staying hydrated. for water, try drinking half your body weight in ounces each day and see if that helps at all. i saw massive improvements in my CM when i stayed well hydrated

liles- so good to hear from you!! so happy to hear your pregnancy is going well and hope the nausea is fully and completely gone for you. have you booked your anatomy scan yet?

missyogi- yay!!!! after all this time, it is finally YOUR turn!! how are you feeling with the wedding coming up and trying?

AFM, the last week has been pretty bad with feeling sick A LOT. Just the knock you on your butt kind. but as I get closer to second tri (next week OMG!) I'm very hopeful it will start to ease up. I have felt baby moving several times now. I felt them for the first time at 10+6 after laying still for over an hour (catching up on bnb). I felt them a couple times in the week following when i would be still. And then yesterday, they must have been in the just right position against my uterus because it was 6 or 7 times that they were moving away in there (not kicks- WAY too early, just movement). I can't tell you how full my heart feels knowing they are in there doing some early acrobatic moves lol. My next appointment is next Thursday (the 7th) and will get to hear the heartbeat for the first time (saw it at my last appointment but no doppler as it was too early).

DS started school last week and did very well the first day. The next 2 times he has gone, I've left him crying but he still had a good time and participated. Hoping being around some other kids his age will help his speech improve. he has a year to catch up in order to go to preschool at our church. Otherwise he will go to the early childhood center through the school district. Both are great options though so I know he will be in good hands!

Hoping the nausea is gone for me so I can have some energy to be around more! Other than that, everything is going great and very much looking forward to the next phase in my pregnancy!

I'll test again on Monday when AF is late :) and good to hear about DS liking school. Sorry to hear that nausea is kicking your butt.

Phew! EPO delayed my ovulation (by 2 days) but hurray - I got my smiley face today!

I'm never using that stuff again though!

Yay for smiley face :) hope this is your cycle sorry your O was later than Normal because of the EPO
It's me that keeps putting my operation off it passes and I'm on my stomach Meds again just in case I get a gall bladder attack again.

I find my chart is weird and nothing like last month

Went to dollar store and forgot yo get some tests do won't be early testing phooey!

Hope to see some bfp soon

Sorry green about the bleeding and
Happy hope af stays away.
Green :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: I hope the bleeding stops sweetheart xxx So sorry to hear about your friend :( I'm sending you both huge hugs and lots of love xxx I wish I could do something <3 <3

Happy, wow, look at that chart! It's looking promising sweetie xx Old blood can be from anything, even cp checking. The fact it hasn't made it to your underwear is a good sign. Keeping my Fx'd sweetie xxxx

Kaiecee, sorry you're unwell at the moment lovely xxx I understand about putting off seeing the doctor. A few years ago they suspected I had endometriosis, I had all the symtpoms. They sent me for a scan but couldn't see anything so the doctor said it was most likely everywhere, so it wouldn't be able to be seen. They wanted to do a lap on me but I was too terrified to go through with it. Luckily having my DS fixed it. Maybe all this could be from the Clomid though. I've seen many women still have some side effect from it after they stopped taking it. I really hope this is all worth it for ou gorgeous xxx Good luck xx

Choco, YAY for smiley face :happydance: Fxd your eggy is a little late because it was making sure it's ready to be a super egg!! Good luck sweetness xx I have everything crossed for you xx

Kk, sorry to hear little man is sick :( It's horrible when they're unwell and there's nothing you can do xx Sending him lots of healing hugs xx Hope you're doing well mama :hugs:

Sweet, good luck beautiful!! It's all sounding very promising xx :dust:

:dust: and <3 to all xx

AFM, not feeling 100% this morning. I feel like I have a lump of phlegm stuck in my throat and it's super annoying. I'm crampy, funny in the tummy and everything hurts (that's probably because it's cold and I don't have the best bones/ joints). Not to mention my nipples are killing me, so feeding Bub is a nightmare :cry:
Plus it's Election Day today so I have to bring DS and stand in the cold for hours on end to vote. I hate Australian politics &#128580; They're all idiots. Sigh, this isn't going to be fun :(
I haven't tested again yet, the world seems to be against me. I tried a few days ago but I couldn't because Mum had to take my brother to clinic appointments and hubby had to work late. Then yesterday, Coles literally had none, except for FR Digis &#128545; So I have to go back on Tuesday when they get more stock in.
Hubby has come around and said the he's excited for a new pea, so that's good. We've told our mums and he told one of his brothers. Risky we know but we would both rather have a little support of it doesn't work out.

Lots of love, dust and heart hugs to all xx
Green :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: I hope the bleeding stops sweetheart xxx So sorry to hear about your friend :( I'm sending you both huge hugs and lots of love xxx I wish I could do something <3 <3

Happy, wow, look at that chart! It's looking promising sweetie xx Old blood can be from anything, even cp checking. The fact it hasn't made it to your underwear is a good sign. Keeping my Fx'd sweetie xxxx

Kaiecee, sorry you're unwell at the moment lovely xxx I understand about putting off seeing the doctor. A few years ago they suspected I had endometriosis, I had all the symtpoms. They sent me for a scan but couldn't see anything so the doctor said it was most likely everywhere, so it wouldn't be able to be seen. They wanted to do a lap on me but I was too terrified to go through with it. Luckily having my DS fixed it. Maybe all this could be from the Clomid though. I've seen many women still have some side effect from it after they stopped taking it. I really hope this is all worth it for ou gorgeous xxx Good luck xx

Choco, YAY for smiley face :happydance: Fxd your eggy is a little late because it was making sure it's ready to be a super egg!! Good luck sweetness xx I have everything crossed for you xx

Kk, sorry to hear little man is sick :( It's horrible when they're unwell and there's nothing you can do xx Sending him lots of healing hugs xx Hope you're doing well mama :hugs:

Sweet, good luck beautiful!! It's all sounding very promising xx :dust:

:dust: and <3 to all xx

AFM, not feeling 100% this morning. I feel like I have a lump of phlegm stuck in my throat and it's super annoying. I'm crampy, funny in the tummy and everything hurts (that's probably because it's cold and I don't have the best bones/ joints). Not to mention my nipples are killing me, so feeding Bub is a nightmare :cry:
Plus it's Election Day today so I have to bring DS and stand in the cold for hours on end to vote. I hate Australian politics &#128580; They're all idiots. Sigh, this isn't going to be fun :(
I haven't tested again yet, the world seems to be against me. I tried a few days ago but I couldn't because Mum had to take my brother to clinic appointments and hubby had to work late. Then yesterday, Coles literally had none, except for FR Digis &#128545; So I have to go back on Tuesday when they get more stock in.
Hubby has come around and said the he's excited for a new pea, so that's good. We've told our mums and he told one of his brothers. Risky we know but we would both rather have a little support of it doesn't work out.

Lots of love, dust and heart hugs to all xx

Could be but pretty sure it's a gallbladder attack since I had a lot of them,but I've been pretty good the last couple months, had all the tests done and it's definitely gallbladder.
Kaiecee- That sounds rough, has it been going on for a long time?

Sweet- I am sooo hopeful for you! I find it so funny how when TTC, feeling sick is considered actually a really good thing. Hopefully it's a good sign for you!

Happy- When are you going to test again? Can't wait to see it!

Green- So sorry to hear about the negatives. :hugs:

Tiny- What a bummer about not being able to get any tests! But if you test on Tuesday it will hopefully be a really beautiful dark line!

AFM- CD1. I'm officially jumping on the TTC bandwagon! AF came a day late for me last cycle so of course I got a little hopeful (as always!) that a sneaky swimmer got through, but I'm perfectly fine to be starting with the real trying now. Honestly, I know this sounds tremendously silly, but I would have felt a bit cheated if I hadn't got to actually TTC. I've done all this work temping and figuring out my cycles, now I want to put my research to use! Hopefully it all pays off!
Yes only because I was pregnant every time I had pains and they all said it was pregnancy related

Had pains again last night and today I'm nauseous
Hi everyone :hi:

Green I'm so sorry Hun :hugs::hugs: fingers crossed for next cycle xxx

Arturia, how are things going with you and DH? I hope you're holding up OK xxx

MissYogi, good luck TTC! First month is so exciting :happydance:

Tiny, hope you're feeling better soon! Can't wait to see your next test when you finally get a chance haha.

Proud, liles and kk, how're you ladies feeling?

Happy and kaiecee, all sounding good fx'd ladies!

Good luck with O chocolatechip!!

So I haven't been on in a couple of days, had my doc appointment on Thurs and he was pretty straight to the point about my random light spotting some days, he said it's possible I'll miscarry but given that tests are getting more positive (I got a 3+ on a digi on Weds) it's probably not a sign of miscarriage. I am still worrying so we have booked a private scan for 12th July, hoping and praying we'll see a heartbeat.

Lots of :dust: xxx
Curiosity, how scary! Keep us updated. FX that you have a healthy complete 9 months.

Yogi, yay!!! Officially ttc!!! I am so excited for you. Marriage is awesome. It completed us as a couple, but we've been together 8 years so it was a long time coming haha. How long have you been with your 'yancé?

Kaiecee, what are you going to do?! Can it get worse?! Or is it just something you have to control with diet or something? Gallbladder is responsible for making bile, right? So does that effect your digestion or? I hope everything turns out ok for you love.

Tiny, bummer you aren't feeling well, but you are PREGNANT and that is pretty awesome. Smoochies!!

Afm, tons if symptoms, but spotted today and two days ago. Not sure what is going on. Tested three days all bfn. Testing again tonight if I don't get any flow.
I've been with him for 4 and a half years. We own our house together and halve lived together for over two years so honestly getting married doesn't feel like that big of a jump for us right now.

AF came last night, but has fully left the building today so I guess I'm just going to call it spotting and keep waiting. She sure is a fickle friend!
MissYogi - DH and I were the same. We had lived together for a total of five years and owned a condo together for 2 of those years prior to tying the knot. We married bc we loved our lives together and we were already committed to being partners for life. I have to say getting married didn't change anything for us really, and we couldn't be happier about that. I called our wedding a Celebration of Love, and made sure that everyone had a chance to celebrate the love they have in their lives as well.
Miss Yogi thank you I'm still very sick today I've been dizzy and throwing up all day

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